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CNN wrote:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Al Qaeda will try to tap its allies and resources in Iraq in its efforts to exact another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, according to a top government intelligence report released Tuesday.

A police officer looks for suspicious vehicles earlier this month outside Dulles International Airport in Virginia.

Officials have expressed concern in the past that the Iraq war is providing a theater for al Qaeda to train insurgents and test the terror network's capabilities.

"In addition, we assess that its association with [al Qaeda in Iraq] helps al Qaeda to energize the broader Sunni extremist community, raise resources and to recruit and indoctrinate operatives, including for homeland attacks," states the declassified summary of the National Intelligence Estimate.

But the radicalization process doesn't stop there, according to the report. Islamist Web sites, aggressive anti-American rhetoric and an increasing number of self-generating terror cells in Western countries indicate that violent factions of Islam are spreading.

Though the problem is more dire in Europe than the United States, the report says, there is evidence that extremists in the U.S. are "becoming more connected ideologically, virtually and/or in a physical sense to the global extremist movement."

Declassified portions of the completed NIE -- which represents the combined analyses of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies -- was released Tuesday after the classified version was presented to Congress.

Mike McConnell, director of national intelligence, gave President Bush a special briefing on the report Tuesday morning, a senior administration official said. Video Watch McConnell discuss the threats that the U.S. has uncovered ยป

The report also warns that al Qaeda -- which it says has become "innovative in creating new capabilities and overcoming security obstacles" -- is beefing up efforts to sneak operatives into the United States.

"Although we have discovered only a handful of individuals in the United States with ties to al Qaeda senior leadership since 9/11, we judge that al Qaeda will intensify its efforts to put operatives here," states an NIE summary.

"As a result, we judge that the United States currently is in a heightened threat environment," the summary says.

International cooperation on counterterrorism efforts has made the U.S. a more elusive target for al Qaeda -- and has also led to thwarted plots since the September 11, 2001, attacks -- but, the report warns, "this level of international cooperation may wane as 9/11 becomes a more distant memory and perceptions of the threat diverge."

Mass casualties are not the endgame for the terror network, according to the report. Al Qaeda also seeks to perpetrate a sensational attack that produces "visually dramatic destruction, significant economic aftershocks and/or fear among the U.S. population," states the summary.

The draft of the intelligence report expresses concern about the possibility of a growing number of extremists who may already be in the United States, two officials said last week. The report says al Qaeda is still in pursuit of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

The report also says that al Qaeda has set up a safe haven along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border from where the terror network's leaders can operate, several U.S. officials said.

The NIE analysis addresses al Qaeda's resurgence in the tribal areas of Pakistan, where President Pervez Musharraf last year gave primary responsibility for controlling the border areas between Pakistan and Afghanistan to tribal leaders.

The United States considers Musharraf an ally in the fight against al Qaeda and has been reluctant to pressure him to do more to control the border areas, where authorities believe both al Qaeda and the Taliban, vanquished from Afghanistan, have regrouped.

Musharraf repeatedly has said his government is working hard to curb terrorists and extremists in its territories.
Yawn.  I'm really sick of seeing the same bullshit scare tactic warnings in the news every other day.  It's so stupid.  They are worried about Iraqi operatives that have to resort to using makeshift roadside bombs detonated by cell phones?  How are they supposed to get from there, to here, set up operations, find targets, recon targets, plant explosives (or other "WMDs") in whatever they are planning to attack and then carry through?  Seems overly retarded to me.  All they say is "Dis report says that da terrerists be comin." or "They figured out howta get cross da borders..".  This all despite the fact one of these BS reports comes out every week and since 9/11 we haven't seen so much as a BB gun terrorist attack.

Propaganda for the lose.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Well, it is pretty annoying. Though if another attack does happen those mother fuckers are gonna have another American soldier to deal with.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Scare mongering to maintain the culture of fear.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+581|6432|New York
They have done one hell of a job in creating the 'Cry Wolf' syndrome. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm fucking callused at this point about these reports and warnings. I hear about this all the time, with nothing coming to fruition. So now, if and when the shit really does hit the fan, we won't be ready for it, because it has become such commonplace. Paired with the fact that I can't believe a goddamn word the government says anymore (and I believe more and more people are feeling this way as time goes on), this could lead to quite the problem if something really does happen.

