+5,233|6573|Global Command
Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
The sun... The planet must have been in closer orbit to the sun years ago then eventually it went further away again.

ThaReaper wrote:

The sun... The planet must have been in closer orbit to the sun years ago then eventually it went further away again.
That reminds me of a futurama episode where they blew the Earth farther away from the sun, thus ending global warming.
+127|6389|Twyford, UK

ATG wrote:

Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
Change in the earth's orbit or axial tilt gave us more sunlight.
And yes, glaciers carve valleys. My mother grew up in yorkshire, which is one big set of glacial valleys. There are sodding big rocks all over britain from them. (Although the ones in circles are from the fad for stone circles and big figures on hills.)
+488|6613|Portland, OR, USA

ATG wrote:

Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
It's natural, there's nothing we can do about it.  We emit a percent of a percent of the total CO2 output... it's all a bunch of media hype if you ask me.

The earth has natural cycles... usually I like me a good conspiracy but this one.. I dunno
Save the BlobFish!
Glaciers are melting, but theres more happening than that. The levels of ice in Antartica and Greenland are melting way more than normal. … 49,00.html

The overwhelming body of evidence still points to man made global warming. This isnt a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories are generally based on poor science, however Global warming/Climate change has had thousands of articles published in the highest peer reveiw journals. The science is good.

ATG wrote:

( btw, I'm against pollution. )
I actually believe you on this (no sarcasm) , where I differ is that Carbon Dioxide is a form of pollution, the only difference is that we cant see it.
Support fanatic :-)

Glaciers come and go ATG, that's a correct assumption.

The rate at witch glaciers is melting now as to what rate they have melted before is what science is trying to find out and they have indications that the meltdown now are more rapid.

Seen in light with all other supposedly abnormal natural events happening all at the same period of time is the disturbing part and an indication of the possibilty of man having something to do with it.

And like the guy above said, it is good science and not a conspiracy theory.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+5,233|6573|Global Command
They have little idea what is going on or why.
Support fanatic :-)

ATG wrote:

They have little idea what is going on or why.
Looking at glaciers alone one might get that impression, seing it in a larger perspective it's more than beyond reasonable doubt ... interesting thing isn't really if it is manmade or not imo but that we might have a chance of counter the worst reactions of mother nature if we act ... it's science and science have been proven wrong before many times ... i do believe the concensus amongst the various people working on the climate report have a just cause and mind you they have despite what's been said yet to be proven wrong ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Say wat!?

CommieChipmunk wrote:

ATG wrote:

Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
It's natural, there's nothing we can do about it.  We emit a percent of a percent of the total CO2 output... it's all a bunch of media hype if you ask me.

The earth has natural cycles... usually I like me a good conspiracy but this one.. I dunno
Actually we contribute about 6% to the OUTPUT. However that output is a tiny amount of all the Carbon in the world 0.00001% or something smaller. However that doesnt mean a change in the amount outputted doesnt cause an effect, the world never had all its carbon in the atmosphere, therefore you can safely ignore the fact that there are billions of tons of carbon in the earth and in the sea and instead focus on what causes the changes to climate, which is the OUTPUT.
+5,233|6573|Global Command
lol, but...

Look at the historical spikes in temperatures and ice packs.

Up and down like a rollercoaster.


They have no fricken idea. The only thing they can say for sure is that during NONE of the spikes were there man made engines spewing pollution.

Here is where the green crowd fails in their sales pitch;

Nobody wants a polluted planet. If they stopped the sky-is-falling running about flapping their arms, and concentrated on lowering pollution across the board, and make that their pitch, the populations of the world will get on board.

Al Gore is a ridiculous pos. Whenever he gets going on about carbon credits and whatnot I just want to roll down my car window and chuck my bag of Cheese Doodles on the ground. Just to spite him.
the greenhouse effect is not bad science, but several climate scientists believe current warming may be more directly related to solar intensity (ie. sun spots).

its very important that scientists clear this up, because limiting greenhouse gasses in the developing world will prevent development and further lock the third world in poverty, utterly dependent on "world trade." our leaders are all talking about different ways to tax our carbon footprint as individual citizens with the assumption that our environmental footprint can pretty much definitely be equated to carbon output, when this is actually quite debatable. i am very against pollution, but if our primary environmental cause becomes about limiting carbon output, when carbon may not be as critical as we believe, then we could subvert and weaken the entire environmental movement and create a new source of taxation for the working classes.

and its very difficult to make generalizations about global warming science, because while thousands of papers are written, the vast majority document warming or its environmental effects, but in no way attempt to confirm or disconfirm the greenhouse effect as a specific cause. for example, there is all this data on glaciers and coral bleaching, which people will take as evidence that greenhouse theory AND global warming are true, when in fact, only global warming is apparent.

