U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru

Rabbit posing as "Sandra" wrote:

Jesper: im a girl
Jesper: im on my brothers computer
Jesper: yes i am m8
jackblake: u live in sweden
jackblake: o
Jesper: fuck you
jackblake: r u a blonde
Jesper: yes
jackblake: cool
jackblake: u r not a girl
Jesper: yes i am
jackblake: show me a picture of u
jackblake: ur name is jesper
Jesper: im on my fucking brothers account
jackblake: o
Jesper: i dont even know what this sit is
Jesper: annoying sound everytime i type a message
jackblake: cool
Jesper: how old are you
jackblake: how old r u?
Jesper: i asked you first
Jesper: and im 17
jackblake: o i am 15 in 35 days
Jesper: ok
Jesper: what do you look like
jackblake: well i am 6 feet 170 and i am athletic and i have brown hair and green eyes
jackblake: u?
Jesper: im blond (ofc)
Jesper: and im about 175 cm
Jesper: i go to dance lessons too
jackblake: sweet
jackblake: i play baseball and liverpool football which in use is called soccer
jackblake: usa
Jesper: ye i know
Jesper: football is fun to watch
jackblake: yeah
jackblake: but i like american football better but my highschool doesn't have it
Jesper: =/
Jesper: how do i change my name ?
jackblake: well
jackblake: go to tools option
Sandra: ahh
Sandra: i found it
jackblake: then go to nickname and then type ur name
Sandra: thank you
jackblake: np
jackblake: r u hot?
jackblake: r u sexy?
Sandra: well yea
Sandra: ^^
Sandra: do you have a gf?
jackblake: how big is ur boob size?
jackblake: how big r ur boobs?
jackblake: ?
Sandra: D cup ^^,
jackblake: nice
jackblake: very nice
Sandra: all the nerds inmy class are looking at me sometime
Sandra: strange looks
jackblake: show me a picture of u
Sandra: this is not my computer
jackblake: o
Sandra: but you can add my msn  if you want to
jackblake: damn          lol
Sandra: you want it?
jackblake: yeah
Sandra: ok ¨
jackblake: i want ur picture
jackblake: u sound nice and sexy
Sandra: thank you
jackblake: do u have a pic of u?
Sandra: yes
Sandra: on my computer
Sandra: im on my brothers laptop atm
jackblake: o
jackblake: well when u r on ur computer show me
Sandra: yea
jackblake: do u play sports or r u a cheerleader
Sandra: wait
Sandra: im gonna log on to my computer
jackblake: how tall r u ( in feet )
Sandra: i dont know feet
jackblake: o
Sandra: we have cm in sweden =/
jackblake: o
jackblake: metric system
jackblake: =/
jackblake: r u there
Sandra: yea
jackblake: ]tell me when u r on ur computer
Sandra: ok
jackblake: r u on ur computer?
Sandra: no
Sandra: still on laptop
jackblake: y r u not on ur computer?
Sandra: i will
Sandra: log on to it
jackblake: k
Sandra: i enjoy talking to you here ^^,
jackblake: ty
Sandra: its true
jackblake: yeah well ty and i like talking to u
Sandra: im the only one at home ^^
jackblake: nice
Sandra: so its fun to have someone to talk to
jackblake: r u a virgin
jackblake: still
jackblake: i am
jackblake: r u a virgin still?
Sandra: ive had sex once
jackblake: ok don't answer its all right
jackblake: o
Sandra: when i was 16
jackblake: did u like it
Sandra: it was ok  i guess
jackblake: do u have a boyfriend?
Sandra: it was my first time though
Sandra: no not anymore we broke up 2 months ago
jackblake: i bet i could give u the best orgasm that u ever had in ur life and i could give u the best sexy ever and i could get u so horny so fast ^^ ( even though i never had sex )
Sandra: ^^
jackblake: i meant sex
jackblake: not sexy
jackblake: cuz u can't give sexy
Sandra: ye
Sandra: haha :p
jackblake: dude i wish i could meet u
Sandra: i am a girl you silly
jackblake: u know u said u had sex.... well was it a 1 night stand
jackblake: i know
jackblake: sorry
Sandra: haha np
jackblake: i forgot i wasn't talkin to 1 of my friends?
jackblake: was ur sex a 1 night stand?
Sandra: it was with my boyfriend
jackblake: o
Sandra: when i was 16
jackblake: how old was he?
Sandra: we broke up
jackblake: i know
Sandra: same age as me
jackblake: o
jackblake: was he nice to u
Sandra: yea
jackblake: i bet i am better looking than him and i bet i have  a bigger cock then him
jackblake: ^^
Sandra: haha ^^,
jackblake: seriouslyt though i bet i do
Sandra: is it big?
jackblake: well ofc
Sandra: sorry for asking :I
jackblake: np
jackblake: do u like big cocks or small cocks like ur x bf?
Sandra: dont be like tat
Sandra: i like him
jackblake: sorry
Sandra: as a friend
jackblake: sorry
jackblake: sorry
Sandra: np
Sandra: as a friend though
jackblake: i thought u hate him cuz ur x sorry cuz most of my friends who r girls in liverpool they hated there x bf
jackblake: so i am sorry very sorry
Sandra: instead of hating eachother we decided to be friends
jackblake: k
jackblake: good and i am very very sorry for that rude comment
Sandra: its ok
jackblake: k
Sandra: what are you doing right now?
jackblake: well i am working out and talking to u
Sandra: really?
jackblake: yeah
Sandra: what do you mean with working out?
jackblake: but nothing extreme cuz i have a baseball game tomorrow
jackblake: like arm curls with 75 lbs. on each arm
Sandra: so you are a big guy?
jackblake: well i am not fat thats for sure... i am muscular and atheltic
jackblake: i only have  9% body fat'
jackblake: y
Sandra: i was just wondering ^^
jackblake: i can bench about 250
jackblake: 300 on a good day
Sandra: you seem like a nice guy thats why i asked
jackblake: i am talking to u now cuz i am done working out  for 1 hour so i can know u more ^^
jackblake: what r u doing?
Sandra: just took a pic of myself with cellphone
jackblake: cool
jackblake: now what r u doing
Sandra: im gonna put it on my msn
Sandra: so you can see what i look like
<jackblake slutade spela Counter-Strike: Source>
jackblake: k
jackblake: tell me when u cqan show me a pic of u
Sandra: ok
Sandra: add my msn
jackblake: how
jackblake: how?
Sandra: ill log on now
Sandra: brb
jackblake: k
Sandra: to my computer
<jackblake spelar nu Solitaire>
jackblake: tell me when u r ready?
Sandra: yes
jackblake: r u?
Sandra: Mod:  email removed for bot & spam protection

