
Which One out of this list is the Biggest Threat to World Peace?

Iran10%10% - 15
Muslim Extremists from all Around the World34%34% - 51
Israel7%7% - 11
Al-Qaeda4%4% - 6
Hezbollah0%0% - 0
Hamas0%0% - 0
Civil war in Iraq0%0% - 0
North Korea2%2% - 3
All of the above20%20% - 30
Other21%21% - 32
Total: 148
less busy
+586|6870|Kubra, Damn it!

David.Podedworny wrote:

chittydog wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Other. People who blame america for the world's woes.
Please explain exactly how those people are the biggest threat to world peace? Specifically explain how they're worse than the people committing violent acts.
Because they find it easy to blame us and carry out violence against us.
Allright then lets break it down country by country.

1. Mexico: Why did the Mexicans boo Ms. America at the pageant? Why do they hate her? What did she do to deserve this? Nothing thats what. They hate america for not allowing them in the country, Why? They are coming to america to escape from their economic hardships and when they are found and thrown out of the country what do they do? They bitch and moan about it, America does'nt hate Mexicans, Even though it seems like it its not, Most Illegal Immigrants coming to america are entering from the mexican border. So they blame america for whats wrong with their nation because. A. America is their neighbor B. It's easier to bitch and moan about someone else then blame yourself.

2. Palestine and Other Middle Eastern Countries: Why do they blame america for their own hardships?v When it is america who has been giving aid and supplies in order for them to have a better quality of life for many years, Why do they call us Great Satan? Why do they hate Israel? I know that the Israel's took the land of the palestinians in the 60's but for fucks sake they started it. They blame us for all thats wrong in their lives because we support Israel(who i dont agree with personally)

3. South Asian countries affected by the Tsunami in 04: After the Tsunami who was the First Nation to help tell me who? We flew in so much aid and personal after the tsunami and now? They wanna kill us? Fuck them. They blame america for the tsunami.

I can do alot more but i gotta go now.
Please clarify, you're even confusing yourself. At first you say the people who blame America (thanks for not capitalizing the name of the country you supposedly love), but then you change it in your explanation to be "Because they find it easy to blame us and carry out violence against us." Not everyone who blames us for the world's problems carries out violence against us. If they did, we'd be in much worse shape since a lot of people blame us and very, very, very few actually commit violent acts against us.

Now for your "breaking it down by country" that only mentions two countries:

1. Mexico. No, I don't understand how people who boo Miss America are just as bad as car bombers. I'm sure relatives of the victims of these attacks will be offended by your even suggesting they are.

2. Middle East. Learn your history. Palestine didn't start anything with Israel. After WWII, a bunch of self-righteous white people decided to take Palestinian land and give it to the Jews since they felt bad about the Holocaust. Yes, a lot of people in the middle east hate us. If you study 20th century history and our involvement in the middle east, you'll have a greater understanding why. We mucked around in their business quite a bit. Not enough to deserve the backlash we've gotten because of it, but we're not exactly sparkling fresh and innocent.

3. Southeast Asia. Wow, you couldn't even name the country that was hit the hardest after it was plastered all over the news for a year. Shouldn't that give you a clue that maybe you're not the best authority on the subject. It's Indonesia, btw, and I haven't heard of any stories of them hating the US more than anyone else. Indonesia's so deep in the middle of its own cultural upheaval that they don't have time to target the US for anything. Give me some examples of them carrying out attacks against us. I won't hold my breath. Indonesian Muslims are too concerned with reestablishing their own cultural identity that they're not bothering to target any particular country, they're too busy attacking each other. And seriously, where did you hear that they blame us for the damn tsunami? Were you really gullible enough to believe that or are you grasping at straws to make your point?

David, I think deep down you're a decent guy, but you're trying so freaking hard to come off as some kind of hardline tough guy (Rambo's apprentice ) that you're totally blowing away all common sense. I see your posts and a lot of times your heart is in the right place, but you're so quick to jump to conclusions that you don't seem to think about what you're posting. I'm made comments like this to you before, although I don't know if you've seen them, and am going to keep making these comments to you in the future. Gentle nudging isn't working, so maybe some good natured flaming will do the job. If we call you on your bs enough times, maybe you'll think before you post.

Now back on topic, I originally voted for Muslim extremists, but am seriously considering changing my vote to plain-old, common ignorance. Sorry for highjacking the thread.
+0|6178|NJ, USA
wow for the people who said america thats just totally ridiculious...u epople have no right to say usa is at fault w/o us all u people would be speaking different languages and be screwed but no we save ur asses and u guys complain about us..wow people these days..its obviously the muslim extremist they're the problems for everything thats why we have to destroy them they are crazy and dont care about dying
+0|6178|NJ, USA

chittydog wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Please explain exactly how those people are the biggest threat to world peace? Specifically explain how they're worse than the people committing violent acts.
Because they find it easy to blame us and carry out violence against us.
Allright then lets break it down country by country.

