liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Cam, is it not understood by now, when speaking of Islam, it is current events and its impact that is spoken of. It is the events in the papers on the news, that is being refered to. do we really have to say, "oh except for the cool sect in Canada". Ca not some shit that is posted just be understood for the sake of a shorter post, if nothing else?
The issue here is you seem to have it backwards - the implication there is that 9 sects are violent and that Canadian sect is the good one. I would have thought it was the other way around. In addition, you have the notion that a religion is a set-in-stone-edict or entity seperated from its followers. However, the conclusion then would be that religion does not change over time - not right. Islam today is not the same as Islam 150 years ago is not the same as Islam during the days of the Caliphate.
Islam today is not the same as Islam 150 years ago?

You mean, Islam DIDN'T behead people, or stone them or 150 years ago? ISLAM DIDN'T excute women in the streets 150 years ago?
I have already said and I believe this........If you are not practicing your religion the way it is taught, but instead practice a form of it so it is convienient for you, then you are not practicing the religion that you claim. If CHRISTIANS do not follow the words of CHRIST then they are not CHRISTIAN, If MUSLIMS do not follow the word of Muhammad then they are not following ISLAM.

CHRIST teaches peace, love, tolerance.

Muhammad teaches, intolerance, violence and convertion or death.

So yeah, the crusaders were not following Christian beliefs regardless of what they claim.

The 911 hijackers WERE following the teachings of Muhammad, regardless of what YOU claim.
Certainly not what I've heard...

Where do you get this stuff from?

One more thing: you define religion in exactly the same way a fundementalist does, i.e. a set of rules in paper to be followed. That, in my opinion, is wrong.

In addition, you seem to have completely missed the point. My point was that a religion is not set and stone and is not merely the 'teachings' of Mohammed (in fact Islam is seen as the teachings of Mohammed as well as the teachings of Christ as well as the teachings of Abraham and Moses. Ever noticed that their most holy site is the house that ABRAHAM built?) - it is the collective beliefs of its followers.

Another thing: 150 years, ago, I doubt very much that "Islam" was anything near as violent as they were today. Most Islamic countries were stable, you see, the Middle East was by and large peaceful and the Ottoman Empire was still up. It is no coincidence that the rise of Islamism has coincided with the destabilizing of the region following the fall of the Ottoman Empire (in itself the shadow of a once more powerful Caliphate) and the colonial powers fucking the place over fowards and backwards (GG Britain, France).

Last edited by Spark (2008-07-21 00:51:15)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Gecko

lowing wrote:

CHRIST teaches peace, love, tolerance.
Really?  So all those passages about the end times when those who don't swear allegiance to him go to hell to burn in torment are there for what exactly?

lowing wrote:

Muhammad teaches, intolerance, violence and convertion or death.
Actually, no.  First, Muslims are specifically required to protect "peoples of the book" (Muslims, Jews, Christians).

Second, Muslims can't be taxed.  Meaning that to effectively run an empire you have to have non-Muslims.

I think you'll find about the only religion that early Muslims did want to wipe out was Zoroastrianism, but that had more to do with the fact that it's what the nomadic Arab tribes worshipped before Muhammed came along.  That is: Zoroastrians were enemy tribes, and the best way to make your followers effectively fight them was to declare them to be evil.

Kind of like what the US does today.
Save the BlobFish!

lowing wrote:

Muhammad teaches, intolerance, violence and convertion or death.[
These are actual teachings from Mohammed:

Thus saith the Lord, "Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence."

"Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. "

God saith, "Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. "

"Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. "

"Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. "

There are pages more of them too. Saying that Mohammed preaches intolerance, violence and convertion or death, really is very ignorant. And kinda stupid. But I guess thats what we have come to expect.

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

These are actual teachings from Mohammed:

Thus saith the Lord, "Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence."

"Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. "

God saith, "Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. "

"Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. "

"Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. "

There are pages more of them too. Saying that Mohammed preaches intolerance, violence and convertion or death, really is very ignorant. And kinda stupid. But I guess thats what we have come to expect.
But Burwhale it's no fun when you can't cherrypick the contradictory quotes out of context!!! You know the ones that very few interpret literally...