John Cristy at UA, Richard Lidzen of MIT and Vincent Gray are all names to look up if you would like to hear informed critiques of global warming science.

ATG, your question about the end of the pleistocene glaciations is one that has not been definitively answered. periodic changes in sunlight intensity resulting from Milankovitch cycles is one explanation (changes in positioning of our wobbling planet throughout its orbit relative to the sun). atmospheric chemical balance (ie., greenhouse effect) is also assumed. sun spots and variable solar intensity is also named as a possible impetus for climate change. other theories include the "big burp" where methane could have risen from the ocean or meteor impacts which affect the atmosphere and can disrupt oceanic currents which regulate global temperature.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2008-01-22 07:58:01)


ATG wrote:

Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
Global Warming is no ones fault.
Our fault is accelerating the natural process of Global Warming...

A lot of people seem to not understand this when they talk about this issue.

Last edited by Icleos (2008-01-22 08:02:05)

+5,233|6573|Global Command

Marinejuana wrote:

ATG, your question about the end of the pleistocene glaciations is one that has not been definitively answered. periodic changes in sunlight intensity resulting from Milankovitch cycles is one explanation (changes in positioning of our wobbling planet throughout its orbit relative to the sun). atmospheric chemical balance (ie., greenhouse effect) is also assumed. sun spots and variable solar intensity is also named as a possible impetus for climate change. other theories include the "big burp" where methane could have risen from the ocean or meteor impacts which affect the atmosphere and can disrupt oceanic currents which regulate global temperature.
Let's see; doesn't feel like  copy paste
Milankovitch cycles, check
wobbling planet, check
methane burps, check
Pleistocene is always capitalized, and if you had copied that it would have been.

You sir, are not an idiot.
paintball > bf2
+48|6558|montreal, quebec

ATG wrote:

Glaciers. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but are they known to come and go, carving mountains and valleys? Long Island in NY is made of  glacial Till.

So, if global warming is man fault what caused the glaciers to start melting twelve thousand years ago?

( btw, I'm against pollution. ) … index.html
its USA's fault...
+5,233|6573|Global Command

Marinejuana wrote:

ATG, your question about the end of the pleistocene glaciations is one that has not been definitively answered. periodic changes in sunlight intensity resulting from Milankovitch cycles is one explanation (changes in positioning of our wobbling planet throughout its orbit relative to the sun). atmospheric chemical balance (ie., greenhouse effect) is also assumed. sun spots and variable solar intensity is also named as a possible impetus for climate change. other theories include the "big burp" where methane could have risen from the ocean or meteor impacts which affect the atmosphere and can disrupt oceanic currents which regulate global temperature.
Also, explain me this;

We have all the best minds saying about the past  " okay we have these historical spikes in temperatures and coming and going of glaciers, we KNOW it happened, but we're not really sure WHY it happened."

And now we have all the same best minds saying " we KNOW the climate is changing and we know WHY it is changing. "

when we also have a large number of ' best and brightest minds ' saying " we don't know WHAT is happening, HOW it is happening or IF it is happening. "

And the curious part is that the portion of the population that most embraces the alarmist is also the portion that most rejects the fairy tales of religion as blatant political manipulation.

So, as religion fades from our lives, those in power need something as mysterious and serious to scare us with.

Global temperature variations have been known about for ages, nobody with any sense has been saying that all global temperature variations were caused by man made pollution. What we're doing is taking the natural cycles and and fixing an afterburner to the back.
Un Moderador

Frankly, there is so much controversy in this topic that I don't know what to believe. I think polluting the air is bad, but there is no concrete evidence for or against Global Warming. There is evidence for both claims of it, so they cancel each other out.

I guess we just have to wait and see. Even if that is the most dangerous thing we can do. Either choice has its repurcussions and they are quite heavy on both ends of the sticks.

ATG wrote:

We have all the best minds saying about the past  " okay we have these historical spikes in temperatures and coming and going of glaciers, we KNOW it happened, but we're not really sure WHY it happened."

