+447|6890|Seattle, Washington, USA

What They Play Finds Parents More Concerned About Video Games Than Alcohol and Pornography

August 11, 2008 - Parents are more concerned about their children's exposure to video games than alcohol, violence and pornography, according to recent polls conducted by What They Play, the parents guide to video games. Nearly 3,000 respondents in two separate What They Play polls concluded that drinking beer and watching pornography were less objectionable activities for children than playing certain video games. Further, viewing violence was more acceptable than seeing content involving sex and sexuality within games.

"These poll results demonstrate that parents are as apprehensive about their children's media diets as they are about traditional social issues such as alcohol, drugs, violence and sex," says John Davison, president of What They Like, Inc. "When it comes to video games, parents should know that What They Play is a resource that helps demystify one of the most popular -- and challenging -- forms of entertainment their kids are into."

"Although these findings seem surprising at first, they hint at fears parents have about video games," says Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D., co-author of Grand Theft Childhood. "To some parents, video games are full of unknowable dangers. While researching for Grand Theft Childhood, parents we spoke with in focus groups often bemoaned the fact that they didn't know how to use game controls - and felt unequipped to supervise or limit video game play. Of course, parents don't want their children drinking alcohol, but that's a more familiar risk."

The results of the initial What They Play online poll, conducted April 4-10, 2008, found that the 1,266 participants were most offended by the following in a video game: a man and woman having sex (37%); two men kissing (27%); a graphically severed head (25%); and multiple use of the F-word (9%).

The second poll, which ran August 1-6, 2008, queried parents on what they'd be most concerned about their 17-year-old child indulging in while at a sleepover. More than 1,600 respondents revealed they're more apprehensive about their child smoking marijuana (49%) and playing the video game Grand Theft Auto (19%), than watching pornography (16%) and drinking beer (14%).

Additional What They Play poll results and insight into parents' attitudes toward video games and other forms of entertainment in which their children engage can be found at http://www.whattheyplay.com/polls/

About What They Play

What They Play (http://www.whattheyplay.com) is the parents guide to video games. As the most comprehensive resource of its kind, What They Play provides parents with expert insight into the themes and content of thousands of today's most popular interactive entertainment products.

Now porn I can see. I don't think I would be too worried about my kid seeing that either. But you bet your ass I would be more worried about them having alcohol than playing a video game. Not that I'd be too worried about either, but alcohol is way more dangerous than video games. What are your thoughts on this?
+98|6781|netherlands, sweet lake city
I think parents that don't ever play video games believe the negative publicity the media is giving it. Parents know what alcohol is, recognize if they're child is getting drunk and know how to act upon it. It's just being afraid of the unknown. Parents should just play games .
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6580|Long Island, New York
Shows how fucking stupid most parents can be nowadays when it comes to video games.

What's that book about how video games AREN'T the devil? Grand Theft Childhood? Something like that.

Someone pick those polled parents up a copy of that.
+783|6885|Reykjavík, Iceland.
More than 1,600 respondents revealed they're more apprehensive about their child smoking marijuana (49%) and playing the video game Grand Theft Auto (19%), than watching pornography (16%) and drinking beer (14%)
Getting marijuana here is probably similarly hard (and expensive) as getting cocaine in the US....Wouldn't smoke weed anyway

They wouldn't care about video games I play, I've been playing violent games since i was like 8, and my parents never really cared. In fact, it was my dad who got my into playing Quake and Duke Nukem

Meh, I'm sure they know I watch porn and don't care too much...

Parents think it's ok for me to drink.

Anyway, my parents don't give a crap about what game I play, only how much I play. If I'm playing the same game for 10 hours in one day, they start to nag me

(I'm 17 btw)

Last edited by Sydney (2008-08-11 12:31:46)

The very model of a modern major general
+794|6727|United States of America
I love how in the link to polls from the OP, they show that (idiotic) parents are more worried about their "under 17 child"  playing GTA than watching porno or drinking. Really, any of those other poll options can get you arrested (although the porno one isn't anywhere near as likely for one to be arrested for it). I strongly advise going to the WhatTheyPlay homepage, because you just might have heart attack due to sheer stupidity or suffer a case of fatal hilarity.
Oh, what to do what to do!!