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-21 05:46:12)

Save the BlobFish!
Ahh yes I did spend hours cutting and pasting to avoid the " kill all infidels" sayings. Curse my left wing sensibilities!
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6578|Long Island, New York

CameronPoe wrote:

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

These are actual teachings from Mohammed:

Thus saith the Lord, "Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence."

"Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. "

God saith, "Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. "

"Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. "

"Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. "

There are pages more of them too. Saying that Mohammed preaches intolerance, violence and convertion or death, really is very ignorant. And kinda stupid. But I guess thats what we have come to expect.
But Burwhale it's no fun when you can't cherrypick the contradictory quotes out of context!!! You know the ones that very few interpret literally...
Personal experience with the Koran = BAD. BAD!
The X stands for
+1,810|6146|eXtreme to the maX
How exactly has this turned into another Islam bashing thread?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears
One of the major problems in the US is that "the other" is used to motivate groups of followers to do acts for a few power hungry A$$HOLES.

After the civil war the KKK was outlawed (a good thing) BUT the KKK and their belief systems wrapped themselves in the First Amendment and whalla the religious right was born (a bad thing) and they eventually became the Southern Baptists. If you ever have the opportunity to talk to one of these true believers don't be surprised that when you say something that doesn't compute with their view of the world that they are inculcated in to, these people will get quiet, their face will glaze over and you will get a blanket response that has been given to them by their pastor which uses a really warped logic that uses "faith" in the religion to fill in errors in the logic, when this happens to a friend it is a truly scary thing.  Here is one
1. Jesus loves everyone.... but not the muslims, jews or other christians that do not belong to this church....HUH????? where's the logic in that one???? answer to plug the illogical statement.... faith. The more illogical the statement the more that god is testing your faith.

These people really do not make sense when you challenge their assumptions.

The lack of thought process and the falling back on brainwashed statements is really scary especially when you challenge the racist $hit that comes out of these people and the defense to their statement boils down to a statement that is the equivalant to saying "that's my faith."

A religion based on the idea of "the other" is as dangerous as any cult that has ever existed. Just look at how Hilter motivated his followers by praying on the preexisting christian prejudices based on "the other." Prejudice is merely the tool used to keep these people from intigrating into larger society. My answer to the question of Ignorance or inferiority complex would be that its from people kept in ignorance or who are taught to be ignorant by not questioning what they are being told. I imagine that its pretty difficult for a person to question what is being told to them by their religious leader. But, once these people give in and no longer question what they are told, then they can be easily manipulated to do anything. You could simply step outside and say "I hate _________(fill in the blank)" and you will find groups of people who have been preprogramed to follow you. That's what Hitler did with Jews. That's what Bush did with muslims.
+226|6783|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
here is a classic example of how they spew hatred and then hides behind "scripture" - this is our first ministers wife! I hope the hag is driven out of political life soon..

Iris Robinson today made an apparent U-turn over her controversial comments that homosexuality is “viler” than child sex abuse.

The First Minister’s wife told the House of Commons, during a debate on the assessment and management of sex offenders, that “there can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children”.

When contacted by the Belfast Telegraph Mrs Robinson said that homosexuality was “comparable” to child abuse and that she feels “totally repulsed by both.”

“I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable,” she said.

Later today however, she issued a fresh comment via the DUP press office stating: “I clearly intended to say that child abuse was worse even than homosexuality and sodomy ... at no point have I set out to suggest homosexuality was worse than child sex abuse.”

The Strangford MP’s comments have led her into her biggest controversy yet with politicians saying that serious questions have now been raised about her “fitness to be in a position of responsibility”.

“I have a live-and-let-live philosophy,” SDLP MP Alasdair McDonnell said. “I find it hard enough to live my own life without dictating to other people how they should live their lives. I think Mrs Robinson is pompous and condescending if she believes that she has a monopoly in wisdom.

“I do not agree with Iris in any aspect of this.”

Mr McDonnell added: “I am not going to tell her what to say. It is up to people to judge. They will maybe realise it is more than a bit bizarre. It raises serious questions about her fitness to sit in a position of responsibility.”

He added: “She is abusing her position. The sort of comments she is making — she may not intend it to be such — but they create space for all sorts of homophobic attacks.”

He added that the comments are “cruel” and should not be “wrapped up in a religious context”.

UUP MLA Basil McCrea said he believes Mrs Robinson has “crossed the line” and added that the DUP must make it clear if she is speaking for the party.

