yes you really chose a good moment to interject with your affront when me and macbeth were discussing a 4-paragraph fanfiction about a horse-stiletto'd serial sexual predator.

clearly adults were having a very serious discussion about the possibility of international cuisine.

the joke falls flat when you emphasise the ‘kim lee’ aspect of korean society and then mention their historical enemy’s most easily identifiable food.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-12 20:07:29)


I didn't really interject with anything new, you guys were already talking about problematic taco joints and sushi bars and all of the great reasons Koreans have to hate their expatriates. Sorry.
i don't make the rules. korean-americans face discrimination from their peers, like as, more appositely, korean-japanese and korean-chinese do, too. the history is pretty obviously quite vexed. and korea has that perfect combination of intense competition + falling birth/marriage rates, which always makes conservatives of a certain mindset very very horny. 'great reasons', no, i never expressed any approval.

we're getting pretty far away from the 'creative process', here, guys. i wasn't trying to explain multi-generational historical enmities. i'm advising macbeth on his writing.
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
So far we've learnt
That Koreans hate non-Koreans but hate mixed race Koreans even more.
But they're not racist because they like imported snacks.
Sushi is not one of the imported snacks they like because Koreans are racist and despise anything Japanese

Can we get back to advising Macbeth on what gun he needs for the mass-shooting he's planning to protect his MTG collection from marauding pirates?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
koreans on the whole are not racist, nowhere near as you make out. you seem to think because of their spurious census-taking practices and because of a 'hermit kingdom' stereotype that was last relevant in the early joseon dynasty era that korea is some sort of ethnonationalist state where race ideology is foremost, like a sort of (south?)east asian rhodesia. it is absolutely not.

but conservatives and people who are inclined to racial thinking of course have their own bugbears about the korean diaspora, mixed-race marriages, etc. it's no different to how white paleo-conservatives or grandparents of a certain generation think about inter-racial marriages or immigrants in any other country. korea is not some unique experiment in running a country along lines of racial purity. a lot of the tough treatment that gyopos and other diaspora members receive from nationalist/traditionalist natives is because of a supposed lack of patiotism: they're the groups that left for better shores when the difficult post-war task of rebuilding the country and economy was at hand. it's not really so much a genetic purity/miscegenation thing. it's a fear of a loss of identity/lack of stable future with working-age, productive members of society.

i've even heard it said on a korean politics+culture podcast that those inclined to such thinking mind a lot more when a korean man marries someone outside of their culture. where white supremacists tend to fixate/fetishize the other races 'taking our women' and 'spoiling our virgins', koreans actually mind a lot more when a male steps outside of the culture. that's because, in their traditional gender roles, it's the woman who does the child-rearing and socialization. therefore a korean male-foreign female pairing means that the kids will be raised without benefit of korean domestic/maternal culture; they will be noticeably un-korean. these anxieties are not entirely unfounded considering their plummeting birth rate. it could be worse: they could be trying to expand their lebensraum, like russia, in face of similar imminent population decline.

as for the korea vs. japan stuff, yes, koreans again of a certain age and generation kick back against japanese products, goods, cultural influences, etc. almost all japanese products and imports were completely banned until the 1990s ffs; i've spoken to koreans my age who never had a gameboy or nintendo console, for e.g., growing up, whereas at the same time the west was going nuts for pokémon. that's how much of a filter they had on japanese cultural products until very, very recently. check any of their right-wing tabloids, the korean equivalent of a fox news and so on. again, this isn't surprising or unique. what is perhaps unique is the scale of the hurt/grievance still held towards japan by korea. it's not like european nations after ww2: the wounds are still open. again, i'm not saying every single korean person spits and sings the national anthem at the merest mention of japan. but the anti-japanese thing is definitely a current and sentiment in korean society. an administration's stance towards japan (like the USA and like north korea) are important factors in their foreign policy decisions and election campaigns.

koreans do eat sushi. they go to izakayas. they (now, after many long years of bans) enjoy japanese music, films, novels. these things can coexist in an equivocal relationship with political disagreement, fear, resentment, etc, at the misdeeds of their former colonial oppressor. this is why they are NOT racist: because they hate the japanese state, qua the rising sun, qua the imperial japanese; not that they hate all japanese people en masse. they have the same love/hate relationship with the (overpowering) influence of american culture and american goods. the point was that naming sushi as a stereotypically korean thing is just the sort of thing a guy who has never left new jersey would do. koreans take a lot of pride in their national cuisine and 'their' dishes. sushi is not one of them, LMAO.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-13 00:25:49)

oi this is a gun thread, take it to the korea thread.
there's been about 4 mass shootings in the last month and no one has even mentioned them.

