
For what have you been banned?

Teamkills23%23% - 84
Talkin' smack17%17% - 64
Accused cheating19%19% - 71
Actual cheating3%3% - 14
Other35%35% - 131
Total: 364
fire at will!!!
+76|6752|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
never banned, only kicked
I knife Generals
+278|6576|Search Whore killing fields
I've been banned for "stat padding". I put a claymore down underneath dead bodys and the admin was a medic.

DirtyMexican wrote:

I've been banned for "stat padding". I put a claymore down underneath dead bodys and the admin was a medic.
+86|6683|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
I was playing on Pirates Bloody Cove one day.

All the PBC members were on one team, I was on the other, map was Warlord.  They had capped all the CP's and I was the only person left alive on our team.

As I was running to a CP where none of them were, they kicked me to win the game.

When I went back on the server, my teammates were giving them an earful.  One of their guys tried to shoot me so I promptly hit the deck and killed him.  I was then kicked for supposed teamkilling.

When I came back on, I gave them an earful myself.  They promptly proceeded to ban me and my team.

They are a bunch of asshats who resort to cheating to win, and who have no BF2 skills.  I have never gone back to their server...
APC whore

-Gunsmoke- wrote:

I get banned for teamkilling on PURPOSE when I'm bored, especially on Wake.  lol, but I like to drive FAV's at full speed at people and then get out so the momentum carries the car to kill the teammate but I don't get a TK for it.  Oh, and driving an FAV right underneath a J-10.  Fun times, fun times.
I was commanding on as USMC on Karkand late at night when there was like 10 people on each side (64 man sized). Two a-holes kept tk'ing for armor but halfway through the round both went AFK with 5 kills. I figured I'd go mess with them and bail out of the humvees, giving them as many deaths as possible. Before I knew it I had -40 somehow.
3-shot SVD specialist
+29|6565|Bellingham, WA
Got banned from Moongamers from perhaps my only-ever period of absolutely owning someone -- who turned out to be a mod. Told me "building hacks were not appreciated" and kicked me. Building hacks??? Look at my KDR you fawking idiot! Does it look I like I know squat about hacking? The assclown was predictable and stupid, and even I could guess were he was going after he respawned to come look for me.  All that got me was banned.
I knife Generals
+278|6576|Search Whore killing fields
i got banned for spleeping with the admins girl friend
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6729|Fort Lewis WA
I once had a char on BF2 named "Juden11b" (German for Jew... yup im Jewish by blood, but im non practising... in my job, being a hardcore religeous type witha  special "diet" is a waste of time and seperates you from your peers...teamwork is everything in the Infantry)
I got banned from a GI (Gods Infantry server) for having the name Jew. WTF!!
Thats ok i learned that most of the GI people are walking contradictions.

MrE`158 wrote:

Most bans are temporary, and last two minutes, or a day, or something like that.  They don't show up in your stats, so far as I know.
Warning!  Fellow Forumites!

If you take a chance and try and offer helpful bits of information to people, you run the risk of acquiring ANONYMOUS NEGATIVE KARMA, even more ANONYMOUS NEGATIVE KARMA, and being accused of dishing out the dreaded NEGATIVE KARMA!

It could really happen to you!  Be warned!  And remember, folks:  when the karma starts flying, Duck and Cover!

This has been a public service announcement on behalf of those who don't give a fuck about karma, but dislike false accusations.
Alcohol & calculus don't mix. Never drink & derive
i was banned from 24/7 airmaps for knifing the admin that was bragging he has the highest rank in the game and that no one can kill him. he was a lance corporal
+37|6677|Chicago, Il
I got banned for being a Jet whore....   

Look at my stats and you'll find the humor in that....
Big McLargehuge
Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
+259|6642|Philadelphia, PA
I was banned from a server for not dropping a supply box to a lone sniper on the water tower on Sharqi.
The lone sniper turned out to be a admin.
+13|6676|1500 Gold Medaller's land
lol desertfox, its like self defense isnt allowed on the battlefield xD ive had similar experiences and the kill you made definitely wasnt spawn killing lol if the guy was inside vehicle it couldnt have been spawn killing rofl
I was banned for entering a forbidden base as SpecOps (which was definitely allowed by the rules), but when I left the based I drove over a guy running into my car (I think it was the admin, lol).
I was mostly driving around in armor and won most armor fights, won gold medal three rounds in a row. At the 4th round I was kicked and banned. Later when I tried to join the message was "you have been banned for excessive team killing". I didn't kill any team members actually, got banned because I was "to" good, pfff.
+13|6676|1500 Gold Medaller's land
Once when I was in a winning row when as infantry (yes pwning tanks) in a clan server, the hole clan started to stat pad. That made me disgust, they should have just kicked me...
+69|6613|Fountain Valley,CA
i went on the suicide dudes server and was doing good and kept killing the admin and he banned me for being a Micheal Jackson rape victim.... i mean cmon
I hate it when your playing on a clan server handing them there own ass and they perma bann because your pwning there ass's!

Got to be the worst thing to get banned for. I talk a whole 18 wheeler truck full of shit when I play and expect to get atleast kicked for it but being better then they are. Thats just being a cry baby IMO!!!

Mod Incarnate
This is my favorite
LOL, thats a great screen shot man.
What did you bann him for?

+151|6574|Forest Lake, Australia
I was banned because me and solidus_snake000 are better than SPAM
+1,153|6669|Washington, DC


-Talking smack


-Low ping (AKA reporting a server for padding back in my BF2RS-sleuth days)
Platinum Star whore
+365|6717|Middle of nowhere
Tking and Talkin smack

why are there restrictions with languange?? it's a fucking battlefield for christ sake
Lol, I got banned while the gunner in a helo where the pilot keep raping uncappables(against server rules), I was contnually typing him to stop camping and refused to shoot as not to get banned.  After 4 minutes I started to get a little aggrevated and said a few choice words that an admin didn't like... bam! I get banned.
BF2s Frat Brother
Forgetting the lube after totally owning an admin

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