+0|6707|Bloomington Illinois 61074

LordOfRuin wrote:

Ok, I've noticed a trend lately.

Medics, instead of tossing packs so that we can heal in a firefight, are instead running around with it in their hands instead, easily identifying my position to the enemy.

I'm sitting there shouting "Drop the damn pack, noob!" over and over to the insane giggles of our teammates.

What gives?  I know that if you are in a secluded space with multiple teammates, holding will heal them all  at once. 

But I'm talking in mid battle with bullets flying!  Drop it so I can heal already instead of following me around like Chester the Molester offering candy to a tot!


That is all.

Well I always drop the packs in the heat of a firefight, but if we are behind enemylines I will not because when you drop packs the enemy can see that you did on thier screen and then go and check it out. For me it really depends on where you are and how serious it is droping a pack for someone who has lost like 4 bars of health is a waste of a if you are in the red ill drop it for ya. this guy is obvioulsy a horrible medic so i hope he died for being a moron and not droping a pack or 2 and then wiping or the good ol gun and blasting a couple of rounds into an enemy.
Personally, I would like to thank all of the opposition team medics who have dropped their packs so that they could give full health to the people on my team.
Well, that is fine and all but one cannot see the enemy's med packs,
You are wrong, not only can they see them as icons, they can USE them.

I have lost count of the times ive cheesed medics trying to kill me. All I have to do is let them empty a clip into me while im running all over the med-packs they just threw down. Then I kill them while they reload.

Last edited by dracul (2006-03-08 22:16:11)

Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield
You've 'cheesed medics'?? how the hell do you cheese them?! Is that a new weapon?! I want that unlock! YEah, it's true, or just shoot a medic, that always works, can't miss them when they have that huge red cross on the back.
Pope Picard II

All the medics prior to 1.2 have now gone to sniper and support post 1.2 (myself included). It is rare to see many medics around these days, and when you do see one, they are usually dip shits fairly new to the game.

Medic whoring, while profitable, is now less spm then claymores or the pkm. However, if you are a good medic you have less competition, and hence potentially more points; however, drawbacks are getting owned with claymores, pkms, sniper rifles, being unable to dolphin dive and prone revive people effectively, and the shared charge, along with shock paddles fucking up into the endless clear spam (you have to change guns, and then pull the pads out again is the fastest fix for this). Overall medic still earns more points then assault, spec ops, and engineer, but the pkm and the resupplies, or the sniper and the 5 claymores with so many resupplies around you, make those choices much more viable for pure earning power. Furthermore, most people have played medic to death and are ready for a new kit, and if those new kits earn more points, then better to take it while it lasts.

While someone is going to say, the game just isnt about points, that may be true, but nothing puts a smile on your face like gunning down more people with the pkm then you can with the ak101, or watching a squad walk into a claymore fest. Best combo: 1 support, 1 medic, 1 sniper (trade kits when someone dies). Watch out for that combo, it's a killing machine.
Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield
Yep, that is so true. I've always been a support whore, but like the assault; and when no one else wants to be a medic on the squad I end up there.
+48|6699|Mexico City.
Dude... no serius squad.. or team, clan or whatever let the medics or support kits drop the bags... cos anyone can have it.. so dont do cheap talk.. and dont say it like if everyone who play as a medic where stupids.. by the way the point of the medic kit its also to figth.. so if your almost diying dont expect us to run and heal you cos the only thing that might happend its get both killed.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6764|Sydney, Australia

pasngr wrote:

Personally, I would like to thank all of the opposition team medics who have dropped their packs so that they could give full health to the people on my team.
Also don't forget the enemy support players, they are good too. Especially when they are, unknown to you, hiding round the corner and they drop an ammo bag. Thats basically saying "hey you, im round the corner. How bout throwing one of them grenades next to me?".

I think any medic that run away from someone wanting to be healed should be shot. What I hate are those morons that ask for medic, but run away from you when you are tossing bags at them.

I hope in 1.21 they make healing from packs on the ground instant, like picking up ammo. Also, several times i have healed a guy but not gotten the points .
i always drop medic packs everywhere and if i see a troop that is low i run over even if it isnt safe to heal

and if it means me dieing i still go and reveive
I'm a sniper at heart.  When I have a good spot, and a medic stands above me to heal me it gives away my position (if i have damage it usually mean my position has been compromised but listen anyways).  If you aren't going to drop the health at least get down before we both get shot.

Another thing, at range you can't see the health pack symbol so no harm done throwing one for a guy and running.