wouldn't surprise me if macbeth was actually the culprit of this last one. suspect is described as a short, stunted-looking black male.
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
Unless Macbeth put on a really huge amount of weight, became african and went to Arizona to rent a truck I don't think its him
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Can we get back to advising Macbeth on what gun he needs for the mass-shooting he's planning to protect his MTG collection from marauding pirates?
If mac really wants to know for srsly he can go off of the FBI ammo tests and then select a weapon accordingly from plenty of gun review options, and load less lethal ammunition. But he doesn't, he was asking about knockoff AR-15s or something probably to troll.

It's bad in the US, but people honestly make it sound like a war zone. Plenty of Americans go through life without incident.

I've carried for a long time for self-defense. CCW still valid. Never been put in the position. Don't want to be put in the position. There's a twisty, much broken path from that to ThE SkIlL aNd ThE WiLl To KiLl; mowing down a music festival from their hotel room vantage point.

If mac becomes a murderer, I like to imagine he'll go for a budget Dr. Lecter rather than Columbine.

The next Stephen King horror novel will involve a serial killer who glues together gundams out of bits of peoples' bones.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't know why you guys always bully me. I am a sweet kind peaceful man in real life and on the forums.

Start the video at 1:05. Can't time stamp on YouTube app.

uziq wrote:

koreans on the whole are not racist, nowhere near as you make out. you seem to think because of their spurious census-taking practices and because of a 'hermit kingdom' stereotype that was last relevant in the early joseon dynasty era that korea is some sort of ethnonationalist state where race ideology is foremost, like a sort of (south?)east asian rhodesia. it is absolutely not.

but conservatives and people who are inclined to racial thinking of course have their own bugbears about the korean diaspora, mixed-race marriages, etc. it's no different to how white paleo-conservatives or grandparents of a certain generation think about inter-racial marriages or immigrants in any other country. korea is not some unique experiment in running a country along lines of racial purity. a lot of the tough treatment that gyopos and other diaspora members receive from nationalist/traditionalist natives is because of a supposed lack of patiotism: they're the groups that left for better shores when the difficult post-war task of rebuilding the country and economy was at hand. it's not really so much a genetic purity/miscegenation thing. it's a fear of a loss of identity/lack of stable future with working-age, productive members of society.

i've even heard it said on a korean politics+culture podcast that those inclined to such thinking mind a lot more when a korean man marries someone outside of their culture. where white supremacists tend to fixate/fetishize the other races 'taking our women' and 'spoiling our virgins', koreans actually mind a lot more when a male steps outside of the culture. that's because, in their traditional gender roles, it's the woman who does the child-rearing and socialization. therefore a korean male-foreign female pairing means that the kids will be raised without benefit of korean domestic/maternal culture; they will be noticeably un-korean. these anxieties are not entirely unfounded considering their plummeting birth rate. it could be worse: they could be trying to expand their lebensraum, like russia, in face of similar imminent population decline.

as for the korea vs. japan stuff, yes, koreans again of a certain age and generation kick back against japanese products, goods, cultural influences, etc. almost all japanese products and imports were completely banned until the 1990s ffs; i've spoken to koreans my age who never had a gameboy or nintendo console, for e.g., growing up, whereas at the same time the west was going nuts for pokémon. that's how much of a filter they had on japanese cultural products until very, very recently. check any of their right-wing tabloids, the korean equivalent of a fox news and so on. again, this isn't surprising or unique. what is perhaps unique is the scale of the hurt/grievance still held towards japan by korea. it's not like european nations after ww2: the wounds are still open. again, i'm not saying every single korean person spits and sings the national anthem at the merest mention of japan. but the anti-japanese thing is definitely a current and sentiment in korean society. an administration's stance towards japan (like the USA and like north korea) are important factors in their foreign policy decisions and election campaigns.

koreans do eat sushi. they go to izakayas. they (now, after many long years of bans) enjoy japanese music, films, novels. these things can coexist in an equivocal relationship with political disagreement, fear, resentment, etc, at the misdeeds of their former colonial oppressor. this is why they are NOT racist: because they hate the japanese state, qua the rising sun, qua the imperial japanese; not that they hate all japanese people en masse. they have the same love/hate relationship with the (overpowering) influence of american culture and american goods. the point was that naming sushi as a stereotypically korean thing is just the sort of thing a guy who has never left new jersey would do. koreans take a lot of pride in their national cuisine and 'their' dishes. sushi is not one of them, LMAO.
Most Korean's I've met do hate the Japanese though, not just the older generation.
They love the food though...
I am all that is MOD!

