+101|6720|Southern California

elmo1337 wrote:

After 1.3 patch it should be like this:

One gets teamkilled, punishes


Get ban from all online games, im gonna work @ EA GAMES later
lol  idk what this means but it sounds funny. I was hoping to go the other direction with TKs.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6787|Malaga, EspaƱa
Admins that are abusing the system:

*Un-rank their server
*wipe the admins stats
*ban the admin on everything he got for 3 months

Sounds hard, but they have to stop acting like 12 yr old retards

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-05-20 17:27:11)

+101|6720|Southern California

FromTheAshes wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
You didn't read what I wrote - I was looking at what I was firing at, he wasn't looking where he was running. Thank You for proving my point!!!  People don't pay enough attention to be given responsibility to make split second judgements.

Go ahead and neg karma me on this - it demonstrates my point. Admins aren't bad, nor are players but when an Admin abuses power to cover his own mistakes then there is a problem...
No, you need to move your gun away when your teamate comes into your crosshairs.
Wow you are truly challenged.

I will try more slowly. 

Bullets in flight
Dude runs and spawns into them.
Dude didn't check where he was going and thought he was the only one in the battle.
Dude dies.

BTW a friend of mine TKed him to for the same thing. Unintentional the guy just runs into target areas. IDK why maybe he is trying to get his knife badge. lol

OpsChief wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

You didn't read what I wrote - I was looking at what I was firing at, he wasn't looking where he was running. Thank You for proving my point!!!  People don't pay enough attention to be given responsibility to make split second judgements.

Go ahead and neg karma me on this - it demonstrates my point. Admins aren't bad, nor are players but when an Admin abuses power to cover his own mistakes then there is a problem...
No, you need to move your gun away when your teamate comes into your crosshairs.
Wow you are truly challenged.

I will try more slowly. 

Bullets in flight
Dude runs and spawns into them.
Dude didn't check where he was going and thought he was the only one in the battle.
Dude dies.

BTW a friend of mine TKed him to for the same thing. Unintentional the guy just runs into target areas. IDK why maybe he is trying to get his knife badge. lol
No, my mom says im special, im not challenged! I have something called ADD, whatever that is. Just WATCH WHERE YOUR BULLETS ARE FLYING.
+101|6720|Southern California

FromTheAshes wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

No, you need to move your gun away when your teamate comes into your crosshairs.
Wow you are truly challenged.

I will try more slowly. 

Bullets in flight
Dude runs and spawns into them.
Dude didn't check where he was going and thought he was the only one in the battle.
Dude dies.

BTW a friend of mine TKed him to for the same thing. Unintentional the guy just runs into target areas. IDK why maybe he is trying to get his knife badge. lol
No, my mom says im special, im not challenged! I have something called ADD, whatever that is. Just WATCH WHERE YOUR BULLETS ARE FLYING.
LOL you seem to think my entire BF2 experience begins and ends with this one part of this one battle where a bitchy admin got upset and threatened me?  I have watched many many bullets fly in and out of this game m8. With exception of that stupid red nametag glitch I almost never TK, except when nitwits ignore multiple verbal and visual warnings and run into artillery strikes or back when mines killed friendlies o.O 

Please forgive my previous comment about being challenged. I was the one challenged because I had failed to keep you on my topic. As for the ADD just apply the "Do It Now" behavioral habit and scale it to the level needed.

P.S> If you choose to join the military someday be damn careful you don't take that attitude you don't get to punish someone if you run into his bullets that are already in flight. "Look both ways before you cross the street" is what your mom told you way back when.....

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-05-20 18:08:03)


