
Dilly wrote:

go to the EA official forums and petition against the patch.  Lets take this game back for ourselves and stop the noobs from ruining every game.  Just because they suck dosent mean they should have the game made easier so they can compete.  They should go play some single player doom on easy level if they want a game they can play.  so please go support this petition. … adID=44872

Dilly wrote:

go to the EA official forums and petition against the patch.  Lets take this game back for ourselves and stop the noobs from ruining every game.  Just because they suck dosent mean they should have the game made easier so they can compete.  They should go play some single player doom on easy level if they want a game they can play.  so please go support this petition. … adID=44872
You guys don't give up,eh?

The 1.2 patch has already stopped the noobs from ruining the game,all the idiots who want their bunnyhopping and C4-tossing back should probably consider to play another game which is more UT/Quake-style.

The game has definetely not become easier,it has become more realistic.
For example the PKM:How hard do you think it is in real life to hit somebody with that from a prone position?
Yeah,it is even easier than in the game.

Now there's gonna be all the whiners come with the "realism in BF2"-card,here's my response to that:
I bought BF2 because I wanted a game which is close to reality,not an arcade-style UT-shooter.
Another example for close to reality is paintball - you shoot each other(with paint),you have to react as if it is a real fight and you surely have no friggin' bunnyhoppers around.
Most people don't want the extreme arcade elements in BF2,there are more appropriate games for that,and I think the patch made the game more to that what the people expected when buying the game.

Instead of making up a ridiculous petition against a patch(which saved BF2 from becoming just another lame FPS like CS or Quake where everybody hacks,cheats,exploits or is generally an asshole) you should go and look for a game which suits better to your playing style(Let me guess:Bunnyhopping,noobtubing,c4-tossing,right?).

Get the Idea?

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

Mr.kodak wrote:

ilyandor wrote:

yeah, like EA's gonn b like, "OK, lets bring back dolphin-diving-bunny-hopping and indestructible helicopters and jets AND fuck up the AA so it only works on your teammates, LETS!"

- why would anyone hate the new patch?
- fcuking nooobos puttas
And you are a complete fucking idiot.

The aa is too strong, they could at least weaken it u fucking nub.. Helicopters arnt indestructible ur just such a noob that u cant take them out. Jets are pwnage because ITS A FUCKING JET!!! its not a jeeep, its not a tank, Its a thing that flies fast, and deadly. So stop whinging im sick of u dickheads benfitting from this patch.
HMMM sounds like u r the noob because IT IS A GAME. Period. end of story. if you dont like it quit bitchin and go play something else.
It is a game.  But the bitchers got their patch when they could have gone and played something else.  Go figure...

Mr.kodak wrote:

[NER]Zento wrote:

Mr.kodak wrote:

i can cope on foot. But i just rekon the aa is too powerful. Isnt it funny tho all the people taht have posted against waht i said are low ranks.
Sorry sir, i m not.
lol if u want to get technical then i counted 2 people with sigs, with a decent rank then.
Which idiot let you out of your cage?

Favorite vehicle: Aviator ,Favorite Map: Wake Island I need to say more?
Your rank doesn't mean shit if you spent most of your gametime in a godlike 1.12 jet,there was no real threat,hence no real skill was needed.

You are probably the worst pilot ever,if you can't cope with the new AA you just were and still are the noob(who benefitted from 1.12).
And now that the only thing that gives you the illusion of skill is taken away from you you complain like a baby with a broken
Im enjoying the game more with this patch. What i dont like are the BUGS (red tag etc), they really diminsih the gameplay.

So basically a TOW can take out a tank in one hit relatively, and plane/heli whores begin to complain when it takes two AA shots.... Go cry me a river. I have seen nothing to suggest that flying has become impossible, it seems  that its only the shithouse pilots are having the cry.
Good god you guys cry too damn much. Its so funny you guys get owned by a patch and there is now the biggest cry baby uproar prabably in the history of online gaming.

Go get a bottole of warm milk and go to bed. oh yea, and get a life. No body gives a flying fuck if you uninstall the game. thats a good thing, nobody likes to play with your cheap tactics.
The Amish Must Die!
so its obvious that the only people that like the patch sucked before hand, and probably still suck, just that they get 7 kills a round now instead of 3. 

