+101|6720|Southern California
I reached a level of frustration today about the way TK/Punish is handled in the game. It happens this Admin twice ran into my line of tracers while I was actively engaging enemy foot soldiers. He dies and punishes me. Didn't matter that he ran into my line of fire running into combat without thought of his squad mates. I should have anticipated he would spawn and run into bullets in flight.

It is illogical (whether in game world or IRL) to allow a TKed party to judge in a few seconds whether the TK was intentional or deserves punishment. Some people auto-punish whether TKs are intentional or not and regardless, even clueless of who is at fault. That shouldn't be an option.

It gets worse when, in some cases, the punisher is an Admin with extended punishment rights (power to kick) and no more self control than anyone else. I got threatened today with only 2 TKs in that game without a so much as a "why are you doing that?" as the Admin didn't ask why it was happening. Admins in particular should ask first threaten later please. I have been TKed more in one game by my own clan members and laughed even when I was running into their bullets so whats the problem?

Under combat conditions close to action there should be no punish vote offered. TK punish should be offered only in the non-action areas. A proximity to enemy test, a movement and direction test are needed before the punish prompt appears.

P.S. yes I searched and there were 2 pages of other threads with the words TK and punish in them. Some were too long and the others were rants and personal attacks.
Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
Wrong.  There are many times where you TK and it's not your fault:

You're firing and someone spawning on the SL appears right in front of you.
You're firing and a teammate jumps into your line of fire.
You're driving a transport vehicle and someone runs out in front of you and you cannot swere or stop instantly.
You're flying a chopper, it's getting shot up, and depending on who bails, it charges someone a lot of TKs upon explosion.
You're taking off in the jet/chopper/tank/APC and some jerk throws themself in front of you to penalize you for taking "their" vehicle.
Your parachutes tangle and assess you the TK.
You're in a chopper/tank and a teammate in a lesser, easier to control vehicle crashes into you.
You toss a grenade and your teammates chase it like candy.
You have mines/claymores strategically placed, one of your teammates camp on it, they get set off when enemy comes along.
AA missile locks onto enemy, doesn't hit, locks onto friendly.
Red/blue bug mixup, where your teammate with red name/dot on minimap is not closeby to see uniform.

Last edited by Pinto (2006-05-19 17:59:19)

Fantasma Parastasie
What really pisses me off is when some random idiot jumps in front of you when you are shooting, you can't fire anymore because of him, but your enemies will simply spray untill he is dead and kill you before you can get out of there.

TKing needs lots of fixing. Runway blocking, TKing for vehicles, teamkilling for little reason at all.. It really can get to you sometimes

Pinto wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
Wrong.  There are many times where you TK and it's not your fault:

You're firing and someone spawning on the SL appears right in front of you.
You're firing and a teammate jumps into your line of fire.
You're driving a transport vehicle and someone runs out in front of you and you cannot swere or stop instantly.
You're flying a chopper, it's getting shot up, and depending on who bails, it charges someone a lot of TKs upon explosion.
You're taking off in the jet/chopper/tank/APC and some jerk throws themself in front of you to penalize you for taking "their" vehicle.
Your parachutes tangle and assess you the TK.
You're in a chopper/tank and a teammate in a lesser, easier to control vehicle crashes into you.
You toss a grenade and your teammates chase it like candy.
You have mines/claymores strategically placed, one of your teammates camp on it, they get set off when enemy comes along.
AA missile locks onto enemy, doesn't hit, locks onto friendly.
Red/blue bug mixup, where your teammate with red name/dot on minimap is not closeby to see uniform.
Hahahahahahahaha. Don't get me started about tking.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6614|United States
TK punishing is a funny concept, but in all honesty what's the big deal? You lose a few points... who can't double their point loss in 5 minutes?? The only thing I have a problem with are the -intentional- tker's (The guys that sit around with a -25 score). These people need to be added to some kind of master banlist similar to PB. My only suggestion is that admins should include the teamkill limit where it kicks you should you teamkill so many people in a certain amount of time. Now, this sucks especially if you're flying a plane and drop some bombs too early/late and end up waxing an entire squad of your team. But at least it keeps the intentional tker's away and teaches you to pay more attention to shit. That's just my two cents. Every server should have the tk limit, but it should somehow be tweaked/changed so that if you kill 3+ people at one time (Usually a big accident) then it should count against you.
i love tk :-D lool i dont give a fuck about tking someone .... think about it WTF a tk will be in your stats OOOHHH you have 236 tk oh noo loooll !!! JUST TK WHEN YOU NEED 2 ....


