
(VOTE!) Have the jets/heli's had a raw deal since patch 1.2?

Yes43%43% - 36
No50%50% - 42
I'm a noob and expect to down jets/heli's with one shot6%6% - 5
Total: 83
+-2|6744|England, UK
My solution for the air power in the next patch(hopefully not wishfull thinking)?

1. The AA. Needs to be made slightly less effective than it is now plus sort the oil tower bug.
2. Keep the 8 missiles on the attack helicopters.
3. TV range set to 600m to help counter new patch AA. Would be happy though if its kept at its new range of 450m.
4. Set the hit points on the all helicopters at between new patch setting and patch v1.12 settings. The .50 calibre MG's on jeeps etc can take down a helicopter to quickly. Transport helicopters full of troops need more protection.
5. Jets. Keep the current hit point settings as long as the new AA is reduced slightly. Making pilots land for big repairs is good thing, a new challange for some and will help reduce constant flag bombing. The improved AA has reduced carrier rapings, which is a good thing.

IMHO, this is balance.
i voted for the noob option becuase in Real Life most planes ot helis will go down i one good shot maybe not immediatly but they will be unfly able
Miss the "I don't care" botton.
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|6788|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
I like the new patch. Now it takes skill to stay in the air, and dogfights are more realistic in that if u let somone behind u youre dead. And it gives infantry on the ground a chance, as long as they can make it to an aa. And anyway it still takes 3 hits to down a chopper or plane now. So you should be able to bug out pretty quick.

And offtopic but btw, I have a GeForce FX5200 and nothings changed with me. Am I the exception?

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2006-02-19 08:51:45)

Horseman 77
The Gunship has always been a weapon for "the fringe of the Battlefield" Air power , jet or helio can only dominate when all AA is beaten down. If an enemy has AA resources, Aircraft must fly low, use terrain to mask and hit and run. An attack aircraft must never NEVER hit the same taget twice on 1 strike.

Attack aircraft enter the target zone strike and egress, or it will be hit.

The first stage of Desert storm and Iraqi freedom was to wipe out AA sites,

In Vietnam for political reasons AA sites were not targeted with predictable results.

1.2 Patch makes it just right. no AA = massacare AA chases planes away.

What has everyone so confused? Why do you think they call it Anti Aircarft.
People COMPLAIN about Jets/Helis being weak now. Are they? No. The idiots who were flying them virtually unopposed now have to actually inject some skill into there bombing runs to avoiding being killed.

When you've jet whored freely for hour after hour with no serious competition, of course your going to whine like a baby now that you can't go 100-0 on Wake.

I've always been a ground based person...I find having to constantly use aircraft to get kills to be rather sissy like. It's quite funny because when I see someone try to fight against infantry after someone steals the plane they were whoring in...There ratio goes from like 3:1 down to 1:1 or worse typically.

Long story short... adapt or stop flying. Or leave BF2 completely if that was the only "talent" you had

Last edited by Cyberwolf (2006-02-19 09:18:38)

The air assets and counter measures work fine now...leave them alone.  You have to be able to fly now to actually get any points.  Those who can't adjust are the ones with their panties in a bunch.  I'm not a great pilot and I managed 35 kills in a raptor last night.  Missles can be dodged still and bombing runs take a little altitude...adjust and deal with it.  Planes and copters are supposed to drop when they're shot at be it from a .50 caliber machine gun or a stinger.
That is isn't the problem, the problem is AA is bugged beyond belief. There's a video on here showing you how bad it is now, ok it's accurate but I don't wanna see a missle hang round an oil tower waiting for something to fly by or missles doing corkscrews to their targets that's worse than dolphin diving that people complained so much about.

Well that's my gripe with it anyway.

