The Photographer.
+81|6748|Central Valley,California

RECONDO67 wrote:

kids u better learn ur history and geography
stop surfing the web for porn and ead some books aor watch the history channel
I read more than I play BF2.
Kratos Aurion
Even I know that Wake Island exist. And I'm from Sweden.
Horseman 77

Nomer wrote:

John-Paul wrote:

What a fucked-up thread.

Too many people seem to be confusing knowledge with intelligence. Having knowledge about a certain subject doesn't guarantee you're intelligent. Similarly, lacking knowledge about a certain subject doesn't mean you lack intelligence. This is why true IQ tests are not knowledge-based. Rather, they test cognitive capabilities so that, independent of factors such as age, the extent of one's education, etc. you can still demonstrate a very high IQ. Hell, I've got an old copy of The Guinness Book of Records that states the highest IQ ever recorded was demonstrated by a 4-year-old (210 on the Terman Index).
Well said, the exact nature of what constitutes intelligence and intellect is incredibly subjective and debatable. There are tons of nifty little quotes and theories but the fact remains that most measures of intelligence people seem to sue here or anywhere such as World War II knowledge, different IQ tests and scales, the SAT, any of that, can and have in the past been accused of things like regional bias, racism, sexism and classism.

The real problem with education in the United States is often environment and opportunity, not motivation or any lack of "intelligence".  There are stupid and lazy/unmotivated people everywhere, but that does not mean that someone who lacks a certain piece of knowledge or is "uneducated" is one of those things.  My guess would be that in Australia in World War II they focus on major battles and then stuff that pertains to them more like the coast watchers and a little about their leaders and maybe my namesake (not Nomer). 

We attacked OP without knowing or taking into account relevant factors like location or age or if he'd played bf1942.  That being said there was a time where everyone where everyone here didn't know just about everything they now know.  From the incredibly important (like walking and talking) to the relatively unimportant (like American history topics such as Molly Pitcher or minor battles) there was a time when we had no knowledge of or clue how to do what we have since learned(with a few exceptions i.e. things that are involuntary or instinctual and not really knowledge). 

Also, for all the internet dick-wagging in here I don't believe many people have mentioned the main reason that people remember Wake Island other than the fact that some Marines put up a hell of a fight while outnumbered and outgunned there.  The Japanese officer in control ordered the execution of the American POW's there (I can't say 'the Japanese executed' because it is too simplistic and people would start hating the Japanese for something done over 60 years ago) and obviously in doing so went against the Geneva Code and just about every international law in existence.  The Japanese leader on the island was tried for war crimes and executed and his chief subordinate was sentenced to life.  Does anyone know if the famous rock engraving/makeshift tombstone appears in either version of the map, I haven't thought to look until this thread (it will have I believe the date of the slaughter and 98 for the number killed on that day and mark the location of the atrocity)?

This is no big surprise, The Japanese also killed more Civilians than The Nazis ever killed. The Japanese Conduct during the War was inexcusable. Way to much stuff to list here. Volumes of war Crimes. Never apologized either. Makes you wonder why people hate Nazis more. Did we expect more from Germans? that would be racist.

Wake was also the only time an amphibious landing was ever repulsed, in WWII
PKM Whore
+16|6679|Prolly on wake.

spacepelle wrote:

Terrible_chester wrote:

you little bitches and your anti-american bullshit make me sick. Especially those of you who are american. pussy fucktards.

the whole point of this is that you would -think- in a fucking war game forum that it would be common knowledge that all the maps in this war game are based around real places...that was part of the appeal of it for me. but all you bitch made america haters want to make it about americans thinking there parts in WW2 are the most important (never mind that they WERE the most important you fucks) when that isnt even what its about.
i hate you.
I assure you, the feeling is mutual.
Dogfood Enforcer
if you didnt know that Wake Island was real then you are officially retarded, or totally uninterested in the history of war and thus shouldnt waste their time on this game.
Does anyone know where the Iron Gator is?
Username II

Vikke890 wrote:

Strike at Karkand

I think this one is more like Mashtuur.
My God, I used to come on these forums as a guest and just read posts about bf2 and enjoy the odd amusing videos and news etc.