Sandra: my email
jackblake: what do i do
Sandra: add me so i can send you a picture
jackblake: go there?
Sandra: add my msn
jackblake: how?
jackblake: sorry
jackblake: but how
Sandra: dont you have it?
jackblake: have msn mesenger?
Sandra: yes
Sandra: do you have it
jackblake: no
jackblake: yahoo messenger
Sandra: its the same
Sandra: i think
jackblake: im not sure
Sandra: no its not
Sandra: sorry
Sandra: wait
jackblake: np
Sandra: ill plug my cellphone to this computer
Sandra: wait 1 min
Sandra: i can send you my pic
Sandra: thru this thing
jackblake: u caN?
Sandra: yes
Sandra: i need to plug my cellphone to this computer
Sandra: 1 min
jackblake: K
Sandra: ok
Sandra: ive dont it noow
jackblake: what?
<Begäran om filöverföring. Väntar på svar>
Sandra: accept the picture
Sandra: accept the picture?
<Laddar upp filen meeeee.jpg>
<Slutfört uppladdningen av filen meeeee.jpg>
jackblake: do it 1 more time i screwed up
<Begäran om filöverföring. Väntar på svar>
jackblake: what do i do now
Sandra: what do you mean
Sandra: click on it
<Laddar upp filen meeeee.jpg>
<Slutfört uppladdningen av filen meeeee.jpg>
jackblake: u r fuckin hot
jackblake: ^^
Sandra: thanks
jackblake: if we met and u would want sex i would say yes ^^
Sandra: sure
Sandra: but that would be a problem
Sandra: you live in england
jackblake: yeah
jackblake: i was gonna ask u something
jackblake: brb
jackblake: got to eat
Sandra: ok
jackblake: be on in 10 minutes
jackblake: then i got to tell u something then
Sandra: ok
jackblake: brb
<jackblake slutade spela Solitaire>
<Denna användare är nu offline>
<Denna användare är nu online>
jackblake: ok
jackblake: back
Sandra: wb
jackblake: i got to eat in 1 hour
jackblake: now
Sandra: why
Sandra: its in the middle of the night
jackblake: cuz i am not hungry
jackblake: i know
Sandra: ^^,
jackblake: i am hungry
jackblake: sorry
jackblake: ok i got to ask u a question
jackblake: nvm its kinda weird and u might hate me if i ask u so nvm
Sandra: no
Sandra: its ok
jackblake: ok
jackblake: should i ask anyway?
Sandra: yea
jackblake: don't be mad
Sandra: nono i wont
jackblake: can u take a picture of ur boobs  for me and send it?
jackblake: plz?
jackblake: sorry i shouldn't of asj but if u said yes thay would be ok
jackblake: asked*
Sandra: let me think for a sec ^^
jackblake: k ^^
jackblake: tell me when u mad up ur mind
<jackblake spelar nu Solitaire>
jackblake: ok?
Sandra: ok
<jackblake slutade spela Solitaire>
jackblake: r u still thinking?
Sandra: ye =/
jackblake: don't rush though
Sandra: never done this before ^^
jackblake: k
jackblake: ^^
Sandra: ok then
jackblake: what?
Sandra: ill do it ^^
jackblake: ok ^^
<Begäran om filöverföring. Väntar på svar>
Sandra: sorry if its bad quality
Sandra: but its my cellphone =/
<Laddar upp filen me2.jpg>
<Slutfört uppladdningen av filen me2.jpg>
Jack: wow ................................ N_I_C_E
Sandra: thanks
Jack: very nice ^^
Sandra: you are the 2nd person who has seen my boobs ^^
Jack: if u wanna give me anymore pictures it would be all tight with me
Jack: right*
Jack: i got to tell u something
Sandra: ok?
Jack: u r very beautiful and prettyy
Sandra: thank you
Jack: np
Jack: cuz its true
Jack: why r u alone?