I voted "I'm a noob and expect to down jets/heli's with one shot"

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-19 09:31:37)

The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6888|Germany / Saxony

n1nj41c l337ne55 wrote:

dogfights are more realistic in that if u let somone behind u youre dead
w00t? Dogfights take no longer skill.
Once you got a lock on the enemy plane, release 3 rockets. It  dosenĀ“t matter how hard he turns and how far he is away, you will kill him.

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
Horseman 77

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

The Gunship has always been a weapon for "the fringe of the Battlefield" Air power , jet or helio can only dominate when all AA is beaten down. If an enemy has AA resources, Aircraft must fly low, use terrain to mask and hit and run. An attack aircraft must never NEVER hit the same taget twice on 1 strike.

Attack aircraft enter the target zone strike and egress, or it will be hit.

The first stage of Desert storm and Iraqi freedom was to wipe out AA sites,

In Vietnam for political reasons AA sites were not targeted with predictable results.

1.2 Patch makes it just right. no AA = massacare AA chases planes away.

What has everyone so confused? Why do you think they call it Anti Aircarft.
Why wont you guys shut up about "in real life blah blah blah" unless you make everything realistic in the game it doesnt work. yeah in real life you gotta wipe out the AA first, but it doesnt magicaly respawn a few seconds after...

By the time youve blown up the last AA the first one will have spawned so its bullshit what you are saying.
The patch is to provide balance and make the game more playable you moron if it was Real life I would take your rifle, kill you with it and carry off your mom.
Horseman 77
now you cant loiter over the battlefield at altitude trolling for targets at liesure with impunity,

You really gotta fly, Jet will come in low and hit and run, so far its been cool except for the other issuses

kid was a dkhd
If it was real more than half of the people here would be hiding in corners crying, no spawn for you my friend.

Realism is good when it's coupled with fun, but realism that's not fun as in having to spend 3 months or more doing basic training and and even longer for flying lessons before you can even fly a jet... Well that would just suck.

Gotta have a balance.
+39|6780|Amsterdam,The Netherlands

jamesward0 wrote:

i voted for the noob option becuase in Real Life most planes ot helis will go down i one good shot maybe not immediatly but they will be unfly able
yeah but in Real life Planes are faster and have bigger payloads!!!!
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6717|Canada Eh?
I never once got shot down by .50 cal and ive been using jets and helos frequently since 1.2 came out, so the .50cal deal just sounds like some n00bs rant cause they can't fly
I think he means the .50 mounted machine guns on vehicles. If you've ever played Mashtur, they're generally what blows up the blackhawk.

Horseman 77 wrote:

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

The Gunship has always been a weapon for "the fringe of the Battlefield" Air power , jet or helio can only dominate when all AA is beaten down. If an enemy has AA resources, Aircraft must fly low, use terrain to mask and hit and run. An attack aircraft must never NEVER hit the same taget twice on 1 strike.

Attack aircraft enter the target zone strike and egress, or it will be hit.

The first stage of Desert storm and Iraqi freedom was to wipe out AA sites,

In Vietnam for political reasons AA sites were not targeted with predictable results.

1.2 Patch makes it just right. no AA = massacare AA chases planes away.

What has everyone so confused? Why do you think they call it Anti Aircarft.
Why wont you guys shut up about "in real life blah blah blah" unless you make everything realistic in the game it doesnt work. yeah in real life you gotta wipe out the AA first, but it doesnt magicaly respawn a few seconds after...

By the time youve blown up the last AA the first one will have spawned so its bullshit what you are saying.
The patch is to provide balance and make the game more playable you moron if it was Real life I would take your rifle, kill you with it and carry off your mom.
I had some hot discussions with horseman here... but in this one, he has my fullest agreement
I think all AA sites should be removed from all maps and in it's place just have a random pop up voting option "would you like to destroy the enemy plane? "click yes he's instantly dead click no let him live. That  and make it so as soon a a helo takes off anywhere have a giant voice which could be heard everywhere in the game say something like "enemy helo taking off,  man your AA stations" that way everyone can start tking for the best AA sites and make sure that helo doesn't go anywhere! but seriously I say reduce Air vehics hitpoints even more and put more AA sites on the maps, like 2x more. yeah F it put AA sites on maps that don't even have planes of helos. I would like to see a map of nothing but AA sites , where everyone just trys to shoot AA missiles at each other. It probably won't happen but hey a man can dream can't he? a man can dream....