Dauntless are you still dating a Korean girl?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Does everyone here have yellow fever or something? I got over that years ago.

Dauntless wrote:

Most Korean's I've met do hate the Japanese though, not just the older generation.
They love the food though...
yeah, attitudes do cut across generations here in ways that aren’t as simple as the west (young = progressive, older = conservative). i guess things like military service as well as much more deference and respect for the views of the elders contribute to that.

most young koreans i’ve spoken with have the default reaction to japan as ‘the bad guys’, but then you talk with them and realise they’ve been on holiday to japan about 5 times and love japanese fashion or something. it can be quite performative. i wouldn’t really say the majority of young koreans are actively racist and would stand by the principle. they just continue the received collective opinion that japan are the transgressors and need to apologise/make amends in some way. 

it’ll be a long time before koreans/japanese/chinese stop being absurdly protective over things like kimchi, sushi and ethnic cleansing of uighurs, though. they love that shit.

it’s this sort of mixup that i was referring to in my reply to macbeth, which ken and newbie don’t seem to get from koreatown, cali or spokane, wa. even tiny things like chinese wearing hanbok as part of the olympics ceremony, or a tiny chinese news article talking about kimchi being made there … will absolutely light up the korean internet for a week. it seems everyone is outraged by it. it’s genuinely odd to behold when you’re from a culture where the vast majority of people are indifferent to ‘minor’ things like this.  koreans are fiercely protective over ‘their’ cuisine, ‘their’ heritage, etc.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-13 17:14:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It sounds exhausting
anyone could say the same thing about life in any country when you study its minutiae.

you think life in the US doesn't sound exhausting? lmao. you could write 10x as many paragraphs on the class or race dynamics of american society, enmities and feelings between different ethnic or religious groups, etc.

you and jay complaining on here about hasidim jews in NYC sounds like a much bigger problem than anything i've encountered in japanese-korean relations. at least the culture here isn't confrontational and aggressive. getting shot on the subway to work sounds exhausting tbh.

korean society is basically extremely low-crime and korean culture is basically extreme low-aggression. you know what sounds exhausting? the possibility of getting into a fight in every single bar or on every single night out in america.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-13 17:59:20)

I am all that is MOD!

uziq wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

Most Korean's I've met do hate the Japanese though, not just the older generation.
They love the food though...
yeah, attitudes do cut across generations here in ways that aren’t as simple as the west (young = progressive, older = conservative). i guess things like military service as well as much more deference and respect for the views of the elders contribute to that.

most young koreans i’ve spoken with have the default reaction to japan as ‘the bad guys’, but then you talk with them and realise they’ve been on holiday to japan about 5 times and love japanese fashion or something. it can be quite performative. i wouldn’t really say the majority of young koreans are actively racist and would stand by the principle. they just continue the received collective opinion that japan are the transgressors and need to apologise/make amends in some way. 

it’ll be a long time before koreans/japanese/chinese stop being absurdly protective over things like kimchi, sushi and ethnic cleansing of uighurs, though. they love that shit.

it’s this sort of mixup that i was referring to in my reply to macbeth, which ken and newbie don’t seem to get from koreatown, cali or spokane, wa. even tiny things like chinese wearing hanbok as part of the olympics ceremony, or a tiny chinese news article talking about kimchi being made there … will absolutely light up the korean internet for a week. it seems everyone is outraged by it. it’s genuinely odd to behold when you’re from a culture where the vast majority of people are indifferent to ‘minor’ things like this.  koreans are fiercely protective over ‘their’ cuisine, ‘their’ heritage, etc.
I literally made a random drive by comment and you've wrote how many paragraphs about it? I don't give a shit!
i'm not only talking to you, midget man. go do some spine stretches and relax.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-13 18:37:35)

The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

korean society is basically extremely low-crime and korean culture is basically extreme low-aggression.
Monocultures usually are
you know what sounds exhausting? the possibility of getting into a fight in every single bar or on every single night out in america.
Multiculturalism doesn't work
you and jay complaining on here about hasidim jews in NYC sounds like a much bigger problem than anything i've encountered in japanese-korean relations
In both American and Jewish culture there's a central belief that might gives them the right to kill or displace weaker peoples, there's going to be friction when they come into contact with other cultures or each other.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I don't know why you guys always bully me. I am a sweet kind peaceful man in real life and on the forums.