1. Mexico: Why did the Mexicans boo Ms. America at the pageant? Why do they hate her? What did she do to deserve this? Nothing thats what. They hate america for not allowing them in the country, Why? They are coming to america to escape from their economic hardships and when they are found and thrown out of the country what do they do? They bitch and moan about it, America does'nt hate Mexicans, Even though it seems like it its not, Most Illegal Immigrants coming to america are entering from the mexican border. So they blame america for whats wrong with their nation because. A. America is their neighbor B. It's easier to bitch and moan about someone else then blame yourself.

2. Palestine and Other Middle Eastern Countries: Why do they blame america for their own hardships?v When it is america who has been giving aid and supplies in order for them to have a better quality of life for many years, Why do they call us Great Satan? Why do they hate Israel? I know that the Israel's took the land of the palestinians in the 60's but for fucks sake they started it. They blame us for all thats wrong in their lives because we support Israel(who i dont agree with personally)

3. South Asian countries affected by the Tsunami in 04: After the Tsunami who was the First Nation to help tell me who? We flew in so much aid and personal after the tsunami and now? They wanna kill us? Fuck them. They blame america for the tsunami.

I can do alot more but i gotta go now.
Please clarify, you're even confusing yourself. At first you say the people who blame America (thanks for not capitalizing the name of the country you supposedly love), but then you change it in your explanation to be "Because they find it easy to blame us and carry out violence against us." Not everyone who blames us for the world's problems carries out violence against us. If they did, we'd be in much worse shape since a lot of people blame us and very, very, very few actually commit violent acts against us.

Now for your "breaking it down by country" that only mentions two countries:

1. Mexico. No, I don't understand how people who boo Miss America are just as bad as car bombers. I'm sure relatives of the victims of these attacks will be offended by your even suggesting they are.

2. Middle East. Learn your history. Palestine didn't start anything with Israel. After WWII, a bunch of self-righteous white people decided to take Palestinian land and give it to the Jews since they felt bad about the Holocaust. Yes, a lot of people in the middle east hate us. If you study 20th century history and our involvement in the middle east, you'll have a greater understanding why. We mucked around in their business quite a bit. Not enough to deserve the backlash we've gotten because of it, but we're not exactly sparkling fresh and innocent.

3. Southeast Asia. Wow, you couldn't even name the country that was hit the hardest after it was plastered all over the news for a year. Shouldn't that give you a clue that maybe you're not the best authority on the subject. It's Indonesia, btw, and I haven't heard of any stories of them hating the US more than anyone else. Indonesia's so deep in the middle of its own cultural upheaval that they don't have time to target the US for anything. Give me some examples of them carrying out attacks against us. I won't hold my breath. Indonesian Muslims are too concerned with reestablishing their own cultural identity that they're not bothering to target any particular country, they're too busy attacking each other. And seriously, where did you hear that they blame us for the damn tsunami? Were you really gullible enough to believe that or are you grasping at straws to make your point?

David, I think deep down you're a decent guy, but you're trying so freaking hard to come off as some kind of hardline tough guy (Rambo's apprentice ) that you're totally blowing away all common sense. I see your posts and a lot of times your heart is in the right place, but you're so quick to jump to conclusions that you don't seem to think about what you're posting. I'm made comments like this to you before, although I don't know if you've seen them, and am going to keep making these comments to you in the future. Gentle nudging isn't working, so maybe some good natured flaming will do the job. If we call you on your bs enough times, maybe you'll think before you post.

Now back on topic, I originally voted for Muslim extremists, but am seriously considering changing my vote to plain-old, common ignorance. Sorry for highjacking the thread.
im going to ahve to disagree w/ u about the middle east...um the palestinians took israels land way back from the bible times not from WWI so u learn ur history...they have been ighting forever the palestinians are at fault
less busy
+586|6870|Kubra, Damn it!

killajamz666 wrote:

im going to ahve to disagree w/ u about the middle east...um the palestinians took israels land way back from the bible times not from WWI so u learn ur history...they have been ighting forever the palestinians are at fault
Wow. The Israelis didn't exist 60 years ago, they were European Jews. They haven't been fighting forever. Also, go look up Mohammed and see when Islam started. Here's a hint, it was after the "bible times". Do you know who the Palestinians are? They're the Jews who lived in that region and were converted to Islam.

chittydog wrote:

Please clarify, you're even confusing yourself. At first you say the people who blame America (thanks for not capitalizing the name of the country you supposedly love), but then you change it in your explanation to be "Because they find it easy to blame us and carry out violence against us." Not everyone who blames us for the world's problems carries out violence against us. If they did, we'd be in much worse shape since a lot of people blame us and very, very, very few actually commit violent acts against us.

