
Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

If you can honestly defend them getting 20bil in bonuses, i really cbf to debate this with you.
I can defend a free market and a person earning what he has in writting via a contract without any govt. intereference.  Now, are you prepared to defend capping salaries and govt. interefence in private enterprise? All the govt has got to do is not give away any bailout money to them. Instead spend millions on condoms and artists wh osuck at selling hteir works.

you also forgot to comment on the fact that NY will face a deficit now of 1 billion with the absence of those bonuses.
Until you can show proof that those bonuses were required by contract, regardless of the performance of the company, your point is not valid.
Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Lowing you're defending bonus's being received from bail out money?

OK I'm sure that they're are contracts that are need to be honor's, but if your company isn't doing to good I'm sure they'll pay-cut you to make up for profits lost.. Also with these bonuses being full filled, I'm sure that they've cut the fat from the company. Why is it that the CEO's have Job Security and guarantee pay?

Yeah we could use Rail systems, Nuclear Power plants(haven't built a new one since the 70's and just generally fix up our country..
Nope I am defending non-govt. intereference in private enterprise. I do not believe in the bailouts.

Also how about Obama focus on his own cabinets bonuses before he trashes everyone elses, not to mention the taxcheats he employs

Last edited by lowing (2009-01-30 09:43:53)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

Braddock wrote:

Obama Calls Wall Street Bonuses ‘Shameful’

What's it gonna take before these guys stop taking the piss out of the American tax payer?
Well, we started by electing a President who acknowledges and calls out the trash.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Obama Calls Wall Street Bonuses ‘Shameful’

What's it gonna take before these guys stop taking the piss out of the American tax payer?
Well, we started by electing a President who acknowledges and calls out the trash.
Are you sure you wanna stick by that before we talk about the lobbyists and tax cheats he has appointed to his cabinet?
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

I can defend a free market and a person earning what he has in writting via a contract without any govt. intereference.  Now, are you prepared to defend capping salaries and govt. interefence in private enterprise? All the govt has got to do is not give away any bailout money to them. Instead spend millions on condoms and artists wh osuck at selling hteir works.

you also forgot to comment on the fact that NY will face a deficit now of 1 billion with the absence of those bonuses.
Until you can show proof that those bonuses were required by contract, regardless of the performance of the company, your point is not valid.
Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Wrong again.  They were being paid out simply because it was expected because that's the way it's always been. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= … fer=canada

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Until you can show proof that those bonuses were required by contract, regardless of the performance of the company, your point is not valid.
Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Wrong again.  They were being paid out simply because it was expected because that's the way it's always been. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= … fer=canada
When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Wrong again.  They were being paid out simply because it was expected because that's the way it's always been. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= … fer=canada
When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
There was probably some that was contractually required, but not to the extent that was paid.  And I'm not talking about just the top execs, but everyone that received bonuses, all the way down to secretaries.

And I'm going to use one of your favorite words, RESPONSIBILITY.  Even if your contract says that you would still get a certain amount in bonuses, when your company is spiraling down the toilet, losing billions, and requiring billions more from the feds to stay afloat, do you man up and take (at least some) RESPONSIBILITY for the situation and decline those payments beyond your salary until the company is stable again, or do you just continue to hold your hand out?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Obama Calls Wall Street Bonuses ‘Shameful’

What's it gonna take before these guys stop taking the piss out of the American tax payer?
Well, we started by electing a President who acknowledges and calls out the trash.
Are you sure you wanna stick by that before we talk about the lobbyists and tax cheats he has appointed to his cabinet?
You are assuming the guy is a cheat and not just an incompetent baboon..  not to say that being incompetent isn't disturbing.

Kmarion wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

ya mean like when appoints a lobbyist when his policy was clear in NOT apponting any lobbyists?

Or maybe the policy of closing gitmo with no idea as to where or what will become of the inmates?
Yes...  those are much more legitimate complaints.
No they aren't. Listen carefully to what HE meant about the lobbyist Turq.
They can not have lobbied and serve in the same areas.. nor can they return to lobbying during his administration.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

lowing wrote:

THese bonuses are not illegal, what action should he take? I am sure these bonuses were contractual.
Just because it's above board doesn't make it right.
Funny how no one OBAMA appoints is getting scrutenized for the same damn thing, even on this thread.

besides, what makes it wrong?, the fact that you didn't get any of it?
Obama and his "Communist cronies" adside lowing, these guy's entire profession is being kept alive by State-sponsored dialysis at the minute and they're handing out bonuses like fucking sweeties.