+519|6665|Gold coast, Aus.
Or if your about to leave the server or something. Walk up to teh closest frinedly adn shoot him with a shotty. Say it was the red bug if you get banned. But yea, I barely punish. Other tehn grenades. I am a one man revolution against nades. punishing is the first step :J
I HATE WHEN SALTY BITCHES ARE TOO SLOW FOR THE JET AND GET IN YOUR WAY AND PUNISH........THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.......some servers need better admins......some are good though
+519|6665|Gold coast, Aus.
If You Don't Want To Heear Complaints Get The Fuck Out Of The "bf2 Complain" Section.
+16|6689|my dads balls
today i was on HBD 24/7 ghost town.  the round started i was MEC, i was running towards the transport chopper, because its impossible to get a jeep as anti tank, so this guy says NEGATIVE 3 times then blows me away 3 feet from the chopper.  in the server rules it says base rape is allowed, its war deal with it, and no tk especially for vehicles this is an instant ban.  so i try to get an admin to discuss this guy, who has been doing that to me for every vehicle under the sun.  and i got kicked for whining and all i said was is there an admin on.  so i reconnected and asked WTF, and just went along and raped the enemy main base, i killed the admin 5-6 times and he kicked me for no base rape.  i think some admins need to have thier ass beat, read your own rules HBD guys, cmon.

BeerzGod wrote:

TK punishing is a funny concept, but in all honesty what's the big deal? You lose a few points... who can't double their point loss in 5 minutes?? The only thing I have a problem with are the -intentional- tker's (The guys that sit around with a -25 score). These people need to be added to some kind of master banlist similar to PB. My only suggestion is that admins should include the teamkill limit where it kicks you should you teamkill so many people in a certain amount of time. Now, this sucks especially if you're flying a plane and drop some bombs too early/late and end up waxing an entire squad of your team. But at least it keeps the intentional tker's away and teaches you to pay more attention to shit. That's just my two cents. Every server should have the tk limit, but it should somehow be tweaked/changed so that if you kill 3+ people at one time (Usually a big accident) then it should count against you.
The issue is that if you're punished, you can be kicked/banned from a server if you get several TKs, which many might not even be your fault.  Getting kicked might not be a big deal, however it can screw you over on an award or if near-capacity, can have someone else grab your spot when you're playing with other friends.  Additionally, if you're in a full blackhawk, even not piloting, bail, and later it explodes, can give -20, which happened to me before.  Luckily only two of the five punished.
+48|6737|United States of America
TK punishing is the most idiotic concept of BF2... I would say that 80% of the people who play this game auto-punish for TK's. Its rediculous. You lose 4 points whether they punish you or not, so why is it even there? To help run the server and kick TKer's, but when every player is punishing for accidental TK's it loses the concept.

On our server I usually dont get punished for accidental TK's probably because they know that I can kick them for being an idiot.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6787|Malaga, España
I,m glad that the Power up hungry punishers has been fixed,

and i,m happy that some servers have the Punishment option disable so just an -2 if u TK someone. Fair enought i think
This space for rent
+117|6621|Arlen, Texas

bf2_me wrote:

i love tk :-D lool i dont give a fuck about tking someone .... think about it WTF a tk will be in your stats OOOHHH you have 236 tk oh noo loooll !!! JUST TK WHEN YOU NEED 2 ....


TK for spelling errors.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6670|Sea to globally-cooled sea
it should be the way it was in DC.  rather than a simple page up, if you get TKed you need to open the "`" screen and type "ptk".

the reason why people punish is because it's easy, and they're irritated that they died unnecessarily.  Everyone gets irritated when a teammate kills them.  That's natural.

I think they should eliminate the pg up pg dwn function.

OpsChief wrote:

It gets worse when, in some cases, the punisher is an Admin with extended punishment rights (power to kick) and no more self control than anyone else. I got threatened today with only 2 TKs in that game without a so much as a "why are you doing that?" as the Admin didn't ask why it was happening. Admins in particular should ask first threaten later please. I have been TKed more in one game by my own clan members and laughed even when I was running into their bullets so whats the problem?
Admins are donating their time and already have their games screwed up by idiots questioning EVERY kick or warning they dole out.  EA has made the games so short with their idiotic low ticket count, that an Admin barely gets to play during a round, as it is...  So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book), he should have a lengthy, time wasting conversation about why you didn't have the good sense to stop shooting, once you saw a friendly come into view...  Your argument makes about as much sense the Army's explanation for why they hid the truth in the Pat Tilman friendly fire death, in Afghanistan...  It's simple, YOU are shooting in HIS direction and YOU can see him, but HE may not see YOU.  It's YOUR responsibility not to shoot HIM, not HIS to avoid YOUR bullets...  I can't wait for you to get stuck in Iraq, so you can try to explain how you shot your platoon all to hell, just because they didn't avoid running in front of your gung-ho, shoot it if it moves, M-16...

