AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

Flecco wrote:

Why the hell would any body want to do this? Whats the bloody point, why pay $50 US for a game if you are just going to cheat with it? Fucking retards who pull this shit piss me off...

Language police people, Boris is Russian/Georgian and English is his second language so give him a break.
Same reason why people go and get hacks 1 simple reason cas they cant play normal, anyone using hack will get busted sooner or later ( speaking from experiance and I never use2 use public hacks )

1 thing tho Im glad I did get boosted cas it stoped me doing what i was doing ( I.E creating hacks I use2 doit to make money from it ) Now I stop hackers on my server and I can say that you will not find a hacker on my server as I keep an eye for them and know exacly what to look 4.

This post was intended to warn Admins if they see People inside buildings to take a screen shot and warn Pb like they should time it happend date and screen shot

I noticed most hack ussers are under age of 22 ( not that other people dont use them above that age )

and u will also notice that them people do get boosted and have2 start fresh account ( dipending on types of hacks they were using )

Like if its a hack that modifys PB ( hardware ban ) means no matter what u do unless u buy new pc you will not be able to play the game ( private hacks most of them )

Public hacks

Pb know all about it so thos of you that still use them I sugest remove it comlitly as sooner or later when Pb catchis up with it even IF u Not usin them at the time, it still lives the trace of it in the folder and u will still get baned

Dont be a lamer and use hacks You will get Busted and I dont know about you but I dont wana throw away all the houers I put in just cas I got owned few times.

and as far as I can see this exploit still dos work as well as exploit on DragonValley ( still not bgeen fixed )

Peace Boris
So this wall hotel hack does not work? Cuz i will need to tell me clan admin bout this cuz he does not read these fourms.

Make a movie that shows how to do this wall hack so i can see when people are trying to do it.

P.S fuxing hackers are just no0bs.
Ha that sounds like a wanna be hacker right there. Show me how to do it.. lol just google for it if your realy desperate. Im sure it was fixed with the 1.2 patch tho?

Rutnab wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

The patch has NOT stopped this!
No, I read the patch notes, it did.
i don't have the patch notes in front of me, but what i believe the patch did was fix ONE way of getting into those buildings, but not all of them. there was one really common way to do it, and it got posted here on multiple occasions last year, as well as on other sites, with that same video as the proof that one could do it. there was another video that went with it, that showed how it was done. so yes the hack and video are really really old, and the patch fixed the easy way to pull it off, but it didn't fix all the ways you can pull it off.

@ the person that wants to see how to do it - the mods at this forum have already announced that they will not tolerate hacks being revealled here, and have deleted any links or posts that show you how to do it, so STOP ASKING.
AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

oberst_enzian wrote:

Rutnab wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

The patch has NOT stopped this!
No, I read the patch notes, it did.
i don't have the patch notes in front of me, but what i believe the patch did was fix ONE way of getting into those buildings, but not all of them. there was one really common way to do it, and it got posted here on multiple occasions last year, as well as on other sites, with that same video as the proof that one could do it. there was another video that went with it, that showed how it was done. so yes the hack and video are really really old, and the patch fixed the easy way to pull it off, but it didn't fix all the ways you can pull it off.

@ the person that wants to see how to do it - the mods at this forum have already announced that they will not tolerate hacks being revealled here, and have deleted any links or posts that show you how to do it, so STOP ASKING.
Yeap and thats why Im not posting the other video :-) peace Boris

AdamEcks wrote:

Wow, I guess the word 'new' was redefined recently. I didn't think things that happened a long time ago and already had a patch to stop from happening were classified as new. But thanks for wasting more board space.
AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

I Have just submited 19 Hack websites to PB ( that still makes PB pruff hacks )

Exploit above dos not work anymore. EA finaly done theyr Job on Exploits and I actualy apploud them for that.

19 websites I submited all make hacks, and when I get reply back from PB  I will post up here see what they have to say about this

Fingers crosed all of them will be closed

This is the messige for all you Noobs hackin out there ( I know you hang around this forums u know who u are )

hackin time is over soon as Pb checks all them sites and make PB for them if it scans your BF2 folder and finds hack strings there you will be baned ( I'm sure PB will also check the website that makes only private hacks )

choice is yours loose your gameplay or lern how to shoot and deal with it getin owned by players who actualy do spend time plaing this game.

If any of you hackers have message for me u can email me at [email protected] ( I dont give a f**k ) and i will send PB all the hacks I will come a cross. and yeah you are right I dont give a slightes damn what hackers and makers think about me

Enjoy your game the proper way or not at all Peace


Last edited by badhq (2006-03-05 19:01:10)


Rutnab wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

The patch has NOT stopped this!
No, I read the patch notes, it did.
The patch notes also said the red/blue nametag bug was fixed but we all know that was bullshit.
Yeah and all the other bugs they claimed to have fixed but sadly didn't.