How can a parent simply walk over to the god damned TV and turn the thing off and kick the kids into the back yard with a football? Where in the world could a parent find the strength to challenge a kid like that? If only there was some way for a parent to actually be in control over their home and their kids.

Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party, save the American parent from responsibility for raising their own rug rats!! Find us someone to blame quick!!!

lowing wrote:

Oh, what to do what to do!!

How can a parent simply walk over to the god damned TV and turn the thing off and kick the kids into the back yard with a football? Where in the world could a parent find the strength to challenge a kid like that? If only there was some way for a parent to actually be in control over their home and their kids.

Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party, save the American parent from responsibility for raising their own rug rats!! Find us someone to blame quick!!!
I may have missed something here but what have the Democratic party got to do with this?
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6727|United States of America

Home wrote:

The results of the initial What They Play online poll, conducted April 4-10, 2008, found that the 1,266 participants were most offended by the following in a video game: a man and woman having sex (37%); two men kissing (27%); a graphically severed head (25%); and multiple use of the F-word (9%).
What the hell are these folks doing anyway where they are playing video games with men kissing?

The media tells parents to be more concerned about videogames and that kids drinking alcohol is just a fact of life. These moronic parents sap it up and will believe anything.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

mtb0minime wrote:

The media tells parents to be more concerned about videogames and that kids drinking alcohol is just a fact of life. These moronic parents sap it up and will believe anything.
Both are fine. Society is full of pussies, I was drinking and playing games when I was 12.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
...5 years later you're still doing that now...arn't you...
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

m3thod wrote:

...5 years later you're still doing that now...arn't you...
Not really, I don't drink that much anymore and my comp can't even run PKR never mind bf2 or COD4...

School was fun though.
+194|6396|West NY
No, the drunk with the gun won't shoot you, but the kid who played violent video games since age 12 will.
+194|6396|West NY

jord wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

The media tells parents to be more concerned about videogames and that kids drinking alcohol is just a fact of life. These moronic parents sap it up and will believe anything.
Both are fine. Society is full of pussies, I was drinking and playing games when I was 12.
@ mtb - The world is full of tools, get used to it.
@jord - I wasn't referencing you in my last post lol, I chose that age at random.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

Noobpatty wrote:

jord wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

The media tells parents to be more concerned about videogames and that kids drinking alcohol is just a fact of life. These moronic parents sap it up and will believe anything.
Both are fine. Society is full of pussies, I was drinking and playing games when I was 12.
@ mtb - The world is full of tools, get used to it.
@jord - I wasn't referencing you in my last post lol, I chose that age at random.
Lol no worries.

Last edited by jord (2008-08-11 15:03:23)

+447|6890|Seattle, Washington, USA

jord wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

The media tells parents to be more concerned about videogames and that kids drinking alcohol is just a fact of life. These moronic parents sap it up and will believe anything.
Both are fine. Society is full of pussies, I was drinking and playing games when I was 12.
Same here. They need to get their priorities straight. If I had a kid I'd be more worried about something like them drinking and driving than playing GTA. Although I wouldn't expect them to drink and drive, because I wouldn't raise a dumbass.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6727|United States of America

Noobpatty wrote:

No, the drunk with the gun won't shoot you, but the kid who played violent video games since age 12 will.
I've played violent video games since the age of 9; good thing I don't drink.
+783|6885|Reykjavík, Iceland.

DesertFox- wrote:

Noobpatty wrote:

No, the drunk with the gun won't shoot you, but the kid who played violent video games since age 12 will.
I've played violent video games since the age of 9; good thing I don't drink.
I do both.