Last edited by deathrace5000 (2006-02-19 10:26:50)


deathrace5000 wrote:

I think all AA sites should be removed from all maps and in it's place just have a random pop up voting option "would you like to destroy the enemy plane? "click yes he's instantly dead click no let him live. That  and make it so as soon a a helo takes off anywhere have a giant voice which could be heard everywhere in the game say something like "enemy helo taking off,  man your AA stations" that way everyone can start tking for the best AA sites and make sure that helo doesn't go anywhere! but seriously I say reduce Air vehics hitpoints even more and put more AA sites on the maps, like 2x more. yeah F it put AA sites on maps that don't even have planes of helos. I would like to see a map of nothing but AA sites , where everyone just trys to shoot AA missiles at each other. It probably won't happen but hey a man can dream can't he? a man can dream....
Lmao brilliant stuff...
I'd say yes, but not for typical reasons. Jets didn't get a raw deal, t hey're just as good as ever. If anything, being in a jet is even more lucrative, because now you have noobs waiting on line to get killed on the AA guns.

But for helis, they got the shaft. And not because AA is more effective against the enemy, but because AA is more effective against friendlies. If you shoot AA at an enemy, be it from the Essex, a static AA emplacement or a jet, and you miss you target because 1) the missiles bugged out, 2) flares were dropped or 3) for some reason the AA missile didn't bank hard enough... you've got a rogue missile. And 9/10, that rogue missile will damage or kill a friendly. Since the patch, I've manned the Essex guns twice at the beginning of a round, and both times I locked and fired on an enemy jet and ended up killing a fullly loaded friendly Blackhawk for -20 team points.

I am honestly afraid to use AA except in very few situations, for fear of killing team-mates. Team-mates who get locked on by friendly AA have usually less than a seconds warning before their impending death. Even if they had flares, no one has quick enough reactions to use them.

I think that if AA misses the enemy you had locked onto and fired on, it should not reattain a new lock. And no, this isn't just an issue of me not being careful, I've had AA missiles get flared off an enemy jet and travel completely across the map and take out a friendly attack heli. How the hell was I supposed to know they'd go all retarded and take out a friendly, 5 times outside of visible range.

The AA is too accurate when it comes to TKing, and that really sucks. What good is AA when you're afraid to use it?
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
Just put the TV missile range back to 650m or even 600m. My reasoning being that the AA missiles don't require any additional player input once fired. The TV missile is player guided. Good TV missile gunners should have the upper hand over fire-and-forget missiles. Planes have a chance to get away, choppers are multiple opportunity frags. This is especially true of maps like Zatar and Wake which are wide open and offer little or no cover for choppers.

OR give the choppers AA missiles of their own to balance against the planes MUAHAHAHAHA. just kidding.

The rest of the changes should stay.

As pilot you now need the help of your team to stay alive. By taking out AA as much as possible and manning the AA sites to harass the enemy planes. This game is supposed to be about teamwork, and now finally the planes/choppers are part of the team.

I enjoy being able to hit non-friendlies with the ESSEX missiles. Such a novel concept!!
Competent pilots can still take out the ESSEX's guns but not with impunity. You will pay.  As it should be. If we could get people on the ground to spot the planes, then the ESSEX wouldn't get surprised. That usually how I died. The plane can choose its attack vector. Attacking from the flank or the rear is going to cost you. So you carrier base raping whores have just got to bring up your game play level to say..... the level of NOOB. You want to play with the big boys? Grow up. Otherwise go find a 1.12 server and play with yourself.

