
I somehow doubt this is the last time you'll post on this thread, Jay. There's no way you're done trashing every possible argument from people whose job it is to sort out viruses, pandemics, and hospital logistics. Or taking it out on everyone here just because you feel cooped up with a bunch of kids I guess you didn't really want (poor fellers).

All angry like that because "venomous" was that easily turned around on your nasty posting. Sure let me have it!


Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

the behaviour of the american populist right seems to be: 'those liberals and elites think they're so smart huh? and think we're so stupid? well we'll SHOW THEM stupid!'

You think everyone that is sick of the quarantine and wants it over votes right wing? It's across the political spectrum. People want answers so they can be hopeful, not continuous doom and gloom and "we need to wait it out until the vaccine in 16 months" you're out of your fucking mind if you think anyone but the least social among us are going to put up with that. People need to see the plan because they need hope. Personally, I would sacrifice every one of you today if it means my kid can start kindergarten like normal in the fall. Bunch of venomous, autistic cretins.
ah, yes, we are 'autistic' for following the science.

with regards to your maher clip, i have no doubt whatsoever that the american media are in hyper-ventilating, paroxysm mode. your media love nothing more than a disaster narrative or a scare story. it's good for ratings, frankly. but that's a creature of your own devising, and for you to deal with. a virus is a scientific fact, and as such it has several unalienable characteristics that you can't explain away politically or in terms of 'the media'.

more and more people are dying everyday in america. do your political arguments, logical sophistries, right-wing polemics, or attacks on the media retard its spread? it doesn't seem much like it. if the media agreed to, in maher's view, calm the fuck down and stop spreading panic, would the virus stop spreading too? fat chance. sorry, but for this you need actual planning, real strategy, concrete solutions. and your leadership haven't any of them. you are shit out of luck and frankly clutching at straws at this point. 'vaccines are pointless anyway'. 'the media are hyping this out of proportion'. the virus will carry the fuck on regardless.

and it's quaint that your main emotional plea here is about your son going to kindergarten. ever think that society, and the world more generally, involves a lot more than your fucking son's school timetable? my girlfriend just lost about £12,000 in tuition at the world's best art college because of this. she's here on a foreign study visa and it's not at all clear how she'll be able to finish or complete her studies. is she complaining about it? no, she's sitting in quarantine and following the best scientific advice. you should really stop being such a whiny little manchild. as if your kid missing kindergarten is the worst part of this crisis. jesus fucking christ.

Jay wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

"Venomous." From the guy who told me I wanted to see my parents die so I *checks notes* "wouldn't feel self-conscious about using hand-sanitizer in public.
Dude, you are such an aspburgery piece of shit. Just shut the fuck up already. No one reads your posts and no one respects you. Die in a fire.
this is what happens when a stupid person gets upset. the world isn't to his liking! he doesn't understand viruses or the human immune system!

he still hasn't answered the massive contradiction-in-terms about us aiming for 'herd immunity' to a 'highly mutating' virus. he hasn't a clue what he's even talking about. vague distrust of experts based on nothing and getting his information from politicized sources or, worse, mere hearsay and facebook gossip.

he's lost and this is the emotion it produces. petulant anger. 'my child will miss school! you guys are all being mean to me!'

life has been disrupted for everyone, jay. many, many people can't make rent. many, many people are saying goodbye to their parents, relatives and loved ones via skype calls. many people are out of school, with exams missed, grades up in the air. many people are furloughed indefinitely. it may surprise you that we all also have social lives which are threatened. we are facing the same scenarios: no pubs for a year, no eating out, no concerts, no theatre. why are you reacting like you're the only person who 'can't take it'? stop being such a little bitch.

i'm not surprised it's the veteran here who has the weakest constitution of us all. he's not used to fighting wars against enemies who might have the upper hand.

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-18 10:08:59)

Artifice of Eternity
I think it's also worth saying that a post like that would be an instant ban a few years ago. I mean, I'm glad it isn't now, but I think there's value in trying to maintain decorum as far as possible.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
people are being made homeless during a pandemic and jay is emotional that his kid will have to wait a few more months to go put squares in square-shaped holes and play in the sandpit at kindergarten. tragedy comes home to middle america!!!!
I just don't understand how you can look at simple graphs on covid-19 and not see a problem. There's plenty hard data showing that within a matter of weeks the case numbers and death toll in the US far surpassed any other country and yet Jay remains impervious to the notion that perhaps his leadership, his federal leadership, is a failure. It continues to surprise me how people can be so forgiving and oblivious to the glaring incompetence of their favourite politicians. 'Oh you just criticise him because of biased news sources!' No, it's because there's 700k cases in your country and 30k+ dead and the guy leading that disaster is still mostly preoccupied with his own narcissism. Hurling insults at journalists, the WHO, the media, China, the governors in his country, democrats - anyone, all whilst praising his own perfect genius.

