liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6821|Canberra, AUS
People who define human life as starting with consciousness are skating rather neatly around the fact that consciousness is an extraordinarily far-reaching, broad, vague and ill-understood term with implications and dependencies on all kind of things. It doesn't make the question any more well-defined, the opposite in fact.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Nic wrote:

eat without an Umbilical cord.
If that's used as a determining factor for humanity, than you could expand that to 'fend for itself' and add a few years to legal termination limits.

e: This imaginary scenario always pops into mind when I hear about the abortion issue: Picture an abortion clinic doc with his pregnant wife in the subway. Someone jostles past her and he reacts, "hey buddy, be careful. I don't want her to miscarry my son."
I didn't read through the whole thread, but has it occured to you, that this discussion is pointless without the input of women? After all, they are the ones who have to go through the process of either giving birth to a child or the process of an abortion.

eleven bravo on page one wrote:

the vagina belongs to men anyways.

Adams_BJ wrote:

I can't put what I want to write into words, its hard for me to form a good argument between my brain and the page but I can give a general run down and hopefully in the discussion following I can get it all out. That plus I'm at work. SO if it doesn't make sense or seem to have a point just ask me to clarify. Its more of a brain fart than an essay. Mind vomit even

Take uziques argument for life, but remember that the brain doesn't all of a sudden switch on to the fact that things are happening around it the second it pops out. There is a strong belief that talking to the baby or singing to it or stimulating it while it is in the womb is beneficial. It starts learning while it is still in the womb. That's where stingray's argument comes in. He was saying that his premature child reacted to the bath etc. That's because everything was put in place while still in the womg. He/she had the capacity already in their body/brain to be able to react to the world. Just because he/she was 8 weeks early doesn't mean it was incabable of everything, it just takes a little more care.

Maybe some of you have heard of visual memory. Everything you see around you, you didn't necessarily recognise the first time you saw it, your brain had to learn what it is. I watched a documentary last night, and one of the parts of it they were doing experiments on babies with the concave mask illusion. Sure the segment wasn't about necessarily about babies reacting to the world in which lowing is (this is getting to lowings argument bear with me), but showing that babies will recognise faces, without conciously realising that they have. Which I believe was lowings argument. That just because it doesn't "know" its learning doesn't mean it isn't learning. At an incredibly advanced pace, by the way. Anyway as I said the documentary isn't based on this subject but more on the fact that what the eye's see isn't exactly what the brain "sees". Interesting show and you can ask me to expand on this point, probably has a lot to do with this subject now that I think about it but not part of my brain fart right now.

So basically I think my point is kind of an expansion on uziques. Lowing seems to be countering uziques argument with it only becomes "concious" (I use the term lightly and not going to use more words again because of work) out of the brain, when it has the tools while still in the womn, ie premie baby, but only after a certain point.

Or something, please please please I know im not making sense just ask me about individual things I should be a little more clear.
In a nutshell, Uzi wants to argue life begins at consciousness, my argument is life begins at conception. Key word being BEGINS. conception is a necessary stage for human life to develop. To end that development at ANY stage IS ending human life. Any argument suggesting it is not, is smoke and mirrors in an attempt to justify or rationalize that termination.
Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
eleven bravo
+1,399|5405|foggy bottom

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
i bet you never realized you were a cannibal
Tu Stultus Es
Better lock up all those women on their periods, just wasting those eggs tut tut

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
I agree. The line should be drawn somewhere for legal reasons, but that's taking it to extremes.

Unless, of course, you want to try millions of teenage boys for massacring untold billions in their sleep.

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
who used the rationale that wasting sperm is ending human life?

lowing wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
who used the rationale that wasting sperm is ending human life?
It's kind of the unavoidable consequence of saying that human life legally begins at conception.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
who used the rationale that wasting sperm is ending human life?
It's kind of the unavoidable consequence of saying that human life legally begins at conception.
only if you are dumb enough to suggest a sperm develops into human life.
Blue Herring

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
I agree. The line should be drawn somewhere for legal reasons, but that's taking it to extremes.

Unless, of course, you want to try millions of teenage boys for massacring untold billions in their sleep.
Well, even when intentionally conceiving, billions of sperm will die. Even if someone never ejaculates in their life, sperm would die. There's not enough eggs on the planet to ensure every sperm conceives from even one ejaculation.

Still, I think the difference between "Result of direct action"(abortion) and "Decision of inaction"(Not conceiving) is important.

Again, there's a clear difference between doing something that MAY result in a life and it not resulting in a life and actively ending a (if nothing else inevitable) life.

Last edited by Blue Herring (2011-04-06 15:52:34)


lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

who used the rationale that wasting sperm is ending human life?
It's kind of the unavoidable consequence of saying that human life legally begins at conception.
only if you are dumb enough to suggest a sperm develops into human life.
That Guy
+236|5182|Massachusetts, USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's kind of the unavoidable consequence of saying that human life legally begins at conception.
only if you are dumb enough to suggest a sperm develops into human life.
Well, now we know.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
onanism is a cult of death
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
That Guy
+236|5182|Massachusetts, USA

Uzique wrote:

onanism is a cult of death
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
seriously it says in the torah that the worst sin a jew can commit, out of everything, is spilling his seed

i think that makes coitus interruptus the equivalent of a cockslap to the face of yahweh
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

seriously it says in the torah that the worst sin a jew can commit, out of everything, is spilling his seed

i think that makes coitus interruptus the equivalent of a cockslap to the face of yahweh
oh. now i get why the little hats on their heads . . .

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's kind of the unavoidable consequence of saying that human life legally begins at conception.
only if you are dumb enough to suggest a sperm develops into human life.
..............annnnnnnnnnddddd that is not what I said
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6769|Little Bentcock

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

only if you are dumb enough to suggest a sperm develops into human life.
..............annnnnnnnnnddddd that is not what I said
cmon guys, lowing is right. Sperm itself won't grow into a baby, it takes a sperm and an egg.

That being said, I don't know if you can count the potential for human life as human life (ie. a fertalised egg)
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone
So a miscarriage is manslaughter?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5405|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
Mike "The Spooge Gobbler" Morales
+376|6124|Blue Mountain State

eleven bravo wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

Using that absurd rationale wasting sperm is ending human life...
i bet you never realized you were a cannibal
lol spooge gobbler

Baba Booey

eleven bravo wrote:

I'd say it's murder, first degree murder.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5630|Bolingbrook, Illinois

DrunkFace wrote:

So a miscarriage is manslaughter?
are you dumb or something?

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