I just signed up a second ago to say Grow up for christs sake you're bickering like five year olds (you know who you are)

Not everyone knows EVERY piece of history, for example I just learned a bit about Wake island, I'll admit I knew it existed but I didn't know the history surrounding it.

There's too many people around these days who expect or think that just because they know about it everyone else should! that's what history books and classes are for so people learn about it.

Basically what I'm trying to say is take a chill pill! Go play Bf2 have some fun and stop whining bitching and bickering like a bunch of idiots!
+12|6796|Perth, Western Australia

ComradeWho wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Congratulations! You have been promoted to smacktard status.

Yes. it is a real map, it's obvious, it was in BF1942, so it HAD to be real, like all the other maps that came with it, whoever said Wake Island wasn't real should be hogtied in a basement in Siberia and left there.
there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this. There's no reason for the battle of Wake to be taught outside of a US History or History of WW2 course - why would it be in standard Australian textbooks?
Let me get this straight, you're saying that there is very little chance of a non Japanese or American citizen of learning about Wake Island?

That's downright ignorance. First of all, anyone who payed even the slightest attention to the plane wreckage, you'd know it's a bunch of Mitsubishi Zeros, even moreso if you ever played 1942, it was a minor battle compared to Midway or Iwo Jima, Coral Sea etc. but it's been freaking well known for a while that Wake Island is a real place. Who are you to say that Australians don't learn about the Pacific campaign? We were freaking in it, and very paranoid about an invasion, and at one time bombed at Darwin a fair amount of times, as well as being attacked in Sydney, not very major damage, but nonetheless.

I suggest you take a look at an atlas some time, look at the big island south of Asia, see it? It's called Australia! See where it is? Oh wow, the pacific/indian ocean..whodathunkit.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6809|Toronto Canada
gulf of oman is real too.
+8|6801|Sacramento, CA (USA)

Johnuk wrote:

My God, I used to come on these forums as a guest and just read posts about bf2 and enjoy the odd amusing videos and news etc.

I just signed up a second ago to say Grow up for christs sake you're bickering like five year olds (you know who you are)

Not everyone knows EVERY piece of history, for example I just learned a bit about Wake island, I'll admit I knew it existed but I didn't know the history surrounding it.

There's too many people around these days who expect or think that just because they know about it everyone else should! that's what history books and classes are for so people learn about it.

Basically what I'm trying to say is take a chill pill! Go play Bf2 have some fun and stop whining bitching and bickering like a bunch of idiots!
Congradulations you just won the ignorant person of the day award.  I didn't know that the history of Wake Island was that hard.   But given the teaching of history in today's society, I am really not that suprised that you didn't know the history sorrounding wake island.  That is the main reason for myself to become a history teacher.  To stop producing the pacification and pussification of american kids in schools.   We need to remember our history!!!

Last edited by StickyBombs (2006-03-05 09:59:05)

+8|6801|Sacramento, CA (USA)

I2elik wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Congratulations! You have been promoted to smacktard status.

Yes. it is a real map, it's obvious, it was in BF1942, so it HAD to be real, like all the other maps that came with it, whoever said Wake Island wasn't real should be hogtied in a basement in Siberia and left there.
there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this. There's no reason for the battle of Wake to be taught outside of a US History or History of WW2 course - why would it be in standard Australian textbooks?
Let me get this straight, you're saying that there is very little chance of a non Japanese or American citizen of learning about Wake Island?

That's downright ignorance. First of all, anyone who payed even the slightest attention to the plane wreckage, you'd know it's a bunch of Mitsubishi Zeros, even moreso if you ever played 1942, it was a minor battle compared to Midway or Iwo Jima, Coral Sea etc. but it's been freaking well known for a while that Wake Island is a real place. Who are you to say that Australians don't learn about the Pacific campaign? We were freaking in it, and very paranoid about an invasion, and at one time bombed at Darwin a fair amount of times, as well as being attacked in Sydney, not very major damage, but nonetheless.