Zatar bug: so what, it will get fixed. Does this bug also happen on Oman?
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

My solution for the air power in the next patch(hopefully not wishfull thinking)?

1. The AA. Needs to be made slightly less effective than it is now plus sort the oil tower bug.
2. Keep the 8 missiles on the attack helicopters.
3. TV range set to 600m to help counter new patch AA. Would be happy though if its kept at its new range of 450m.
4. Set the hit points on the all helicopters at between new patch setting and patch v1.12 settings. The .50 calibre MG's on jeeps etc can take down a helicopter to quickly. Transport helicopters full of troops need more protection.
5. Jets. Keep the current hit point settings as long as the new AA is reduced slightly. Making pilots land for big repairs is good thing, a new challange for some and will help reduce constant flag bombing. The improved AA has reduced carrier rapings, which is a good thing.

IMHO, this is balance.
IYHO, balance means complete aerial domination like it was before.  Sorry man, now you are just going to have to get better at the plane to get as many points as you did before.
+0|6782|New Brunswick Canada
My one complaint is that i was following a jet in a F35 on Oman, got a lock, and fired the missile did a 90 degree turn to the right and hit a friendly black hawk, yes this is post 1.2 never had this problem before, but it could have just been a glitch, i don't think the Air vehicles got a raw deal. Just trickier now, more of a challenge for me anyway = more fun.
+39|6780|Amsterdam,The Netherlands

jamesward0 wrote:

i voted for the noob option becuase in Real Life most planes ot helis will go down i one good shot maybe not immediatly but they will be unfly able
Poeple plz stop with that in Real Life crap!!!!!!!!! czu in real life could u be revived if u got a headshot with an M95 NO!!!! and in Real Life plaines have bigger payloads en have stealth abilities!!!! in Real Life u would not be able to be revived if an 2000 LBS bomb just landed on your freakin face so plz remember its a game not Real Life!!!! and if u want it in real life would u like your soldier to drop his weapon if he gets shot in his hands? yeah i guess not!......

Esker wrote:

That is isn't the problem, the problem is AA is bugged beyond belief. There's a video on here showing you how bad it is now, ok it's accurate but I don't wanna see a missle hang round an oil tower waiting for something to fly by or missles doing corkscrews to their targets that's worse than dolphin diving that people complained so much about.

Well that's my gripe with it anyway.

I voted "I'm a noob and expect to down jets/heli's with one shot"
That fix is easy...missles have a finite fuel supply.  They should hit the ground after say 5 secs or something like that.  The oil tower thing is a little trickier although not too difficult.  The missle should explode when it reaches a heat source...period. 

Anyone see a missle explode on a flare?  Me neither.

Masta_Daco wrote:

jamesward0 wrote:

i voted for the noob option becuase in Real Life most planes ot helis will go down i one good shot maybe not immediatly but they will be unfly able
Poeple plz stop with that in Real Life crap!!!!!!!!! czu in real life could u be revived if u got a headshot with an M95 NO!!!! and in Real Life plaines have bigger payloads en have stealth abilities!!!! in Real Life u would not be able to be revived if an 2000 LBS bomb just landed on your freakin face so plz remember its a game not Real Life!!!! and if u want it in real life would u like your soldier to drop his weapon if he gets shot in his hands? yeah i guess not!......
You're right Daco - let's just throw real life out the window.  I propose my enemy dies whenever I click my fire button.  I propose that no one can kill me so long as I'm wearing my magic decoder ring.  I further propose you stop your ranting because it's making my head hurt.

This is a war sim to mimic real life yet balance it with an enjoyable gaming experience.  Having dill holes fly around in an indestructable weapons platform for an entire map is neither close to real life nor enjoyable.  The adjustments to the aircrafts hit points and the strength and accuracy of the AA is quite welcom and IMO long over due.  It actually takes skill and tactics to stay in the air and rack up the kills now.

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