If that's what he meant, then he's wrong. XP was based on the NT kernel, so if you wanted to track the development of it, a better representation would be NT4 -> 2k (NT5) -> XP (NT5.1) -> XP x64 (NT5.2) -> Vista (NT6) -> Windows 7 (NT6.1). 9x was based on DOS, and the last iteration of that was WinME.SonderKommando wrote:
You mean Kernel, right tech boi?Finray wrote:
I hope they don't use the Win7 foundation.. They used the same foundation for, idk, 95, 98, ME and XP, then a different one (based around Aero) for Vista and 7.. I want something new and fresh, kinda getting tired of the bloat and feel of 7.killer21 wrote:
I dunno. Win7 is pretty good. I can't seem them screwing up Win8 (or whatever they are going to call it) since they already have a good foundation with Win7....but then again, this is Microsoft after all.
Something more like Ubuntu would be nice.
Edit: oops! Thanks mikkel!
Last edited by SenorToenails (2010-10-26 19:34:31)