Smaug wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

It gets worse when, in some cases, the punisher is an Admin with extended punishment rights (power to kick) and no more self control than anyone else. I got threatened today with only 2 TKs in that game without a so much as a "why are you doing that?" as the Admin didn't ask why it was happening. Admins in particular should ask first threaten later please. I have been TKed more in one game by my own clan members and laughed even when I was running into their bullets so whats the problem?
Admins are donating their time and already have their games screwed up by idiots questioning EVERY kick or warning they dole out.  EA has made the games so short with their idiotic low ticket count, that an Admin barely gets to play during a round, as it is...  So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book), he should have a lengthy, time wasting conversation about why you didn't have the good sense to stop shooting, once you saw a friendly come into view...  Your argument makes about as much sense the Army's explanation for why they hid the truth in the Pat Tilman friendly fire death, in Afghanistan...  It's simple, YOU are shooting in HIS direction and YOU can see him, but HE may not see YOU.  It's YOUR responsibility not to shoot HIM, not HIS to avoid YOUR bullets...  I can't wait for you to get stuck in Iraq, so you can try to explain how you shot your platoon all to hell, just because they didn't avoid running in front of your gung-ho, shoot it if it moves, M-16...
They shouldn't take on the responsibility if they can't be responsible. Whos admin butt are u kissing?
I don't need to kiss butt, I AM an Admin...  Try it some time, then come back here to bitch and whine about how unfair the world is...

OpsChief wrote:

First I really appreciate and admire good admins. They work hard, most of them. Some take advantage of their position to mold the game their way. Thank God it's only a few.

Have you ever personally conducted a military investigation? You don't sound like it. You sound like a news media armchair lawyer (a cross between a couch potato and a barracks lawyer). Your comments look like you didn't read my post either. And don't tell me you never saw someone run or spawn into bullets in flight. Unless you are always a lone wolf and never engage beyond 5 meters you have seen it. period.  It wasn't the TK that pissed me off it was the abuse of power...
First off, I give diddley squat about what you have investigated or not investigated.  This is a game where old people all the way down to children are playing.  YOU need to be responsible for your bullets, Period...  Most Admins that get TKed immediately kick, since 95% of the time it's intentional.  If you don't like the odds of getting kicked, be careful where you point.  We don't have the same view in this game that a real human does, so he can't be looking behind himself at you, while running forward.  Contrary to what you seem to believe, the world is NOT your oyster and it doesn't revolve around you.  If you shot your team mate in the back, it was your fault, regardless of the circumstances.  If his back is to you, he can't see you.  What happened is you were so focused on your kill/points, you didn't give a damn.  Since you had the misfortune to kill an Admin, you feel a need to puff up your chest and shout about how wronged you were and make yourself feel righteous.  If he had perm-banned you, THAT would have been an abuse of power.  As it was, he did what any Admin would do.  There aren't many coincidences in TKing, it's usually some smacktard.  If you explained and apologized, most Admins would have been apologetic for the kick and explained why it happened.  It sounds like you'd rather complain that try to work it out...
+101|6720|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

....So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book...
I offer great appreciation to the free time and lost game time you give to the BF2 community but it's your choice too am I right?

Your quote is exactly what I am talking about....admins are equal to anyone else in the game as far as the play goes. If an admin thinks he is too special to risk the same things anyone else does in the game he should hang up his spurs. What is it? Kill an admin go to jail?  lol  Admins need to separate the two distinctly different roles.

I don't play on servers that say "respect admins". This is wrong because respect is an earned relationship between people, like it or not humans don't respect corruption and forcing respect is an act of tyranny (inherently corrupt) so run the logic out... lol damn im giving a class in leadership & sociology. 

What they really mean by "respect" admins is either to "appreciate" or to "fear" admins.  And that is closer to the truth isn't it. Admins are people subject to frustration and if willful and emotional then likely to act out with available tools. People with power having little or no exposure to the Ethics of Authority are historically likely to be tyranical. Now don't get upset because this comment only applies to those it applies to, which is not all admins or people. If this pisses you off maybe you need to check your actions as admin again and see if you feel clean (not 'justified' but 'clean'). If you do then you are probably an ethical admin and I salute you.

Much thanks and keep up the good work my hat is off to you.
screw Admins and, there shit . People that jump in and, punish . They are new thus noobs. But I try to play ruff get points and, punish is small point loss after 5 minutes. So I'm sorry that happened but go big screw a small -2 point loss.

OpsChief wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

....So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book...
I offer great appreciation to the free time and lost game time you give to the BF2 community but it's your choice too am I right?

Your quote is exactly what I am talking about....admins are equal to anyone else in the game as far as the play goes. If an admin thinks he is too special to risk the same things anyone else does in the game he should hang up his spurs. What is it? Kill an admin go to jail?  lol  Admins need to separate the two distinctly different roles.