Looking back at history we are always quick to reach a consensus opinion on terrible leaders that pushed their people to disaster. Invariably that judgment is damning. I like to believe that we manage to reach these conclusions because we look back with calm and reason, detached from the emotional and cultural baggage of the time we're shown through historical documents. Yet all too quickly do we also forget that there were millions who enabled such awful decisionmakers, willingly following and cheering on their people's collective demise. As the world starts falling apart some see it merely as a sign that they're on the right path or as an unfortunate sacrifice in order to reach some far away promised land. Yet even if that goal is never reached and things just keep getting worse, a significant portion of the population will refuse to reflect or consider veering off course. History is crammed with such tragedies.

Seeing as how the past 70+ pages evolved I have no doubt in my mind that if there were no lockdown and Jay saw massgraves being filled and trucks full of bodies going in and out the city by the day, he would only shrug, considering their lives sacrifices for some greater good, the economy, as he commuted to his office to blueprint a new airconditioning system for the local morgue to help them rid the stench of dead. He'll believe that other people must surely realise their jobs are more important than their loved ones, that their income keeps the country stable and prosperous, all while people around him drop like flies. The government wouldn't be able to save them anyway, it is useless to try. At least there's money to be made.

It is a truism of all times that as catastrophe befalls society the ugliest in our midsts will rear their heads to remind us that civilisation is only a thin veneer suppressing their brutish, unempathetic, inconsiderate selves. When misfortune strikes a community, it's the selfish natured who refuse to reconsider their positions and who cannot admit their own failures and mistakes who you really should be most wary of.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-04-18 11:44:03)

Artifice of Eternity
https://www.reddit.com/r/GhanaSaysGoodb … our_voice/

Can we make this happen for our friends getting out there and living brave?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Aye up duck!
+440|6744|England. Stoke

Jay wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

"Venomous." From the guy who told me I wanted to see my parents die so I *checks notes* "wouldn't feel self-conscious about using hand-sanitizer in public.
No one reads your posts and no one respects you.
Irony, despite everything that happens and the shit that gets posted on here, I have some respect for everyone except Jay because he's constantly utterly wrong and lacking in understanding in every subject that's mentioned, which despite this he dives into with gusto and speaks like he knows everything thats needed to counter everyone else who disagrees with him.
And his little tantrum he's thrown there, has cemented it.

I also like the way he's making out we're all manic depressive, doom merchants predicting the end of the world when no one is saying anything of the sort, were just disagreeing with his short sighted, selfish rantings.

Last edited by coke (2020-04-18 12:22:44)


Pochsy wrote:


Can we make this happen for our friends getting out there and living brave?

e: I wonder why Jay is so insistent on his kids getting a good education when he thinks the opinions of experts is bullcrap.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6720|United States of America
It's annoying because the denialism is always going to have an excuse. If we did things right, a minimal amount of people would get infected, and even less would die so it wouldn't appear that bad because everyone worked to break the chain of transmission. If we really fucked it up and overloaded the healthcare system to cause people to die in the streets, the reasoning would be "this was always gonna be bad; there's nothing we could have done!" It's the mindset of people who stop taking medicine for mental illnesses the second they don't feel crazy. The US is on the cusp of a curve flattening right now, and these people are three steps ahead of themselves.

I was recently reading about Gunnison, Colorado and what how they isolated themselves for months during the Spanish flu and prevented any deaths from it by doing so. That shit would absolutely not fly today because some jackass would throw a selfish tantrum that he's being repressed.
trump thinks the NYT reporters are lousy and third-rate, but then they post things like this.


the CDC massively fucked up its own testing, after ignoring WHO advice, and badly compromised america's response.

in normal times an administration would take responsibility for this. not trump. too busy turning people against journalists.
The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

I would sacrifice every one of you

Jay wrote:

Its strange how aggressive, selfish and dissonant American society is.
One of the most socialist nations in the world (based on tax and spend measures) is also the nastiest. Sad!

I'm sure Jay identifies with the Oregon ranchers sticking it to the gubmint as he rides the metro to his job installing HVAC in schools, no dissonance there.
Must be terrible being stuck at home with the wife and kids, lets get them off to school ASAP and never mind if it kills their grandparents.
The lockdown, only going to work every other day, has been a terrible imposition, time to get the AR15 and block a hospital entrance with the truck!

I think it comes down largely to infantilism, American education is terrible 'maths grads just plug numbers into equations!', many Americans never seem to learn anything or grow up.
Children throw tantrums if they're made to admit a mistake, now they can't accept that electing a four-time bankrupt with a brain clogged with burger fat might have been an error and they'll defend that decision to the death, blaming everyone but themselves.

Its like Vietnam all over again. Better to kill hundreds of thousands of people than stop and reset.
At least no peasants are dying this time, its mostly obese boomers.