“What Northern Ireland needs is more tolerance and respect. It is completely unacceptable for her to say this. I am amazed. We need politicians who are sensitive to the needs of society. There is a limit to what can be said when expressing personal opinion and this is crossing the line,” he said.

He added: “We do not want to live in a society where everything is black or white. What we need is humanity, tolerance, support and guidance — not lectures from the Old Testament. The challenge goes out to the DUP now — is Iris Robinson putting forward party politics when she makes these statements?

“She is the First Minister’s wife after all. The DUP need to make themselves clear as to where they stand.”

Sinn Fein MLA Willie Clarke, of Stormont’s Standards and Privileges Committee, said that in light of these comments some people will be calling for Mrs Robinson’s resignation.

“I don’t want to curtail free speech but there is an onus on public representatives to represent the views of the whole community. When you become an elected representative you have to at times put aside your own views. These comments are appaling. The gay community is a very vulnerable group.”

Defending her comments, Mrs Robinson told the Belfast Telegraph: “I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both.”

Sources within the DUP said they believe the media is being unfair to Mrs Robinson in its coverage of her views and they should stop “hounding” her.

Mrs Robinson adds a PS to her own words...
Iris Robinson to Parliament

“We all agree that few issues arouse as much interest or concern in the community as that of sex offenders. The sentences served and their subsequent placement back in the community cause considerable disquiet among the public. There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children. There must be sufficient confidence that the community has the best possible protection against such perverts and it is important that there be a mature public debate on the issues, but the security of our citizens must be our overriding priority.”

Iris Robinson to Belfast Telegraph

“Can you think of anything more vile than man and man or woman and woman and sexually abusing children? What I say I base on biblical pronouncements, based on God’s word. I am amazed that people are surprised when I quote from scriptures ... I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both ... I am trying to reach out to people. That is what Christ teaches us ...

Anything I say is out of love. I am not hate-mongering. I cannot leave my Christian values hanging at the door when I go into politics. I am speaking out ... because we are getting it more and more rammed down our throats that minority views are more important than majority views. I am not trying to alienate anyone ... I do not turn anyone away. I would never water down anything with the scriptures and I don’t think I should. I find it amazing, if not unexpected, as these days Christians are persecuted for their views, but that will not stop me. There will be a Judgment Day. When I am judged I want to know I did all I could to spread the Word.”

Iris Robinson via DUP press office

“The remarks in the Grand Committee report do not accurately reflect my views. While I will be seeking to check the Committee recording, what I clearly intended to say was that child abuse was worse even than homosexuality and sodomy.

While I have strong views on homosexual activity based on the Scriptures, it can in no way be equated with child abuse. If that had been the impression I created at the Committee, I would have expected other Committee members to correct me immediately.

At no point have I set out to suggest homosexuality was worse than child sex abuse. There can be no comparison between the two. My entire contribution at that Committee meeting was about highlighting the gravity of sex offences and indeed calling for stronger sentences.

In my Christian and political life across a whole range of issues I have always sought to protect the rights and interest of the child. From my work as party health spokesperson and chair of the Health Committee I know the horrific impact sexual abuse has on individuals and families, and I have sought to do my best to assist the victims of abuse.” … 17582.html

She was also calling for government to uphold " Gods law " like they're the fucking Taliban or something, cunt..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2008-07-21 07:17:16)


CameronPoe wrote:

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

These are actual teachings from Mohammed:

Thus saith the Lord, "Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence."

"Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. "

God saith, "Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. "

"Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. "

"Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. "

There are pages more of them too. Saying that Mohammed preaches intolerance, violence and convertion or death, really is very ignorant. And kinda stupid. But I guess thats what we have come to expect.
But Burwhale it's no fun when you can't cherrypick the contradictory quotes out of context!!! You know the ones that very few interpret literally...
So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

So if the US is criticized it's automatically a prejudice = ignornace, inferiority complex or both.

I however don't think "you're an idiot" is a defendable position.

A little too much generalizing on the generalizers me thinks.  Aka there may not always be a logic vacuum.
The US government is a single administration judged for its own single actions, mmm, hardly generalizing there.  Generalizing would be "all US governments are shit", while "GWB's administration is an epic fail" is not.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-07-21 07:39:51)

Cowboy from Hell

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ohhhhhhh no Spearhead, you are correct, Sergeriver is the ONLY person in this forum that has said shit like his post implies. He is the ONLY one who draws conclusions that people on the right are ignorant, racist, brain lazy, assholes, war mongers, generalizing, etc for because they do not agree with the fantasyland idiology of the left. ...........Yeah, just sergeriver.