I don't play on servers that say "respect admins". This is wrong because respect is an earned relationship between people, like it or not humans don't respect corruption and forcing respect is an act of tyranny (inherently corrupt) so run the logic out... lol damn im giving a class in leadership & sociology. 

What they really mean by "respect" admins is either to "appreciate" or to "fear" admins.  And that is closer to the truth isn't it. Admins are people subject to frustration and if willful and emotional then likely to act out with available tools. People with power having little or no exposure to the Ethics of Authority are historically likely to be tyranical. Now don't get upset because this comment only applies to those it applies to, which is not all admins or people. If this pisses you off maybe you need to check your actions as admin again and see if you feel clean (not 'justified' but 'clean'). If you do then you are probably an ethical admin and I salute you.

Much thanks and keep up the good work my hat is off to you.
Not offended or angered.  When we say "Respect the Admins" that is exactly what we mean.  We would like you to treat the Admins like people.  Not slaves, employees or a filth target for language.  Some servers give the keys to their Admins and turn a blind eye to behavior.  If an Admin is wrong in his treatment of you, there are often logs of the event and at our servers, he will have to answer for that.  Also, many Admins don't always play with their tags on, so if another Admin is behaving badly, they won't be for long... 

Admins often make themselves targets, to more easily see the rule breakers.  When they get killed, say, in an uncapable base and then kick the rule breaker, he runs to places like this and cries "foul", blaming the kick on his killing an Admin.  Yes, he killed an Admin, but he did so in the act of breaking rules.  True Admins don't worry so much about their score or whether they get owned.  They often sit in uncapable bases trying to stay alive, so they can better identify rule breakers. 

As for voluteering to be an Admin...  I didn't.  I was asked to do the job and I accepted the offer.  I am ill, so I spend a lot of time adminning and some just playing.  But I have been an Admin since before BF2 came out and my player name has the word Admin in it and since EA is run by idiots, I have no way of getting rid of that for days when I just want to play.  When the Tag add on screen came out, I had too many points to bother with starting a new account.  I assume that one day I'll give it up and start a new name, playing just for fun.

gene_pool wrote:

If You Don't Want To Heear Complaints Get The Fuck Out Of The "bf2 Complain" Section.
lol how true +1 for tht
+101|6720|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

First I really appreciate and admire good admins. They work hard, most of them. Some take advantage of their position to mold the game their way. Thank God it's only a few.

Have you ever personally conducted a military investigation? You don't sound like it. You sound like a news media armchair lawyer (a cross between a couch potato and a barracks lawyer). Your comments look like you didn't read my post either. And don't tell me you never saw someone run or spawn into bullets in flight. Unless you are always a lone wolf and never engage beyond 5 meters you have seen it. period.  It wasn't the TK that pissed me off it was the abuse of power...
First off, I give diddley squat about what you have investigated or not investigated.  This is a game where old people all the way down to children are playing.  YOU need to be responsible for your bullets, Period...  Most Admins that get TKed immediately kick, since 95% of the time it's intentional.  If you don't like the odds of getting kicked, be careful where you point.  We don't have the same view in this game that a real human does, so he can't be looking behind himself at you, while running forward.  Contrary to what you seem to believe, the world is NOT your oyster and it doesn't revolve around you.  If you shot your team mate in the back, it was your fault, regardless of the circumstances.  If his back is to you, he can't see you.  What happened is you were so focused on your kill/points, you didn't give a damn.  Since you had the misfortune to kill an Admin, you feel a need to puff up your chest and shout about how wronged you were and make yourself feel righteous.  If he had perm-banned you, THAT would have been an abuse of power.  As it was, he did what any Admin would do.  There aren't many coincidences in TKing, it's usually some smacktard.  If you explained and apologized, most Admins would have been apologetic for the kick and explained why it happened.  It sounds like you'd rather complain that try to work it out...
First remember this topic is about abuse of authority not stats or TKing...... and this is the Complaint Department.  Klaarq, m8, you sound like you are taking this personally, I am not attacking admins but the behavior of one particular admin and the reason he felt he could abuse his position.