And now we have all the same best minds saying " we KNOW the climate is changing and we know WHY it is changing. "

when we also have a large number of ' best and brightest minds ' saying " we don't know WHAT is happening, HOW it is happening or IF it is happening. "

And the curious part is that the portion of the population that most embraces the alarmist is also the portion that most rejects the fairy tales of religion as blatant political manipulation.

So, as religion fades from our lives, those in power need something as mysterious and serious to scare us with.

i pretty much see it the same way. and yet every day the public seems more and more sure that global warming=greenhouse effect as if they read it in the Bible.
This is my mentality:

Although I understand full well why the melting of glaciers, as a result of pollution, is debatable, I choose to be "ignorant" and believe every article/report I read that pin points this phenomenon as a cause of emissions, etc. We need to cut down on the amount of crap we release into the atmosphere and, to be honest, even if it were a lie, it would be a very effective way in kickstarting promotion for positive externalities to benefit the environment.

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2008-01-22 08:48:23)

Support fanatic :-)

Zimmer wrote:

Frankly, there is so much controversy in this topic that I don't know what to believe. I think polluting the air is bad, but there is no concrete evidence for or against Global Warming. There is evidence for both claims of it, so they cancel each other out.

I guess we just have to wait and see. Even if that is the most dangerous thing we can do. Either choice has its repurcussions and they are quite heavy on both ends of the sticks.
One doesn't always need concrete evidence Zimmer to back up a highly likely thesis, the climate report is not a highly likely thesis, it's almost concrete - the reason it's not concrete is the fact that it haven't happened yet and the cycle is not complete, for it to become concrete we must let it happend ... when we have seen all the consequenses it's really to late and that we really can't afford ... taking a chance that the human race might go under is not an option.

And no they don't cancel eachother out because we have the climate report and there excists no counterpart and make no mistake about that - there is a consensus amongst leading scientists, where you get the impression there is no consensus i don't know ... but i understand your doubts, many have fallen into the trap thinking there are no consensus.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6594|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
I gave up giving the media's version of Climate Change any attention a while ago.  They love to tell us how half of the UK will be submerged and how Polar Bears will all die and about the deaths of millions of people.  What they don't tell you is the timescales, most of these predicted disasters would take hundreds of years of pollution at the current rate to happen.

Even if we invested nothing in Global Warming prevention the natural progression of technology would right most of these anyway.  I mean even if climate change is bollox we still need oil free cars at some point as one day oil will run out.  Anything that uses less energy and thus energy bills would also be popular so I don't actually think Joe Public need go out of their way, it's just overcompensating
I play at night... mostly
+47|6591|the best galaxy
I saw a good 2007 docu "The cloud mystery" last week partly about global warming.
Are You ready LOL:

Our solar system spins around in the Milky Way (our galaxy).
Once every 200 million years (I think) it enter one of the 4 "arms" of the galaxy where there are many stars.
These stars (and starbirhts) produces cosmic radiation that we are not exposed to when we are outside the "arms" of our galaxy.
This acounts for ice covering 1/2 the earth and dissapering completely every 200 million years.

The suns magnetic field protects us from this cosmic radiation but it varies in cycles.
Right now it is 2 times stronger than 20 years (I think) ago.

Cosmic radiation is important because it creates clouds when hitting the particles in the atmosphere.
And clouds is important because they govern the temperature on the earth by reflecting the sunlight.

So basicly Our weather is governed by the sun and cosmic radiation from the stars, which makes sense when You think about how europe was covered in 2 kilometers of ice 10.000 years ago and similar think about the glaciers who cut out the rockfaces in Yosemite Valley.

Here'e a little info about this new docu:
Hope You get to see it
+2,382|6722|The North, beyond the wall.

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

I gave up giving the media's version of Climate Change any attention a while ago.  They love to tell us how half of the UK will be submerged and how Polar Bears will all die and about the deaths of millions of people.  What they don't tell you is the timescales, most of these predicted disasters would take hundreds of years of pollution at the current rate to happen.

Even if we invested nothing in Global Warming prevention the natural progression of technology would right most of these anyway.  I mean even if climate change is bollox we still need oil free cars at some point as one day oil will run out.  Anything that uses less energy and thus energy bills would also be popular so I don't actually think Joe Public need go out of their way, it's just overcompensating
Global warming will give us a climate similar to Southern France if the temperature rises by 2 degrees.

I learn to see the good in the bad a long time ago.
Parcel of ol' Crams
ok so there are people against the global warming thing, but doing the things they ask of you actually saves you money, so i see no reason not to

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