If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6580|Grand Rapids, MI
"Their culture, for the most part, has no respect for litter laws, zoning laws and common sense # of children."

How about just dumb?!?

By the way my aunt who is Mexican tells people that she's not. She lives in Los Angeles. Just because you are married to a Mexican (like my wife is *hint *hint) doesn't mean you're not racist! How about the fact that you just said that an entire group of people can't or don't do something (like not litter, or stop having children)? Ummm . . . if it's not racist, then it's just uniformed, mean, and dumb.

I don't mean to personally insulting to you, which I realize I have not accomplished very well. That's just about as nice as I can be on the subject. I'm sorry for my personal failing.

But hell, maybe making nice posts is just one more thing us Mexican's cant do very well!
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6772|Peoria, Illinois

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Oh but remember we wen't in to get rich off
Not you, some oil companies.  And they are getting rich, look to their profits last year.
The people who are getting rich are the very same people we are at war with. Pretty ironic how we buy oil from a nation that our president calls a member of the axis of evil.
+5,233|6570|Global Command

Shopvac wrote:

"Their culture, for the most part, has no respect for litter laws, zoning laws and common sense # of children."

How about just dumb?!?

By the way my aunt who is Mexican tells people that she's not. She lives in Los Angeles. Just because you are married to a Mexican (like my wife is *hint *hint) doesn't mean you're not racist! How about the fact that you just said that an entire group of people can't or don't do something (like not litter, or stop having children)? Ummm . . . if it's not racist, then it's just uniformed, mean, and dumb.

I don't mean to personally insulting to you, which I realize I have not accomplished very well. That's just about as nice as I can be on the subject. I'm sorry for my personal failing.

But hell, maybe making nice posts is just one more thing us Mexican's cant do very well!
I'm not saying they aren't capable, that would be racist. I'm saying they are not interested; thats cultural.
Ask a Mexican; in Mexico they throw their trash in the street and thinks its muy bueno.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6590|Southeastern USA
alot of it has to do with good ol pork barrell spendnig, typical wastefulness, people using every opportunity to make their bureacracy larger, remember the big stink a few months ago concerning the DHS's decision to reduce NYC's funding? You never heard anyone give the DHS (Homeland sec) a chance to explain why. Turns out that NYC was contuing to use the federal money for programs that were only supposed to be temporarily funded by the fed, such as overtime for cops and fire dept's and such, causing a glut of suddenly eager workers putting in 60 hours a week or so, whether they were needed or not (usually not), afterall, since the tax payers in alabama were bankrolling it, why should they care? One of the many misdirections was the attempt to ridicule the DHS over making the decision to not list the Statue of Liberty as a national monument ( I specifically remember Jon Stewart and Bill Maher bringing this up), the DHS's reasoning being that national monuments, generally not populated structures (or at least low populated) are not given as high a priority as an office building with potentially thousands of tenants. This decision actually worked in favor of NYC's funding, but they relied on public ignorance and used it as a point to ridicule the DHS, so you  wouldn't hear about the NYC's abuses of the Homeland Sec. budget over the past 5 years. We finally get a gov't organization that puts people first over money, and they get tarred and feathered for it.

After all, how many of the 9-11 flights originated in NYC?    0
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6590|Southeastern USA

ATG wrote:

Shopvac wrote:

"Their culture, for the most part, has no respect for litter laws, zoning laws and common sense # of children."

How about just dumb?!?

By the way my aunt who is Mexican tells people that she's not. She lives in Los Angeles. Just because you are married to a Mexican (like my wife is *hint *hint) doesn't mean you're not racist! How about the fact that you just said that an entire group of people can't or don't do something (like not litter, or stop having children)? Ummm . . . if it's not racist, then it's just uniformed, mean, and dumb.

I don't mean to personally insulting to you, which I realize I have not accomplished very well. That's just about as nice as I can be on the subject. I'm sorry for my personal failing.

But hell, maybe making nice posts is just one more thing us Mexican's cant do very well!
I'm not saying they aren't capable, that would be racist. I'm saying they are not interested; thats cultural.
Ask a Mexican; in Mexico they throw their trash in the street and thinks its muy bueno.
alot of people have trouble making the distinction between race and culture, you can be hispanic and not be mexican, hispanic is a race, mexican is a culture, and, generally speaking, mexican culture has been turned by it's own gov't over the centuries into one where the people see no reward for doing things for themselves, surprise, making them more reliant on the government to do things for them, a self perpetuating cycle

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-14 09:33:39)

If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6580|Grand Rapids, MI
My parents are from Mexico and not only do they not throw trash on the ground, but they also sweep their sidewalk, driveway, and even the street in front of their house. When I visit my Grandmother in Mexico, I don't ever see her throw trash on the ground. And we're not the rich Mexicans either. We just don't litter because it's not very nice. But I tell you what, when I go to Detroit and Chicago, GOD DAMN those places are dirty. Those fucking Americans. They probably don't even wipe their asses. . . . And if they do, they probably don't flush the toilet paper, they probably throw it out on the street!