I love how the bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, jet/chopper whores are all noobs.  Its not that they are noobs, its that you suck and got owned by them so much that your crying got the game changed.  And don't even talk about realism, because in real life, c4 weights 1.5 lbs which is less than a grenade, yet you can throw a grenade and you cant throw c4.  Nothing about this game is realistic, if you want to go play a realistic fps go play americas army, which you can jump and shoot in.  This game has become a weak version of counter strike (which was also changed because of the cry babies who got awp'd too much).
Got milk?
EA needs money. People who play this game = money. People who like this game will buy new addons = much more money. Thats why they changed the game, because of majority. It says on EA's website. "Majority like the patch". So, I could care less about petitions and stuff. It's not about noobs, whiners etc. EA has changed the game only because of majority, which means more money. Sure petition may help, but I personally I think that EA won't change something again. Not now. Maybe later. I'm saying it not because I like the patch. (I h8 damn FF off on claymores. Its a joke, but every server runs it). I'll say it again:

Mooooney! No money, no changes.

Sorry, but this is just business for EA

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-02-20 08:58:11)

The Amish Must Die!
the only things I want back is c4 chucking, and jumping and shooting, the air vehicles can stay the same for all I care.
And lets argue some more about shit we've already gone over about 100 times already...

Seriously did the topic say "discuss the 1.2 patch?" or "Your views on the 1.2 patch" No, it said please sign the petitiion against 1.2 patch. It doesn't demand you sign it...

So let's put this in a simple format for you to understand.

Do you like the patch?

If Yes, Why are you even reading this thread, it's not aimed at you, there is no need to flame, or demand people adapt.

If No, then think about signing the petition. There wasn't really any need to flame either or explain your reasons for hating it.

Dilly might not have worded what the body of the thread quite as diplomatically as I might have done... But you can't win 'em all.

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-20 09:21:34)

+31|6732|Phoenix, AZ

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

ilyandor wrote:

yeah, like EA's gonn b like, "OK, lets bring back dolphin-diving-bunny-hopping and indestructible helicopters and jets AND fuck up the AA so it only works on your teammates, LETS!"

- why would anyone hate the new patch?
- fcuking nooobos puttas
dophin diving bunny hopping? and you are calling us the noobs?

If you cant shoot at someone who is moving around I would say that you are the noob...

ilyandor wrote:

i can cope on foot. But i just rekon the aa is too powerful. Isnt it funny tho all the people taht have posted against waht i said are low ranks.
Indeed, most of the people in the top global rankings hate the new patch, it takes almost no skill to kill anyone now.
And what does this mean: "dophin diving bunny hopping? and you are calling us the noobs?" I SAYED EA WILL NEVER bring back dophin diving bunny hopping, SO LEARN FUCKING ENGLISH!

so many of you people 1) do not speak english 2) have not attended school cos you play soo much 3) do not read the posts but see something that fucks you off ANG you go on a FLAME-bender.

LOL go ahead and sign it, EA isnt gonna give a shit! and besides the game is the best it has ever been ever since 1.2 has been released.
Don't Flame
+20|6787|St. Paul, MN
you know, they actually violated their own EULA by forcing people to play certain roles eg. 1000hrs in a jet for ranks.
Got milk?
pfffffffffff. You cant make 3 steps and not to step on a claymore... Is this "the best"?
The Microwave Man
To end all arguments here it is . Bunny hopping has been in EVERY FPS to date including BF2 . So why all the fuss now ? Why didn't people bitch and complain with battle feild 1942 ? Why did DICE even cater to the little 10 year olds this time around . Granted thier were4 some things out of balance but DICE fucked up again . I'm sorry but this game is unfixable . They could make 15 more patches and with everyone they will piss off half the crowd and please the other . What kills me is that people who complain about bunny hoppers are the same people who complain about people who complained the patch has cut out bunny hopping . They call bunny hoppers and C4 tossers skills less noobs but can't seem to find a way to just simply kill them . As truth to my statements I saw a video of a guy who killed 4 people with a knife . It was that guy Darwin , it was on Karkand . He drives up to 4 enemy troops , gets out of the car and stabs everyone to death . $ people all shooting at him with machineguns within 5 feet of each other and noone could kill him . One guy has a straw .
How fucking sad is that ? 4 people shooting one guy and he kills tham all with a knife . It's noobs like this that cuased a patch to come out and ruin a great game . Now it takes 3 seconds to get out of the prone position , yeah great job . Fix one thing and break another . I wish DICE just simply said " this is the last patch fellas , have fun " . Then that would be the end of it . Bunny hoppers . I had so much fun shooting bunny hoppers in the head . Then I would taype "owned" . Ahhhh those days are gone now . I can't wait for Quwake wars to come out . This game will simply die when Quwake wars comes out lol .