Assume = ass u me  You lessen us both by thinking you know the specific details that I did not provide as they were not relevent to the topic of abuse.

lol who said I shot him in the back? In the spawn case he spawned at the Suburbs while I was shooting a prone enemy by the phone booth. He was facing and ran toward me for the 1 second after spawning. I had at least one burst in the air when he spawned. The other time was down the hill from the suburbs heading to the Square and he ran laterally into our fire from behind and to my left rear. Since he was coming from behind me he had the visual line to change directions or stop. You need to apply some battlefield geometry before you apply anger m8.  But this doesn't matter. It's what he did about it that is the problem.

And who said he kicked me? Had he kicked or banned me I feel it is my duty to report him. He was not doing what I think you would do in the same situation. You would ask about red nametags and checked line of site and assessed the squad array before making the threats.

If you know anything about me it isn't the stats that I play for. In fact I was focussed on supporting my squad's advance at the times. I can tell you that the Admin in question is stat focussed if you care to know.

The time he spent threatening me is the same time he could have asked what was happening.

I am not a smacktard. That's for the younger or statmonger crowd. I did not name names or servers. I did not attack the individual just the situation. I didn't call him names. If you don't like what I am saying but have no specific reason for it that doesn't automatically make me a smacktard.

I agree with you and believe you don't care about my personal insights as you have said. I'm OK with that.

95% of TKing is intentional??????  anyone else have this data? I bet it is more like 25% or less. Most I have seen was based on that damn redtag bug, overshooting targets, target masking, or people running willynilly into engagement areas and getting hit by everything but the kitchen sink.

Let me Guess. You started reading my first post and got pissed and them assumed you knew everything about me and my comments and proceeded to respond based on your assumptions rather then my comments, and you made the rest up to fill in the blanks.... pretty normal behavior I suppose.

Now what should I respect you for if all I have is your comments in this article? 

I do appreciate the good work you admins do, keep it up.

sHaDy6 wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

If You Don't Want To Heear Complaints Get The Fuck Out Of The "bf2 Complain" Section.
lol how true +1 for tht
It's a little hard to ignore people who come here to complain.  If they had the guts to go to the forums of the server they complained about, I wouldn't be here, I'd be there...

OpsChief wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

First I really appreciate and admire good admins. They work hard, most of them. Some take advantage of their position to mold the game their way. Thank God it's only a few.

Have you ever personally conducted a military investigation? You don't sound like it. You sound like a news media armchair lawyer (a cross between a couch potato and a barracks lawyer). Your comments look like you didn't read my post either. And don't tell me you never saw someone run or spawn into bullets in flight. Unless you are always a lone wolf and never engage beyond 5 meters you have seen it. period.  It wasn't the TK that pissed me off it was the abuse of power...
First off, I give diddley squat about what you have investigated or not investigated.  This is a game where old people all the way down to children are playing.  YOU need to be responsible for your bullets, Period...  Most Admins that get TKed immediately kick, since 95% of the time it's intentional.  If you don't like the odds of getting kicked, be careful where you point.  We don't have the same view in this game that a real human does, so he can't be looking behind himself at you, while running forward.  Contrary to what you seem to believe, the world is NOT your oyster and it doesn't revolve around you.  If you shot your team mate in the back, it was your fault, regardless of the circumstances.  If his back is to you, he can't see you.  What happened is you were so focused on your kill/points, you didn't give a damn.  Since you had the misfortune to kill an Admin, you feel a need to puff up your chest and shout about how wronged you were and make yourself feel righteous.  If he had perm-banned you, THAT would have been an abuse of power.  As it was, he did what any Admin would do.  There aren't many coincidences in TKing, it's usually some smacktard.  If you explained and apologized, most Admins would have been apologetic for the kick and explained why it happened.  It sounds like you'd rather complain that try to work it out...
First remember this topic is about abuse of authority not stats or TKing...... and this is the Complaint Department.  Klaarq, m8, you sound like you are taking this personally, I am not attacking admins but the behavior of one particular admin and the reason he felt he could abuse his position.

Assume = ass u me  You lessen us both by thinking you know the specific details that I did not provide as they were not relevent to the topic of abuse.

lol who said I shot him in the back? In the spawn case he spawned at the Suburbs while I was shooting a prone enemy by the phone booth. He was facing and ran toward me for the 1 second after spawning. I had at least one burst in the air when he spawned. The other time was down the hill from the suburbs heading to the Square and he ran laterally into our fire from behind and to my left rear. Since he was coming from behind me he had the visual line to change directions or stop. You need to apply some battlefield geometry before you apply anger m8.  But this doesn't matter. It's what he did about it that is the problem.

