+3|6261|somewhere in Denmark
i think their should be some More gays,cause then there are less competition and more girls for me
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6659|Little Bentcock

SealXo wrote:

It is there personal choice, and if it makes them feel comfortable, then thats makes me happy that they are happy.
Well it's the persons personal choice to hate gays, and that makes them feel comfortable. You should be happy that they're happy.
+5,233|6565|Global Command

SealXo wrote:

If i ever hear someone call someone else a gay, faggot, homo whatever im going to deck them in the jaw.

You coming out?

Think how you like but don't tread on my right to free speech. The homosexual community has chosen to be loud and vocal and as such they can defend themselves.

sergeriver wrote:

I don't have any problem with gays.  What I don't like is this trend of appearing in every tv show screaming that they are gays, and throwing it in your face all the time.  If you are gay, keep it to yourself.
Don't ask don't tell, Serge?

I bet you think that is a good policy of Bill Clintons, don't you?
GunSlinger OIF II

SealXo wrote:

Man, i just got back from Chuck & Larry, and i never had a problem with gays. But now i really accept them as a whole group of people. I used to get the slightest bit uncomfortable, but now its all ok.

See, how I see it. Is if you don't like gays and preach all your religious shit to them, telling them they will burn in hell. Fuck you.
You shouldn't be talking about people like that. It is there personal choice, and if it makes them feel comfortable, then thats makes me happy that they are happy.

That can hurt peoples feelings and make them commit suicide, and if they do that, its all your fault so keep quiet. how would you feel if you said something like that to a gay and then they blew there head off because of you?

If you are trying to scare off gays and make them believe in your ideas. Then you might as well join Al Queda, or a radical islamic group, because that is what they are trying to achieve.

If god created all people, and gave each person a god given path, then they are following there path. So shut the fuck up.
If i ever hear someone call someone else a gay, faggot, homo whatever im going to deck them in the jaw.


PS to peoples replies, it wount be shoved down your throat if everyone would shut the fuck up and just go bone there wife dog or whatever.
so youre gay huh?  well, thats cool i guess.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I don't have any problem with gays.  What I don't like is this trend of appearing in every tv show screaming that they are gays, and throwing it in your face all the time.  If you are gay, keep it to yourself.
Don't ask don't tell, Serge?

I bet you think that is a good policy of Bill Clintons, don't you?
At least, this way they admit gay people in the Army.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-07-21 08:22:06)

+5,233|6565|Global Command
I have no issue with gays being in the military.
Alexander the Greats personal best squad of soldiers was a group of homosexuals.

In fact, he was into that too.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

I have no issue with gays being in the military.
Alexander the Greats personal best squad of soldiers was a group of homosexuals.

In fact, he was into that too.
He was into who?
GunSlinger OIF II
I dont have a problem with gays in the military either.  Ive got a few suspicions of certain soldiers I served with, and they were one of the more squared away.
+26|6532|Brisbane Australia
I don't have a problem with gays, hell my dogs gay and he even tries to have sex with my pillow and once he tried to have sex with my

neighbours rabbit....that was a bit strange but hey....he is a dog!
Certified Twat
+296|6544|Bournemouth, South England
I have a problem with a lot of gays, I don't like them.  Mainly the ones that act camp, and kind of emit gay-ness.  Can't fucking stand it.
+3,611|6657|London, England
Don't push Gayism on me and i won't push my anti-Gay thoughts on you. Of course at the end of the day they're mostly normal people when it comes to conversations etc..

I hate those really Queer TV ones though. Graham Norton etc..

for the record, i don't hate homosexuals.

SealXo wrote:

That can hurt peoples feelings and make them commit suicide, and if they do that, its all your fault so keep quiet. how would you feel if you said something like that to a gay and then they blew there head off because of you?
that's ridiculous. if they kill themselves than it's their own fault, no one else's. it's their choice (yea choice) to be gay, and i'm sure they are aware of the criticism that may come with those actions, and it is equally their choice if they commit suicide over how people react. if not we might as well blame anyone who ever insulted someone else for all related suicides. if the person can't cope than they should seek help, not kill themselves and blame someone else.