Doesn't that sound stupid?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6641|132 and Bush

I'll drink the water in Detroit and Chicago before Mexico.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6590|Southeastern USA

Shopvac wrote:

My parents are from Mexico and not only do they not throw trash on the ground, but they also sweep their sidewalk, driveway, and even the street in front of their house. When I visit my Grandmother in Mexico, I don't ever see her throw trash on the ground. And we're not the rich Mexicans either. We just don't litter because it's not very nice. But I tell you what, when I go to Detroit and Chicago, GOD DAMN those places are dirty. Those fucking Americans. They probably don't even wipe their asses. . . . And if they do, they probably don't flush the toilet paper, they probably throw it out on the street!

Doesn't that sound stupid?
actually, some of my former customers were chicken plants with high numbers of immigrants of questionable residential status, they had to post signs in the bathrooms to
A) use toilet paper, not the newspaper, not paper towels
B) flush the toilet paper, don't let it pile up in the toilet after 30 "customers" or so, don't throw it on the floor, don't put it in the trash cans
C) wash hands

as for how many violations of all those I witnessed, just make sure your chicken's well cooked
If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6580|Grand Rapids, MI
All of that is fine, because you're talking about a specific group of people (your customers). If instead you had said All Mexicans are dirt bags because my customers were Mexicans and they were all dirt bags, that would be different.

Who ever said anything about water? You wouldn't drink the water in Beijing either, but we're all happy to get our shoes and clothes from there.

I've seen newspaper used as toilet paper before, but I've also heard of people brushing their teeth with sticks. What does any of that have to do with stereotyping and/or the original question?
The Lizzard

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

here a refresher from just one post above yours
And yet you yourself seem to have trouble with it.

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

1.    a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme by making use of deceitful, and usually illegal acts for the sole purpose to deprive and gain.
Further, if there was favouritism is probably would be against US law.  And the invasion was against international law.
Pimpin aint Easy

Kmarion wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Ultimately OPEC controls the price via price per barrel.
You are correct on the price of oil.  The oil companies dictate the price of it's end products.  See the connection yet?

Edit: If I were to buy your assumption, explain the record income's of the oil companies in past year when oil was at record buying highs.
Oil companies make money on the refining and distribution of oil. The demand for oil has increased substantially therefore more oil is being refined and sold, there is no doubt about that. I don't think I need to explain to you the basic economics of supply and demand. The argument I am disputing is that invading Iraq will increase oil company profits . That is simply not true. When is the last time you have heard of an oil company needing to be bailed out by the government in recent years ? They have always been financially secure. As I said before when you invade an oil producing country production of oil decreases and causes gas prices to go up. If you have to pay more for a barrel of oil due to lack of supply the difference is made at the pumps. Maybe in a perfect world the Oil companies would suck it up and take the loss due to lack of supply, but lets be real. What successful company does not pass the increased cost of manufacturing a product on to the consumer? With regards to profit what is also overlooked is the incredibly large amount of money that eventually gets re-invested into researching and locating new sources of oil. Ever hear of Jack-2?

So my question is this. We both know that Oil companies control the price of oil on it's "end product". How does invading Iraq dictate the REFINING process cost? For your argument to make sense you would have to convince me that invading Iraq would cause the cost to change oil into gasoline to decrease. We have just agreed that this is what they have control over and not control over the supply of oil. Do oil companies have huge profit margins? Hell yes. Is it because of our policy in Iraq ? No.
American oil companies do not just make money off of refining oil.  In fact many of the leading American oil companies definitely play a part in the price of crude oil.  U.S. oil companies are completely embedded in middle eastern oil companies and have great influence on decisions that OPEC makes.  This has been that way forever.

Take for instance ARAMCO which stands for Arabian American Oil Company.  There are many U.S. companies with a vested interest.  ARAMCO is the largest oil company in Saudi Arabia,  Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producing country in OPEC.  I guess you've never been there.........I have.  I can't tell you how many American oil plants there are in that country.  Its just just another ploy to make the public think that middle eastern companies are completely controlling the price of oil.........which is just NOT true.  Also to imply that U.S. companies only REFINE oil is also completely incorrect.

For the most part, I agree with your post but your spreading too much miss information at the same time.

Check this out.

Not Human Anymore
+144|6685|Seattle, WA

Bubbalo wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

here a refresher from just one post above yours
And yet you yourself seem to have trouble with it.