Now for your "breaking it down by country" that only mentions two countries:

1. Mexico. No, I don't understand how people who boo Miss America are just as bad as car bombers. I'm sure relatives of the victims of these attacks will be offended by your even suggesting they are.

2. Middle East. Learn your history. Palestine didn't start anything with Israel. After WWII, a bunch of self-righteous white people decided to take Palestinian land and give it to the Jews since they felt bad about the Holocaust. Yes, a lot of people in the middle east hate us. If you study 20th century history and our involvement in the middle east, you'll have a greater understanding why. We mucked around in their business quite a bit. Not enough to deserve the backlash we've gotten because of it, but we're not exactly sparkling fresh and innocent.

3. Southeast Asia. Wow, you couldn't even name the country that was hit the hardest after it was plastered all over the news for a year. Shouldn't that give you a clue that maybe you're not the best authority on the subject. It's Indonesia, btw, and I haven't heard of any stories of them hating the US more than anyone else. Indonesia's so deep in the middle of its own cultural upheaval that they don't have time to target the US for anything. Give me some examples of them carrying out attacks against us. I won't hold my breath. Indonesian Muslims are too concerned with reestablishing their own cultural identity that they're not bothering to target any particular country, they're too busy attacking each other. And seriously, where did you hear that they blame us for the damn tsunami? Were you really gullible enough to believe that or are you grasping at straws to make your point?

David, I think deep down you're a decent guy, but you're trying so freaking hard to come off as some kind of hardline tough guy (Rambo's apprentice ) that you're totally blowing away all common sense. I see your posts and a lot of times your heart is in the right place, but you're so quick to jump to conclusions that you don't seem to think about what you're posting. I'm made comments like this to you before, although I don't know if you've seen them, and am going to keep making these comments to you in the future. Gentle nudging isn't working, so maybe some good natured flaming will do the job. If we call you on your bs enough times, maybe you'll think before you post.

Now back on topic, I originally voted for Muslim extremists, but am seriously considering changing my vote to plain-old, common ignorance. Sorry for highjacking the thread.
1. Why?

2. I knew that but they threw out the jews after the crusades.

3. Actually i knew i was in a hurry to post.

4. I am an anti-asshole dont forget that.

5. Alot of people bs is it bad to bs them back? Should'nt we punish them the same way they wronged us? I know sometimes i ignore common sense but am i as bad as the people who go around killing for an ideaology? Or the people that will kill anyone just because they dont like them? Maybe the people who kill children for their god.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-07-02 21:40:23)

+48|6518|P-way, NJ
When I first saw this, I thought it would have Us on it. And probably more the half would of click it.
+488|6604|Portland, OR, USA

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

When I first saw this, I thought it would have Us on it. And probably more the half would of click it.
me too.
+125|6613|Rochester NY USA
Putting the US on their would of been valid but most who would of clicked it are simply living under a rock.
less busy
+586|6870|Kubra, Damn it!

David.Podedworny wrote:

1. Why?

2. I knew that but they threw out the jews after the crusades.

3. Actually i knew i was in a hurry to post.

4. I am an anti-asshole dont forget that.

5. Alot of people bs is it bad to bs them back? Should'nt we punish them the same way they wronged us? I know sometimes i ignore common sense but am i as bad as the people who go around killing for an ideaology? Or the people that will kill anyone just because they dont like them? Maybe the people who kill children for their god.
1. If someone you loved was killed by a maniac, and someone else said a peaceful protester was just as bad, wouldn't you be offended?


5. I hope you didn't think I was comparing you to the nutjobs doing these horrible things. We all know your one of the good guys. However, on your comment about BSing, just because someone else does something crappy doesn't mean we have to lower ourselves to their pitiful standards. Let's try to show them the right way by example.
+42|6878|Waikato, Aotearoa
Mr Bush and his "need" for World Power and Imperialism - duh

S3v3N wrote:


Human Nature
Cowboy from Hell

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

When I first saw this, I thought it would have Us on it. And probably more the half would of click it.
That's prejudice.  Why should I include the USA, Russia or China?
Certified Twat
+296|6543|Bournemouth, South England
The U, S and A, purely for their vendetta against the world post 9/11.  Every chance they have they seem to either be invading or pressuring eastern countries into military action.  But only if the country in question has something of value, oil, maybe?
+10|6189|Land of crocs and cane toads