Dilly wrote:

the only things I want back is c4 chucking, and jumping and shooting, the air vehicles can stay the same for all I care.
By reading between the lines I get: lame C4-chucker and bunnyhopper,favourite map probably Karkand,has played too much CS(= irreversible brain damage).

Dude,you don't get the idea.
I don't want a hyperrealistic shooter like maybe Operation Flashpoint or America's Army,I want a close-to-realism shooter,but no gay bunnyhopping-rocketlaunching-UT-style-übermutant-arcade-crap.
That means: No bunnyhopping/dolphindiving,no "unrealistic" usage of weapons (C4-chucking,noob-tubing),no chaotic behaviour of single individuals as if they were in a deathmatch,etc....

I think most people bought the game because they expected BF2 to be kinda like I described,a close-to-realism shooter and no no-brain-fragfest.

And dude,with your remark that a C4-pack is lighter than a handgrenade and because of that it's easier to throw you just disqualified yourself from being taken seriously....
The Microwave Man

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Dilly wrote:

the only things I want back is c4 chucking, and jumping and shooting, the air vehicles can stay the same for all I care.
By reading between the lines I get: lame C4-chucker and bunnyhopper,favourite map probably Karkand,has played too much CS(= irreversible brain damage).

Dude,you don't get the idea.
I don't want a hyperrealistic shooter like maybe Operation Flashpoint or America's Army,I want a close-to-realism shooter,but no gay bunnyhopping-rocketlaunching-UT-style-übermutant-arcade-crap.
That means: No bunnyhopping/dolphindiving,no "unrealistic" usage of weapons (C4-chucking,noob-tubing),no chaotic behaviour of single individuals as if they were in a deathmatch,etc....

I think most people bought the game because they expected BF2 to be kinda like I described,a close-to-realism shooter and no no-brain-fragfest.

And dude,with your remark that a C4-pack is lighter than a handgrenade and because of that it's easier to throw you just disqualified yourself from being taken seriously....
I rest my case ...................

Mr.kodak wrote:

Now who ever said about presenting a arguement in court, Is this court? no u fucking nub. Its a bf2 forum

If you want to winge about me whoring a plane i dont care, its what i enjoy doing.
I do realize this is a BF2 forum, but all you are doing is making yourself look like a raving idiot with absolutly no knowledge of the english language.

What is Whinging? and  Winge ?

Its like an ape making up a new language.  Hey look mommy, the primates are learning to use tools.
+3|6824|Abilene, Texas

Dilly wrote:

go to the EA official forums and petition against the patch.  Lets take this game back for ourselves and stop the noobs from ruining every game.  Just because they suck dosent mean they should have the game made easier so they can compete.  They should go play some single player doom on easy level if they want a game they can play.  so please go support this petition. … adID=44872
Attention K-Mart shoppers, there's a blue light special on whiners in aisle 6 for the next 10 minutes.  Dilly, time to change that sanitary napkin, its starting to smell.

So, it has started, the bunny hoppers of the world have come to realize that their jumping and tubing is now gone and their are just targets now.  Same goes for the dolphin divers of the world, your days were numbered as soon as the 1.2 patch was released. 

Death to bunny hoppers, I laugh at the impotent hoppers today, my DAO-12 can hunt them down becuase their sting has been taken away.  And my armor piercing anti-tank weapon is really working now, so hurray for the patch, the game is balanced now!!!
dont know if you guys talked about this anymore but it in the real world a a helicopter could be brought down with a single bullet, its called a shot to the transmission, and if you dont believe me go buy yourself a gun and put a round into ur car's transmission and then try to drive it around the block, prolly wont have much luck.

jonnykill wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Dilly wrote:

the only things I want back is c4 chucking, and jumping and shooting, the air vehicles can stay the same for all I care.
By reading between the lines I get: lame C4-chucker and bunnyhopper,favourite map probably Karkand,has played too much CS(= irreversible brain damage).

