The All Rounder
+22|6802|Rotherham, England
I was playing dalian plant earlier and i log in to this server (cant rememebr which one it was), and i decide to spawn at  airfield to get a jet and then i see this:

Noobs just wont give it a rest these days, and that screenshot doesn't show how bad it was. There where actually  4 of them on top of jet until enemy F35 strafed a fewe of them off (as shown by top rleft corner and by the dead bodies around the jet).
They proceeded to do it until they got in the jet and i myself fell victim to it. I think i ended up with -15~ before i'd even left the ground.
Then they even had the nerve to start kickvoting against the guy in the jet that killed them.
That is the problem when servers turn friendly fire off, because atleast if it is on the noobs will just shoot you out the cockpit which atleast gets them a teamkill rather than you having to run them over.

Anyway's just thought i'd vent a little bit, and post a screeny of these gayboys in action. I'm off to find a decent game to play with no noobs........ now where did i put my copy of pacman?

Last edited by mjw (2006-05-19 06:04:53)

+191|6670|The Netherlands
Omg Wat A Noob Server
+ 1 for you becose you joint that server

Last edited by niekjejeje (2006-05-19 06:06:02)

The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6716|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
OMG why can't all servers be like that!!.

My biggest gripe about this game is the superiority that the air vehicles have.  I can't fly, I don't want to fly, I hate getting blasted by those bombs falling from the sky but I absolutly love owing the very same pilots on the next infantry map.

If all servers were like that i wouldnt be the only I heading into battle at the start of a map whilst all my team mates try and get into the 1 jet left on the airfield only to get rolled ove...........ooops, we just lost the 1st flag, we already loosing and look, they are re spawning for the 1 jet again.
The All Rounder
+22|6802|Rotherham, England
is it just me or has the picture stopped working?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6737|Howell, Mi USA
U know what it is though. Those asshole knobs got no skillz so they use jets. They can't fight on the ground so they fly, and will go to pathetic measures to make sure u don't use "their" jet. I say these idiots should get a nice hardware ban. This is also y i quit playing Wake.

anywho +1
Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield

1927 wrote:

OMG why can't all servers be like that!!.

My biggest gripe about this game is the superiority that the air vehicles have.  I can't fly, I don't want to fly, I hate getting blasted by those bombs falling from the sky but I absolutly love owing the very same pilots on the next infantry map.

If all servers were like that i wouldnt be the only I heading into battle at the start of a map whilst all my team mates try and get into the 1 jet left on the airfield only to get rolled ove...........ooops, we just lost the 1st flag, we already loosing and look, they are re spawning for the 1 jet again.
Wow....I bow down to my almighty. Took my words! +1000000000000000000000000000000000000 karma for you!
i hate you all
i hate you all
Now this is why people fight over them:
It sure felt good to beat the shit outta Ill*NaYmL3sS guy/gay;)
Normally when I see stuff like that going on, I'll spawn on the other team and set up camp with the sniper rifle.  It seems to get the point across to the noobs rather quickly that it isn't worth waiting for the jet all of the time, lol.

Fredrik wrote:

Now this is why people fight over them:
It sure felt good to beat the shit outta Ill*NaYmL3sS guy/gay;)
You have -2.

1. You got lag and tked
2. Your a noob baseraper in a jet who tked for the jet
3. Your a noob baseraper and can't control a jet and tked
4. A teammate provoked the tk.

Having minus as team points when piloting tells me that your a noob pilot. I always have +, because I get a lot of kill damage assists.

Don't be greedy so you kill yourself.
Don't bomb empty vehicles with teammates around you. (A lot of pilots do this. It has to stop NOW!)

Edit: God this sounded cocky, but it's the truth.

Last edited by Speelbal (2006-05-19 08:05:55)

i hate you all

Speelbal wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

Now this is why people fight over them:
It sure felt good to beat the shit outta Ill*NaYmL3sS guy/gay;)
You have -2.

1. You got lag and tked
2. Your a noob baseraper in a jet who tked for the jet
3. Your a noob baseraper and can't control a jet and tked
4. A teammate provoked the tk.

Having minus as team points when piloting tells me that your a noob pilot. I always have +, because I get a lot of kill damage assists.

Don't be greedy so you kill yourself.
Don't bomb empty vehicles with teammates around you. (A lot of pilots do this. It has to stop NOW!)

Edit: God this sounded cocky, but it's the truth.
So some guy stand in front of my jet? does that make me a n00b? Think before you post

Edit: Only n00bs get tk-assists, cause they dont shoot them down propably

Edit 2: I totally agree with you btw

Last edited by Fredrik (2006-05-19 08:12:40)

I am British!
+124|6725|England and damn proud

Speelbal wrote:

Having minus as team points when piloting tells me that your a noob pilot. I always have +, because I get a lot of kill damage assists.
LOL dude u are a noob pilot if u missed them and got kill damage assists, if ur good u dont miss

Damn u Fredrick u beat me +1 any way

Last edited by rustynutz (2006-05-19 08:13:46)

+32|6710|Edinburgh, Scotland

1927 wrote:

OMG why can't all servers be like that!!.