So, now that we cleared that up, why not respond to the post you quoted. Watcha think?
Are you really that dumb lowing?  You just fit you're accusations in the very post you made them in... jesus christ.

So your logic is that if YOU'RE not racist, then no one is?  Because as far as I know, mostly everyone here in DST has come to the conclusion that you generalize and are racist in certain issues lowing.

I mean, is it any coincidence that EVERY SINGLE TOPIC YOU POST ABOUT RACE turns into a fucking 30 page flame war?  Honestly, the whole "I'm not racist, so therefore everyone who thinks I am is wrong and everything they think is wrong too" argument does't cut it....

I didnt even bother to read what you said, because you automatically assumed that everyone to the left of you agreed with what sergeriver said, which is not true, at all.  I couldnt disagree more with sergeriver on this one... yet he's an easy target, so you try to connect everyone else to him.
Didn't you know?  Every person to Lowing's left thinks the same way.  That would be almost 6 billion people.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-07-21 07:51:19)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6583|Texas - Bigger than France

sergeriver wrote:

Pug wrote:

So if the US is criticized it's automatically a prejudice = ignorance, inferiority complex or both.

I however don't think "you're an idiot" is a defendable position.

A little too much generalizing on the generalizers me thinks.  Aka there may not always be a logic vacuum.
The US government is a single administration judged for its own single actions, mmm, hardly generalizing there.  Generalizing would be "all US governments are shit", while "GWB's administration is an epic fail" is not.
You cannot take a position on a debate WITHOUT being prejudiced.  Why?  Once your opinion forms you have become prejudiced.

GWB = epic fail is a perfect example.

Is that more clear?
The Gecko

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

These are actual teachings from Mohammed:

Thus saith the Lord, "Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence."

"Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. "

God saith, "Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. "

"Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. "

"Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. "

There are pages more of them too. Saying that Mohammed preaches intolerance, violence and convertion or death, really is very ignorant. And kinda stupid. But I guess thats what we have come to expect.
But Burwhale it's no fun when you can't cherrypick the contradictory quotes out of context!!! You know the ones that very few interpret literally...
So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
You asked what he taught, not what he did.
Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Pug wrote:

So if the US is criticized it's automatically a prejudice = ignorance, inferiority complex or both.

I however don't think "you're an idiot" is a defendable position.

A little too much generalizing on the generalizers me thinks.  Aka there may not always be a logic vacuum.
The US government is a single administration judged for its own single actions, mmm, hardly generalizing there.  Generalizing would be "all US governments are shit", while "GWB's administration is an epic fail" is not.
You cannot take a position on a debate WITHOUT being prejudiced.  Why?  Once your opinion forms you have become prejudiced.

GWB = epic fail is a perfect example.

Is that more clear?
I used it as an example, although I believe it is an epic fail.  Let's see.  I agree in part with what you said.  Maybe you could have said that we all are somehow biased, and that's completely true.  But when someone goes "all blacks are lazy", or "Islam is a disease", well that's generalizing.  The difference is a bias can include some prejudice but still isn't a generalization, although sometimes it is, while generalizing about a group of people is always wrong.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6583|Texas - Bigger than France

sergeriver wrote:

I used it as an example, although I believe it is an epic fail.  Let's see.  I agree in part with what you said.  Maybe you could have said that we all are somehow biased, and that's completely true.  But when someone goes "all blacks are lazy", or "Islam is a disease", well that's generalizing.  The difference is a bias can include some prejudice but still isn't a generalization, although sometimes it is, while generalizing about a group of people is always wrong.
Ok, I get it.  But then this thread is not directed at Lowing...he usually backs up his opinions with facts, examples or conjecture that would hold up if this was a court room.


lowing wrote:

So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
Not really relevant. The Q'uran is taken as a whole and in context, much as the massacres of the Old Testament are trumped by messages in other passages in the popular interpretation.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-21 08:31:18)

Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I used it as an example, although I believe it is an epic fail.  Let's see.  I agree in part with what you said.  Maybe you could have said that we all are somehow biased, and that's completely true.  But when someone goes "all blacks are lazy", or "Islam is a disease", well that's generalizing.  The difference is a bias can include some prejudice but still isn't a generalization, although sometimes it is, while generalizing about a group of people is always wrong.
Ok, I get it.  But then this thread is not directed at Lowing...he usually backs up his opinions with facts, examples or conjecture that would hold up if this was a court room.