I suggest you take a look at an atlas some time, look at the big island south of Asia, see it? It's called Australia! See where it is? Oh wow, the pacific/indian ocean..whodathunkit.
Right on brother preach it.  Australia was actually very involved in the war as well as New Zealanders.  They  fought in the battle of Crete (along with British, New Zealand, and Greeks)  in which they helped massacrce close to 15,000 german paratroopers.  That was actually the biggest cassualtie the allies had infliced on the axis powers since WW2 started.  Look it up if you don't believe me.  There were countless other battles they were involved in but it would take a week to list all of them.

Last edited by StickyBombs (2006-03-05 09:54:07)

it is stupid using the excuse of being a person of another nation. its history, a lesson u obviously sleep through.
+8|6748|South Australia

kessel! wrote:

gulf of oman is real too.
oh jesus
Yeah like the Canadians would ever burn down the Whitehouse.

EA just makes stuff up based upon real world events and locations. Why not start with something that's known and twist it.  Isn't it easier to code an existing pre-exisitng map and battle, then start the entire idea from scratch.

So did the canadians burn down the white houe? Where was it located? Were they ever at war with one another? If so who were the supporting forces, why, and what were their reasons?


BTW, these questions were pointed towards those who said "give me a break, you have got to be kidding etc."

Last edited by vjs (2006-03-07 11:06:35)

+8|6801|Sacramento, CA (USA)

vjs wrote:

Yeah like the Canadians would ever burn down the Whitehouse.

EA just makes stuff up based upon real world events and locations. Why not start with something that's known and twist it.  Isn't it easier to code an existing pre-exisitng map and battle, then start the entire idea from scratch.

So did the canadians burn down the white houe? Where was it located? Were they ever at war with one another? If so who were the supporting forces, why, and what were their reasons?


BTW, these questions were pointed towards those who said "give me a break, you have got to be kidding etc."
If you are refering to the War of 1812 then yes, the white house did burn down.  The only remaining thing left from the original white house is the picture of George Washington that Dolly Madison took with her when Washington D.C. fell to the British.  The British were supported by Canadian forces.  That is true...but to say that Canada alone burned down the white house is not true.   Ok so what is with all these Canadian questions.  I thougth we were talking about Wake Island?
To the Poster: Thank you, I didn't know Wake was real and I enjoyed reading the encyclopedia link. I learned something new.

To all those flaming the poster: As a practicing degree holding engineer I consider myself somewhat educated but history is not where I focus my attention. Obviously the same doesn't go for some of you. To those of you who feel the need to dazzle us with your intellect I suggest you put down your thesaurus, speak in the common tounge, and remember that this is merely a video game forum.
+8|6801|Sacramento, CA (USA)

Adonlude wrote:

To the Poster: Thank you, I didn't know Wake was real and I enjoyed reading the encyclopedia link. I learned something new.

To all those flaming the poster: As a practicing degree holding engineer I consider myself somewhat educated but history is not where I focus my attention. Obviously the same doesn't go for some of you. To those of you who feel the need to dazzle us with your intellect I suggest you put down your thesaurus, speak in the common tounge, and remember that this is merely a video game forum.
Sorry I was not flaming the poster but merely trying to educate some people.  I just thought that kind of stuff should be taught in schools, that is what the the point I was trying to make.
+8|6801|Sacramento, CA (USA)

ComradeWho wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this. There's no reason for the battle of Wake to be taught outside of a US History or History of WW2 course - why would it be in standard Australian textbooks?
The battle of Wake Island was hardly a minimal event. Moreover, I'd like to take this time to point out that the Australians had as much vested in the island hopping stragedy of the US PacFleet as the Americans did. The original battle plan for the Japanese called for an eventual invasion of Australia, a fact the Aussies well knew. The blokes from down under were one of the largest contributers of troops to the pacific war effort.

And its called studying history for a reason. I'm an american, but somehow I have knowledge of the War of the Roses, Hundred Years War, Falklands war, the Sino-Japanese conflicts, and numerous other battles.