Sandra: my parents is on  a party and my brother is at a friends house
Jack: when do they get back?
Sandra: tmorrow probably
Jack: will u ever be on here again?
Jack: ?
Sandra: i doint know
Sandra: maybe
Jack: i am not going to ask u for anymore nude pictures cuz its rude ( but if u want to give me some nude picture like ur vagina ^^ , it will be all right with me )
Jack: ok?
Sandra: ok
Jack: well if u want to give me any kind of pictures u can
Jack: i promise i am not going to ask u for anymore nude pictures cuz its rude ( but if u want to give me some nude picture like ur vagina ^^ , it will be all right with me )
Jack: y r u not talking to me anymore?
Sandra: im thuinking
Jack: of?
Sandra: if im gonna post a pic
Jack: i am sorry i asked u for a picture of ur boobs cuz i think u might be mad at me
Jack: now
Sandra: no
Jack: ok ty ^^
Sandra: why would i send you a pic if i was mad at you
Jack: yeah ofc ur right ^^
Sandra: what are you doing right now
Jack: i am just talking to u and playing a game over the internet y?
Sandra: just askin g
Jack: o ok
Jack: what r u doing?
Sandra: touching myself ^^
Jack: lol ^^
Jack: then what r u gonna do after?
Sandra: you made me horny
Sandra: i dont know ^^
Jack: o ^^
Jack: ok
Sandra: ok
Sandra: ive ddone it
Jack: done what?
<Begäran om filöverföring. Väntar på svar>
Sandra: sorry but its dark in my room ^^
<Laddar upp filen me3.png>
<Slutfört uppladdningen av filen me3.png>
Jack: wow very nice again
Jack: very nice
Jack: what were u gonna say?
Sandra: i was gonna ask if you like my body
Jack: ur body is very nice
Sandra: thank you
Jack: np cuz it is very true
Sandra: im horny
Sandra: are you?
Jack: yeah i got a boner
Sandra: really?
Jack: yeah i wouldn't lie
Sandra: are you gonna touch yourself?
Sandra: my guess is that you already are
Sandra: im touching my  boobs right now
Sandra: im touching my vagina
Sandra: its wet
Jack: i am jacking off to all three of ur pics no offense
Sandra: dude
Sandra: im a guy
Jack: really?
Sandra: yes
Jack: wtf
Jack: y
Sandra: you fucking sicko
Jack: dude u was jacking off to the girl pics u gave me
Jack: y would u do that?
Jack: wtf damn u
Jack: wtf is wrong with u?
Sandra: LOLOLOLOOL im bored xD
Sandra: never trust someone over the internet
Jack: where did u get the pics?
Jack: ?
Jack: where did u fuckin get the pics
Sandra: why ?
Jack: just wondering
Jack: and who r they of?
Sandra: random hotties
Jack: who
Jack: o
Jack: well
Jack: i was jackin off to them not u
Jack: so i am not a sicko
Sandra: no
Jack: and how old r u really?
Sandra: but you are weird
Sandra: you dont tlak like a girl like that
Jack: what
Jack: i am a guy
Sandra: so
Sandra: you will never get laid
Sandra: if you act like that
Jack: well
Jack: i asked her nicely and i said she would get mad but she said she wouldn't so i asked hee
Jack: her
Sandra: im
Sandra: that girl
Sandra: retard
Jack: really?
Jack: u said u were a guy?
Sandra: i am
Jack: so what r u a girl or a guy?
Sandra: a guy
Jack: but u said u were that girl
Jack: i know
Jack: but whate ever
Sandra: ok
Sandra: ktxbye
Sandra: thanks for the entertainment
Jack: wait
Jack: how do u take some1 off ur frieds list
Sandra: lmao
Jack: how
Sandra: ill do it for you
I lmao'd reading this