My biggest gripe about this game is the superiority that the air vehicles have.  I can't fly, I don't want to fly, I hate getting blasted by those bombs falling from the sky but I absolutly love owing the very same pilots on the next infantry map.

If all servers were like that i wouldnt be the only I heading into battle at the start of a map whilst all my team mates try and get into the 1 jet left on the airfield only to get rolled ove...........ooops, we just lost the 1st flag, we already loosing and look, they are re spawning for the 1 jet again.
I love people like you, all through flight maps you bitch and moan at me saying I can't fight properly on the ground.  Then in the next map, I kick your ass on the ground.

Truth be told, you suck at this game and you'll take any chance to pretend it's not your fault.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6716|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
No thats not me. During the game I'm too busy trying to get kills rather than moan and bitch using the "j" key. Next map you probably wont beat me again as mentioned very few people can dominate both in the air and on the ground.  There is no way I'm spending my game time bitching instead of playing, waiting for a jet, rather than playing.

You wont find a single thread created by me on the net saying "moan moan, pilots, bitch bitch spawn rape", I might of added to a post, but not created one.

Truth be this fella, I'm ok at the game but you won't see me saying I'm the best, im average and that for me will do.  And as mentioned I keep my bitching to forums when I'm not wasting any gaming time.
+153|6790|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6737|Howell, Mi USA

If u guys haven't read this post u should, it's funny
Fantasma Parastasie

SteikeTa wrote:

And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
It's a way for people who dislike jet pilots to get back at them. 'Tis as simple as that. Although I love asking people "So, what do i suck at now?" when I beat them time after time with my trusty ak.
There is.
+1,380|6733|Devon, England
i see all these posts about crap servers, and i thank god i found a clan that has servers where none of this ever happens, its gr8!

SteikeTa wrote:

And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
In answer to your question try and picture this:    64 man serv

Round starts say for eg Kubra Dam. We are both Mec. You spawn at airfeild along with 33% of the team. I spawn at refuelling (i think) head along the bridge and lay my engineer mines where the USA vehicles move along the windy road heading from their base.

You unfortunatly missed the jet and are waiting with 95% of the original 33% for a plane to respawn.  In that time you might get bombed by USA jets, may not. Now not just down to you, but a collective YOU ie, the others still waiting, we are loosing ground up ahead where the action is, we have just lost the Bridge base due to just a few of us being there, we are down in defensive numbers due to the "party" at the airfield.

Look at them, they are hopping, spinning around, dolphin diving, chucking ammo packs around, spotting enemy boats and moaning to themselves that theres never a plane when your waiting for one.

At this point would you agree with me that whoever has the jet must be pretty hot? it hasnt been shot down yet, he's still buzzing about in the sky.  Perhaps you would be so noble that when it does crash you let the skilled pilot contiune. Yes you may be better, but he's doing well, if it isnt broken dont try and fix it!!

I hope from the above people will realise that I do appriciate pilots.  Iwouldnt bother spotting tanks, apc's etc as I make my way on land if I didnt.

Check my stats, it shows I have played usa, I have the medal infact, however for months I have been MEC/PLA, at first it was for the golden schpincter now though it's to avoid getting blown up all the time.

I hope the above helps to answer your question.
+99|6679|New York
enemy boat spotted
Kick His Ass!
+371|6737|Howell, Mi USA

1927(h) wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
In answer to your question try and picture this:    64 man serv

Round starts say for eg Kubra Dam. We are both Mec. You spawn at airfeild along with 33% of the team. I spawn at refuelling (i think) head along the bridge and lay my engineer mines where the USA vehicles move along the windy road heading from their base.

You unfortunatly missed the jet and are waiting with 95% of the original 33% for a plane to respawn.  In that time you might get bombed by USA jets, may not. Now not just down to you, but a collective YOU ie, the others still waiting, we are loosing ground up ahead where the action is, we have just lost the Bridge base due to just a few of us being there, we are down in defensive numbers due to the "party" at the airfield.

Look at them, they are hopping, spinning around, dolphin diving, chucking ammo packs around, spotting enemy boats and moaning to themselves that theres never a plane when your waiting for one.

At this point would you agree with me that whoever has the jet must be pretty hot? it hasnt been shot down yet, he's still buzzing about in the sky.  Perhaps you would be so noble that when it does crash you let the skilled pilot contiune. Yes you may be better, but he's doing well, if it isnt broken dont try and fix it!!

I hope from the above people will realise that I do appriciate pilots.  Iwouldnt bother spotting tanks, apc's etc as I make my way on land if I didnt.