Holy shit.

Well, good thing that it would be easier for me to get an RPG in the states than a hand gun here
+55|6021|Portugal/United States

Poseidon wrote:

Shows how fucking stupid most parents can be nowadays when it comes to video games.

What's that book about how video games AREN'T the devil? Grand Theft Childhood? Something like that.

Someone pick those polled parents up a copy of that.
God Damn Right!
+119|6399|CA, USA

Poseidon wrote:

Shows how fucking stupid most parents can be nowadays when it comes to video games.

What's that book about how video games AREN'T the devil? Grand Theft Childhood? Something like that.

Someone pick those polled parents up a copy of that.
sounds like a Michael Moore movie title.

lowing wrote:

Oh, what to do what to do!!

How can a parent simply walk over to the god damned TV and turn the thing off and kick the kids into the back yard with a football? Where in the world could a parent find the strength to challenge a kid like that? If only there was some way for a parent to actually be in control over their home and their kids.

Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party, save the American parent from responsibility for raising their own rug rats!! Find us someone to blame quick!!!
The OP is about parents overreacting to video games instead of legitimate concerns like drugs and alcohol.  Congratulations, you fail.

Obey_m0rph3us wrote:

lowing wrote:

Oh, what to do what to do!!

How can a parent simply walk over to the god damned TV and turn the thing off and kick the kids into the back yard with a football? Where in the world could a parent find the strength to challenge a kid like that? If only there was some way for a parent to actually be in control over their home and their kids.

Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party, save the American parent from responsibility for raising their own rug rats!! Find us someone to blame quick!!!
The OP is about parents overreacting to video games instead of legitimate concerns like drugs and alcohol.  Congratulations, you fail.
No, I read and take it that parents are not involved, for if they were involved and could actually be bothered with raising their kids, there really would not be a problem with video games, drugs OR drinking, now would there?

I'm in danger of getting into a fatal wreck while driving under the influence of Super Mario Bros.

kn0ckahh wrote:

I think parents that don't ever play video games believe the negative publicity the media is giving it.
Parents, like most specific groups of people, tend to sheep up. While it's not really their fault, I suppose, if a 'study showed' that lead powder was essential in infant formula, you'd probably have a few extra hospital visits.

lowing wrote:

[...]Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party[...]
You brought the party system into this thread from two fronts: your post and your sig.


Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-08-11 20:11:28)

O Canada
+1,596|6447|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Oh, what to do what to do!!

How can a parent simply walk over to the god damned TV and turn the thing off and kick the kids into the back yard with a football? Where in the world could a parent find the strength to challenge a kid like that? If only there was some way for a parent to actually be in control over their home and their kids.

Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party, save the American parent from responsibility for raising their own rug rats!! Find us someone to blame quick!!!
While it is true that certain Democrats are the nanny state type when it comes to media (like Tipper Gore), it's actually mostly right-wing groups that lobby for censorship -- in particular, there are the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, and the Catholic League.

So really, if you want to blame anyone, blame the Republicans that support these groups.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm in danger of getting into a fatal wreck while driving under the influence of Super Mario Bros.

kn0ckahh wrote:

I think parents that don't ever play video games believe the negative publicity the media is giving it.
Parents, like most specific groups of people, tend to sheep up. While it's not really their fault, I suppose, if a 'study showed' that lead powder was essential in infant formula, you'd probably have a few extra hospital visits.

lowing wrote:

[...]Who could the parents blame for their kids lack of outdoor activity? Democratic Party[...]
You brought the party system into this thread from two fronts: your post and your sig.

I brought the Democratic Party into this because there is only one party that traditionally wants to take responsibility, choice and control away from the citizen and put it into the hands of the govt. That is the democratic party. Hence we need a good democrat or an ACLU lawyer to tell us who actually is at fault for the failure of raising a kid. I was being a smart ass with no intention of following through at length with it, but if you wanna discuss it, we can

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