Vroom Vroom

you got that right.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6517|Foothills of S. Carolina

So I just started playing this last night, any thoughts or ideas for me?
That Guy
+236|5079|Massachusetts, USA
What country are you playing down first?
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6517|Foothills of S. Carolina

I dunno, what ever it starts out with.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
All of them...
That Guy
+236|5079|Massachusetts, USA
I would start off with russian tanks because they're the easiest to learn on. Germans and the UK are the hardest.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke

UnkleRukus wrote:

I would start off with russian tanks because they're the easiest to learn on. Germans and the UK are the hardest.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
I played German tanks from the get-go but a lot of the other tank lines seems a lot easier.  Germany pushes you through some shit in the first five tiers of its main tank lines and it's kind of obsolete now with all the nerfs but it has good SPGs and awesome Tank Destroyers.  It's a great sniper line really but your armor is going to be shit until you get a Tier VIII and even then almost all the tanks have ridiculously large weakpoints everywhere.

American tanks have very hard-hitting guns but their tanks seem to be slower on average than other tanks, some of their newer tanks don't follow that trend so much though.  Of note is the Chaffee, it's one of the best light tanks in the game and probably the best scout tank period.  It's got a decent top gun for its tier that can harass and sometimes finish off larger tanks and the upgraded turret will allow you to scout things from absolutely forever away.

British tanks are very fast and versatile light-medium scouts and skirmishers but I hear their heavy line is shit.  The medium line is some of the most fun I've had in the game so far though, just make sure you get your suspension upgraded quickly at every tier(as most people say you should anyway) because as the fast and agile tanks they are, it's extremely important to have the extra turning radius and suspension HP to take hits and hard landings to keep you mobile.

French tanks are the very shittiest grind in the game for at least the first 4 tiers of both their tank lines but their high-tier autoloaders are insane from everything I've seen with the ability to put so much damage down in so little time from their 4 round drum magazines while also being among the fastest tanks in the game.

Haven't played any Russian tanks at all so I couldn't comment on that but they're constantly getting buffs all over the place so you can't really go wrong with them.

Haven't played Chinese tanks too much, I'm at Tier IV right now, but I will say they're a pain in the ass to upgrade because the tanks are bits and pieces from all different nations, so not many of the parts are transferable to the next tier until you get to Tier VI and you can either go the Soviet surplus heavy line or the Chinese-designed medium line with more standardized parts on each side like the other nations.  It's basically an expensive line is what I'm trying to say unless you're just grinding your way through the first few tiers with the bare minimum parts researched.
That Guy
+236|5079|Massachusetts, USA
UK Heavies are highly competitive and pretty fucking awesome when used right. In my Black Prince I've bounced BL-10 shots from ISU-152s on many occasion. I've taken ltier 8 heavies on and won.  They have very high penetration guns, that are very accurate with a very high rate of fire. (232 pen, doing 250 damage a shot every 4-5 seconds on the Caern.) 500 damage per 10 seconds is competitive with tier 10 guns.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
Yeah they looked awesome to me but everybody else told me medium line was much better so I didn't bother.  I might just reconsider.  Their armor seems like it's always really good for the tier and I like the high-penning fast-firing guns they have, many of which I've already unlocked playing the Cromwell.  I can't imagine having to use those short Tier V British 75s again, they were soooooo awful until I finally got the longer one which kicks ass.

The Comet looks like a piece of shit statistically but everybody I've asked says they love it so I might at least go that far with the medium line first.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
The British mediums are probably more fun than the heavies to play, but there is nothing wrong with them (i'm up to the Centurion 1 and the Carnaervon).

On the whole people who moan about the Brit heavies don't know how to play them. Yes they are slow which can be frustrating, but once you learn how to angle them you can bounce shots all day long and you can deal damage back because of the high pen guns. If your a decent player with experience you can easily do well in them.

At first the Comet will feel like a bit of downgrade from the Cromwell (which is awesome, I've kept mine) but once it's fully upgraded and you get used to it, you'll feel like your in a slightly better protected Cromwell and can start reproducing the good rounds you get in the Cromwell.

Also get a Matilda and rape...
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
I decided to go through the first part of the heavy line like you said while the X5 was still in effect.  Managed to upgrade to the MK X-B gun on the Matilda as well as everything else except suspension and WOW what a fun tank!  It sees and hits things from forever away even with a 55% crew and penetrates almost any armor it finds like a hot knife through butter.  It doesn't even matter that it's so slow, it's the perfect auto-sniper.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
Churchill I is a very frustrating tank to play, the long 75mm is great on the Cromwell for harassing things on the go as a fast medium and mild sniping but it doesn't have enough alpha or accuracy on the Churchill as an extremely slow heavy tank.  Then again my crew is only about 55% so we'll see.  The extremely long body with centered turret combined with the low alpha gun also makes this one of the worst urban tanks in the game easily.

I think I gotta take a break from this game again though.  I find after playing it for a few days at a time, it puts me in a rotten mood for everything and eventually it goes away if I don't play for a while.  It's just that frustrating of a game because it's ruined by all this shitty players and you get completely screwed on a loss unless you have premium

Last edited by _j5689_ (2013-04-16 16:53:43)

Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
Churchill just angle it and soak up damage with the tracks, the only problem arises if they are smart enough to switch to shooting the turret.

And why are you playing tanks with 55% crews? Always make sure you have enough money to train them to 75%, playing them with 50% crew training is only going to make playing tanks extremely frustrating and give a false impression of how good the tank is. It's not really like the crew training is all that expensive...
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
Saves me 100K by not having to do it.  It's not usually an issue either, except on certain extremely slow tanks like the Churchill.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
Yeah but tbh it's a false economy. You save the money in the short term, but with the bad performance you get as a result makes the grind harder, the 100,000 you spend on training the crew will pay for itself because the tank will perform better and you'll make more money/xp with it.
Most importantly if it's a crew you're going to move up the tech tree the faster you can develop those perks/skills the better, because they are crucial at higher tiers.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
Yeah I guess you're right.  I'm nearly halfway to 75% already but if this tank stays as frustrating as it is, I might just have to spend the money anyway.

My Tiger II feels like a sports car compared to it, so zippy and agile, lol.  Can't wait to get the E-75
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

Yeah I guess you're right.  I'm nearly halfway to 75% already but if this tank stays as frustrating as it is, I might just have to spend the money anyway.

My Tiger II feels like a sports car compared to it, so zippy and agile, lol.  Can't wait to get the E-75
E-75 can be a pain till you get the top gun. When you're that high tier ALWAYS pay for the extra crew training.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6760|Riva, MD
I decided to add a gun rammer and it looks like that's all it took to make this tank usable, this is two rounds later:

Last edited by _j5689_ (2013-04-18 16:07:38)

Is that game any good?
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6517|Foothills of S. Carolina

Its taking me a little to get into it, but it looks pretty good once you get out of the starting issues.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

I decided to add a gun rammer and it looks like that's all it took to make this tank usable, this is two rounds later:

Get some bloody vents on there as well!
Jeez you're such a skinflint with your credits, you should always have a rammer and vents at least! then just dismount them with 10 gold when you sell the tank and you can put them straight on the next one.

Oh btw I have my highest score with the Churchill I, 1930 xp.

Last edited by coke (2013-04-19 03:50:59)

Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
Have you American server guys got the 300 gold for changing your password?
Vroom Vroom

Yes, i've just done it.
Aye up duck!
+440|6752|England. Stoke
Ah cool, just thought I'd keep people the heads up.

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