
Longbow wrote:

Israel lost a lot of F15C\F15D in it's wars with arabic contries during last twenty years .
And those arabian gyes have only 3d generation jets such as MiG-21 , MiG-23 etc .

Didnt you hear that some of F-117 were shot by Fulcrums during action in Ugoslavia ? Your stealth technology sux .
The F-117 that you're talking about, got shot down cuz he had his ECM turned off...

Then instead of TRUSTING MY SYSTEM (ACES-II), when he ejected at like 30k feet, he pulled the emergency parachute release handle (fires the chute from the seat seperating the pilot and the seat) early cuz he didn't know it would automatically deploy. So there he is, getting shot down cuz of his own fault.  Then he's floating from the air at like 30k feet so EVERYONE he just bombed could see where he would land. (instead of trusting the system and letting it automatically deploy him at less than 10k feet).  So that's why he had to Evade capture.  At least he payed attention in SEAR training.

Oh and BTW, in his book, his first page thanked LIFE SUPPORT!!!!! for his successfull ejection (don't do this mike if you ever eject)

And Isreal pilots are no joke man, most of them were shot down by SAMs by the way.  AA Isreal is second to none, believe me.

Last edited by mastermofo (2006-03-06 14:30:46)


mastermofo wrote:

When I get called for drug testing, and I'm waiting.... I wait untill I have to fart, not untill I have to pee, that way I get to have fun with the observer.  And I tell him I'm going to pee like an 8-year-old and I drop my pants to my knees (along with my underwear) and I fart then pee.  It's funny.  They're probably amazed that I actually piss clean.

I work on F-16s (america's most expensive Lawn Dart), it sux, but keeps us MXS people busy for sure.

I wish I worked on F-15s, those are cake for my career field.

I don't want to work on F-22s, heard those are bitches.

My pick for the AA fight?  Being in the Air Force I want to say one of our jets, but I feel it's not true.  Just seeing some of the technology in Russian Ejection seats had my head turning.  And if they applied that type of engineering to the rest of the plane, god help us. 

Rear looking Radar? Stealth? Rear Firing missles?  Pretty scary stuff.  However, logistically our Air Force is second to none, which will play a huge part in a dogfight believe it or not.  And the maticulous training our Pilots recieve, the amount of sorties we fly vs. them, will play a huge factor.  I would say with pilots like Mike in the Air, with his passion for his F-15 assures me that we would win.  However, if you've ever seen Isreal's pilots, (No offense Lt.) but those guys are fucking crazy.  Every exercise I"ve been to they've pwnd us in every catagory and with NO G suit.  Yea... seriously...

Aircraft of choice:  Su-37 Berkut

Air Force of Choice who would still win:  USAF!!!!!!!
Thats nuts...hate piss test. I don't know what your career field is, but I thought F-15C/Ds were going to be scate for me as weapons...on 3 missiles, C/F and bombs...after 3 years at Kadena....left feeling like a Spec....only the Specs has it worse than us, but then again when don't they. I'm on F-16s also....again. But I got a good desk job as LSC in Load Barn so can't complain.
  As for the Isreal AF...glad they are our allies, where we have been training all these years, they have been fighting. For that small country to last all these years in the Middle know they have to be badasses.

   Though I never picked a jet as who I would said would own A/A...I would say F-15C/D as their dogfight consist of.....How far an AIM-120 can shoot....then turn and orbit. For A/G....of fighters...F-15E is good...but an A-10 is a Tank with wings....shoot a wing off...and it will still come home, but as a bomber class....When all systems work as they are supposed to(not likely) I would say the B1-B. With that jet, by the time you hear the Jet....and the Mk82Air's are's already long gone.
A: The JSF can go supersonic, but only by using its afterburners. It does not have a cruising speed above the speed of sound. Thus, it is incapable of supercruising. ( Suprcruise is cruising at above the speed of sound).

B: Long-wave radar is generally older designs. That is because it picked up TOO MUCH.  It picked up reflections off of wind-shear, thermal distortions in the atmosphere, etc. Thus, radars were designed with shorter-wavelengths/higher frequencies.

This gave them much higher resolution, and penetrated "noisy" environments much easier.

Modern "stealth" is designed almost exclusively to fight these more modern radars. Radar absorbing paint fails when used against long-wave radar, as the higher amplitude of the waves gives them a much higher energy level, reaching a leve where the absorbancy just doesnt cut it anymore.

