
coke wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

The first of 500 Marines have begun deploying to Spain as part of a new rapid reaction force to respond to threats against U.S. citizens, government personnel or installations in Africa.

The new task force is based at Moron Air Base in southern Spain, which provides quick access especially to northern Africa, where security concerns have grown since the September 2012 attack on a U.S. government facility in Benghazi, Libya, a Pentagon official told CNN.
Living in southern Spain all expenses paid? God those military people sure have it tough. I hope they get a huge parade and lots of government benefits when they get home. Living in Spain is a rough ass job.
I'm guessing even on a cushy posting such as that, if you were there you would probably have a complete mental breakdown and or have killed yourself within six months...
I don't know where that came from but okay. Thanks for your input.
Aye up duck!
+440|6750|England. Stoke

Macbeth wrote:

coke wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Living in southern Spain all expenses paid? God those military people sure have it tough. I hope they get a huge parade and lots of government benefits when they get home. Living in Spain is a rough ass job.
I'm guessing even on a cushy posting such as that, if you were there you would probably have a complete mental breakdown and or have killed yourself within six months...
I don't know where that came from but okay. Thanks for your input.
I'm just sick of your strange obsession of bashing the military.
Yes they get certain benefits with their job, but it's job that you wouldn't/couldn't do. And the downsides/potential hazards of the job are a lot more serious than taking acid whilst doing your homework and posting rants about the military on the internet.

Last edited by coke (2013-04-26 07:06:41)

stay classy russia
Pussy Riot band member Tolokonnikova denied parole
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova stands behind bars inside the courtroom in Zubova Polyana (26 April 2013) Nadezhda Tolokonnikova told the judge that six months at a penal colony was time enough

A court in north-eastern Russia has denied parole to one of the jailed members of the punk band, Pussy Riot.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who is serving a two-year sentence, had been eligible for early release from a penal colony.

She and two other members of Pussy Riot were convicted in August of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.

They were arrested after performing an obscenity-laced "punk prayer" in protest against President Vladimir Putin at Moscow's main cathedral.

An appeals court suspended the sentence of one of the convicted women, Yekaterina Samutsevich, in October, but upheld the jail terms for Ms Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhin.

On Friday, Ms Tolokonnikova attended her parole hearing in the town of Zubova Polyana wearing a dark green prison uniform with a white scarf.

"I have spent enough time in the prison camp. I've had enough of studying it. Six months is time enough," she told the judge, according to the Rapsi legal news agency.

Her lawyer also argued that Ms Tolokonnikova's five-year-old daughter, Gera, needed her mother, and presented an appeal for her release signed by several prominent human rights activists.

The penal colony opposed her request, saying she had failed to "repent" and had received reprimands for failing to greet a prison official while she was in hospital and refusing to go for a walk at a Moscow jail.
Uzique The Lesser
she's the hottest one, too. damn you russia.
Uzique The Lesser

coke wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

coke wrote:

I'm guessing even on a cushy posting such as that, if you were there you would probably have a complete mental breakdown and or have killed yourself within six months...
I don't know where that came from but okay. Thanks for your input.
I'm just sick of your strange obsession of bashing the military.
Yes they get certain benefits with their job, but it's job that you wouldn't/couldn't do. And the downsides/potential hazards of the job are a lot more serious than taking acid whilst doing your homework and posting rants about the military on the internet.
whilst i agree he does have a bit of an obsessive fixation, i do pretty much agree with macbeth. we put way too much chauvinistic pride in our country's military. they get accorded honours and high respect for a job that no citizen asked them to do. there is no conscription, they weren't forced into anything. most of them left school barely having completed their GCSE's. many of them are wayward youths that join the military for the discipline and order it restores to their lives. we shouldn't salute all of our soldiers as heroes. most of them are just profiting from a war that no one - probably not even half the armed personnel themselves - believes in.
it's way worse in the states. no matter where you go you will run into a vet or family/friend of a vet. the "support our troops" mantra is blindly repeated in every avenue of american society. to a certain point you get sick of hearing that bullshit. no one wants to examine the reality behind war. everyone wants to sit down and digest the garbage on the telly set.

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England

13/f/taiwan wrote:

it's way worse in the states. no matter where you go you will run into a vet or family/friend of a vet. the "support our troops" mantra is blindly repeated in every avenue of american society. to a certain point you get sick of hearing that bullshit. no one wants to examine the reality behind war. everyone wants to sit down and digest the garbage on the telly set.
Because it's not about being pro-war. It's about thanking people who have volunteered to defend the nation. It's not their fault that they are moved out of a defensive role and sent overseas to kill brown people. Again, that blame lies completely and utterly at the feet of the politicians running the country. It's like blaming the bullet for a gun death. Someone had to load it, aim it, and pull the trigger for it to do its damage.

Would you rather we go back to the days when draftees were spit on as they got off the plane coming back from Vietnam? The support our troops stuff is a direct consequence and reaction to your hippy professors indiscretions as a youth. Good.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+572|6699|BC, Canada
To be honest, who thinks they are joining the American military in a defensive role?
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

13/f/taiwan wrote:

it's way worse in the states. no matter where you go you will run into a vet or family/friend of a vet. the "support our troops" mantra is blindly repeated in every avenue of american society. to a certain point you get sick of hearing that bullshit. no one wants to examine the reality behind war. everyone wants to sit down and digest the garbage on the telly set.
Because it's not about being pro-war. It's about thanking people who have volunteered to defend the nation. It's not their fault that they are moved out of a defensive role and sent overseas to kill brown people. Again, that blame lies completely and utterly at the feet of the politicians running the country. It's like blaming the bullet for a gun death. Someone had to load it, aim it, and pull the trigger for it to do its damage.