And who said he kicked me? Had he kicked or banned me I feel it is my duty to report him. He was not doing what I think you would do in the same situation. You would ask about red nametags and checked line of site and assessed the squad array before making the threats.

If you know anything about me it isn't the stats that I play for. In fact I was focussed on supporting my squad's advance at the times. I can tell you that the Admin in question is stat focussed if you care to know.

The time he spent threatening me is the same time he could have asked what was happening.

I am not a smacktard. That's for the younger or statmonger crowd. I did not name names or servers. I did not attack the individual just the situation. I didn't call him names. If you don't like what I am saying but have no specific reason for it that doesn't automatically make me a smacktard.

I agree with you and believe you don't care about my personal insights as you have said. I'm OK with that.

95% of TKing is intentional??????  anyone else have this data? I bet it is more like 25% or less. Most I have seen was based on that damn redtag bug, overshooting targets, target masking, or people running willynilly into engagement areas and getting hit by everything but the kitchen sink.

Let me Guess. You started reading my first post and got pissed and them assumed you knew everything about me and my comments and proceeded to respond based on your assumptions rather then my comments, and you made the rest up to fill in the blanks.... pretty normal behavior I suppose.

Now what should I respect you for if all I have is your comments in this article? 

I do appreciate the good work you admins do, keep it up.
When I said 95% of TKing, I was refering to Admins...  I'd say most other TKing is accidental or forced by the TKed player.  I rarely run into a TKer who is intentionally TKing any more. 

I didn't get pissed when I read any of this, accept for the idiots who have to insert profanity to make up for the lost brain cells and fact that they have no real point.  Personally, from what you just wrote, had I been the Admin, there'd have been no discussion.  The TK would have been ignored and forgiven without a second thought.  Your first post was vague and the way most people come here and whine, it was easy to think you were backshooting the Admin.  Also, I didn't mean he kicked you, I was refering to what most Admins due in the case of them being TKed multiple times by the same player.

I don't ask for respect, that is something the people who run the server want to see.  I am realistic and I don't think it's possible to get respect from a player, until he gets on Team Speak and talks to me for some length of time, while playing the game.  Unless he's a total smacktard, he will most likely respect me and my fair treatment of players, onces he's been around me some.
+101|6720|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

sHaDy6 wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

If You Don't Want To Heear Complaints Get The Fuck Out Of The "bf2 Complain" Section.
lol how true +1 for tht
It's a little hard to ignore people who come here to complain.  If they had the guts to go to the forums of the server they complained about, I wouldn't be here, I'd be there...
I have done that before no guts required. If I had a grudge against one person I might but that's not likely. I have found that the server forums are very protective of their own and abusive to posters who are interested in making BF2 better.  I bet I was just unlucky and found two bad ones. I also find a better mix of people and feedback here in BF2s. I hope that since a wide variety of people read this forum that maybe we can all help each others sanity lol

OpsChief wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

sHaDy6 wrote:

lol how true +1 for tht
It's a little hard to ignore people who come here to complain.  If they had the guts to go to the forums of the server they complained about, I wouldn't be here, I'd be there...
I have done that before no guts required. If I had a grudge against one person I might but that's not likely. I have found that the server forums are very protective of their own and abusive to posters who are interested in making BF2 better.  I bet I was just unlucky and found two bad ones. I also find a better mix of people and feedback here in BF2s. I hope that since a wide variety of people read this forum that maybe we can all help each others sanity lol
Other than you, a big part of what I have found, are obviously the people I kick and ban...  lol....
+101|6720|Southern California
give me neg karma I want the medal bitch. For being a asshole you all suck . whats wroung with you hahahahah
+101|6720|Southern California

jrockyourdome wrote:

give me neg karma I want the medal bitch. For being a asshole you all suck . whats wroung with you hahahahah
roflmao  you have too much coffee today? +1 for funniest post today  muhwahahahahahaaaaaaa

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-05-20 20:03:36)


OpsChief wrote:

jrockyourdome wrote:

give me neg karma I want the medal bitch. For being a asshole you all suck . whats wroung with you hahahahah
roflmao  you have too much coffee today?
He's pissed because I gave him a positive karma...  I think he's my new project...

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