+8|6738|Mission Viejo, CA
I have had it up to here with spies. You know. those times when you have people on your team who have zero points at the end of the round and they havnt done shit. Yes, they are the spies of people who have two computers, and bought two bf2 boxes so they could log the second computer into the same server on the opposite team so they can watch the enemies movements, arty strikes, supply drops etc. I am so f'n sick of this. It is so obvious when, as commander you follow some dude for 30 seconds as he wanders around, then immediately after you put arty on his position, he runs in away as fast as possible. It never ceases to amaze me the extent people will go to, finacially or otherwise to give themselves an advantage to increase their e-penis. Good F'n job wankers!
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
I run 2 copies of BF2 for that exact reason. Helps out alot.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS
Kinda cheap though. I mean, spending an extra 50 bucks just so you look better at a comp game?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+383|6759|The Netherlands

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

I run 2 copies of BF2 for that exact reason. Helps out alot.
Dont you like to play a fair game instead of cheating for more points?

Idlers are kicked from our server after 5 minutes when the server is full. If you keep coming back idling, you will be banned.
Running 2 copies? Why for gods sake would you buy two copies? Tell me you were kidding..

Speelbal wrote:

Running 2 copies? Why for gods sake would you buy two copies? Tell me you were kidding..
---hates you
+1,137|6796|Hell, p.o box 666

what the hell!? Who is such a dumbass and buys two copies of one game, and even a second PC for at least 500 Bucks just to get some points and two seconds of fame on the top of the scoreboard. Are you fucking kidding me? Spend your money on me, I will buy some beer, cheap white women and do a party for the bf2s-community...
PLS PLS TELL ME!! u really didnt buy 2 of the same games just so u cud look better! this wud be REALLY sad...i think even having 2 pcs capable of playing the game is sad but wat u do is the saddest of the sad!

mpec82 wrote:

Speelbal wrote:

Running 2 copies? Why for gods sake would you buy two copies? Tell me you were kidding..
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6884|Germany / Saxony
I have an employee, working on 1-euro-job-base, wich sits in the other team on his own PC and tells me exactly over teamspeak what happens in his team...

Edit: just kidding

Last edited by Eckzack (2006-04-08 04:14:54)

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
The Bunny That Doesnt Hop
+7|6635|Holland - Leiden
Thats just dumb sick and insane!! This game is about having fun!!! NOT ONLY about that stupid STATS. Sometimes it just focks up the gameplay. Everybody is like: NOO MY K/D IS 0.5 THIS ROUND... AHHH. Of course, I think the stats are nice, it's a nice way to extend the playtime. But its just crazy that you have 2 pcs capable of running bf2 in 1 room! Im allready glad I have one!! How insane can you get.....
+383|6759|The Netherlands

[DEI]Flap wrote:

Thats just dumb sick and insane!! This game is about having fun!!! NOT ONLY about that stupid STATS.
I think you are right about this, whats the point in playing any game if you allready know the outcome of it. The idea of playing a fair game is that you dont know if you re gonna win or lose and its all about skills and strategy. Thats what makes it exciting right?

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-04-08 04:00:37)


PheloniusRM wrote:

I have had it up to here with spies. You know. those times when you have people on your team who have zero points at the end of the round and they havnt done shit. Yes, they are the spies of people who have two computers, and bought two bf2 boxes so they could log the second computer into the same server on the opposite team so they can watch the enemies movements, arty strikes, supply drops etc. I am so f'n sick of this. It is so obvious when, as commander you follow some dude for 30 seconds as he wanders around, then immediately after you put arty on his position, he runs in away as fast as possible. It never ceases to amaze me the extent people will go to, finacially or otherwise to give themselves an advantage to increase their e-penis. Good F'n job wankers!
Some players, like me, knows when things are too good to be true. If you know you are at a location where you can inflict your opponent much damage or near unguarded flags, then you run as hell when you hear the arty is fired. If you use a pair of good headphones and EAX you can easily hear the arty beeing fired even at long distances. I know there are people with two players, but most react on the situation and the arty sound.
Its not cheap, its cheating, and anyone who does it should be banned.
Rich people......^^

abbamama wrote:

Rich people......^^
i second to that!
+2|6782|United Kingdom
Or, of course, they've only just joined at the end of the round. Or have Idled because something important came up during loading.

I've got 3 computers in the same room capable of running BF2. Ok, so two of them aren't strictly mine, they are my friends. We bring them together for LAN, and to kick ass on BF2 in the same room. I've never considered using them to do this 'spying' though....don't really understand it either. It's only going to be so useful, maybe avoiding arty, and knowing where the enemy UAV is. But you're probably gunna get shot while you're looking at the other screen.

Heh, and me and my friends do tend to tell each other what's going on in the other team. He's cottoned on to when I say 'someone's coming up behind ya' and then shoot him in the back when he turns 'round :p

Sorry, rambled a bit :p
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6730|Tampa Bay Florida
What a freakin cheater... that's right cheater.  It's not the old fashioned kind of cheating, which is hacking, but it's just plain cheap.  christ.. get a life.  EA should wipe anyones stats who they find going this
+28|6775|Houston, TX
I guess when you suck you have to spend more money. Lol. I'm still waiting for Fancy to give up his PID. He's either really bad or, a padder. Must be hiding something.
a fly
+105|6684|The netherlands

Pubic wrote:

Its not cheap, its cheating, and anyone who does it should be banned.
ofcourse its not cheap!!!!! ea asks 50 euro/dollar for that game!!!!!

*edit: just trying to be funny ill problebly fail*

Last edited by a fly (2006-04-08 08:25:05)

You are talking about people being spies with two copmputers, lol.
Yestarday i was on 24/7 Sharqi Insomnia and one guy from our team keep writing what we were doing. We were playing MEC, so he was keep saying Us mec is going to that, mec arty is there and so on. He was doing it for almost 2 hours.
fire at will!!!
+76|6753|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
lol kind of cheap... but sometimes you see poeople with 0 point at the end of the round because they just logged in, but if you use it as a spy then it is quite dumb really, since it probably only will work for the commanders arty.

[RSN]FSK.nor wrote:

f you use a pair of good headphones and EAX you can easily hear the arty beeing fired even at long distances. I know there are people with two players, but most react on the situation and the arty sound.
Yeah I think 99,21% of the time people will run away because they hear the arty being fired and not because they have 2 players. I can very often avoid arty because I normally hear it at pretty long distances.
+3|6669|Candy Land

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

I run 2 copies of BF2 for that exact reason. Helps out alot.
+3|6669|Candy Land
This is a way that some people could stat pad, I think that if someone has 2 computers they cant have both their accounts on the same server.

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