soup fly mod

I know I'm going to get killed for saying this but I really don't agree with everybody complaining about base/spawn raping.  IMHO this is just whining...even though this happens to be the majority people (or maybe a vocal minority).  The objective of the game is to kill the other team...all's fair as far as this objective goes!!!!

I just don't get it.  Its part of the game.  There will be times when you will be screwed and you will die 20+ times as you try to make your way out of a your only remaining base...but that part of the game.  I don't care if you have no chance!  I don't care if its not fair!!!  If your team puts itself in the position to only have one flag then you deserve the ass whooping and the other team deserves to spank you until you cry "daddy".  Those that complain are basically saying: "we didn't play as a team, we didn't follow our commander's orders, we got our ass kicked in combat, but still...give us a chance to get back into the game...otherwise its not fair".  HA!  Guess what, you deserve your fate.  If you don't like it and don't want to ruin your k/d ration then don't respawn.  Or better yet, rethink your approach to teamwork and you won't find yourself in this position again.

As far as a tank sitting around and picking of those who spawn at a point, well that's fine by me to.  Spawn somewhere else.  Or better yet, respawn with an anti tank kit and the tank don't stand much chance.  Believe me, i have plenty of hours in a tank but there's not much to do when a determined anti-tank attack is launched on you.

There's a saying: "All's fair in love and war" (i don't mean that its literally war)...if you accept this proverb, then you'll have to agree that there's NO such thing as baseraping:)

ADDITION:  I had to add this part from a post by B.Schuss because it contains a link to a fantastic 5 page article about gaming theory:

that's simply the way the game works. You either win or lose. Sirlin calls this "playing to win", a  theory in gaming. I refer you to his article, which opened my eyes to that concept. … nPart0.htm

Please take the time to read it. It's a total of 5 pages or so.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2005-12-07 09:52:56)

purple sticky punch
+0|6823|englewood FL.
man this should be stickied and locked!
nicely said man
Or they all disconnect from the server and you have to find another one.  If its a capturable base go for it and kill away but if its a non-capturable base you're just being lazy.

Last edited by Tegerian (2005-10-27 15:09:55)

If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
The Forum Alien
+89|6815|The planet Tophet
Base Raping Is War Deal With It I Agree Base Raping Is Allowed

Tegerian wrote:

Or they all disconnect from the server and you have to find another one.  If its a capturable base go for it and kill away but if its a non-capturable base you're just being lazy.
If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
I respect your opinion even though it is quite moronic.  When I bought this game, I had no intention of playing fair.  Overcome and adapt.  Dont whine like a fuckin mule.

Last edited by Lawk (2005-10-27 15:44:19)

+0|6777|San Diego, CA
I wholeheartedly agree with the poster of this topic. This is war. Your job is to win at all costs (no dorks, I did not say cheat with your latest hack). Morality, ethics and scruples need to always take a distant second in the heat of battle or you will find yourself staring at the re-spawn screen more then your gunsights. Any junior level commander can tell you the effectiveness of cutting off the enemies supply line and mobility. If this translates to you as wreaking hell and havoc where the point of origin is, then consider yourself moderately adept in comprehending a basic law of survival on the battlefield. Second place is the first loser. You want to chat and yuk it up with your buddies, go to IRC. On my battlefield, be prepared to kill or be killed.

Last edited by pUBL1c_eN3Ma_No._1 (2005-10-27 15:55:02)

I respect your opinion even though it is quite moronic.  When I bought this game, I had no intention of playing fair.  Overcome and adapt.  Dont whine like a fuckin mule.
AMEN!!!  I couldn't have said it better myself.

Last edited by Xponential (2005-10-27 15:53:57)

Good post, superfly... I totally agree. 

It's not raping, it's not "stat padding" (wtf?)... it's containment. Strategy. Keep the enemy locked up in their base and they can't take yours. 

Besides, it's really not that tough to sneak out of your base if you spawn in a good spot, just think outside the box a little. Stay off the roads, swim away, go the opposite direction of what would seem logical, etc...

Whiners can go play Duck Hunt for all I care.


If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
u have the option of not spwning there or spwning somwere else...

Honestly, for the most part I don't really disagree. There are times where, because of load times, one team can have  a MAJOR advantage in stopping the other from ever even leaving their first spawn (think a good chinese chopper pilot/gunner and plane pillot on Dalian Plant -- kills any US hope of ever leaving that damn carrier. I know, i've been that chopper pilot.) In those cases I can see it being a little unfair, but most of the time it IS because the other team suck(ed|s) and put themselves into that position.