The other aspect of stealth technology is using airframe geometry to deflect the radar waves AWAY from emitter ( and presumably the reciever), rather than directly back towards it. Unfortunately, the long-wave radar gets a return off of the turbulence that the comparitively boxy planes leave.

Long range radar return a much "noisy" picture, but with modern electronics and signal analysis, that doesnt matter as much.

The upside is however, that when you start using long-wave radar, you start running into rather hard engineering limitation. They require MUCH more raw electrical power, and emitters that are very large compared to high-frequency systems.

Both pretty much mean you will only see them on ground-installations for now.
The pilot will win the dogfight, not the jet.
Horseman 77

jmbbf1975 wrote:

The pilot will win the dogfight, not the jet.
true enough and a goverment who will back them up and not wet the bed at the 1st sign of trouble.

A case in point is the Falklands* war. Tactics and pilot skill won the day not aircraft.

I have the feeling israels air force would give anybody a run for the money man for man.

Even if they were in F86 sabers. They'd find a way to get it done. Practice, Tactics, Will, Motivation, and a

Government/ Leader who wont sell you out half way through the fight ala Mogadishu ,Somalia

F35B would own all jets in bf2 in real life... stealth technology and its the first jet to vertical take off, go past speed of sound and do vertical landing. F15's would also own since NONE of them has ever been shoot down (this doesnt mean airshow crash counts as shotdown, so dont gimme bs) and most of time a good pilot in a ok plane can kick a bad pilot in a good planes ass. pilots and planes are both important factors in dog-fights

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-03-07 02:09:52)
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
F-35, it is the newest of the new, a stealth fighter designed to replace the harrier.
Longbow, I think you need to get your facts straight. I don't think Israel has lost any F-15's during combat with any Arab country in the last twenty years. Do an internet search and you should get the facts my man.
+0|6723 … losses.htm

This explains the losses for Israeli Aircraft in the last twenty years.
It is also notable if you search the website that none of the losses were F-15s. There was however a mid-air collision in between an F-15I and Skyhawk. The Skyhawk crew was able to eject.  The F-15 crew on the other hand did not eject, but did land their aircraft missing a large portion of the left wing (more then 50%). Do a search if you don't believe me. I'm a big supporter of all modern aircraft.

I'm sure they all have sensitive material they don't release to the public about all of the aircraft. F-15s, F-14s, and Harriers have always been my favorite aircraft growing up though.

** Edit - I'm not sure if this is true but I have been told my multiple sources, some in the Navy, some in the Air Force that Israeli pilots train American pilots quite often. Both countries are also involved in joint training operations quite often.

Last edited by ockronnie (2006-03-07 03:12:06)

F-35, it is the newest of the new, a stealth fighter designed to replace the harrier.
You people are being outright silly.

The F-35 is NOT an air superiority fighter. Its a /strike/ fighter.

The f-22 and the su-35 are both dedicated dog-fighters.

They would eat the f-35 alive, and no one pretends otherwise.

The f35 compromises its air-to-air payload, avionics, and handling for a strong ground-attack and v/stol ability.

Both the Su-35 and F-22 are nose-to-tail airborne death to anything that flies.

The su-35 specializes in the ability to out maneuver anything in the air, and even shoot at targets behind it.
The f-22 is designed to kill anything before they realize it is there, and kill it 100% of the time.

the f-35 can't even CATCH a su-35 or f-22 wihout a head start.
+163|6689|Odessa, Ukraine
Lets devide subject of debate into strike-fighters and air superiority fighters :

F-16                          F-15                           
F-18                          F-22
F-35 (developing)       Su-27
MiG-23                      Su-30
MiG-29                      Su-35                       
J-10                          Su-37(developing)

Last edited by Longbow (2006-03-07 06:23:08)