SealXo wrote:

If god created all people, and gave each person a god given path, then they are following there path. So shut the fuck up.
If i ever hear someone call someone else a gay, faggot, homo whatever im going to deck them in the jaw.
no, if you want to use anything god related in your argument get it right. god gave us a path to follow, but it doesn't mean we are following it. he has given us the right to choose if we follow the path he has made for us, or to follow our own.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6721|Espoo, Finland
"You're all sick!"
+447|6884|Seattle, Washington, USA

Harmor wrote:

its just when they force their lifestyle on me that I get upset.
Oh c'mon, the gays are pushing their beliefs on you? BS. When was the last time the Gay Association of America came knocking at your door, handing you pamphlets and trying to convert you to homosexuality? Someone announcing that they are gay, or acting gay, is not "pushing it in your face". I have nothing against homosexuality, however, I don't like or hang out with a lot of gays because of the overly dramatic way they act. That's just my personality, the kind of people I hang out with are "calmer" (for lack of a better word). I don't like the typical "gay" behavior, but it's not "pushing it in your face". If thats what you define as someone imposing their beliefs or lifestyle on you, then you do the same thing to the people around you simply for being interested in women or "acting" white or black or whatever.
Certified Twat
+296|6544|Bournemouth, South England
So you're implying I know have to justify my reasons for not liking gays?

Jimmy Carr wrote:

I'm not homophobic, I'm not "scared" of gays, I just don't like them.
My favorite threads are those in which the OP's hands are too busy trying to pull his foot out of his mouth to respond, especially in D&ST.

Last edited by geNius (2007-07-21 10:46:37)

+2,382|6714|The North, beyond the wall.
We don't see many a gay 'round here. So it doesn't bother me, but then again if I saw them being gay with each other.. I might throw up in my mouth a little.
I like the army's idea of "don't ask, don't tell." I hate people who run around and parade screaming GAY PRIDE.

Should we also have straight pride parades?

That aside I think the problem is kids under 14 who think being gay is the worst thing ever.

Last edited by elite.mafia (2007-07-21 10:53:26)

Cheeseburger Logicist

geNius wrote:


In all seriousness, if "alternative" views weren't shoved down our throats, then it wouldn't matter who was what.  To each his own, so long as he keeps it his own.

You've demonstrated how impressionable you are, allowing one "Chuck & Larry" moment to change your view.  If you were slightly uncomfortable before, then that is most likely how you feel.  We should be tolerant of people's lifestyles, but we don't have to pretend that it is right.  I am tolerant of gays.  Homosexuality is, no matter how you slice it, still unnatural.  It is incorrect.  Respect someone else's right to live as they choose, but do not change your beliefs because of one rant, one moment of propaganda, one preaching.

Harsh words are nothing more than words.  You should not pretend to be or think any differently than you do naturally; you will always and only be uncomfortable with it.  I assure you that if I said the word "fag" or "homo" around you, you wouldn't dream of thinking about putting your hands on me.  No one should force their beliefs on anyone else: gays should not shove homosexuality down our throats, just as you should not attempt to shove your change of heart down them, either.

The word "tolerance" applies to every aspect of this topic, and you ought to keep that in mind before voicing such a young, impressionable view on anyone else.
You cannot seriously claim that it is indisputable that homosexuality is "unnatural". How is it "incorrect"? Even more so than the rest of the homophobic responses here, that is offensive. I'd like to hear an actual argument to why it is unnatural.

One of the strangest claims that I have heard here, repeatedly, is that "gays should not shove homosexuality down our throats". Is it really so terrible that homosexuals are trying to live their own lifestyles without discrimination? Is it really so bad? Do you suffer? Are you worse off? Of course, it is becoming typical when the male Caucasian majority starts claiming discrimination over slight incidents or policies that serve to aid women, minorities, or homosexuals without actually discriminating against anyone. They have no idea to truly know how it is to be worse off, as women, minorities, and homosexuals have been even in our equal societies. White males think they are second-class, but half the time it comes to situations like this- When homophobia masks itself as an anti-discrimination tool. Stop this bullshit that homosexuals are "pushing [homosexuality] in your face".

