SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am at my class podium right now. I told the girl I am speaking to I am at my lectern right now.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6726|United States of America
You should lecture from the podium and uh, podiatrize... from the lectern.

Mac's into pod-play?

DesertFox- wrote:

You should lecture from the podium and uh, podiatrize... from the lectern.
there is actually a form of thinking and educating with greek roots in the podia-feet connection.

they were called the Peripatetics. it basically translates to 'to walk about', but lots of ancient rhetoric and thinking about thought itself, such as the technique of periphrasis (similar to "rephrasing" in common parlance), are etymologically tied into this 'concrete' anatomical metaphor of 'walking about [the point]'. a whole school of philosophers and thinkers believed that walking was conducive to good thinking, having new ideas, mulling over a question, etc. the tradition was invoked again, famously, in early idealist philosophy by Descartes, who in his Meditations likened his intellectual method to trying to find a straight route out of a dark forest of ignorance and unknowing.

and, of course, Kant liked to take a daily walk. there's a scurrilous rumour in the history of philosophy that he even had a favourite tree to stop by, each day or week, on his promenades, and to release the tension of all that arduous thought by masturbating.

promenades, incidentally, in the city parks or by the sea, were thought good for the health. because of its derivation from the french-latinate root, 'to move forward'. like periphrasis, moving about physically has had a long history by analogy with progressing in your thinking.

so: if macbeth decided to pace up and down the classroom, holding forth, he would technically be a peripatetic lecturer. not quite practicing podiatry, but close.

the more you know.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-27 04:15:19)

so he's into pod play?
you guys should really pay me for this stuff. i'm enriching your lives.
The X stands for
+1,810|6147|eXtreme to the maX
I think the nub of the problem its that lecterns are often placed on what people call podiums, or podiodes if you want to be pedantic, which are really daises, or daii to use the proper term.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-10-27 04:22:37)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i do like a good dais as good as the next man, but i think in the context of lecturing or giving a speech, a rostrum is better. the etymology the term is genuinely pretty weird.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I think the nub of the problem its that lecterns are often placed on what people call podiums, or podiodes if you want to be pedantic, which are really daises, or daii to use the proper term.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-10-27 04:33:08)

The X stands for
+1,810|6147|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i do like a good dais as good as the next man, but i think in the context of lecturing or giving a speech, a rostrum is better. the etymology the term is genuinely pretty weird.
I'm talking about what the lectern or rostrum sits on you moron, is it a podium or a dais?

dais: a low platform for a lectern or throne

podium: a small platform on which a person may stand to be seen by an audience, as when making a speech or conducting an orchestra
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
a rostrum is the platform, you moron. the thing you sit the rostrum on is called the ground.

I see we've got access to a new archive section 😮

Are these sections intentionally being revealed as a reward for sticking around or does the site have some form of dementia - forgetting who is who and where we should be allowed?

Can we see the mod section next? It would be cool to see all the old drama, at this point who really cares who said what about who anyway
Go Cougs!
+687|6332|Washington St.
Can we rename EE Chats to Junk Drawer?

Dauntless wrote:

Can we see the mod section next? It would be cool to see all the old drama, at this point who really cares who said what about who anyway
Ask and I'll post some tidbits.

I don't know why you're not a mod. You don't even have a thread in the thirteen pages of specific users. I have a thread. I've posted its contents before.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Just move my thread to EE and lets have a laugh. There must be some good content in there I don't remember.
mods used to sneak peek me looks at my thread from the ‘secret cool kids’ chamber. it was fucking hilarious. pages of back-and-forth about one liners i’d sally off.

you should be grateful i’m still generating great content about wooden furniture.

I'm almost afraid to do anything like move a thread for fear that it'll break whatever toothpicks make up this site's foundation. Might test it in the sandbox first.

I can quote though:

macbeth wrote:

I hope your children die also. Get raped and murdered by a veteran in a Motel 6. The idea of your daughter being face down in a pillow while getting drilled by a negro makes me happy.

like the early 10s and so violently aughts.

Does it still make you happy?


SuperJail Warden wrote:

I agree. The next woman who cheats on me might get strangled.

OrangeHound wrote:

He's baaaaaaa-aaaack

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-10-27 21:31:09)

if some intrepid investigative reporter ever uncovers the peak-bf2s archives and ties it to our notable public roles and senatorial positions ... we are getting cancelled faster than kanye.

i don't think it's unusual though. everyone who 'came up' on the internet in the 2000s was just in a much coarser and more febrile environment. i really miss the internet before everything was tied to your real name and social media.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-27 21:35:06)


I foresee it becoming an increasingly non-story. The year is 2050 and the press digs up some stupid, horrible, embarrassing shit/posts a guy made 40 years ago when he was a teenager. Yeah him and everyone else.