Check my stats, it shows I have played usa, I have the medal infact, however for months I have been MEC/PLA, at first it was for the golden schpincter now though it's to avoid getting blown up all the time.

I hope the above helps to answer your question.
Wow.......just Wow Nicely done
i hate you all

1927(h) wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
In answer to your question try and picture this:    64 man serv

Round starts say for eg Kubra Dam. We are both Mec. You spawn at airfeild along with 33% of the team. I spawn at refuelling (i think) head along the bridge and lay my engineer mines where the USA vehicles move along the windy road heading from their base.

You unfortunatly missed the jet and are waiting with 95% of the original 33% for a plane to respawn.  In that time you might get bombed by USA jets, may not. Now not just down to you, but a collective YOU ie, the others still waiting, we are loosing ground up ahead where the action is, we have just lost the Bridge base due to just a few of us being there, we are down in defensive numbers due to the "party" at the airfield.

Look at them, they are hopping, spinning around, dolphin diving, chucking ammo packs around, spotting enemy boats and moaning to themselves that theres never a plane when your waiting for one.

At this point would you agree with me that whoever has the jet must be pretty hot? it hasnt been shot down yet, he's still buzzing about in the sky.  Perhaps you would be so noble that when it does crash you let the skilled pilot contiune. Yes you may be better, but he's doing well, if it isnt broken dont try and fix it!!

I hope from the above people will realise that I do appriciate pilots.  Iwouldnt bother spotting tanks, apc's etc as I make my way on land if I didnt.

Check my stats, it shows I have played usa, I have the medal infact, however for months I have been MEC/PLA, at first it was for the golden schpincter now though it's to avoid getting blown up all the time.

I hope the above helps to answer your question.
I see your point, and i totally agree. If i don't get a plane and i see that the pilots are doing their job well, i find some other way to help my team. Most of the time, those guys waiting a whole round for it, are lower ranked than gunnery Sergeant...
+7|6800|Boulder, CO

1927(h) wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

And if a jet pilot suck on the ground.......... so what?
Please tell me, so what?
In answer to your question try and picture this:    64 man serv

Round starts say for eg Kubra Dam. We are both Mec. You spawn at airfeild along with 33% of the team. I spawn at refuelling (i think) head along the bridge and lay my engineer mines where the USA vehicles move along the windy road heading from their base.

You unfortunatly missed the jet and are waiting with 95% of the original 33% for a plane to respawn.  In that time you might get bombed by USA jets, may not. Now not just down to you, but a collective YOU ie, the others still waiting, we are loosing ground up ahead where the action is, we have just lost the Bridge base due to just a few of us being there, we are down in defensive numbers due to the "party" at the airfield.

Look at them, they are hopping, spinning around, dolphin diving, chucking ammo packs around, spotting enemy boats and moaning to themselves that theres never a plane when your waiting for one.

At this point would you agree with me that whoever has the jet must be pretty hot? it hasnt been shot down yet, he's still buzzing about in the sky.  Perhaps you would be so noble that when it does crash you let the skilled pilot contiune. Yes you may be better, but he's doing well, if it isnt broken dont try and fix it!!

I hope from the above people will realise that I do appriciate pilots.  Iwouldnt bother spotting tanks, apc's etc as I make my way on land if I didnt.

Check my stats, it shows I have played usa, I have the medal infact, however for months I have been MEC/PLA, at first it was for the golden schpincter now though it's to avoid getting blown up all the time.

I hope the above helps to answer your question.
I was concerned I was the only one that thought of this. At the start of a round if I want to fly I'll spawn at the strip. I usually load faster than everyone so I get the jet. It really pisses me off when I come back to refuel and there are a bunch of morons waiting for the respawn. If I join a server halfway through the map I don't spawn at the jet, I know it's in use, and I know that the person using it will most likely come back for it when he dies. Honestly folks if you want to practice flying, play on unranked servers. Otherwise, help your team. There are plenty of other vehicles you can use to help your team and waiting for one that is in use is a complete waste of time.
+153|6790|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
So if a jet pilot sucks as infantry, he will stand and wait till he gets the jet... alright. So what, let him. Ruins your round, because many others do it also? Find another server. If they like flying better than anything else, its their choice. It probably also happen the exact same thing on the opposite team.

SteikeTa wrote:

So if a jet pilot sucks as infantry, he will stand and wait till he gets the jet... alright. So what, let him. Ruins your round, because many others do it also? Find another server. If they like flying better than anything else, its their choice. It probably also happen the exact same thing on the opposite team.
To make it easier mate, copy and paste what I've actually written. What you have written dosen't correspond to what I have.

However, once I join a EA UK 64 OFFICAL server, thats me for the night. I hate chopping and changing servers.  Of course it's their choice, I would never try and persuade people not to be pilots, my team would loose the round within minutes if thats the case. Just play Kubra for eg, when USA own both airfields.  I fully agree that both teams will have players "partying" in the hangers.

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