Cubefreak666 wrote:

Where can I click USA?
+1.....yeah, where is that option?  A litle biased don't you think?  America are in the middle of every shit hole and they don't get a mention?
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6616|SE London

killajamz666 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

2. Palestine and Other Middle Eastern Countries: Why do they blame america for their own hardships?v When it is america who has been giving aid and supplies in order for them to have a better quality of life for many years, Why do they call us Great Satan? Why do they hate Israel? I know that the Israel's took the land of the palestinians in the 60's but for fucks sake they started it. They blame us for all thats wrong in their lives because we support Israel(who i dont agree with personally)
im going to ahve to disagree w/ u about the middle east...um the palestinians took israels land way back from the bible times not from WWI so u learn ur history...they have been ighting forever the palestinians are at fault
You really don't know your history do you? Perhaps you should learn it before criticising other peoples interpretations of it.

The land of Israel was originally Canaan. The Hebrew people, that became known as the Israelites, arrived in Canaan at around the same time (actually slightly after, I believe) as the Philistines. The Israelites invaded Canaan and kicked out the Canaanites and the Philistines.

Later the Romans expelled many of the Israelites from Israel, which they named Syria Palaestina. This was designed as an insult towards the Jews, naming their homeland after their most hated enemy, whom they had virtually exterminated. Millions of Jews were killed by Flavius and Hadrian in response to Jewish revolts over the occuaption.

It should be noted that the Philistines are NOT the Palestinians. The Philistines origins lie in the Mediterranean around Greece, they were not Arabs. The word Palestine is the only real legacy of the Philistines. Claiming that the Palestinians took Israels land in biblical times is a ridiculous statement with no basis in fact whatsoever.

If all you are thinking about is the '67 war then you really don't know the origins of the conflict very well at all. The '67 war was very important in establishing the current state of affairs in the Middle East, but to see the real origins of the modern conflict we must look further than that to the start of the influx of Jewish immigrants to the mandate of Palestine in the late 19th century. It is the behaviour by the Jewish agency and the majority of Jewish immigrants throughout this period, leading upto the illegal establishment of the state of Israel in '47. The Jewish immigrants, a vast number of whom immigrated illegally by avoiding the British naval blockades and border control (actions described as Aliyah Bet), set about a policy of economic deprivement of the Palestinian people (this is well documented) funded by the Jewish agency. The civil unrest amongst the Arabs that followed, led to a Jewish terror campaign of bombings and assasinations of the British administrators and the Arab populous, the vast majority of targets were civilians. This led to the withdrawal of British forces and militant Jewish factions took control and declared they had formed the state of Israel, which immediately recieved US support. The most successful terror campaign of all time, they got themselves a country.

The UN attempted to implement a two state solution, which neither the Jews nor the Arabs were happy with. The surrounding Arab countries were so displeased with their land being handed out that they declared war on Israel, and lost. The next war came in '56, when Egyptian and Israeli forces clashed and the Egyptians blockaded the Suez canal, the British and French were not happy about one of their crucial trade routes being blocked and intervened - which is often viewed as a big mistake, even the US had the nous to stay out of that one and condemned the Anglo-Franco involvement. Then came the 6 day war in '67, in which Israel launched an unprovoked pre-emptive strike against Egypt, destroying their airforce while they were still on the ground. With each of these wars the borders of Israel expanded, most notably with the '67 war. These new borders are illegal and in total contravention of all existing international law, which is something the Israelis are experts on.

The Palestinians have a much, much stronger legal claim to the land than the Jewish immigrants who expelled them.
AKA Selkies ftw
Definitely America becuase of our need to be the fucking "world police."
islam is the root cause of all terrorism.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6616|SE London

theelviscerator wrote:

islam is the root cause of all terrorism.

Terrorism is a product of oppression. This can be seen throughout the world and throughout history.

I didn't realise the I in IRA stood for Islamic.
Cowboy from Hell

theelviscerator wrote:

islam is the root cause of all terrorism.
Another brainwashed dude courtesy of conservative News Media.  Watch BBC pls.  Don't buy all the BS you watch in Tv.
+48|6518|P-way, NJ

sergeriver wrote:

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

When I first saw this, I thought it would have Us on it. And probably more the half would of click it.
That's prejudice.  Why should I include the USA, Russia or China?

Also, I don't think you got my point.
+9|6528|Berlin, Germany
George W. FTW! (in this Poll)

Cowboy from Hell

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sharp comment.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Written in such a 'tongue-in-cheek' manner as to void any resemblance of serious talk.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-07-03 12:19:20)


Cubefreak666 wrote:

Where can I click USA?
USA, if bush would be able to stay more then two terms in office...

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