Last edited by Mr.Surgeons (2007-07-21 03:28:10)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Too long to read, it it worth reading?

EDIT: I read it anyway, 'cause i was bored.....LOL!, you had me going for a while

Last edited by Pea....Tear.....Griffen (2007-07-21 03:38:44)

U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Too long to read, it it worth reading?

took me like <5 mins
jackblake: can u take a picture of ur boobs  for me and send it?
jackblake: plz?
jackblake: sorry i shouldn't of asj but if u said yes thay would be ok
jackblake: asked*
Sandra: let me think for a sec ^^

pwnd xD

Last edited by ZeqTr (2007-07-21 03:32:46)

Teh strogg!
+205|6514|Trondheim, Norway
To bad I gotta go, must read later, micke, remind me when I'm back tomorrow
The People’s Champion
+59|6475|A drop house

Rabbit posing as "Sandra" wrote:

Jack: i am jacking off to all three of ur pics no offense
Sandra: dude
Sandra: im a guy
Jack: really?
Sandra: yes
Jack: wtf
Lol, best part.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru

N.A.T.O wrote:

Rabbit posing as "Sandra" wrote:

Jack: i am jacking off to all three of ur pics no offense
Sandra: dude
Sandra: im a guy
Jack: really?
Sandra: yes
Jack: wtf
Lol, best part.

LMFAO wrote:

Jack: i am not going to ask u for anymore nude pictures cuz its rude ( but if u want to give me some nude picture like ur vagina ^^ , it will be all right with me )
The People’s Champion
+59|6475|A drop house

Mr.Surgeons wrote:

N.A.T.O wrote:

Rabbit posing as "Sandra" wrote:

Jack: i am jacking off to all three of ur pics no offense
Sandra: dude
Sandra: im a guy
Jack: really?
Sandra: yes
Jack: wtf
Lol, best part.