Do you know why homosexuals are insistent on gay pride parades? Because, despite all our progress, they still find hatred wherever they go. They prefer to stick with those who are understanding- Other homosexuals. Naturally, a culture performs events such as parades together, particularly if it is a way to unite those such as homosexuals. But to restrict that to homosexuals would be false. In North America, the idea of male, heterosexual or Caucasian identification is strange; there exists no common culture. But there are Irish-Americans, Second World War veterans, celebrators of Xmas- All are similar cultures that identify with each other through a common bond, that celebrate with varying methods such as parades, festivals, or family events. One can identify oneself with these labels, just as easily as homosexual, because one is easily found within these common cultures. Should we have atheist celebrations every Xmas? Should we celebrate heterosexual pride? No, because these groups, as merely two examples, do not have a common culture or identification to celebrate with. These are diverse groups that are not organized. The argument, "Should we also have straight pride parades?" is not an argument. It is a question, that does not give any points.

Your words seem so strange to someone like me. You see, I am from Vancouver. Naturally, a liberal haven, we have same sex marriage. The sky has yet to fall from God's wrath. We're doing fine. The religious groups who fought against it have yet to find a single thing wrong with it, other than their homophobia. But, homosexuals are not the only minority group that thrives. Every race and religion is found here, and is not discriminated against. We keep our cultures- Vancouver is a multicultural paradise. We celebrate as we wish. We have gay pride parades, Sikh festivals, and Xmas parades, to name but a few common events. Few people complain, mostly conservative Albertans who have a racial problem. In many areas, Caucasians are a minority. There is no majority. But, we do not have these problems that are often described by this open dialogue of cultures. Especially homosexuals. If you are all truly finding trouble with homosexuals "shoving gay down our throats", then either you are homophobic, or you are experiencing something I've never heard of or seen before.
conservative hatemonger

elite.mafia wrote:

I like the army's idea of "don't ask, don't tell." I hate people who run around and parade screaming GAY PRIDE.

Should we also have straight pride parades?

That aside I think the problem is kids under 14 who think being gay is the worst thing ever.
that generally comes from the way that everything shoves how great it is to be gay and how gay people are normal down your throat.  How about this
Homosexuality is NOT normal.  It is ABnormal.  do i have a problem with it? No, as long as you keep your problems to yourself.  This mindless shoving of 'its okay to be gay, gayness is fine' is just so annoying

Jibbles wrote:

SealXo wrote:

Is if you don't like gays and preach all your religious shit to them, telling them they will burn in hell. Fuck you.
You shouldn't be talking about people like that. It is there personal choice, and if it makes them feel comfortable, then thats makes me happy that they are happy.
So what if my "personal choice" and what "makes me happy" is HATING gays? Can you "be happy that I'm happy" hating gays? Or is it "you shouldn't talk about people that way"?  You know what, if you like gays, keep it to yourself
biggie smalls
+72|6489|Ontario, Canada
Lets get something straight here, you've decided how you feel about homosexuality by watching a movie?

Another thing, I don't care what anyone says, no man born is born to like another man in a sexual way, thats just stupid.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Anyone who has a big problem with gay people is just not comfortable with their own sexuality and probably a closet homosexual themself.

Don't worry so much, it's not contagious.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6701|NT, like Mick Dundee

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

You know what, if you don't have a problem with gays, keep it to yourself. Gayness is shoved down our throats at every turn in the media. Honestly, everybody's sick and tired of the 'here, queer, get used to it' spiel.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
ya i dont like the gay thing but i dont really care. i dont think they should tell people unless the people are your friends cause IMO if u dont want people making fun of you then dont tell people. Its not like straight people constantly say, im straight, to everyone they meet. just stfu if ur gay, lt. victim,  and keep it behind closed doors

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