Also, this seems to just be another way to keep the general populous in fear.

Last edited by heggs (2007-07-17 10:16:45)

Remember Me As A Time Of Day

heggs wrote:

They have done one hell of a job in creating the 'Cry Wolf' syndrome. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm fucking callused at this point about these reports and warnings. I hear about this all the time, with nothing coming to fruition. So now, if and when the shit really does hit the fan, we won't be ready for it, because it has become such commonplace. Paired with the fact that I can't believe a goddamn word the government says anymore (and I believe more and more people are feeling this way as time goes on), this could lead to quite the problem if something really does happen.
Exactly. I couldn't've said it better myself.

Especially since I say things like "couldn't've". But I digress.
. . .
I am not worried either way.

a.) It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

b.) It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care either way (happens or not) - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-17 10:21:57)


topal63 wrote:

I am not worried either way.

It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).
16 more years
+877|6569|South Florida
yeah and doughnozzle cumbucket liberals wanna pull out of iraq... thatll just give terrorists more room to breath as they walk down the iraq streets making plans to attack america instead of staying undercover for fear of brain removal by a U.S. assault rifle.
15 more years! 15 more years!
All I ask is that you bunch up on the beach so you can make room for the rest of you insisting on burying your heads in the sand. History is not on your side. Many attempts have been carried out and many have failed in the pursuit of the Islamic extremists efforts to sway the world to their beckoning. Even some attempts have succeeded. Like Spain. Obviously you are not willing to be bothered by such efforts. It is a good thing that there are those willing to take these threats seriously so you do not have to be inconvienced by it. I guess just as long as YOU don't get hurt there isn't anything to worry about.

Yawn.  Dammed if you warn people dammed if you don't.  Either way you will cry.
. . .
LOL. It's a warning.

By the way - no one is crying. Rather we're puking from nausea.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-17 10:28:20)


topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
. . .

usmarine2005 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
No thanks, I am more partial to this: … plug.shtml

Cougar wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am not worried either way.

It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).
You don't care??!!! AND quoted for effect??!!  No comment to this BS. It pretty much speaks for itself.

usmarine2005 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
I cast my ballet in favor of you performing a cranial enema on yourself.

Also, shove your neo-con attitude up your ass.

Cougar wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
I cast my ballet in favor of you performing a cranial enema on yourself.

Also, shove your neo-con attitude up your ass.
Ok Mr. label machine.

usmarine2005 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
You have to admit these "Warnings" seem to come just on the heels of rebellion.  Note the "all niter" to be pulled tonight to debate the Iraq war.
. . .

lowing wrote:

Cougar wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am not worried either way.

It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).
You don't care??!!! AND quoted for effect??!!  No comment to this BS. It pretty much speaks for itself.
That is just stupid. You want to argue about (anyone) thinking the news is total BS - that we don't consider relevant to our daily lives. Is that your hypothesis - (the antithesis of what I think about this so-called news)?

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-17 10:35:45)

+3,611|6665|London, England
Excuse me, I'm going to go hide under my table for the rest of my life.
+106|6426|UMass Amherst

topal63 wrote:

I am not worried either way.

a.) It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

b.) It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care either way (happens or not) - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).
There was another period of time where press releases caused wide-spread fear and gave sufficient ignition to start a war.  It's called the Spanish-American war, aggravated by yellow press and lack of investigation of the USS Maine's hull after it sank.  That's exactly what is happening now: cry out 'omg terrorists are gonna kill us all in some huge incident.  It's not likely, citizens, but it MIGHT HAPPEN, so stay in your homes and live in fear until the big and bumbling fucked up government fixes the mess.'

I'm more likely to be killed by goddamn lightning (and it almost happened once) than I am by some mujahdeen in an ass backwards country thousands of miles away.  If Iraq showed me anything, we went and fucked up things so badly that we are worse off than when we began.  AMEN.
Find your center.

