
Overall Impression of Patch 1.21

It's great16%16% - 65
It's good, but I expect more still34%34% - 136
... Whatever ...27%27% - 109
This doesn't make me happy10%10% - 43
This patch ruins the whole game!11%11% - 46
Total: 399
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6754|Las Vegas

Miller wrote:

Its sucks, I haven't noticed any differences.

Complete piece of shit patch.  I can't exactly say why 'cause "I haven't noticedt any differences" at all but I'm just SURE it sucks!  I just can't tell you why because it's not apparent in any way......just take my word for it though...."Its sucks".  If I notice anything why its sucks I'll be sure to include it in my next bash.

---hates you
+1,137|6792|Hell, p.o box 666

The patch is ok, no issues so far. Only those damn jet-rockets dont hit the target even if it´s a 100% lock and the other jet isn´t flying any loops sometimes. On the other side, gulf of oman is pure holocaust to jetpilots... you only hear the lock-signal while hunting for other jets or tanks... Hmpf.
FuzzBuck Fuzz
My tuppen'orth:

I tried it & haven't been able to play since. I can't log in to the global server for my character stats even. It's all turned into a bit of a palava too, as I have tried (successfully) to re-install BF2 istelf, but nothing without at least the 1.12 patch - which i now cannot find for download. The absence of this (the 1.12 patch) SEEMS to prevent Special Forces from re-installing, which merely adds to my frustration (& confusion). My only option, apparently is to wait 4hrs+ for the complete 1.21 patch & then hope that works. Prior to the install of the 1.21 incremental update evrything seemed to be fine, apart from the bugs 1.2 caused... um, is it just me, but do i have a right to expect £70 worth of game to work for more than a few months without having to go to all this trouble?

I ask merely for informational purposes, you understand

Last edited by FuzzBuck Fuzz (2006-03-11 00:32:25)

...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6658|Born in West-Berlin
Hi Guys and Gals.
Well I am so happy. Prior to the Installation of the 1.21 Patch my Internet Filters sucked. I always got only 30 Servers at most. If I were lucky I got one Ranked Server, that was unpopulated. But not anymore.

I tried to join a Server yesterday and my Server List had over 2000 Servers on it. After using the Filters Ranked only, not full, populated, same version and same mod I got over 700 Ranked Servers.

No longer searching for Ranked Servers on www.game-monitor.com.


There is still one Glitch that I can't fucking stand at all. That Helicopters still only have 8 Hydra Rockets. Come on EA. In the Real World those Attack Choppers fires those Hydras from Canisters that holds 7 Rockets each. Since there are two Canisters attached that makes 14 Rockets, like it has been before 1.20.

Can't wait for Euro Force.

That's all. Thank you for your Attention.

Last edited by Starfleet1403 (2006-03-11 01:44:47)

First be sure you installed the patch correctly, If you have åäö in your  XP username, it will most likely be the error and check their support page.

For me it fixed so load faster again and no random disconnects.


"There is still one Glitch that I can't fucking stand at all. That Helicopter still only have 8 Hydra Rockets. Come on EA. In the Real World those Attack Choppers fires those Hydra from Canisters that holds 7 Rockets each. Since there are two Canisters attached that 14 Rockets, like it has been before."

Dude its not a bug THEY CHANGED IT to 8 rockets, because they where to good.

Last edited by Zukabazuka (2006-03-11 01:38:59)

+24|6712|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

masculata wrote:

blue3c wrote:

ok I am a little confused. But when it comes to EA products, should I be suprised. Seriously what is with this patch. Is it official or did it get posted unknowingly (spelling nazis please step in, really we all know forums are about spelling right).
Just seems like very little was covered in this patch. I have not installed and will not install until it is posted in the download section of the official ea website. Seems to me like the bf2 community is staving for this patch and willing to download and install anything. Kinda crazy if you ask me.
Will download and play tonight.

1.21 from EA.........
http://www.ea.com/official/battlefield/ … loads.jsp#
Downloaded (about 7mins), installed (not sure about white screen because I left the room). I've played for about 3 hours and all seemed ok, longterm ...... who knows.
Chuy deleted a bunch of posts.
Anyone else finding the L96 somewhat odd?

For example, you'll be aiming at a stationary target, shoot them in the head and yet miss?

This happened a few times when I was playing with 1.21, at close range too. I shot a guy who was sitting in the gun turret of a blackhawk who'd landed at one of our flags.. twice. And yet it somehow missed, he noticed me after the second shot and I got killed...

It feels as though the L96 and other sniper rifles are less accurate.

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

Anyone else finding the L96 somewhat odd?

For example, you'll be aiming at a stationary target, shoot them in the head and yet miss?

This happened a few times when I was playing with 1.21, at close range too. I shot a guy who was sitting in the gun turret of a blackhawk who'd landed at one of our flags.. twice. And yet it somehow missed, he noticed me after the second shot and I got killed...