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

1.    a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme by making use of deceitful, and usually illegal acts for the sole purpose to deprive and gain.
Further, if there was favouritism is probably would be against US law.  And the invasion was against international law.
Go ahead and cite that than Bubbalo, thats your opinion, I'm glad you feel that way, but semantics aside, who really cares, we're getting off topic a bit here, the war in Iraq is not a scam, as there has been no proof of ILLEGAL activities, refer to my previous post about the biggest scam of all time. (Recently) Saddam, and the U.N.'s Oil for Food program.
+276|6696|United States of America
WHY CAN'T WE GET FREE OIL TO PAY FOR THIER DEMOCKRACY.  This wouldn't have been an issue if Bush would have carpet bombed Baghdad like I told him by yelling into my T.V. set.
Surprisingly where the middle east is known to be the largest "producer" of oil few actually realize the amount that the United States has that it wont touch. Look around for know oil reserve locations and quality ratings and you will see what i mean. Now anyone care to ponder why they aren't being utilized?
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6488|Alice Springs
Australia also has lots of oil reserves it doesn't touch - just in case it all goes pear shaped. You know if someone drops a nuke in the middle east region. Imagine the fallout from that.

biggest problem for our countries is the so called "FREE TRADE" - we don't impose tariffs on imported goods - but you try exporting to countries like CHINA or JAPAN.

all our national income seems to flow one way - OUT.
Junglist Massive

kr@cker wrote:

Shopvac wrote:

My parents are from Mexico and not only do they not throw trash on the ground, but they also sweep their sidewalk, driveway, and even the street in front of their house. When I visit my Grandmother in Mexico, I don't ever see her throw trash on the ground. And we're not the rich Mexicans either. We just don't litter because it's not very nice. But I tell you what, when I go to Detroit and Chicago, GOD DAMN those places are dirty. Those fucking Americans. They probably don't even wipe their asses. . . . And if they do, they probably don't flush the toilet paper, they probably throw it out on the street!

Doesn't that sound stupid?
actually, some of my former customers were chicken plants with high numbers of immigrants of questionable residential status, they had to post signs in the bathrooms to
A) use toilet paper, not the newspaper, not paper towels
B) flush the toilet paper, don't let it pile up in the toilet after 30 "customers" or so, don't throw it on the floor, don't put it in the trash cans
C) wash hands

as for how many violations of all those I witnessed, just make sure your chicken's well cooked
You know that you can't flush toilet paper or you will fuck up the entire sewer system in some countries... and in those countries they have to put up signs in the toilets because loads of arsehole tourists go and flush it anyway then flood the whole town in sewage.  If you are going to exploit people from other cultures as cheap labour, then you'd better do your research and educate them on the differences between the two.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6530|Gogledd Cymru

jsnipy wrote:

GrinchWSLG wrote:

Thats easy, government contractors. There's no liability or morals in that area. Its common for companies to overestimate, steal, do half the job, or no job at all, and still get paid enormous sums by the government. Accountability is zero, its pathetic. Especially pathetic that for the most part its Americans stealing from their own government.
True I and most government civ employees .. they get astronomical benfits .... and can seemingly never get fired no matter how lame they are.
rofl contractors in the uk get sacked like their potatoes, just two/three days ago a handsome 18yr old builder got sacked for "disturbing" pupils at a girls school even though he ignored them, kept his shirt on and stayed out of the way whenever possible. "There were mobs of girls chasing him" commented his boss.

Source:The Sun(a british Newspaper)

Kmarion wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Ultimately OPEC controls the price via price per barrel.
You are correct on the price of oil.  The oil companies dictate the price of it's end products.  See the connection yet?

Edit: If I were to buy your assumption, explain the record income's of the oil companies in past year when oil was at record buying highs.
Oil companies make money on the refining and distribution of oil. The demand for oil has increased substantially therefore more oil is being refined and sold, there is no doubt about that. I don't think I need to explain to you the basic economics of supply and demand. The argument I am disputing is that invading Iraq will increase oil company profits . That is simply not true. When is the last time you have heard of an oil company needing to be bailed out by the government in recent years ? They have always been financially secure. As I said before when you invade an oil producing country production of oil decreases and causes gas prices to go up. If you have to pay more for a barrel of oil due to lack of supply the difference is made at the pumps. Maybe in a perfect world the Oil companies would suck it up and take the loss due to lack of supply, but lets be real. What successful company does not pass the increased cost of manufacturing a product on to the consumer? With regards to profit what is also overlooked is the incredibly large amount of money that eventually gets re-invested into researching and locating new sources of oil. Ever hear of Jack-2?