Maybe the US is on the right path, I really doubt it.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-04-18 17:23:29)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX
Meanwhile China is taking the opportunity while the world is tied up with their bat-flu to clamp down on Hong Kong.

Police in Hong Kong have arrested 15 of some of the city's most high-profile pro-democracy activists.
The group includes 71-year-old media tycoon Jimmy Lai as well as a number of prominent lawmakers.
They are accused of organising, taking part in or publicising unauthorised assembles during last year's mass protests in the Chinese territory.
They are due to appear in court next month.

The government has not explained the high-profile arrests but they come days after Beijing's most senior official in the city called for a new security law to deal with dissent.

Apparently they plan to retake Taiwan by 2021 and achieve world domination by 2049.
Everything seems to be going according to plan.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Swapping office teams to every other day seemed boneheaded anyway given what little we knew and what we now know about how long this virus lasts on various surfaces and in different environments.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6658|Little Bentcock
What on earth is going on in Sweden, they are dropping like flies over there.

coke wrote:

Irony, despite everything that happens and the shit that gets posted on here, I have some respect for everyone except Jay because he's constantly utterly wrong and lacking in understanding in every subject that's mentioned, which despite this he dives into with gusto and speaks like he knows everything thats needed to counter everyone else who disagrees with him.

And his little tantrum he's thrown there, has cemented it.
Don't forget this:

Jay wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

"Shut the fuck up already." From the guy who hijacked 80+ pages of the pandemic thread to tell us it was *checks notes* "just the flu."
Would you rather have 2 pages of circle jerk where everyone is in agreement that the world is going to end and its best if we all just listen to and obey all authority and not complain too much. Oh, and orange man bad. There, I've summed up 80 pages of rebuttals. I'm out, this is a waste of my time.
Without Jay providing zero useful insight, we'd only be at "two pages" (never mind all the other discussion and linkage not centered around him). You should all be thankful.

Does anybody have a way to contact him and tell him he's still welcome to come back and talk about his deck? I want to know how progress on that is going, but I feel like my Jay privileges have just been revoked.
The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Why is he wearing a mask if the coronavirus was a hoax.
The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX
Why do libertards always have the same angry-squinty expression?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
frEedoM > death and/or communism and/or staying at home and/or closing the Cheesecake Factory

this is the part where ordinarily jay would step in with some fine-sounding hifalutin’ nonsense about how americans are so fiercely independent, goon europeans with their socialist cults just won’t understand ... when paul revere rode that colt through town at night, ringing them bells ... the british are coming! the british are coming! you won’t understand how these words echo through the american soul, like the plymouth rock being dropped in a well ... like the words of adam smith, or voltaire, or william buckley. we are a noble and brave people who mostly sit on our asses and vote in presidents to concoct trade wars on our behalf ... no i will not move town or re-train to find employment are you insane ... i am free to expect government help and free to dismiss expert advice ... oh say can’t you see ...

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-19 01:33:20)

The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX
Forget Sweden, Russia is proper fucked, line is vertical now.
They're going to need a lot of faulty Chinese masks to get through this.

Aus is doing remarkably well.
If Morrison's sole talent, and it seems to be, is to defer to competent people then thats all he needs.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
australia has some pretty big advantages in its low population, even lower population density, and incredibly fucking huge and remote setting. it would take a triumph of the will to get coronavirus to perth. even the virus has weighed up the transit time by train and said ‘no’.
The X stands for
+1,810|6141|eXtreme to the maX
Probably a combination of luck and early intervention.

We have a lot of Chinese residents and students, and the govt took the flak when they were made to isolate on entry, in hindsight should definitely have been supervised quarantine.

Otherwise people have generally been well behaved, not twats.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
funny how your leader follows the science on pandemics but not climate change, eh? selective reckonings. his lord works in mysterious ways, alright ...

Adams_BJ wrote:

What on earth is going on in Sweden, they are dropping like flies over there.
it is rampant in their nursing homes, which are of course under-reported in the death statistics, there and pretty much worldwide.

but hey, jay thinks it's a great strategy to let the virus run rampant. now lots of people can't say goodbye to their loved ones. sweden is so so smart!

and of course the nursing home staff aren't taking it with them to the rest of the open society. nope! not possible!

now the swedish are very angry at the 'failures' of their government. woops!

Lena Einhorn, a virologist who has been one of the leading domestic critics of Sweden’s coronavirus policy, told the Observer that the government and the health agency were still resisting the most obvious explanations.

“They have to admit that it’s a huge failure, since they have said the whole time that their main aim has been to protect the elderly,” she said. “But what is really strange is that they still do not acknowledge the likely route. They say it’s very unfortunate, that they are investigating, and that it’s a matter of the training personnel, but they will not acknowledge that presymptomatic or asymptomatic spread is a factor.”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ … s-strategy

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-19 05:28:02)

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