Its called an education kids. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. It'll help you get a better job, make more money, and ensure that I don't have to pay for welfare for your children.
it was fucking minimal, it was an outpost manned by unqualified marines and officers using antiquated weapons. it served little strategic purpose. you're getting it confused with midway. it's only significance is it was the first land battle that the united states was involved in in the pacific. - underlining how unimportant it really would be to any other country since why would they note the first land battle we were involved in? are you so stupid as to think that that's common knowledge outside of the US? can you name the first land battle turkey was involved in (and don't go google that either)?

Yeah, the australians had a lot vested in island hopping - good job pointing that out! but it still has nothing to do with the battle of wake island in which the japanese overran a patch of dirt that was about a mile square with a couple of planes. at this point in the war MacArthur and Nimitz hadn't even opened up the island hopping debate since we were on the defensive. just because it's an island doesn't mean it has anything to do with island hopping or the surival of australia. jesus you fool - if you're going to be a snob about history atleast have a decent grasp of it.

By the way - in the US we're overly taught about battles and politicans and things of that nature. Maybe you study history in depth (but i doubt from your post) but for every person that knows about the battle of wake in this country there are 10 or 20 or 100 that couldn't name four abolishonist leaders, four suffragette leaders, four labor leaders, or four civil rights leaders (you know that kind of shit is pretty important to). this kind of stupid debate just underscores how arrogant and truly stupid most americans are. again, there's no reason for an australian to know about this battle, and very little for an american who's not taking a WW2 history class to know about it either. doubtful that you have a holistic knowledge of the war and highly likely that all of your knowledge is concentrated on the US involvement.
Thank you for proving my point that the history classes in US and around the world suck.   History is always in the bias of the winner!!!  Good post though, Wake island is in fact very far from Australia and really had no interest to the Australians.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6717|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Ya bunch of Farts having a go at each other over who knows there history and who dosen't.  Im from the uk and our history goes back a lot further than others but Im not intrested in it. Shocking waste some may feel. My intrests lie elsewhere. I didnt know Wake exsisted so that makes me inferior? What I do know is both my Grandfathers fought in ww2, luckily both came home and as I grew up was lucky enough to hear the storys.  I apolagise for not knowing exact details of where they were at what time doing what but it dosen't mean I show any lack of respect to history.

The game teaches me new things everyday and so far today Ive learned Wake exists. Should I be commended or criticised? Either way Im not bothered.
I wonder if anyone lives on wake island, and has a computer, with internet access, and a bloody good graphics card.
Maybe we could get them to log in and play.

Must be funny to be able to land a helicopter outside your own house.

Oh, I'm English.
I knew Wake Island existed.

But, a lot of people are ignorant about a lot of things.

Many people think the US only dropped one A-bomb, they thing Enola Gay had something to do with getting the vote for women, they thing female emancipation is something rude involving fruit, and that WWII was so long ago that is has no bearing on the world as it is now.

Dogfood Enforcer wrote:

if you didnt know that Wake Island was real then you are officially retarded, or totally uninterested in the history of war and thus shouldnt waste their time on this game.
obviously you know EVERY single place in which during wwII some significant battle took place. because otherwise you are officially retarded
+6|6769|London, UK
+50|6739|Southern California

DasCapital wrote:

Agent_zero is right: we play a video game! This does not give us any right to pass comment on the real events on Wake Island in WW2.

I suggest that ComradeWho et al pull their heads in and take their bullshit theories elsewhere.

Just my $0.02
i looooove people who can accuse an argument of being "bullshit" without offering up any counter to it,
dude - everyone with an understanding of the war has succeeded that my points about wake are correct. you earn a right to comment on history by being alive, and if your comments can stand up to reasoned scrutiny then congratulations, if not keep them to yourself until you can formulate an opinion that does. you're a fool if you think people shouldn't comment on history and if you think "rights" come into it.

funny that i get called a snob just because im shooting down bad theories about wake, the whole reason for doing that was to combat the snobbery of people flaming this kid when they had no real basis for doing so.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-03-08 12:06:37)

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