How can you countenance that? That 'bonus' money should be eaten up by any rescue plan before a single tax dollar is used.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

The American people in their infinite wisdom elected Democrats to a massive majority to fix these issues.  Relax, nothing can go wrong with this plan.
Except that these bonuses were paid out of the original stimulus while GWB was still in office, and approved by both Dems and Repubs.
Remember the last votes there were far more Republicans opposing it than Dems before it passed, and that is with their President. Same thing happened to the Illegal immigration bill a couple years before. Generally fiscally conservative Republicans not moderate or liberals don't like this spending than the Dems that do.

They obviously deserve these bonuses and should have got a tax cut as well. /Lowing.
Remember you are talking about 50 companies that are doing shit like this compared to the 1000's of companies that could have decent or very good people as CEO's.

Don't think what GWB's fiscal policy has been conservative lately. He had a Democratic Henry Paulson as secretary of treasury, and has been reaching towards the other side of liberalism during his presidency, which in my view is a mistake. I surely don't think Obama is going to reach across the other side like GW did. Unfortunately, Obama has the wrong ideals for these current situations like Bush did.

Last edited by Warhammer (2009-01-30 10:41:16)

Germans did 911
+427|6717|Disaster Free Zone

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Wrong again.  They were being paid out simply because it was expected because that's the way it's always been. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= … fer=canada
When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
Ermmm, a bonus is given as a reward for contributing to the success of the business, most likely in terms of improved share price, net profit margins, capital growth etc etc. If your company needs Billions of dollars from the government to stay solvent then it's not going too well and so no one deserves their 'bonus'.

Tax payers fork out $20billion to go into the pockets of failing execs to stash away in their overseas bank accounts and get $1billion back in tax, wow Lowing.... what a great move the government is rich!!!

Even in boom periods the amount of money these people pay themselves is disgusting, in an economic crisis (Which they are in part to blame) it's bordering on criminal.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Wrong again.  They were being paid out simply because it was expected because that's the way it's always been. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= … fer=canada
When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
There was probably some that was contractually required, but not to the extent that was paid.  And I'm not talking about just the top execs, but everyone that received bonuses, all the way down to secretaries.

And I'm going to use one of your favorite words, RESPONSIBILITY.  Even if your contract says that you would still get a certain amount in bonuses, when your company is spiraling down the toilet, losing billions, and requiring billions more from the feds to stay afloat, do you man up and take (at least some) RESPONSIBILITY for the situation and decline those payments beyond your salary until the company is stable again, or do you just continue to hold your hand out?
Ok, well gee, if my failing airline offered me 1 million dollars, would I take it, or be "responsible" and tell them to keep it? YOu really want me to answer that question?

WHile we are at it how about you ask me if I would rather have an ice cream cone or a fuckin' stick in the eye?
+5,233|6565|Global Command
Welcome to the Great Depression part duex.

You gotta shudder at O's quote;

" There is a time for bonuses, as time for profits, and that time is not now."

You'd expect a massive selloff after words like that.

As for the CEO's;

Bullets are cheap.
I am all that is MOD!

lowing wrote:

I can defend a free market and a person earning what he has in writting via a contract without any govt. intereference.  Now, are you prepared to defend capping salaries and govt. interefence in private enterprise? All the govt has got to do is not give away any bailout money to them. Instead spend millions on condoms and artists wh osuck at selling hteir works.

you also forgot to comment on the fact that NY will face a deficit now of 1 billion with the absence of those bonuses.
Lowing, in a free market the company you work for doesn't get government contracts.  Government interference (through the issuance of hundreds of billions of dollars in bailout money) is what allowed these people to receive bonuses.  Government interference in private enterprise is what allowed your company to receive government contracts.

You obviously have no idea what socialism is by the way you throw the word around.  YOU directly benefit from socialist action by government, yet you decry socialism.

Here is a thought - spend some time reading and understanding what socialism and free markets are, then come back here and tell us what you think.  Or you could keep talking out of your ass and pound out your responses like a troglodyte and wonder why people think you are an idiot.

A good start-
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
The General Theory of Emplyoment by John Maynard Keynes
Das Kapital - Karl Marx

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2009-01-30 11:50:59)

+5,233|6565|Global Command
See my sig
+302|6772|Salt Lake City

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
There was probably some that was contractually required, but not to the extent that was paid.  And I'm not talking about just the top execs, but everyone that received bonuses, all the way down to secretaries.

