
Shadowolf wrote:

Well when bombing a Hamas associated building some innocent people that were around that building are always gonna get hit.
And tank shells are always going to cause damage around where it hit.

Hamas likes to be in places where there are a lot of civilians, so when the IDF attacks them it will make Israel look bad.
And we have been warning them for years that for every Jewish drop of blood spilled, 50 gallons of Palestinian blood are going to be spilled.
But they don't give a crap about their own people at all, all they care about is death and terror.
Jewish blood is so precious...

But seriously, if you think that you are going to ever live in peace in that region, you are crazy. Even if you go back to the original borders, even if you stop the settlements or give back Jerusalem completly, you will always be attacked. You create more terrorists with every children you kill..

One day, someone will nuke your country.. and like you said, they don't care about their own people so the fact that you are surrounded by palestinians won't stop them from nuking you country.

Thousands of people will die.. You know its going to end like that.

sergeriver wrote:

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I think Israel has the means to fight them without killing so many civilians.  Collateral damage is one thing, this is outrageous.  They kill 50 civilians every one militant.  Very effective.  Cmon.
Any chance that this because every militant surounds himself with 50 civilians as he fights??
They are extremists, you can't behave like them ffs.
You can not blame the high civilian casualty rate on Israel serge, it just doesn't make sense. When an army is willing to place itself BEHIND its civilians while attacking then THOSE civilians are going to get killed, and it is the fault of the army that is using civilians as shields It is not any more complicated than that.
Cowboy from Hell

Shadowolf wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Shadowolf wrote:

I bet you failed 1st grade math.
How many militants were killed this week?  I'm sure you don't read any news services besides the Israeli ones.
Well let me tell you, Israeli newspapers can sometimes be more anti-Israeli than other newspapers.
And I'm pretty sure 70%+ of the people who died were terrorists or people associated with terrorism.
You are deluded mate, 70% my ass.  Cmon, be realistic.

Four Palestinian children MILITANTS?

Six-month-old Palestinian MILITANT????????????
+18|6582|Outer Space

Shadowolf wrote:

Well let me tell you, Israeli newspapers can sometimes be more anti-Israeli than other newspapers.
And I'm pretty sure 70%+ of the people who died were terrorists or people associated with terrorism.
Some of them, yes. What's that I've been reading in the Haaretz lately, settlers managed to piss off the Druze now? It's a bit off topic, but I'm interested in the situation.
Cowboy from Hell

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

lowing wrote:

Any chance that this because every militant surounds himself with 50 civilians as he fights??
They are extremists, you can't behave like them ffs.
You can not blame the high civilian casualty rate on Israel serge, it just doesn't make sense. When an army is willing to place itself BEHIND its civilians while attacking then THOSE civilians are going to get killed, and it is the fault of the army that is using civilians as shields It is not any more complicated than that.
Mmmm, the US army can do it in Iraq, I don't see why Israel can't in Gaza.

sergeriver wrote:

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

They are extremists, you can't behave like them ffs.
You can not blame the high civilian casualty rate on Israel serge, it just doesn't make sense. When an army is willing to place itself BEHIND its civilians while attacking then THOSE civilians are going to get killed, and it is the fault of the army that is using civilians as shields It is not any more complicated than that.
Mmmm, the US army can do it in Iraq, I don't see why Israel can't in Gaza.
Noooooooo, if the US Army launches an artillery barrage into a known insurgent area, and that insurgency places civilians amongst them in hopes to avoid an attack, civilians will get killed. JUST LIKE in Gaza
+18|6582|Outer Space

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Thousands of people will die.. You know its going to end like that.
You seem positively delighted at the prospect...
In the article you gave it doesn't exactly state how many civilians dies and how many militants died.
And the death of children\babies is truly sad, and I have to agree the IDF should put more effort into reducing collateral damage.

But the pilots are given a mission to destroy a certain building or bomb a certain convoy, and most of the time the civilians that surround the target just don't interest them.