Last edited by Klaarg (2006-05-20 12:09:56)

This space for rent
+117|6621|Arlen, Texas

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

It gets worse when, in some cases, the punisher is an Admin with extended punishment rights (power to kick) and no more self control than anyone else. I got threatened today with only 2 TKs in that game without a so much as a "why are you doing that?" as the Admin didn't ask why it was happening. Admins in particular should ask first threaten later please. I have been TKed more in one game by my own clan members and laughed even when I was running into their bullets so whats the problem?
Admins are donating their time and already have their games screwed up by idiots questioning EVERY kick or warning they dole out.  EA has made the games so short with their idiotic low ticket count, that an Admin barely gets to play during a round, as it is...  So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book), he should have a lengthy, time wasting conversation about why you didn't have the good sense to stop shooting, once you saw a friendly come into view...  Your argument makes about as much sense the Army's explanation for why they hid the truth in the Pat Tilman friendly fire death, in Afghanistan...  It's simple, YOU are shooting in HIS direction and YOU can see him, but HE may not see YOU.  It's YOUR responsibility not to shoot HIM, not HIS to avoid YOUR bullets...  I can't wait for you to get stuck in Iraq, so you can try to explain how you shot your platoon all to hell, just because they didn't avoid running in front of your gung-ho, shoot it if it moves, M-16...
They shouldn't take on the responsibility if they can't be responsible. Whos admin butt are u kissing?
+186|6603|The real world
After 1.3 patch it should be like this:

One gets teamkilled, punishes


Get ban from all online games, im gonna work @ EA GAMES later
+101|6720|Southern California

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
You didn't read what I wrote - I was looking at what I was firing at, he wasn't looking where he was running. Thank You for proving my point!!!  People don't pay enough attention to be given responsibility to make split second judgements.

Go ahead and neg karma me on this - it demonstrates my point. Admins aren't bad, nor are players but when an Admin abuses power to cover his own mistakes then there is a problem...
+101|6720|Southern California

BeerzGod wrote:

TK punishing is a funny concept, but in all honesty what's the big deal? You lose a few points... who can't double their point loss in 5 minutes?? The only thing I have a problem with are the -intentional- tker's (The guys that sit around with a -25 score). These people need to be added to some kind of master banlist similar to PB. My only suggestion is that admins should include the teamkill limit where it kicks you should you teamkill so many people in a certain amount of time. Now, this sucks especially if you're flying a plane and drop some bombs too early/late and end up waxing an entire squad of your team. But at least it keeps the intentional tker's away and teaches you to pay more attention to shit. That's just my two cents. Every server should have the tk limit, but it should somehow be tweaked/changed so that if you kill 3+ people at one time (Usually a big accident) then it should count against you.
Agreed intentional TKers suck. Not what this thread is about....

OpsChief wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
You didn't read what I wrote - I was looking at what I was firing at, he wasn't looking where he was running. Thank You for proving my point!!!  People don't pay enough attention to be given responsibility to make split second judgements.

Go ahead and neg karma me on this - it demonstrates my point. Admins aren't bad, nor are players but when an Admin abuses power to cover his own mistakes then there is a problem...
No, you need to move your gun away when your teamate comes into your crosshairs.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6787|Malaga, España

FromTheAshes wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

FromTheAshes wrote:

Look where you aim before you fire. It's your fault.
You didn't read what I wrote - I was looking at what I was firing at, he wasn't looking where he was running. Thank You for proving my point!!!  People don't pay enough attention to be given responsibility to make split second judgements.

Go ahead and neg karma me on this - it demonstrates my point. Admins aren't bad, nor are players but when an Admin abuses power to cover his own mistakes then there is a problem...
No, you need to move your gun away when your teamate comes into your crosshairs.
And Thank god for it that the guy that moved in front of you catches all the bullets from the enemy.
+101|6720|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

It gets worse when, in some cases, the punisher is an Admin with extended punishment rights (power to kick) and no more self control than anyone else. I got threatened today with only 2 TKs in that game without a so much as a "why are you doing that?" as the Admin didn't ask why it was happening. Admins in particular should ask first threaten later please. I have been TKed more in one game by my own clan members and laughed even when I was running into their bullets so whats the problem?
Admins are donating their time and already have their games screwed up by idiots questioning EVERY kick or warning they dole out.  EA has made the games so short with their idiotic low ticket count, that an Admin barely gets to play during a round, as it is...  So sure, after you TK an Admin(a pretty dumb thing to do, in anyone's book), he should have a lengthy, time wasting conversation about why you didn't have the good sense to stop shooting, once you saw a friendly come into view...  Your argument makes about as much sense the Army's explanation for why they hid the truth in the Pat Tilman friendly fire death, in Afghanistan...  It's simple, YOU are shooting in HIS direction and YOU can see him, but HE may not see YOU.  It's YOUR responsibility not to shoot HIM, not HIS to avoid YOUR bullets...  I can't wait for you to get stuck in Iraq, so you can try to explain how you shot your platoon all to hell, just because they didn't avoid running in front of your gung-ho, shoot it if it moves, M-16...
First I really appreciate and admire good admins. They work hard, most of them. Some take advantage of their position to mold the game thier way. Thank God it's only a few.

Have you ever personally conducted a military investigation? You don't sound like it. You sound like a news media armchair lawyer (a cross between a couch potato and a barracks lawyer). Your comments look like you didn't read my post either. And don't tell me you never saw someone run or spawn into bullets in flight. Unless you are always a lone wolf and never engage beyong 5 meters you have seen it. period.  It wasn't the TK that pissed me off it was the abuse of power...

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