It feels as though the L96 and other sniper rifles are less accurate.
I noticed this last night. It's like with every patch you have to tweak the way you aim.
...from the internet
yeah you get that little puff of smoke off the top of the head. its wierd, just aim for the neck, easier to get a one shot kill.

i seem to be quite happy with the patch, rockets now hit tanks [at last] my only little quibble is the sound bug when you have no stamina and jump, it makes a very fast panting noise and it is slightly irratating when you have a headset. thats all....

...other than that i am happy.
no real difference but I was ok before the patch.........
On the sniper rifle thing, long range sniping feels mostly the same.. it's only close range that things are really messed up.
Played a little more this morning and I was able to increase everything to high and it ran smooooooth as silk.

I like the patch!
I'm not too impressed with it I saw a helicoptor do more twist and turns then a striper be4 it blew up I thought they fixed that issue too?, also any one having a problem killing people dead on. You unload on them they kill you with one shot.

Last edited by Thepope319 (2006-03-11 11:06:12)

FuzzBuck Fuzz
The 1.21 patch sucks big time IMHO.

After hours & hours of messing about including 2 long d/loads, multiple re-installs & running without FW protection I've managed to create new accounts, but not access any of my old accounts. They can still be accessed by other's though (with the 1.21 patch), so I would welcome suggestions as to where to offer them for sale (if you think they're worth anything at all, that is).

Stats can be found at:

+39|6794|B O S T ON area
My framerate went to shit, i have moments when i have increased activity where my fps bottoms out at 15 and the game is too choppy!!!

i had no probs before 1.2 and 1.21 and i have tried nearly everything except reinstall! 

3.0Gz P4
256 Nvidia 6800 GT OC
2 Gig's of RAM
FuzzBuck Fuzz
An hour later & success at last - no need to sell them on, i have access via the rerieve accounts function using the nick's & the passwords, so if you suffer from this, try that. Off to see what the actual gameplay is like...
I have had some strange issues with the new patch, my ping on all servers was over 250, and the oddest was in Karkand at the base just over the bridge and up the steps. In the first building was a guy hiding who you could see through the wall quite clearly, a USMC spec ops guy shot him through the wall with only his M4 and got the kill.

I thought this kind of weirdness was supposedly stopping. and another really annoying thing is I am still getting shot whilst people are jumping into the prone position. one guy wasn'nt even facing me and got a kill.

Really frustrating.
And one more thing, Planes, you don't stand a bloody chance, most of the AA rockets at the bases have a crappy field of vision ie a tree or a pylon in the way, all they need to do is fly straight down the middle of the obstruction and you are DEAD !! and i Hate the lousy Artillery as well. Sooooo boring !! good fight under way then some nobby commander with no points feels left out drops arti all over the place killing even his own guy's.

Anyway apart from those issues I pretty much love the bloody game !!!!

I revise my opinion somewhat. 

Multiplayer lag seems to be gone when I changed the settings from medium to low at my normal screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.  This includes Warlord in multiplayer.  Single Player still sucks, but that's ok if multiplayer is working fine. 

I got my basic sniper badge for special forces on Warlord.  So the lag seems to be gone.
Canadian Ops
I don't know if it's related, but my game has crashed twice now since the patch without me doing anything different.
+5|6667|Columbia, SC
Performance on ATI cards is definitely improved a little.  Being able to prone properly is a plus....These are the only two things I've noticed on the positive side.

On the negative side I've noticed a few bugs.  First of all...the RED/BLUE bug still exists, saw a guy on our team marked in red...saw another guy on the other team marked for blue.  Second bug is a new one...When someone goes to do a kickvote OR a mapvote on one of the EA servers...it would completely make everyone on the team engage the same vote for like an hour.  The "forever firing machine gun sound" bug is still there as well..in fact I don't see ANY previous bug that they fixed (they may have fixed the "hey I'm firing at you but you can't hear my weapon" bug).  There is one more new one I noticed....Me and a few buds were on an EA EC server last night and only two squads were avail on the team and it wasn't letting ANYONE on the server create a new squad...it was fucking bizarre.   I'm not one to complain about EA/DICE but I do find it hilarious that all of these bugs still exist and then NEW ISSUES??  How do you realease a patch and all of the famous BF2 bugs still be there?  ..and then introduce new bugs...I still love this game though.
I've lost an average 15fps .....ruined the game for me.

ReVmAn wrote:

I installed the patch, but aint able to connect to the updated servers, says I got an old version!??!?! Seems i gotta install BF2 yet again from scratch and then patch to 1.21 (full update). This is the worst game i've ever seen when it comes to problems and patches!
Same here. There are 11 "same version" servers at my list and every server gives "...only unmodified version..." screen.

For those who say the patch is working : Try to join multiple servers, not just the only one where you usually play.

This patch IS again NON WORKING !
Pony Slaystation
+343|6744|Charlie One Alpha
A funny article about patch 1.21 on SomethingAwful.com :
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

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