Dude,you don't get the idea.
I don't want a hyperrealistic shooter like maybe Operation Flashpoint or America's Army,I want a close-to-realism shooter,but no gay bunnyhopping-rocketlaunching-UT-style-übermutant-arcade-crap.
That means: No bunnyhopping/dolphindiving,no "unrealistic" usage of weapons (C4-chucking,noob-tubing),no chaotic behaviour of single individuals as if they were in a deathmatch,etc....

I think most people bought the game because they expected BF2 to be kinda like I described,a close-to-realism shooter and no no-brain-fragfest.

And dude,with your remark that a C4-pack is lighter than a handgrenade and because of that it's easier to throw you just disqualified yourself from being taken seriously....
I rest my case ...................
Based on what?My statement?

Bunnyhopping was practically not existent in BF1942,nobody did it because it was ineffective and lame.
But in BF2 with fully automatics this has changed,1.2 did a big step in the right direction by removing the shooting and jumping,it was just abused way too much,the game mutated into an UT-instagib match(Karkand,Hotel,no strategy,just slaughtering away getting kills)....

The game has become more realistic with the patch,sure,you need 3 seconds to get up now,in real life you'd probably faster in full battlegear with a PKM in your hands.

Nobody said that you have to jump around or sprint like a maniac.
But it's not your fault all alone,the sniper who runs around and drops claymores like dogpiles and uses them as offensive weapon is just abusing the weapon in an unrealistic fashion.

These are probably the only things in need of patching(besides the millions of bugs everybody besides me experiences),the unrealistic movement abilities and the lameass exploiting possibilities of weapons,C4-chucking was just the first on the list because it was the worst abused one of all the lameass techniques.

And these things only need patching because of people who play the game in such an arcade style,the people who wanted a nice military teambased shooter right from the start were just disappointed by the mass of "CS-kiddies" which invaded the game with their "game tactics".

Have fun playing Quake Wars,you'll surely not be missed.
+-2|6744|England, UK
Yes sir
The patch does have a few bugs, but is otherwise fine.  The only thing that I do not like is the insanity of the AA and air-to-air missiles.  I'm not so much worried about being hit ... I'm just improvising my flying and surviving a bit longer.  Yes, they needed a better tracking system, but it becomes almost a roll of the dice to fire one now.  I was flying the J-10 around on Dragon Valley and made for an incoming Cobra.  I got a solid lock and waited for him to flare, which he didn't (I think he already had for another lock-on), so I fired.  My missile went past him, made an est. 110 degree immediate turn, and TK'd my own chopper.  Of course, the dicknuts punished me (am I the only person who rarely punishes?).  Of course, I improvised by slowing down and using my gun, and then firing once I was sure of no friendlies w/in any near proximity.  Perhaps making them a bit less insane wouldn't be too bad, but hey, since when have you ever played a game that didn't have some sort of serious flaw in it's design.  It's a frigging computer program...I am simply amazed that I can even play this sort of game, let alone that it doesn't have that many serious flaws in it.
+3|6824|Abilene, Texas

Kkookie wrote:

you know, they actually violated their own EULA by forcing people to play certain roles eg. 1000hrs in a jet for ranks.
Who is forced son?  Where in any game EULA does it say you have to play a game in a certain way?  Please cut and paste that section and add it to this thread.

Stay medic all your life and you'll get promoted based on score.  You'll just not get the more popular ranks and be stopped at Colonel.  Nobody is forcing you to play certain kits or equipment, the decision is yours as it has always been.

My, what a closet attorney loser...
The Amish Must Die!
lol, I am not a c4 chucker, although I have done it, nor am I a bunny hopper dolphin diver, I just never had a problem with it because I killed them more than they killed me.  The only thing I had a problem with was the innacuracy of the sniper rifles and the stupid tk's from people running over my landmines.  They pretty much fixed that stuff.  I never had a problem with air vehicles although I do like the new AA, never had a problem flying in them either.  If you check my stats im a pretty balanced player, I played mostly spec ops but also a lot of medic, assault, engineer and anti tank.  Don't be hatin on me because im a better player.  I still play very well and my spm is still rising, I just enjoyed the game a hell of a lot more before this patch with all the new lag bugs and problems that come along with all the noobs who think they are good now.

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