Also F-22 isn't really developing(YF-22) anymore...well depends how you look at it...It doesn't have the "Y" desginator meaning..."Experimental Aircraft" There are three bases with F-22s now, and talks of a few more bases getting them soon, to include bases that don't even have Active duty aircraft. Are they full squadrons...not yet. Would they deploy and go to war....possible. Only the people with stars on their shoulders and the President would know that. Though I don't think they would just yet. I would think they want to break them in and get a lot of pilot training first so they are compentent and 100% ready to fight with it.
were talking about jets in the game... not world wide... f-18 pwns a lot, f15 pwns more, j10 is a copy version of f16 that looks like eurofighter
I stick by my statement about the STRIKE EAGLE yes its nice to have a dedicated air superiority fighter, but Its just me but I like things that can multi task. Dont get me wrong im sure the SU-37 terminator can give the F-15E a run for its money but thats only if the right pilot is behind the cockpit. I gurantee you put Edward Rickenbacker on to days F-15E againts 6 SU-37 bet you a pot load of money he'll down 4 of 6 fighters before the enemy even knows he was there. Its the personality of the pilot behind the stick that determinds the outcome of an air to air engagements.

AIR POWER-SPACE POWER - AEF   Thats gayes shit i've ever heard
+0|6672|San Diego, CA, USA
I think in a beyond visual range (BVR) engagement, the F-35 and F-15 are the superior choices.

That being said, I believe in a close range air combat maneuvering engagement (ACM), the Mig-29 and SU-33 (Is this plane in the game? not sure) have a distinct advantage. Helmet mounted radar, coupled with (what most consider) superior heat seeking technology, give them a great one up on the less agile F-15 up close and personal.

If anyone who has participated in ACM with the F-15 vs. Russian fighters at Red October, let me know what you think. My only experiences are from current publicly available flightsims such as Falcon 4.0 and Lockon, plus heresay on forums related to said subject. But my sim experience has tought me that if you're an American, use your BVR ability to it's fullest, don't let the russians get close, because that reduces your chances of survival.

Speaking in terms of the game, all of the engagements are ACM, so BVR principles are thrown out the window. In real life, I think there's a strong argument for the Mig in a strict ACM setting. But woot for the J-10 in the game
some of you don't know their airplanes ................the best on the marked is the Raptor......check on the web
it will give you all the information
last year they had a test Raptor vs. 5 F15 ...........the raptor shot down all 5 F15s....they didnt; even know what hit them.

Mensi wrote:

I think in a beyond visual range (BVR) engagement, the F-35 and F-15 are the superior choices.

That being said, I believe in a close range air combat maneuvering engagement (ACM), the Mig-29 and SU-33 (Is this plane in the game? not sure) have a distinct advantage. Helmet mounted radar, coupled with (what most consider) superior heat seeking technology, give them a great one up on the less agile F-15 up close and personal.

If anyone who has participated in ACM with the F-15 vs. Russian fighters at Red October, let me know what you think. My only experiences are from current publicly available flightsims such as Falcon 4.0 and Lockon, plus heresay on forums related to said subject. But my sim experience has tought me that if you're an American, use your BVR ability to it's fullest, don't let the russians get close, because that reduces your chances of survival.

Speaking in terms of the game, all of the engagements are ACM, so BVR principles are thrown out the window. In real life, I think there's a strong argument for the Mig in a strict ACM setting. But woot for the J-10 in the game
The USAF has also incorporated the helmet mounted radar to its pilots already in the acm stand point yes the F-15 does have wider turning radious than lets say the the F-16C, but like I said before its who ever is in the cockpit that determins the outcome of an air to air engagement. LT. Mike can back me up.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

dracul wrote:

F-35, it is the newest of the new, a stealth fighter designed to replace the harrier.
You people are being outright silly.

The F-35 is NOT an air superiority fighter. Its a /strike/ fighter.

The f-22 and the su-35 are both dedicated dog-fighters.

They would eat the f-35 alive, and no one pretends otherwise.

The f35 compromises its air-to-air payload, avionics, and handling for a strong ground-attack and v/stol ability.

Both the Su-35 and F-22 are nose-to-tail airborne death to anything that flies.