Cougar wrote:

Yawn.  I'm really sick of seeing the same bullshit scare tactic warnings in the news every other day.  It's so stupid.  They are worried about Iraqi operatives that have to resort to using makeshift roadside bombs detonated by cell phones?  How are they supposed to get from there, to here, set up operations, find targets, recon targets, plant explosives (or other "WMDs") in whatever they are planning to attack and then carry through?  Seems overly retarded to me.  All they say is "Dis report says that da terrerists be comin." or "They figured out howta get cross da borders..".  This all despite the fact one of these BS reports comes out every week and since 9/11 we haven't seen so much as a BB gun terrorist attack.

Propaganda for the lose.
But haven't you seen the series 24? It is so totally possible. I mean, im sure we got Russian submarines with live warheads in our non-miltary ports for U.S inspection with lackluster security to guard it right? That is just asking for one of them terrorists to hop in and fire some off.

But to be serious, honestly they put out these reports to warn people just in case if something does go wrong. Then they can say "Well, we warned ya!" Its like those Tornado warnings and sirens that go off. If the sky is a little dark, and its very fuckin windy, they'll put out a warning just in case. People SHOULD get prepared a little I guess.

These warnings might be a message to any would be terro-fuckheads (Copyright Im_Dooomed 2007) that we clearly have intel about what might be going on and we are gonna fuck em up...
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
. . .

Magius5.0 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

I am not worried either way.

a.) It doesn't happen = fear mongering (as if I am in  position to do something about a so-called Imminent Attack!).

b.) It does happen and becomes actual news = too late now, it is just clean up and possible new prevention tactics at this point.

I am not callous, but I don't care either way (happens or not) - it is far more likely I will be murdered by a fellow American than by a terrorist (10 to 100-fold).
There was another period of time where press releases caused wide-spread fear and gave sufficient ignition to start a war.  It's called the Spanish-American war, aggravated by yellow press and lack of investigation of the USS Maine's hull after it sank.  That's exactly what is happening now: cry out 'omg terrorists are gonna kill us all in some huge incident.  It's not likely, citizens, but it MIGHT HAPPEN, so stay in your homes and live in fear until the big and bumbling fucked up government fixes the mess.'

I'm more likely to be killed by goddamn lightning (and it almost happened once) than I am by some mujahdeen in an ass backwards country thousands of miles away.  If Iraq showed me anything, we went and fucked up things so badly that we are worse off than when we began.  AMEN.
Since the inception of Iraq deuce - more Americans have been murdered (in that same time period) by fellow Americans than American soldiers have been killed in the (Iraq-2) conflict.

Lightning, bathtub slip, car accident, cancer... etc; there are so many more likely to happen things.

GATOR591957 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

LOL. It's a warning.
You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
You have to admit these "Warnings" seem to come just on the heels of rebellion.  Note the "all niter" to be pulled tonight to debate the Iraq war.
I agree and think it is stupid which is what Coug and top need to understand.  However, you are damed if you do and dammed if you don't when it comes to stuff like this.  So why not say it?  If I was in charge of a news channel and ratings, I would say it also.
. . .

usmarine2005 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

You know what I mean asshole.  Shove that smiley face up your ass.
You have to admit these "Warnings" seem to come just on the heels of rebellion.  Note the "all niter" to be pulled tonight to debate the Iraq war.
I agree and think it is stupid which is what Coug and top need to understand.  However, you are damed if you do and dammed if you don't when it comes to stuff like this.  So why not say it?  If I was in charge of a news channel and ratings, I would say it also.
Very true, and of course that is exactly what they - the media - do do. Emphasis on do do.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Im_Dooomed wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Yawn.  I'm really sick of seeing the same bullshit scare tactic warnings in the news every other day.  It's so stupid.  They are worried about Iraqi operatives that have to resort to using makeshift roadside bombs detonated by cell phones?  How are they supposed to get from there, to here, set up operations, find targets, recon targets, plant explosives (or other "WMDs") in whatever they are planning to attack and then carry through?  Seems overly retarded to me.  All they say is "Dis report says that da terrerists be comin." or "They figured out howta get cross da borders..".  This all despite the fact one of these BS reports comes out every week and since 9/11 we haven't seen so much as a BB gun terrorist attack.

Propaganda for the lose.
But haven't you seen the series 24? It is so totally possible
You know i actually saw the pink panther in the supermarket today, he sends his regards.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

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