So my question is this. We both know that Oil companies control the price of oil on it's "end product". How does invading Iraq dictate the REFINING process cost? For your argument to make sense you would have to convince me that invading Iraq would cause the cost to change oil into gasoline to decrease. We have just agreed that this is what they have control over and not control over the supply of oil. Do oil companies have huge profit margins? Hell yes. Is it because of our policy in Iraq ? No.
You need to change the context of your question.  Like:  What company doesn't exploit it's consumers of a natural resource.  The answer is, those who are regulated by state commissions.  Electricity and water have always been regulated by Utilities commissions.  The very popular Mr. Reagan was the one who deregulated oil and gas.
+76|6817|Antwerp, Flanders

Major_Spittle wrote:

WHY CAN'T WE GET FREE OIL TO PAY FOR THIER DEMOCKRACY.  This wouldn't have been an issue if Bush would have carpet bombed Baghdad like I told him by yelling into my T.V. set.
The surveillance equipment he placed in every American home was still in an experimental stage at that time and it may not have been fully functional yet, which is why he couldn't hear you.
+5,233|6570|Global Command
" We are all victims of America and Britain. They killed our country.

It's been seven years and four months that I have been in prison," he told the Guardian. "But did I commit a crime against any civilian, military or religious man? The answer is no.

Aziz says the events of 9/11 were shocking to him and Saddam.

"We were against that at the time, but we were not speaking to the American government. Saddam Hussein called me and said he would like me to write a letter to Ramsey [Clark, a former US attorney general] and say that we condemn the attack. I did that."
What I see, is a patriot who served his country with honor and dignity. It will be little wonder then that we [ meaning the U.S. government ] probably will allow him to be hanged.

Worse than a nation that has made mistakes in this campaign, we have a leadership that has done all of this on purpose; from the false pretense for invasion, to the bumbling of the occupation to the lost of billions and billions of American funds and Iraqi national assets. This sin is an albatross around our neck as stinking as the genocide of the American Indians. It is a crime against humanity.

As an American, I humbly apologize to the Iraqi people for the sins and crimes of our so called leaders. … -aziz-iran

Last edited by ATG (2010-08-06 19:55:29)

O Canada
+1,596|6446|North Carolina
Don't beat yourself up too much about it...  this particular region of the world is already quite good at implementing its own forms of oppression and cleansing...

We weren't exactly invading the nation of Hiawatha.
+5,233|6570|Global Command
So, they didn't need our corruption then, did they?
O Canada
+1,596|6446|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

So, they didn't need our corruption then, did they?
Well yeah...  Invading Iraq the second time around was probably the dumbest thing we've done in a long time, at least in terms of actually promoting our self-interests as a nation.

At the same time though...  Saddam was killing his own people en masse.  I was never against the war on moral grounds, because Saddam was a murderous dictator.  The only real benefit to having invaded is replacing Iraq's government with a semi-functional democracy.  Saddam was our puppet, but he turned on us when he decided that Kuwait was too tempting to not fuck with.  So, we beat his ass the first time around, but that didn't stop him from continuing to kill his own people (most notably Kurds).

So, on the one hand, you could say we killed a lot of Iraqis by invading, but then again, a lot of Iraqis would've died under Saddam if he had stayed in power.  It was a sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't situation in terms of humanitarian concerns.  And of course, while he was in power, a lot of Europe and even some American companies made a lot of money off of the Oil for Food scandal.

In short, Iraq was fucked either way, so I can't say I have much sympathy for them.

I think it's much more relevant to lament all of our own lives that were wasted on this conflict along with the vast amount of capital as well.

At this point, we can only hope the Iraqis can halfway self-govern in a manner that doesn't involve theocracy or a dictatorship.
Little BaBy JESUS
The humanitarian side of Iraq doesn't really sit with me as there have been far worse dictators which the US has done nothing about. The war was a massive waste for both sides and I have doubts that any democratic government will hold any effective power in Iraq (at least not in the immediate future).

In my opinion, not only was the Iraq war a failure in its own right, but it also pretty much sealed the same fate for Afghanistan. If the troops and money used in Iraq were instead used in Afghanistan, I think we would be in a very different (and better) situation.
Funny how there is a call for "civil war" and "revolution"  and yet everyone bitches about the "hardships" of paying for 3.00 dollar gas.

I wonder if  those of you bitching about how tough you have it will be prepared to have no income, your bank acocunts frozen, your home bombed out, no gas, no food, for you or your children. I wonder if you will be prepared to kill and eat the family dog, or maybe you will just kill your nieghbor for whatever food he might have left.

The fact is, we are in this situation because we as Americans are lazy and self consumed in our own little worlds, hoping the other guy will do something about it as we can not be bothered because we are far too comfortable to care..

Are we really prepared for outcome and REAL sacrifices of all of our chest beating?

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