
What is you main objective when you play.

Killing people.31%31% - 45
Capping flags.4%4% - 6
Getting the most pts for a gold medal.15%15% - 23
Winning the match.23%23% - 34
Working together as a team.25%25% - 36
Total: 144
What is your main objective.
Id like to know what other peoples thinking processes are when they are playing.
+50|6731|Southern California
just want to say that all of those things contribute to victory
Metal Godz
First I have some metal music blaring with a godzilla movie on the tube, and as i stare into our little world I'm thinkin. . .

Dont play as assault, already have 100 hrs on him.
What badge or medal is next, currently vet explo, combat inf medal, transport vet.
Pick engy, drop 2 mines, get transport head for next flag, drop 2 mines on way there.
Sneak to flag from outside base, hopefully shoot one of you guys here, get flag.
drop last mine grab transport and drive over enemy guy running up middle of the street.
By this time it mentions something about critical wound or something, I hear "Medic!"
Repeat until we win.

PS Banging my head to metal the whole time.
the same as dave, except im not too fixed on getting badges or ribbons, i just like to have fun and love great teamwork.

dave, you ought to try some children of bodom. very good metal.
Working together as a team, since I get the most satisfaction and enjoyment out of it.
bad touch

to do what isnt being done, i.e, if team is pinned down by snipers, i countersnipe
don't really give a damn about badges even though proud of the ones i've earned so far,
i love the team work with VOIP. HTe main objective for my play is to keep my deaths number down and work on my accuracy, support my team with everything i can .....
.....and most important HAVE FUN.....
Not many people could say they dont play for a medal.. Comon its a game based around winning... To win u need to do teamwork and "planewhores" that win normally get called losers n shit but really they are taking people out so its helping the team
LOL no one has said that their objective is to win 0.o
Aspiring Objectivist
My first objective is to cap flags, then kills, then the win but that usually comes with the first 2.

This is all thrown out the window if I'm close to a badge or ribbon though, then I become uber selfish & get it , then resume team play.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own!
+56|6714|Umm... Home?
I say working together as a team (or trying to)
+3|6738|Essen - Germany
Well, that was a Null Vote for me, since I couldn't chose any of the options without a "but"

When I am in a working squad I look for the kit that the squad is short of (if they are Medics, Spec Ops and Assaulter for example I spawn a Supporter, if they are short of a Medic I spawn one)

Working squads fullfill the options "Teamwork" and "Winning"

When I can not find a good squad (everyone is elswhere on the map and doing their own thing and just are in a squad to get the time requirements as Member or Leader) I spawn a kit that I have fun with and try to kill people more often than getting killed. While doing this I will try to capture flags, this helps to win as well.

When I just want to relax I choose a sniper kit, hide somewhere, light a cigarette and I am happy with only a few kills in a round.

When I try to go for a badge.... I die a lot more often than I kill someone, so I better not try hehe

Oh, there should be another option in the vote:

o I play to have fun

See ya,
I Like Waffles.
my objective, find a real good sniping spot where im unlikely to be found and snipe the crap out of everyone and if i see an enemy chopper, put as many rounds into the cockpit and try kill the pilot, ive got so many chopper pilots this week, even blow one chopper up (m95 ofcourse)

or if the level is full of amoured vehicles, go engy and be a tank whore
Dead Meat
for some reason I see no vote but... this is my main objective:

1. fixing my crappy K/D ratio
2. fixing my small arms accuracy
3. getting more hours.

That's it... I'm done.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6767|Uhh... erm...
I have no idea whatsoever. When I enter a game, I just create a 'Teamwork' squad, invite people in and run off to get killed.
Support fanatic :-)

U can say what u want about medals, ribbons and badges but they are a part of the game and a part that is greatly appriciated by many of the gamers.

To say u dont play for medals is imo bs, running after medals dont always get them for u - playing as a team wins u higher points and eventually medals, they are the product of good gameplay.

I personally collect awards - but i dont sacrifice great gameplay to get them, they will come to me when i`m ready :-)

Last edited by Varegg (2006-02-17 02:52:39)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Destroy Noob Cannons
Winning.. As a team.
It really sucks when you're a commander and your team seems to jsut want to let the enemy cap all the flags. Just happened to me tonight. then everyone was trying to mutiny me because God forbid, I wanted them to cap flags back so we could win.
Also on teamwork, it sucks when a commander is driving / flying, because, either they don't know about the commander screen or they're under the mistaken impression that they can command effectively while in combat.
Destroy Noob Cannons

he_who_says_zonk wrote:

Also on teamwork, it sucks when a commander is driving / flying, because, either they don't know about the commander screen or they're under the mistaken impression that they can command effectively while in combat.
Sometimes, it is needed for the commander to do a little something. Like my story above, I was the ONLY one that capped a flag back the entire game. it was rediculous. I was dropping supplies for our armor, I was UAVing, spotting everythign on the map, Artying what I could. and then some idiots say "Hey commander you gonna drop supplies or UAV anything?" and I replied with "no, They're not charged up because I haven't been using them" <-- that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell)
so they started Mutiny against me.. rediculous. THEN they started to TK me. I couldn't believe it. I've never seen something so stupid. and the same people that TKed me expected me to give them some supplies.
working as a team to cap flags. But if i have to go rambo flags not a problem. In my opinion caping flags is more important then anything else.


Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-02-17 03:09:38)

Destroy Noob Cannons

bobroonie.bda wrote:

working as a team to cap flags. But if i have to go rambo flags not a problem. In my opinion caping flags is more important then anything else.

Not really. I've been in a few rounds where my team was superior in the flags but hardly kileld anyone. the enemy just stayed back killing us. and we lost.

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

working as a team to cap flags. But if i have to go rambo flags not a problem. In my opinion caping flags is more important then anything else.

Not really. I've been in a few rounds where my team was superior in the flags but hardly kileld anyone. the enemy just stayed back killing us. and we lost.
ok.. well thats because your team sucked. i have never been on a team that held all the flags defending.. or capped all the flags attacking and lost.. nothing on you personaly.. but your team was just not that good. my goal is to keep caping flags so that we are never with out one. cap the flank flags and the main flags ie arty, uav main bases.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-02-17 03:15:28)

Destroy Noob Cannons

bobroonie.bda wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

working as a team to cap flags. But if i have to go rambo flags not a problem. In my opinion caping flags is more important then anything else.

Not really. I've been in a few rounds where my team was superior in the flags but hardly kileld anyone. the enemy just stayed back killing us. and we lost.
ok.. well thats because your team sucked. i have never been on a team that held all the flags defending.. or capped all the flags attacking and lost.. nothing on you personaly.. but your team was just not that good. my goal is to keep caping flags so that we are never with out one. cap the flank flags and the main flags ie arty, uav main bases.
I have no problem admitting my team sucked. I always seem to join servers and get stuck (or get switched somehow) to the losing team. I'm surprised I have a more than 1.00 Win to loss ratio.
And so proves my point in making this poll, Only 4 said cap flags, which isnt needed in winning cant really win unless you cap the flags, and only 8 people want to win the match.

This is the mentality of the game now a such high premium is now being placed on the scores and points that winning the game takes a back seat.

So for the 13 of you that like working together as a team, thats great, while the other 16 people who have no interest in winning, will  more than likely supply all the assistance you need, in stopping the spwan rapist tanks by spawning as assault and continuing with clusterfucks.

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