The su-35 specializes in the ability to out maneuver anything in the air, and even shoot at targets behind it.
The f-22 is designed to kill anything before they realize it is there, and kill it 100% of the time.

the f-35 can't even CATCH a su-35 or f-22 wihout a head start.
I didnt say it could catch them.  The question is, will an f-35s opponent detect it in time to counter its attack
+163|6689|Odessa, Ukraine
J-10 was developed in Israel but when USA stopes financing this project and let Israel by more F-16 , Lavi ( it is Israel name of J10) was sold to China .
+60|6678|miami FL
The F-15 Because Its A Proven Plane But On Paper The Jsf 35 Might Be A Better Plane
F15 C Has never, I mean NEVER, lost an engadgement
F-18 = Pwnage along with the F-15

Last edited by jnick (2006-03-07 14:27:52)

+163|6689|Odessa, Ukraine
Ask your Israel friends about loses of F15A, F15C , F15D , F15E

Mobius_One1021 wrote:

First of all, I have to say that this is an awesome topic.  I'm in college now going for my Aerospace Engineering degree and am most likely going to go for a job in Lockheed Martin (the guys who make the F/A-22 and the F-35).  I go to RPI and we have good placement into their company, so I'm really looking forward to it.

As far as planes go, I've always been a huge fan of the F-14 (I grew up on Long Island by [Northrop] Grumman, so I have my loyalties there).  However, the F-15 in closer combat situations is superior....but it still can't sarry Phoenix missiles .  For anyone who doesn't know, the F-22 is basically replacing the F-15 (I think there's a rumored 2-seater F-22B to replace the F-15E at some point, but don't quote me on this).  The F-35 is basically replacing everything else.  It's basically taking the place of the F-16 in the USAF, the F-18 in the Navy, and the Harrier in the Marines.  In a dogfight however, F-15>almost anything.  In fact, I think perhaps only the Raptor could truly beat it.

But to answer the question in-game, F-15

Thank you are planes are and always will be better!

I'll make sure of that, Mike!
Teehee. RPI. I went there on a scholarship in my sophomore year in High School (before I moved back to Canada) for some of their Computer Science courses. Oddly enough I'm in University now and I'm in Humanities, which has nothing to do with computers OR fighter planes! (And despite all the partying I do, woe to me, who could recite the F-14s specifications at the age of 6... I can't anymore! Those were my childhood dreams!)

Anyway, no offense to the pilot in our ranks, but I'm getting rumblings that USAF training is suffering (as compared to previous decades) as of late. And groundpounders... well, won't even speak of them... they've got fancy gadgets and not enough brains to knock between the lot of them. (I kid, of course, I know quite a few Army kids back from HS, I like to jibe at them). Which is too bad.

Which is not to say that their training still isn't top notch... (USAF, not the groundpounders. It's a bit of pride for me to know that in exercises the Canadian Reserves fare rather well against the Rangers.. but then we've got the training cause we've got none of the gear. Maybe a canoe and some guns. Heh.)

The F-15 is some pretty hot shit. In fact, I'd say it's *the* hot shit in the skies. But I'm willing to bet that if the SU-47 airframe was handed over to a bunch of Western pilots (not for lack of intelligence or balls, but for lack of funding and training) they'd fare markedly well, especially if (again, because of funding) Western electronics engineers took a peep inside beforehand.

The Eurofighter Typhoon is nice. Very nice. In fact, it entered service with the Italian Air Force not too long ago. I'm not about to compare it with the F/A-22, because... well, they're two different kinds of planes. The EF is a gorgeous, agile plane, while the F/A-22, while not being as agile, is a floating silent platform of death. The kind that shanks you in the back when you aren't looking.

However, I will pit up (and again, no offense to our resident pilot) the EF with the F-15s, since a trainer got the jump on two F-15Es in a mock engagement (where the F-15s had bounced the EF from behind at first)... but let's face it, the EF is new tech. If it couldn't outmanuever an F-15 there would've been no point in building them in the first place.

The F/A-22s are gorgeous. Like I said. Silent floating platforms of death. Silent being a term I'll chalk up to artistic license. I'm sure being next to it when it broke the sound barrier would hurt, a lot.

To be honest though, these planes cost a LOT of money. Even the Russian one. Which is a surprise. In a way. If I were to outfit a developing nation (trade embargoes aside) with the best equipment on a budget able to afford any of these planes... I would go, for the best $$$/performance value, for the Saab JAS-39 Gripen. Purely as a defensive fighter, mind you.

Which is another thing, it's difficult to compare these machines on a purely level scale when their roles may be rather different.

Last edited by TigrisJK (2006-03-07 15:09:23)

Don't Flame
+20|6786|St. Paul, MN
Yeah the Raptor is crazy mean in the streets

Last edited by Kkookie (2006-03-07 17:29:14)

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