LMFAO wrote:

Jack: i am not going to ask u for anymore nude pictures cuz its rude ( but if u want to give me some nude picture like ur vagina ^^ , it will be all right with me )
HA! Omg I missed that. That’s funny.
+30|6164|My mummys tummy

rabbit iz funneh
got any popo lolo intersting?

LOL What a noob that guy...

That can't be true...
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru

DeathUnlimited wrote:

LOL What a noob that guy...

That can't be true...
It is, rabbit is leet at disguises
God damn hilarious, best parts:

jackblake: i bet i could give u the best orgasm that u ever had in ur life and i could give u the best sexy ever and i could get u so horny so fast ^^ ( even though i never had sex )

jackblake: i bet i am better looking than him and i bet i have  a bigger cock then him

jackblake: can u take a picture of ur boobs  for me and send it?

Jack: i promise i am not going to ask u for anymore nude pictures cuz its rude ( but if u want to give me some nude picture like ur vagina ^^ , it will be all right with me )
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6498|Tyne & Wear, England
I bet this happens all the time on IRC.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru


I bet this happens all the time on IRC.
It was a convo on xfire between rabbit and this nub
got any popo lolo intersting?


I bet this happens all the time on IRC.
Noes, in IRC we go straight to business. And we need no girl disguises.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6498|Tyne & Wear, England

DeathUnlimited wrote:


I bet this happens all the time on IRC.
Noes, in IRC we go straight to business. And we need no girl disguises.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+519|6656|Gold coast, Aus.
Sigh, he is only making fun of my name. Stupid european. In australia "Lindsay" Is a fucking cross gender name, and he decided to pretend to have a 'girls' name too.

Funnily enough people that are from america go "Omg lindsay? a girl on the interwebs? must be really nice and do EVERYTHING she asks!". You can always tell if they think your a girl, and the best way to make them feel like a complete moron is go off topic and say: "Lol, my penis is so hard right now"

Reminds me of something i saw ages ago:

gene_pool wrote:

Reminds me of something i saw ages ago: … eniiy4.jpg
Oh yea, what a hilariously grainy image!

Anyways - Lol, nice job rabbit - Still think you should've sent him a pic of tubgirl when he was jacking off to the images - To see the look on that kid's face.. My god.. That would've been hilarious

Last edited by Tumleren (2007-07-21 04:14:28)
Flamesuit essential

Tumleren wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Reminds me of something i saw ages ago: … eniiy4.jpg
Oh yea, what a hilarious grainy image!

Anyways - Lol, nice job rabbit - Still think you should've sent him a pic of tubgirl when he was jacking off to the images - To see the look on that kid's face.. My god.. That would've been hilarious
Zoom in, mate.
The People’s Champion
+59|6475|A drop house

gene_pool wrote:

Sigh, he is only making fun of my name. Stupid european. In australia "Lindsay" Is a fucking cross gender name, and he decided to pretend to have a 'girls' name too.

Funnily enough people that are from america go "Omg lindsay? a girl on the interwebs? must be really nice and do EVERYTHING she asks!". You can always tell if they think your a girl, and the best way to make them feel like a complete moron is go off topic and say: "Lol, my penis is so hard right now"

Reminds me of something i saw ages ago: … eniiy4.jpg

some_random_panda wrote:

Tumleren wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Reminds me of something i saw ages ago: … eniiy4.jpg
Oh yea, what a hilarious grainy image!

Anyways - Lol, nice job rabbit - Still think you should've sent him a pic of tubgirl when he was jacking off to the images - To see the look on that kid's face.. My god.. That would've been hilarious
Zoom in, mate.
Pff - That would make sense; not my style

(lol, nice one though gene_pool)

Last edited by Tumleren (2007-07-21 04:19:32)
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6474|Brisbane, Australia
Back from the Dead.
Wow, I knew exactly what would happen but still laughed when it did.

Very funny.
+1,352|6528|N. Ireland
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6474|Brisbane, Australia

BigmacK wrote:

Wow, I knew exactly what would happen but still laughed when it did.

Very funny.
we did a similar thing to a guy at school, and printed out the was quite embarrassing for him

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