Start the video at 1:05. Can't time stamp on YouTube app.
Not bullying, never bullying. I wish you the best as the next debut Stephen King slasher.
Multiculturalism doesn't work
when i talk about everyday violence and aggression in america, i am mostly thinking of white males. i am far more likely to get my ass kicked in the carpark of a bar late at night by a raging, entitled, aggrieved beefcake like jay than an ethnic minority. american males are angry. american mainstream culture is high-octane aggro. look at the constant stream of bitterness, outrage, anger and screaming murder from, variously, fox news through to the trumpers. i am really not worried about 'multiculturalism' when i talk about how exhausting everyday life in america must be. it's foam-mouthed, HOOOAH white people.

In both American and Jewish culture there's a central belief that might gives
jesus christ, you are hopeless. your analysis wouldn't pass muster in a sophomoric term paper. vague, insupportable rubbish. always the same from you. i sincerely recommend you read some fucking books.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-13 21:33:31)

The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
Well you're still most likely to come into contact with white males so yes if you get into an altercation its most likely to be with a white male.
There is a simmering level of aggression in the working class but amongst white professionals I experienced nothing at all.

For real crime statistics an interaction with a black person is far more risky however.

All my assertions are fully backed up by extensive evidence - you should really know this by now.

Shouldn't be too hard to prove that the two most war provoking and destabilising of the 'democratic' nations since WW2 are America and Israel
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i'm not talking about statistically, dilbert. i mean in terms of social behaviour. it's not ethnic minorities who start shit at bars or nightclubs. they've probably been conditioned by a lifetime of low-level victimization/tough ghetto upbringings to keep their heads down in such charged environments. it's the entitled meatheads who create a ruckus.

in britain, an environment you're still somewhat familiar with, i imagine, who starts shit on the high-street on a saturday night? it's not the pakistani community or the british-nigerians. it's your boozed up, football-lad gammon. you know it full well. and it's as much to do with the way they're socialized and entitled, rather than them being a pure overwhelming majority, numbers-wise.

white people fear the consequences of their lawless or anti-social behaviour a lot less. i can at least honestly attest to this with my own partying and drug-use. but, then again, i've never inflicted physical harm upon another person. so there's that. at least i'm honest about the antisociality of my people.

and, if you're talking about 'real crime statistics', obviously you would know that the most categories of crime that involve a preponderance of minority perpetrators are normally 'black-on-black' violence, i.e. kept to deprived enclaves.

never had a problem or altercation with anyone in the UK, nor here in korea. but i've read too many anecdotes about bar-room brawls or car-park encounters from the states. the society is altogether more violent than anywhere i've ever been, 'statistically' or no. so calling living in korea 'exhausting' isn't quite cricket.

Last edited by uziq (2022-04-14 04:28:54)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Uzique and Dilbert arguing race relations in America is like Newbie and Ken talking about how Koreans feel about Korean-Americans. FWIW, I respect Ken and Newbie's takes on race relations in America. I don't talk this stuff over with "the whites" in real life though when some of them get comfortable enough with me, they will dog whistle. I imagine white people when among each other have more spirited conversations. I actually have a funny work story about walking in on one. 

Anyhow, in America, rap concerts and black nightclubs have shootings all the time. "the Mexicans" are probably responsible for some of them but it is mostly "the blacks". Rarely the whites shooting up night spots unless it is one of them who got sad and wanted to test their guns on people before killing themselves. Different communities engage in violence differently.

One thing about blacks at nightspots is that they are very aggressive with girls. Girls walking by a group of blacks outside a nightclub have a better chance of getting catcalled. Black guys will also catcall a girl you are with right in front of you. I have only ever had that happen with black guys. I guess they see a on the small side  brown guy with a girl and get jealous or something. I don't know.

A caveat to all of this is that I live in the NYC area and work around well educated people. Who knows what things are like in the south.

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