+2,187|6603|Mountains of NC

I was having a talk with my new brother-in-law ( lil 'sis got married this weekend) and he's not a military type person. But anyway we got around to guns which lead to my time in the corps and he asked if I've ever shot anyone. Yes .

He asked " How could I do that " I simpled replied back " Me or him " but I'm also a scout/sniper so he tried to throw that in my face, that its not a life or death situation for me ..... I simply replied " with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "

So could you face to face shoot someone .... at close combat a person will usually go through four different mindset
1. they are in fear and might beg or coward on the floor
2. they welcome it with pleasure and smile at you bc you're about to make a martyr
3. they freeze, like a statue .......
4. anger, its the fight or flight and they are fighting ......... at close I've seen this alot

Could you shoot someone at long distance ( I'm not talking skill ) ... Could you look through the scope and put a round in the nose or temple or back of the neck at 500 yards

I believe distance shooting is the hardest ......... The target has no idea you're there, you're watching this target eating his dinner or enjoying a cig on the back deck or playing domino's with his friends ........ then crack and I disappear
+3,611|6656|London, England
I'd probably have a hard time killing someone that isn't trying to kill me/people i'm with. Actually, i'm not going to say shit until I actually find myself in a situation where I have to/can shoot someone.

Helps if you're conditioned for it, but it ultimately comes down to finding out once you're presented with an 'opportunity.'
With no regrets.
What was I doing mars?
While I tend to favor human life if they are trying to extinguish mine, fuck em (like Cohagen sayz!). They're as good as dead.
'Light 'em up!'

Given the situation of being myself or him, then yes. I actually think I'd have a harder time trying to bayonet someone than shoot them.

if I did it I wouldn't be able rationalize why I did it
+240|6699|Austin, TX
Yes, I could.  Of course, having spent so much time in the military, I have thought about it, and the morality of it, quite a bit.  But yes.

There have been a couple times in the civilian world that the only reason I have not killed someone was that it was against the law.  Of course, I may be slightly disturbed in the head.

I have no problems shooting someone who threatens to or put me or my family in danger. That is however the only circumstance.  I wouldn't join the military unless there was a credible imminent threat against my homeland or its sovereignty.

I would never shoot people so rich men can get richer.
The Gecko


" with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "
You know, the same could have been said about you.

Just saying.

OT:  Dunno.  Won't know until I have to.
I can say with confidence I can and will shoot ( several times just to be sure) anyone that enters my home uninvited. By the way, so will my wife. She has become quite proficient with her new Taurus 9MM
+2,187|6603|Mountains of NC

ZombieVampire! wrote:


" with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "
You know, the same could have been said about you.

Just saying.

OT:  Dunno.  Won't know until I have to.
oh yeah the same could be said for me but I had the faster trigger finger but I've got the restraint to not pull the trigger if he had laid down his weapon
Served and Out
+642|6596|Southampton, UK

Yeah, considering I have no problem with joining the Army this Sept.
+3,611|6656|London, England

naightknifar wrote:

Yeah, considering I have no problem with joining the Army this Sept.
What are you going into? You just going infantry?

ZombieVampire! wrote:


" with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "
You know, the same could have been said about you.

Just saying.
Damn Leftists. Always trying to ruin the fun.
Real Хорошо
+826|6554|Adelaide, South Australia

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

I'm not going to say shit until I actually find myself in a situation where I have to/can shoot someone.
The Gecko


ZombieVampire! wrote:


" with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "
You know, the same could have been said about you.

Just saying.

OT:  Dunno.  Won't know until I have to.
oh yeah the same could be said for me but I had the faster trigger finger but I've got the restraint to not pull the trigger if he had laid down his weapon
He might have too...........

ZombieVampire! wrote:


" with everyone I took down, saved countless lives "
You know, the same could have been said about you.

Just saying.

OT:  Dunno.  Won't know until I have to.
THHttp... Maybe save thousands of lives of people who want good folk like Seremaker his country men dead.  gg.

I echo Bubbalo's OT response.  I'd love to tell all here how much of a badass stone killer I could be, but I don't know how I'd react.  I haven't the training and have not been faced with that situation.   I can admit that I wouldn't make a very good sniper, not because I can't shoot (300 win mag seiko FTW), but because I am without a doubt the most impatient motherfucker on the planet.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the scopes you guys use now are stable enough to see the results of your shot.... Yea, that'd be mind fuck. 

However, in a situation where my loved ones were placed in harms way you had better believe the baddies would have to go through me first.  I'd pull the trigger then.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
has joined the GOP
i think i could kill in close combat, sure, if it was life or death.
as for sniping...only on the battlefield.
+605|6142|Birmingham, UK
Yes, if it was me or him.
prince of insufficient light
I don't know. I'd like to think that it would be hard, but nothing so far (though nothing has been nearly that radical) has given me any reason to believe why I couldn't.
+605|6142|Birmingham, UK

pierro wrote:

Shooting somebody -Definately but slashing someone's throat, I don't know (I wonder why'd there'd be a difference)
'Cause that wouldn't kill them outright.

JahManRed wrote:

I would never shoot people so rich men can get richer.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

I would never shoot people so rich men can get richer.
Did ya'all even read the OP?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
I've got lovely bunch of coconuts!!
+27|6390|England - Kent
1, make him a POW
2, make him a POW
3, shoot him
4, shoot him

I know its sounds like I have not put much thought into it but I have so many times I nearly joined the UK Armed Forces.

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