Would you rather we go back to the days when draftees were spit on as they got off the plane coming back from Vietnam? The support our troops stuff is a direct consequence and reaction to your hippy professors indiscretions as a youth. Good.
"volunteered to defend the nation". where do you get this shit from? again, it's the valorized notion of the soldier from ww2. 'defend' the nation? iraq and afghanistan were unilateral displays of force and aggression. shock and awe. vast technological superiority. invading foreign sovereign nations. "defend the nation". the only thing you defended was an illegal war alibi and capitalist interests. such heroes.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England

-Whiteroom- wrote:

To be honest, who thinks they are joining the American military in a defensive role?
Most of the people I served with? Sure, we got some gung-ho patriotic types after 9/11, but most of us joined to defend the country, not invade foreign lands.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+572|6699|BC, Canada

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

coke wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

I don't know where that came from but okay. Thanks for your input.
I'm just sick of your strange obsession of bashing the military.
Yes they get certain benefits with their job, but it's job that you wouldn't/couldn't do. And the downsides/potential hazards of the job are a lot more serious than taking acid whilst doing your homework and posting rants about the military on the internet.
whilst i agree he does have a bit of an obsessive fixation, i do pretty much agree with macbeth. we put way too much chauvinistic pride in our country's military. they get accorded honours and high respect for a job that no citizen asked them to do. there is no conscription, they weren't forced into anything. most of them left school barely having completed their GCSE's. many of them are wayward youths that join the military for the discipline and order it restores to their lives. we shouldn't salute all of our soldiers as heroes. most of them are just profiting from a war that no one - probably not even half the armed personnel themselves - believes in.
This, its not like there is some ever present war on the doorstep and they are running off to defend the homeland. If you are joining up, you will likely be off in a foreign land, fighting a shallow lie of a war, against a inferior foe.

Plenty of veterans of ww2, Korea,  and Vietnam still alive to honor.
Uzique The Lesser

Ilocano wrote:

Plenty of veterans of ww2, Korea,  and Vietnam still alive to honor.
and none of them here on bf2s. i'll give respect where respects are due. but not by default to a veteran 'just because'. this isn't the 19th century.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-26 11:14:14)

+572|6699|BC, Canada

Jay wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

To be honest, who thinks they are joining the American military in a defensive role?
Most of the people I served with? Sure, we got some gung-ho patriotic types after 9/11, but most of us joined to defend the country, not invade foreign lands.
Defend the country from what? Who's invading?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Jay wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

To be honest, who thinks they are joining the American military in a defensive role?
Most of the people I served with? Sure, we got some gung-ho patriotic types after 9/11, but most of us joined to defend the country, not invade foreign lands.
Defend the country from what? Who's invading?
Shrug. Who can predict the future? Is it likely? No. It's the fact that they are volunteering to do a shitty job that is ideally for the benefit of your nations society is why they should be respected. A pissant going to college with daddy's money that has never done anything for anyone but himself doesn't deserve that automatic respect, and would, of course, resent it.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Winter is coming and disdain for the Night's Watch comes to mind.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England
America should've stayed out of Europe for WWI and WWII. We had no business getting involved in foreign adventures that didn't benefit us in any way. Fuck those veterans too, they're just baby killers.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+572|6699|BC, Canada
Cause those wars were the same as invading Iraq and all...

Jay, you could not possibly have believed that when you joined the military, that it would be in a defensive role. Humanitarian at best.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Cause those wars were the same as invading Iraq and all...

Jay, you could not possibly have believed that when you joined the military, that it would be in a defensive role. Humanitarian at best.
When I joined, Clinton was president, 9/11 was a year away, and the biggest thing going on was Kosovo. Yes, I thought I would serve in a defensive role, or on a humanitarian mission. I did not expect to go to war with Iraq, and I was, and still am, opposed to that invasion. To somehow blame me for being sent overseas is what I find to be abject stupidity on the part of certain forum members. Like seriously, seriously, stupid and just petty in the worst possible way. It doesn't make me look bad, it makes them look bad for holding the opinions they do. But, these are people that respect nothing and do nothing that isn't completely self-serving so why should I expect otherwise? Whatever.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England
And they weren't all that different from Iraq, nor was Vietnam. What differentiated them? The fact that we were provoked by the Lusitania sinking? Seems pretty comparable to Saddam Hussein flouting UN agreements in importance.

In all cases, US troops left our own soil to further our interests abroad. In WWII it was in our interests to keep England and France from speaking German on a permanent basis (for some reason) so we went. Germany presented next to no threat to us aside from some U-boats we became pretty proficient at sinking. We could've sat out of both wars and been fine.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Never mind having to tell your  spouse you won't be there day to day to help raise your kids, attend their birthdays and graduation,  comfort a wound or hurt emotion, and such.   Things most people take for granted.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England
2/3rds divorce rate in my battalion after our deployment.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

2/3rds divorce rate in my battalion after our deployment.
poor babies. honestly making out people join the military for altruistic or humanitarian reasons is a joke. you joined it just as 'self-servedly' as anyone else here who you criticize for their "selfish" private-sector lifestyles. you have said here explicitly in the past that you mostly joined so it would put you through college. you "didn't believe in [the] war", and you had dropped out of an IT degree and were seeking direction. now you want to revise that whole period of your life and make out you weren't a lost 20-something looking for something to do, and you instead were seeking to do something noble, "defend your country", find "humanitarian" work, against those 'self-serving' crowds how convenient!

total bs. and the comparison to europe in ww1/ww2 is an absolute joke. one of the funniest things you have ever said here.
Uzique The Lesser
look at the fine US veteran at the end of this innocuous and pleasant video


"I killed them in the army, I don't need to meet them!"
"You racist prick!"

Both statements are stupid.

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