When I play a medic I'm no coward, you'll see me chuck a few health packs down during a firefight, well why not no need to be stealthy if your blasting away at the enemy.  If your trying to sneak around and take damange from a fall, yes of course hold the pack.   But if your getting shot at well it's kind of obvious they know your there, duh. lol, sorry but when I'm shooting I don't care about stealth.  Drop the pack and help kill the enemy.  Make him die for his country so we don't have to die for ours.

[tired, that was a weird rant... I think]

imdead wrote:

You've 'cheesed medics'?? how the hell do you cheese them?! Is that a new weapon?! I want that unlock! YEah, it's true, or just shoot a medic, that always works, can't miss them when they have that huge red cross on the back.
It can involv me pistoling them in the face twice while they fumble for a clip.
Or sometimes I just shove my knife somewhere tender.

But mostle I just chuckle to myself and blow their kneecaps off.
Ditto on the stupid medics who don't drop medpacks, especially when you're screaming for one.

A curious thing happened yesterday, I was playing on Mashtuur and noticed about 4 guys on the roof  overlooking the mosque flag. (south roof looking north at the flag)

So, as a sniper I proceeded to start killing them. One (maybe two) of them was a medic, so he kept reviving them. The really ridiculous thing was they didn't move from the position even though they were obviously getting murdered by me. Eventually I killed them all (they kept reviving each other), I got 20 kills from those 4 people.

The funny thing was they barely moved an inch so, I killed them very quickly. (one guy I killed around 5 times in a row, funny how he isn't on my victims list)

Sometimes stupid medics are nice to your stats.. 
Maj.Do wrote:
man i hate it when i ask for a medic and they keep running away.  i just tk them and take the kit.

Wow the opposite for me. I see a guy with health all the way down to the last bar. I'm chasing after him, all the while throwing med packs (trying to get his attention) but he keeps on running the opposite direction from me until he gets killed and I have to revive the poor bastard.

/\ /\ /\

this happens ALL THE TIME to me lately

ill always toss in heavy traffic areas.

oohh  my first post ...  ive been reading all the time. this is the first post i felt i needed to post on. yes there are question calls both  way on this topic, but me as a medic, ive seen more people run away from me vs calling for me.

also,  PLEASE FORGIVE me if i DONT revive you in a firefight       i try not to be one of thoes that revive just to let you die again....

its all about just having fun


Edit: hummmm   i dont think i got the hang of copy n paste...  how do you all do that?    *shrug*

Last edited by Pappy2 (2006-03-09 06:11:47)


[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

However, if you are a good medic you have less competition, and hence potentially more points; however, drawbacks are getting owned with claymores, pkms, sniper rifles, being unable to dolphin dive and prone revive people effectively, and the shared charge, along with shock paddles fucking up into the endless clear spam (you have to change guns, and then pull the pads out again is the fastest fix for this). Overall medic still earns more points then assault, spec ops, and engineer, but the pkm and the resupplies, or the sniper and the 5 claymores with so many resupplies around you, make those choices much more viable for pure earning power. Furthermore, most people have played medic to death and are ready for a new kit, and if those new kits earn more points, then better to take it while it lasts.
That is so true, a medic came first place just by reviving people and he got around 100 score while I came close second about 90 points or more.
If you are in a firefight don't think you the only person who has been hurt, THERE ARE others you know. Stupid medics are great for points though, even if you are in a tank the face the fear for 2 points.
Cool member

polarbearz wrote:

TK them take their kit and revive

-2 only
What i hate is the medics and supply not giving you health or ammo. I will be standing right next to them saying "I Need a Medic Quick" or "Need Ammo", and they do not have the inteligence to think ' hey that guy might be asking me!'.

so what i do is i will use Q and the option for a few times. if they do not respond, i will then press 'k' and type "Give me some ammo/heal. i am right next to you", if nothing, i will then type something similar. if i am still alive after this, i will then tell them that they have 1 minute before i kill them, take their kit, drop what i need and then go about my business.

If still nothing, then i have warned them in advance, hopefully the rest of the team have seen that i am asking them for it. So i will do what u said, kill them and take their kit.

It is their fault, and i am not going to worry over the loss of points as i will just make them up.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
One TIP:  if someone around you calls for repair/medic/ammo/pickup the flash yellow on and off on the mini-map so you can tell if they are next to you and they only flash if you can help them.  So avoid making people that are standing next to you angry by checking the mini map.  When you here/see I need a medic and you are a medic check the mini map.  Same for ammo or repair.
i hate you all

Username II wrote:

I find about 70% of the time I drop packs, people ignore them and run away. If you run with them you can heal them, if you want to waste your time chasing them while they get shot. On the other hand, when you drop packs skilled players can return to the area and heal when you're not there. It depends where you are, how many people in the server, and how many people there are to heal. Even the enemy can pick up your health packs!