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Shadowolf wrote:

Well let me tell you, Israeli newspapers can sometimes be more anti-Israeli than other newspapers.
And I'm pretty sure 70%+ of the people who died were terrorists or people associated with terrorism.
Some of them, yes. What's that I've been reading in the Haaretz lately, settlers managed to piss off the Druze now? It's a bit off topic, but I'm interested in the situation.
Some settlers are just plain stupid, trying to cause a disturbance when it isn't needed.
I'm a right-winged Israeli but those settlers just make me furious, especially when they trouble those lovely,delicious pita making Druze.

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Thousands of people will die.. You know its going to end like that.
You seem positively delighted at the prospect...
It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
mostly afk
+480|6590|CH/BR - in UK

So, what next? Will the USA start nuking countries for every terrorist attack as well? I mean, if you respond not only on the same level, but with a much greater magnitude, how is that not going to escalate the situation? Since Israel has such sophisticated weaponry and advanced troops, why can't they send in special ops to infiltrate these guys, instead of taking it out on the entire population? Why can't they stealthily go in and take out Hamas troops?

Enjoy your doomsday theory, AutralianChainsaw....
No country is dumb enough to nuke a country that has one of the best missile defense system and plenty of nukes that can be launched immediately.
Not to mention that country is gonna get owned by the western world.
+18|6582|Outer Space

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for this:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Jewish blood is so precious...
And the thing I already quoted. It seemed to me that you were looking forward to it.

konfusion wrote:

So, what next? Will the USA start nuking countries for every terrorist attack as well? I mean, if you respond not only on the same level, but with a much greater magnitude, how is that not going to escalate the situation? Since Israel has such sophisticated weaponry and advanced troops, why can't they send in special ops to infiltrate these guys, instead of taking it out on the entire population? Why can't they stealthily go in and take out Hamas troops?

It not that simple, there are hundreds of Hamas troops out there.
Unlike arabs we actually care about our men, so instead of risking Israeli troops it is better to just bomb away.
+18|6582|Outer Space

Shadowolf wrote:

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Shadowolf wrote:

Well let me tell you, Israeli newspapers can sometimes be more anti-Israeli than other newspapers.
And I'm pretty sure 70%+ of the people who died were terrorists or people associated with terrorism.
Some of them, yes. What's that I've been reading in the Haaretz lately, settlers managed to piss off the Druze now? It's a bit off topic, but I'm interested in the situation.
Some settlers are just plain stupid, trying to cause a disturbance when it isn't needed.
I'm a right-winged Israeli but those settlers just make me furious, especially when they trouble those lovely,delicious pita making Druze.
Ah, don't know if it's the language barrier, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

So there are situations where causing a disturbance is needed? West bank for example, or Jerusalem? Also, I assume you're not boycotting the Druze then? Good food comes first?

What do you think of your new IDF chief of staff, seems he opposes the checkpoints, and tried to persuade the authorities to build the wall "as close as possible to the Green Line and not infringe/encroach on the Palestinians' life."

Seems to be a competent person from what I've read about him.

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Shadowolf wrote:

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Some of them, yes. What's that I've been reading in the Haaretz lately, settlers managed to piss off the Druze now? It's a bit off topic, but I'm interested in the situation.
Some settlers are just plain stupid, trying to cause a disturbance when it isn't needed.
I'm a right-winged Israeli but those settlers just make me furious, especially when they trouble those lovely,delicious pita making Druze.
Ah, don't know if it's the language barrier, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

So there are situations where causing a disturbance is needed? West bank for example, or Jerusalem? Also, I assume you're not boycotting the Druze then? Good food comes first?

What do you think of your new IDF chief of staff, seems he opposes the checkpoints, and tried to persuade the authorities to build the wall "as close as possible to the Green Line and not infringe/encroach on the Palestinians' life."

Seems to be a competent person from what I've read about him.
Yeah, its a saying in Hebrew that I screwed up while translating it into English.
And the Druze are awesome people, they are loyal to their country and they serve in the IDF, and in return they are (mostly) left alone.