BF2S is dirt mac would probably want to sweep under the floorboards.

I still cling to internet anonymity. I have facebook but never really used it. People who know me use other channels to reach me.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-10-27 21:45:16)

i would prefer to revert the internet to anonymity. some of the geeks pushing web3.0 sort of had that anarchic/libertarian energy about them, 'off grid'. that is, when they weren't pushing critically lame NFT art or shilling crypto scams, of course.

web2.0 is the worst incarnation of the internet. it's owned by about 4 mega-corporations whose billionaire bosses want all the privacy in the world, but want to mine everything, including the biometric data, of the rest of us.

i want to laugh at the fact that mark zuckerberg has lost like $200 billion already pursuing his VR headset version of second life, but the dark truth is that, if he has his way, and if gullible fools like nick's PhD'd neuro friends carry it off, we'll have unskippable adverts being streamed directly into our eyeballs that pause every time we blink.

Disable the future bluetooth connection to your brain every few evenings so you can enjoy ads projected across the night sky without interference from augmented reality.

Enjoy Coca Cola.


It's easy to imagine public outcry at the idea of brands hijacking the night sky as more marketing real estate.

But Alexey Skorupsky, another member of the StartRocket team, pushed back at those criticisms. He pointed to the New Zealand company that launched a disco ball into orbit last year, a move that annoyed scientists — though, Skorupsky said, it was only visible for a few minutes at a time.

"I think scientists can use this time for peeing or having a coffee," Skorupsky told Futurism.

And in the end, he argued, the commercialization of space is inevitable.

"If you ask about advertising and entertainment in general — haters gonna hate," Skorupsky said. "We are developing a new medium. At the advent of television no one loved ads at all."
and ideas like it

This guy's attitude btw is very similar to the AI art generator guy who couldn't figure out why people were upset he entered his AI picture into an art contest.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-10-28 00:56:16)

brands hijacking the sky seems very close with drone swarms. already seen it for major public events in china etc.

'the commercialization of space is inevitable' ... so long as states continue to cede ground, yes.

we'll end up in an infinite jest fictive universe where even the calendar months and years have brand partnerships. the year of the Depend Adult Undergarment, etc.

private entities in general should be dissuaded from space. even major states aren't responsible enough with all the clutter and junk we are putting up into LEO. there's already a foreseeable problem that musk's starlink will seriously hamper our ability to scan for and detect threatening objects on a collision course with Earth (best time for scanning for these is dawn and dusk, when the earth-based arrays also tend to pick up starlink satellites).

kessler syndrome is a very real threat if space is merely seen as advertising space.

This doesn't address the problem of space junk in orbit, but ideally (imo) we should be putting more space telescopes outside of the field of junk to monitor for threats. Just need a good way to get to them for upgrades and repairs.

Humanity, the great polluters. Never miss the opportunity to leave trash in the pristine oceans, wilderness, atmosphere, cosmos. Anthropocene threats looming and in action, but Plumber Joe thinks global warming is overblown. Weather always changes, after all. Ms. Johnson down the street from him does her part by peeling non-recyclable labels off plastic bottles, but a cheap factory nearby leeches tons of chemicals into the water table, uncontested.
we already do have a few telescopes in space that can search for threats. the problem is that their surveying time is so expensive and in much demand for many different types of mission and research. just off the top of my head, from lit. i've edited recently, we've got WISE and NEOWISE up there, from NASA. they're both primarily infra-red cameras.

obviously incredibly expensive to maintain and upgrade, yea. and it doesn't quite address the kessler syndrome problem of a chain reaction of collisions beginning elsewhere, eventually ejecting some satellite-destroying debris the way of said telescopes. it could be a real mess.

most of our observations of such things are still thoroughly ground-based, and for quite good reason. filling the sky with satellites for low-speed internet isn't really that smart in the long term. it's a bit like elon's plans to solve traffic congestion by building single-lane tunnels everywhere under cities at exorbitant cost. yea, or you could use trains. there are very few actual cases in the future of development where people would absolutely need satellite internet as opposed to wifi or even cabled.

The scientists can just use all the ubiquitous debris as an excuse to go make a sandwich or have a pee or whatever that Russian entremanure was yammering on about. Not important to see space rocks coming in our direction. Very important that an ad for Progressive blots out Orion.

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