Nyte wrote:

Cyberwolf wrote:

I nominate BADHQ for tard of the month. Aside from pretty much everyone knowing about it, your ability to misspell Karkand like most of the community is the icing on the cake.
He didn't misspell anything, because he didn't even make the video.

K gg owned another one bye.
Means a lot coming from a 14 year old whiner. You cry more in these forums than a 10 year old who was just sodomized by a horse would

SoldierJAW wrote:

So this wall hotel hack does not work? Cuz i will need to tell me clan admin bout this cuz he does not read these fourms.

Make a movie that shows how to do this wall hack so i can see when people are trying to do it.

P.S fuxing hackers are just no0bs.
Sharing "how-to's" on exploits/glitches/bugs is a good way to lose your stats.

I could tell you how to do it... but I won't, because for one I'd like to keep my stats, secondly I don't want more n00bs shooting me from inside a building like a little sissy.

Just for referance, you can still do this exploit on any building, in any map.. not just the hotel in Karkand.
BF2s Frat Brother

=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

SoldierJAW wrote:

Could someone tell me how to do that glitch?? I am making a movie with all OF EA's fux ups.

I am making the movie in single player. SO IM NOT HACKING.

lol, my bullshit o meter is going off.

Is anyone else getting a reading?
I'm geeting a reading allright, my meter is peaking right now
Enemy noob spotted
+1,153|6674|Washington, DC

Is this the exploit where you have the turret spin like a record and eject into the building?
AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

Ok I cant say about all of them but i know the main bug on Dragon Valley Still not fixed I made a video which I will send to EA about this Bug and houpe it will be fixed for next patch

P.S I will aslo post up video here when I finished editing it ( I dont want noobs knowing how its done while EA are fixing this

Peace Boris
is drunk and crazy

badhq wrote:

Ok For all The Admins Out there New exploit has been Found

EVERYONE who has theyr own server should keep an eye out for This types of Things happening

Specialy if you are an Comander and see your Guys Inside a building Take a screen shot and Report Them

Houpe This helps sum people and Admins out There


No I was not In video Nor do I have any intentions of Doin a video I will be reporting This Bug TO EA and see what They have 2 say about it Greets

You really need to invest in a dictionary and ask your parents why they called you Boris.
+41|6779|200m out and smiling at you.
*Enemy Boat Spotted*
+85|6795|good old CA

Rutnab wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

The patch has NOT stopped this!
No, I read the patch notes, it did.
lol they said the red name tag was fixed
want to go heads up?
+11|6778|cairns australia
ffs english isnt badhq\boris 1st language.get over it at least its not leet speak.
AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

E7IX3R wrote:

badhq wrote:

Ok For all The Admins Out there New exploit has been Found

EVERYONE who has theyr own server should keep an eye out for This types of Things happening

Specialy if you are an Comander and see your Guys Inside a building Take a screen shot and Report Them

Houpe This helps sum people and Admins out There


No I was not In video Nor do I have any intentions of Doin a video I will be reporting This Bug TO EA and see what They have 2 say about it Greets

You really need to invest in a dictionary and ask your parents why they called you Boris.
Dude I have dictionary and I speak 3 languagis. English Been 3rd, lets see how well you will do if u go to Japan and lern japanise your SELF !!! i wana see how well you Will type....

Rother then been Rude why dont u just corect the mistake that is there so I know for future. This way u will not get bored. and maby you will have sumthing constractive to say?

Thanx pokerplayer for stikin up Im getin tierd telling people after everypost Nice one bro Peace Boris
AKA: badhq
+937|6676|Derby, England

Ok after sending links for hack websites This is the reply I got from Them

Note #2: Thanks for taking the time to send us these links. We will add them to our database if needed. If you ever find other links or cheats feel free to pass them along to us at "[email protected]".

As a reminder, please DO NOT test cheat programs to see if they are "working" as you may unwittingly ban yourself. We are currently doing silent detections for future kick/bans.

Thanks again!

Note #3: When you say you will add Links to your database what do you mean by it?
It will be addit on and forgoten about or what exacly will happen to Hack sites Links I sent you? As you know people still go out and download cheats.
also what is Punkbuster will be doing for future to ensure US of Nice game play ?

No reply 2 Note 3 Soon as I get it I will post Up also made a short film Of the Exploit that still exsists On Dragon valley that I will be sending to EA Peace Boris

Rizen_Ji wrote:

*Enemy Boat Spotted*

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