Nowhere I said it was.  Nevertheless, he can back up his opinions with facts, which doesn't necessarily mean that those facts are representative of a whole community.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-07-21 08:33:59)

+3,936|6541|so randum
I've still got my head. Probably 50 thousand muslims could have taken it at any moment.

I must have met the nice ones.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6583|Texas - Bigger than France

sergeriver wrote:

Nowhere I said it was.  Nevertheless, he can back up his opinions with facts, which doesn't necessarily mean that those facts are representative of a whole community.
Dude...'s on the internet, so it's true.
Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Nowhere I said it was.  Nevertheless, he can back up his opinions with facts, which doesn't necessarily mean that those facts are representative of a whole community.
Dude...'s on the internet, so it's true.
Oh, I forgot the golden rule.  We've all been down that road anyway, so I can't say anything.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-07-21 08:45:11)


ZombieVampire! wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

But Burwhale it's no fun when you can't cherrypick the contradictory quotes out of context!!! You know the ones that very few interpret literally...
So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
You asked what he taught, not what he did.
So leading by example is out of the question I suppose??

sergeriver wrote:

Pug wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I used it as an example, although I believe it is an epic fail.  Let's see.  I agree in part with what you said.  Maybe you could have said that we all are somehow biased, and that's completely true.  But when someone goes "all blacks are lazy", or "Islam is a disease", well that's generalizing.  The difference is a bias can include some prejudice but still isn't a generalization, although sometimes it is, while generalizing about a group of people is always wrong.
Ok, I get it.  But then this thread is not directed at Lowing...he usually backs up his opinions with facts, examples or conjecture that would hold up if this was a court room.

Nowhere I said it was.  Nevertheless, he can back up his opinions with facts, which doesn't necessarily mean that those facts are representative of a whole community.
So I get it, I am generalizing by saying shit, I never said, like "All black people are lazy" and you are not gewneralizing by saying everyone on the right that does not believe what you believe is ignorant, prejudiced, or have an inferiority complex.........I see now.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
Not really relevant. The Q'uran is taken as a whole and in context, much as the massacres of the Old Testament are trumped by messages in other passages in the popular interpretation.
You just can't seem to accept the fact that the NEW Covenant supersedes the Old Testament with the coming of Christ and his teachings.

Christians acknowledge the old testament but it WORSHIPS the word of the Christ. The are 2 different things Cam, or they wouldn't separate the books into 2 DISTINCT and separate sections.

We are comparing the apples and apples here CAm, Muhammad and Christ, both messengers of God in their words and their actions.

By comparing them it is clear that there really is, well, no comparison. Regardless if you like it or not.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

So he said these things when? BEFORE or AFTER he lopped off those 600 heads?
Not really relevant. The Q'uran is taken as a whole and in context, much as the massacres of the Old Testament are trumped by messages in other passages in the popular interpretation.
You just can't seem to accept the fact that the NEW Covenant supersedes the Old Testament with the coming of Christ and his teachings.

Christians acknowledge the old testament but it WORSHIPS the word of the Christ. The are 2 different things Cam, or they wouldn't separate the books into 2 DISTINCT and separate sections.

We are comparing the apples and apples here CAm, Muhammad and Christ, both messengers of God in their words and their actions.

By comparing them it is clear that there really is, well, no comparison. Regardless if you like it or not.
Actually I can. Much as the the Gospels trump some of the teachings of the Old Testament the same is true of Islam. It's you who can't seem to accept the fact that Islam is taught overwhelmingly as a religion of peace, with the historical events you speak ofoccurring in a particular context and being trumped by many other teachings of Mohammed you consciously and deliberately choose to neglect. You're right - it is apples and apples. You focus on irrelevancies in the grander scheme of things.

PS Perhaps you should tell some of your Christian friends that the Old Testament is a steaming pile of bullshit:

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-22 07:05:06)

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