Also remember if you're .00001% injured, you can use a whole health pack on the ground, but if you hold a pack you can much more efficently heal more team members.

Usually if you're not in a squad it's better to toss the pack down, if you see some one who needs help.

Finally in patch 1.2 if you toss out all your health packs, you have to wait a while before you can revive people. Don't run out
+0|6715|Where politics is not needed
Euhmm .... I mostly play medic, did this in other games to, just cause i like it. There are also good medics ..... Maybe i'm not the best, but i do drop some health packs in the heat of battle, run to people who need health, kill the enemy first before reviving someone .. damned I even jump out of a tank to heal someone!!! So please don't see al medics as one, there are some good ones around!
And yes it also happens to me, running after someone who needs health but doesnt stop .. you never gonna hear me bitching about that.
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6691|South Korea.
LOL, i like running around with med packs in my hands, making the enemy waste bullets, when i see them reload, i whip out my gunz and smack there face with lead!
+10|6817| Going Feral

_j5689_ wrote:

I'm just sick of them not reviving people.  It really pisses me off that they're that selfish.
Check my revive stats as of late.  Find me on a server.  If yer nearby and dead, I'll shock you back to life.
I've seen the medic pack symbol falling to the ground from around corners of buildings, it let's me know someone is there and I toss a grenade there usually for 2 kills.

If the medic doesn't drop the medic pack, it is because he is trying not to give your position away.  Especially if the enemy is near.

Being a medic myself, I start dropping med packs automatically when I hear "I need a medic!" even before I know where the call came from.  Kinda like a dog trained to poop on command.

But I know what you mean, I have run into the same problem with support people.  I've had to shoot them a few times to get their attention so I can get ammo and then I heal them.

Last edited by BangStick_ky (2006-03-09 08:32:37)

When I go medic for a squad i usualy stick within reviving range for the bulk of the squad, drop medic packs on prone teamates exchanging enemy fire & heal people on the move if its safe to do so. I get tired of medics reviving over & over, or just chucking med packs every quarter of an inch. A medic has a combat role as well as a team role to live up to.
Got milk?

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

All the medics prior to 1.2 have now gone to sniper and support post 1.2 (myself included). It is rare to see many medics around these days, and when you do see one, they are usually dip shits fairly new to the game.

Medic whoring, while profitable, is now less spm then claymores or the pkm. However, if you are a good medic you have less competition, and hence potentially more points; however, drawbacks are getting owned with claymores, pkms, sniper rifles, being unable to dolphin dive and prone revive people effectively, and the shared charge, along with shock paddles fucking up into the endless clear spam (you have to change guns, and then pull the pads out again is the fastest fix for this). Overall medic still earns more points then assault, spec ops, and engineer, but the pkm and the resupplies, or the sniper and the 5 claymores with so many resupplies around you, make those choices much more viable for pure earning power. Furthermore, most people have played medic to death and are ready for a new kit, and if those new kits earn more points, then better to take it while it lasts.
Well said. My fav. kit is support, but now I play mostly medic. Because when I need one it is hard to find him. Before 1.2 G36E was cool. Now I wish USMC side could have AK-101s, or some other type of reliable assault rifle with automatic fire, instead of burst. It's much harder to survive against a PKM guy with G36E.

About medic packs:
I never run with medicpack or defib. in my hands. Why? If you meet support guy you will die in a few seconds. So my rule now is "shoot first, help later". Sure I toss healthpacks around the flags and in the alleys of Karkand. But if you're in a group of teammates it is more effective to hold medicpack in your hands, so you can heal many people at the same time. And yes enemy can see the "red cross" on the ground.
+153|6682|Manchester UK

LordOfRuin wrote:

Ok, I've noticed a trend lately.

Medics, instead of tossing packs so that we can heal in a firefight, are instead running around with it in their hands instead, easily identifying my position to the enemy.

I'm sitting there shouting "Drop the damn pack, noob!" over and over to the insane giggles of our teammates.

What gives?  I know that if you are in a secluded space with multiple teammates, holding will heal them all  at once. 

But I'm talking in mid battle with bullets flying!  Drop it so I can heal already instead of following me around like Chester the Molester offering candy to a tot!


That is all.

if you said to me "Drop the damn pack, noob!" u would defnatly not see me giving you a pack or reviving you but i always drop packs and revive
For me there is also a bug where the pack gets stuck in your hands and won't drop. You have to switch to another item then switch back to the pack to drop it. Its another new bug that came with the patch so maybe this medic was trying to figure out why his pack wouldn't drop.

I get a lot of that "chasing the injured guy around trying to heal him" too.  It's like they don't even know they injured.

Last edited by lynxlyran (2006-03-09 11:16:33)

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