I don't really enjoy baseraping that gets kinda boring. I'd much rather pull back to the first capable flag and play defense. I find it far more enjoyable and dynamic to repel an onslaught than to just circle strafe helplessly spawning idiots.
Whats the fun in not playing fair..........thats all I am saying.....there is no challenge in base raping.
Pojebany Hlop
+1|6848|Sicily, Italy
agree, been on boath sides of the fence

shit, if i'm in a tank and there is no ground troops i'm not going in at all, i'll stay back and take out whatever i can till back up arrives.  like original poster said AT kicks tanks ass now even more with 1.03 patch. 

lol @ =GK=TATTOOED you got to be kidding me right? if you won't mind may you explain to us how that is stat padding.

Last edited by Stasiek (2005-10-27 16:23:24)

soup fly mod


Whats the fun in not playing fair..........thats all I am saying.....there is no challenge in base raping.
if you have a problem with others being able to "base rape" then complain to EA Dice who have created a game in which it is possible to do so...don't bitch to the opponents or worse yet: the admin!!!!  cause you know what?  if you don't attack w/o mercy cause you think its unfair then the other team will do it to you...then you'll get the 20+ deaths and start punching your screen.

as far as those that do it for stat padding, let em.  if some guy on my team gets a 4:1 k/d ration by baseraping/statpadding then he is helping my team win cause your tickets are going down.  plus, any decent player should be able to take care of stat-padder without too much difficulty.

next thing you know people will be saying "dont attack medics who are trying to revive/heal or engineers who are fixing stuff cause they ain't a threat"...or better yet "don't attack me while i'm reloading cause i can't fire back"...

Last edited by superfly_cox (2005-10-28 02:46:09)

Destroy Noob Cannons
I just don't think it's right when people Rape while they could be taking the flag. THEN it's raping/statpadding. because they could be ending our misery completely by capping that flag and moving onto the next.
And don't come off with "we're clearing the area for our troops" bulls#$^. If you capped the flag to begin with, there wouldn't be any threat for your troops.
if u can cap the flag then its allowed imo
if its a main base wich u cant cap then its stats pushing imo.
if my ass get spawn camped then i leave after 2-3 kills so simple.
+7|6846|California, USA
If you can't defend your flag, retreat to the next nearest flag, lol.

Lawk wrote:

Tegerian wrote:

Or they all disconnect from the server and you have to find another one.  If its a capturable base go for it and kill away but if its a non-capturable base you're just being lazy.
If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
I respect your opinion even though it is quite moronic.  When I bought this game, I had no intention of playing fair.  Overcome and adapt.  Dont whine like a fuckin mule.
I respect your opinion also retard, now that the pleasantries are done with I said it was lazy I didnt say anything about it being fair.
It's not base raping.. it's "Strategicly containing the enemy's position." right?
I'm indifferent here, i've been on both sides of it. It sucks being the victim, but whatever.. you do what you can.
And it's fun being the aggressor, but not nearly as much fun as an opponent with a good stance to fight back.
Mad dawg
Well i agree with that there is no such thing as baseraping. But sorry to say ur quite one noob urself there Supperfly. If u look at ur tank kills that takes up over 2/3 or ur enire score. Congrats ur now a noob. Well i do agree with u. And dont say im a noob cause i play with the most difficult weapon. Assult. It has no medic, no extra points for laying packs and is all in the art of killing. But yea i agree almost all the way with u.


If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
No that is NOT stat padding.  Stat padding is where you and some other noobs run off somewhere and resupply, med, whatever to rack up 200+ points in a game while everyone else is playing the game. With little to no actual participation in the round.  (Or course that is the short answer)

With that said I never sit in a base and kill, basically it's boring, and I play to have fun
+0|6769|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass
This is for pUBL1c_eN3Ma_No._1 and *TS*tphai:
Stop trying to sound like a badass with your "this is war" bullshit.
This, this, this, this, this, this, and this is war. And don't even say anything back, because you've never seen such things except on the internet.

As for spawn camping, go for it; just don't sit at an exact spot and fire your jackhammer as soon as a player model pops into your sights.
The New Evolution in gaming...
+14|6766|Cardiff, Wales
Ok, so my first post!

For me and my clan server we don't have a single definition of spawn camping due to the contorversy it causes. However, we only allow Spec-Ops into the uncap to destroy commander assets. The enemy is not allowed to come in with a tank and blast away, nor snipers or anything. Only Spec-Ops, and they can only stay if waiting for a crate or to steal some wheels. We have a warning on the server not to spawn camp, but if we find people doing it we warn them, then kick them.

This only applies to UNCAPS, we have no probs with players camping other points, within reason of course, they cant land a chopper on they roof of a building, go in the gunner seat and kill when the AA cant get to them.
+8|6776|Kannapolis,North Carolina
One of the best posts ive read yet. GGz.
temporarily off subject: Whiteboy88, your sig link is a riot

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