And I'm going to use one of your favorite words, RESPONSIBILITY.  Even if your contract says that you would still get a certain amount in bonuses, when your company is spiraling down the toilet, losing billions, and requiring billions more from the feds to stay afloat, do you man up and take (at least some) RESPONSIBILITY for the situation and decline those payments beyond your salary until the company is stable again, or do you just continue to hold your hand out?
Ok, well gee, if my failing airline offered me 1 million dollars, would I take it, or be "responsible" and tell them to keep it? YOu really want me to answer that question?

WHile we are at it how about you ask me if I would rather have an ice cream cone or a fuckin' stick in the eye?
We are not talking about you, who earns a decent middle class living, has no say in how the company is run, and your company didn't just receive billions in tax payer dollars.

Now, if you were an executive that already earned an income of high six figures or better, had a say in how the business is run and thus partly responsible for the failings of your company, accepted billions in taxpayer bailout dollars and then still accepted a huge bonus, that would make you worse than the welfare queens about which you so frequently gripe.

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

When youare talking about salaries of this magnitude, it is negotiated, get real
There was probably some that was contractually required, but not to the extent that was paid.  And I'm not talking about just the top execs, but everyone that received bonuses, all the way down to secretaries.

And I'm going to use one of your favorite words, RESPONSIBILITY.  Even if your contract says that you would still get a certain amount in bonuses, when your company is spiraling down the toilet, losing billions, and requiring billions more from the feds to stay afloat, do you man up and take (at least some) RESPONSIBILITY for the situation and decline those payments beyond your salary until the company is stable again, or do you just continue to hold your hand out?
Ok, well gee, if my failing airline offered me 1 million dollars, would I take it, or be "responsible" and tell them to keep it? YOu really want me to answer that question?

WHile we are at it how about you ask me if I would rather have an ice cream cone or a fuckin' stick in the eye?
I'm glad you are happy that your tax dollars are keeping these people's companies afloat while they hand out billions of dollars in bonuses to each other... because I certainly wouldn't!
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
A company has no reason to change its policies and practices if it has the bailout safety net to prevent it from ever going under.
I am all that is MOD!

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

A company has no reason to change its policies and practices if it has the bailout safety net to prevent it from ever going under.
Well look at the bailout of Chrysler 30 years ago - loans were guaranteed only if certain government mandates were met.  The fact that there is no accountability required and no stipulations on how to spend the current bailout money made it that way.  If you look at the UK's action, at least with their bailout funds there were requirements and some accountability.
pub hero!
+603|6417|the land of bourbon

lowing wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

america... land of the greedy, home of the poor
yeah greed is covered in my sig....if YOU achieve and YOU don't give it away, YOU are greedy.
wall street execs taking bailout money as bonuses is hardly "earned."
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6617|SE London

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

I can defend a free market and a person earning what he has in writting via a contract without any govt. intereference.  Now, are you prepared to defend capping salaries and govt. interefence in private enterprise? All the govt has got to do is not give away any bailout money to them. Instead spend millions on condoms and artists wh osuck at selling hteir works.

you also forgot to comment on the fact that NY will face a deficit now of 1 billion with the absence of those bonuses.
Until you can show proof that those bonuses were required by contract, regardless of the performance of the company, your point is not valid.
Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Companies are never contractually obliged to pay out bonuses when their performance has been poor.

That's why they're bonuses, not just salary.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I wonder if we'll start to see Waco communities pop up..
O Canada
+1,596|6441|North Carolina
...and Obama was surprised they'd do this?  It's kind of hard to take his response seriously, considering he voted for the bailout just like Bush and McCain did.

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Until you can show proof that those bonuses were required by contract, regardless of the performance of the company, your point is not valid.
Proof? Companies do not pay out money of that amount with it being owed, and how is owed, through a legal contract.
Companies are never contractually obliged to pay out bonuses when their performance has been poor.

That's why they're bonuses, not just salary.
Maybe their 'target' was to ruin the economy of the Western world and put loads of people out of work?

In that case, mission accomplished good sirs!
+721|6616|the dank(super) side of Oregon
Do keep in mind that many of these financial workers are partially paid on performance.  Some guy down in the basement, selling, fixed income annuities, is depending on that bonus check.  The company he works for might be fucking us over, but he's just doing his shitty little job.

It is annoying when you hear about these executives giving themselves bonuses.  If they had any tact, these already filthy rich cocksuckers would forgo their bonuses until their companies were actually profitable.

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