And the new chief of staff is great (though not the greatest), much better than the old one.
Also Barak is our defense minister so things are looking good.
All we need is a good Prime Minister and we're all set

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for this:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Jewish blood is so precious...
And the thing I already quoted. It seemed to me that you were looking forward to it.
It was a sarcastic reply to wolf saying that a drop of jewish blood = 50 gallons of palestinians blood. Arent you offended by that comment?
+123|6504| Heaven
OK I haven't read all the posts but here is my opinion.
Name a war that hasn't resulted in civilian's deaths? And how are the Israelis going to take out the militants? If they invade they look bad, if they launch there own rockets they look bad, in an ideal world we would have scum guided missiles, but we don't.
If my neighbour throw rocks at my house after a while I'd be pissed and throw rocks back although I wouldn't mean to hit any one else bar the perpetrator I'm surely going to miss sometime.
+18|6582|Outer Space

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It was a sarcastic reply to wolf saying that a drop of jewish blood = 50 gallons of palestinians blood. Arent you offended by that comment?
Offended? No. My first thought was that it was either badly worded, or an extremist right-wing view that doesn't do much good for the reputation of Israel. Shadowolf seems to have corrected himself, and who am I to judge if he made an honest mistake, or if it was a cheap copout.

The same as I am not going to judge wether renaming yourself to AutralianChainsaw was a cheap copout.

Shadowolf wrote:

Enjoy your doomsday theory, AutralianChainsaw....
No country is dumb enough to nuke a country that has one of the best missile defense system and plenty of nukes that can be launched immediately.
Not to mention that country is gonna get owned by the western world.
You are right, no country will launch a missile toward israel.

It will probably be a small device.. smuggled inside you terrirory or maybe just detonated on the border.

You think the arabs are not crazy enough to do this? Do you think they really care about your response? Do hamas really care about their own people when they launch rockets on your people?

How do you see the future Shadowolf? 

Do you see peace between the jews and the palestinians?  Do you see israel living in peace side by side with an independant Palestine? With no more land stolen, no more rocket attack.. A united Jerusalem under total palestian control?

Do you really think it can happen?
Cowboy from Hell

Shadowolf wrote:

In the article you gave it doesn't exactly state how many civilians dies and how many militants died.
And the death of children\babies is truly sad, and I have to agree the IDF should put more effort into reducing collateral damage.

But the pilots are given a mission to destroy a certain building or bomb a certain convoy, and most of the time the civilians that surround the target just don't interest them.
13 militants.  Read the chart on the right side.  It's good you agree on that.  Kudos.
Cowboy from Hell

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for this:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Jewish blood is so precious...
And the thing I already quoted. It seemed to me that you were looking forward to it.
Don't argue with this guy, his previous nick was Ausch88.  He's anti-Semite and hates Jews.

sergeriver wrote:

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for this:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Jewish blood is so precious...
And the thing I already quoted. It seemed to me that you were looking forward to it.
Don't argue with this guy, his previous nick was Ausch88.  He's anti-Semite and hates Jews.
I don't hate you serge..

and i'm no anti-semite.. i like all arabs.

I'm pro palestinian. I'm always on the side of the oppressed.
Cowboy from Hell

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

It will not be a funny day.. israel will probably nuke the entire middle east in retaliation.

All this because of religious freaks on both sides.
Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for this:

And the thing I already quoted. It seemed to me that you were looking forward to it.
Don't argue with this guy, his previous nick was Ausch88.  He's anti-Semite and hates Jews.
I don't hate you serge..

and i'm no anti-semite.. i like all arabs.

I'm pro palestinian. I'm always on the side of the oppressed.
Ok, then try not to make that kind of comments pls.  They are very disgusting.  And just for the record, while not only Jews are Semites, the common meaning of anti-Semite is a Jew hater.  I'm against Israel's gov not against Israelis, note the difference.

sergeriver wrote:

Shadowolf wrote:

In the article you gave it doesn't exactly state how many civilians dies and how many militants died.
And the death of children\babies is truly sad, and I have to agree the IDF should put more effort into reducing collateral damage.

But the pilots are given a mission to destroy a certain building or bomb a certain convoy, and most of the time the civilians that surround the target just don't interest them.
13 militants.  Read the chart on the right side.  It's good you agree on that.  Kudos.
Israeli newspapers say otherwise but whatever, researching which one is right is a waste of time.

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