cereal killer
+233|6785|the middle of nowhere

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Probally my Appendix, god awful feeling like needing to go to toilet but there is nothing there.
Mainly striking pain in the stomach.
Yeah, I had that too. Extremely sore for a loooong time.
Laughter with an S
+167|6679|Camoran's Paradise
I once almost cut the tip of my finger off with a kitchen knife.  About 2/3 of it.  Pretty cool to see the bone (thats what kept me from taking the whole finger off).  Hurt like hell for a few days.

I'm pretty sure this can top them all.  My friend passed a kidney stone AND a gall stone AT THE SAME TIME.  He was 15 then.
+67|6718|Tulln, Austria

cablecopulate wrote:

Having this done:

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/ … crewed.jpg
Why does it look like the middle screw is just dangling around completely loose in there?

Last edited by maef (2007-05-25 13:15:39)


leetkyle wrote:

I remember it like it was a few months ago, oh wait.. it was!

I'm quite weak irl, relative to others. This total jackass (who if I "squared up to him" would obviously kick the crap out of me) decided it would be fun if his two friends held me down, while he decided to repeatidly punch me in the back. Not able to breathe, still him punching, my back ached for days. Now he still does it, he'd actually do a run-up to do it. Unfortunately, he hangs around with a lot of my friends too. I've talked to a few of them and they agree he is an absolutely idiot, but he's the guy you just don't say that too.

So it's either be constantly winded, have serious back pains, and have the joy of hanging around with some real friends, or to go to the library and sit on the computer. I do the latter most days now. I see no point in telling anyone really, he's just a jackass who then would actually beat the living crap out of me and leave me for dead. I'll just take the occasional beating from him and let it be.

He's a jerk. Although some of my friends now go elsewhere too, so hopefully he'll be a loner, with his two annoying friends. One of which is completely dead-on to me, when he is on his own.
Tell him to fuck off, if that doesn't work, keep something heavy in your back pocket. My younger cousin had a guy keep bullying him, he hit him in the head with the metal part of a bike lock, that gave the guy a message he wouldn't forget in a hurry.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6524|Gogledd Cymru

having my baby due to a caesarean
Ones had this really painful migraine, felt like 20 headache at same time and throwing up at the same time
Had s sty on my eyelid popped, since theres a ton of nerves in the eye lid, it felt like getting kicked in the balls while there were doing the operation. I was awake.
Say wat!?
Breaking my knee cap. I had a bad ski accident, went home with my bad leg, as i got off the bus i put it up to 90 degrees and the bone snapped.
+2,187|6603|Mountains of NC

worse would be tie between of a grazing bullet wound in my left thigh or getting my legs covered in posion ivy    ( wish I took pics bc they turned purple and it was nasty)
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6690|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Collapsed one of my vertebrae in a sledding accident, laid in the snow for a half an hour waiting for the medics to get there. That was terrible pain, I couldn't get up or anything, not too mention all of the swearing I did, fuck it hurt.

Edit: forgot to use spell check

Last edited by bob_6012 (2007-05-25 13:19:34)

international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6561|Milkystania, yurop
Two times one was when i Smashed my head on the sink (i feel asleep passed out) And ran around like a madman yelling with the blood gushing out of my wound.....

second time when i got my foot caught in the back tire of a bike........going down a tunnel after that day i never need to wonder how far through the skin my bones are
GunSlinger OIF II


worse would be tie between of a grazing bullet wound in my left thigh or getting my legs covered in posion ivy    ( wish I took pics bc they turned purple and it was nasty)
or being grazed by a bullet that was covered in poison ivy.
'Light 'em up!'

I've had a terrible migraine before, couldn't move, had to lie down on the floor for hours, and my left arm went numb. Man that was horrible.
You likey leaky?
+433|6713|In You Endo- Stoke

surgeon_bond wrote:

having my baby due to a caesarean
I thought the baby only got half way out?

Last edited by {uscm}Jyden (2007-05-25 13:29:15)

+1|6340|Stupid Pig Flying Down
Hmmm... Probably one of these: Breaking both my radius and ulna at the same time (jumped off a swing, I know, I'm a genius)... or maybe when i was in preschool, me, my brother, and my best friend were throwing rocks up a tree at a four-square ball, and being the genius that I am, I placed myself directly under the thing. Grapefruit-sized rock hit me square in the forehead.. blood everywhere... or maybe when I got totally blindsighted by a 170 lb dude in football, (I weighed 135 at the time)... I literally saw stars.. it was crazy
Kidney Stones.
Helping you help yourself
+34|6512| Texas
when i was six or seven i slipped on a magazine and fell down our stairs, and at the bottom my smashed my eyebrow into a window sill. I have a scar under my eyebrow which you cant really see, but the big thing was that i damaged my eye in the fall and wear a completely different contact in my right eye, where as in my left i almost dont even need to wear one.

maef wrote:

Why does it look like the middle screw is just dangling around completely loose in there?
That screw is in the bone directly, above the break to below the break.
Well either when i tore my ACL, PCL, and MCL (simutaneously) while playing football during my senior year of high school, or the PT after the operation. I can't really decide cuz I was kinda doped up on pain pills during ne the next 6 months.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6864|Grapevine, TX

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

woke up in the middle of my appendectomy.
You guys that dont know what an appendectomy is and what kind of crazy, horrifing experience Omega went through, are so privileged. That is some phucked up shite.

The worst pain  I have experienced, excluding 2 right-knee surgeries,  was having an appendectomy around 11Am Thanksgiving morning. I was 12. That was so intense. You don't want to know how bad that hurt. Demerol was great though.
+1,230|6878|Alberta, Canada

Got stitches right on my knee.
I couldn't move it, since it was right on the joint, and when the freezing went away, man did it hurt.
Kidney stones...   the worst experience of my life so far.  imagine waking up at 3 am... unable to take a deep breath.  severe pain in your side.  I honestly thought I was about to die.  my first thought was my appendix  so i walk out into the living room hunched over, unable to stand up straight.  get on the internet to find out which side it's on.  ok it's not that...   

so I start thinking I have the worst case of gas ever! you feel bloated like someone is pumping air into you and it's not escaping.  so being the typical male I sit there in pain not wanting to go to the doctor, and the fact that I could not drive if I wanted to.  finally after entering my symptoms on a medical website I figure out what the deal is. realizing that I probably wont die I lay there in agony hoping the damn thing will pass before I black out. 

I must have finally passed out around 7 am or so.  I woke up a while later feeling a bit better and needing to go to the bathroom bad!   I have to tell you that was the most satisfying piss i have ever taken!  I felt instantly better. 

I have had 3rd degree burns on 40% of my left leg from a fire... that pain didn't compare to a tiny fucking kidney stone blocking my pipes.  and I too heard from women that kidney stones are worse then childbirth. you do not want to experience this!

Christbane wrote:

Kidney stones...   the worst experience of my life so far.  imagine waking up at 3 am... unable to take a deep breath.  severe pain in your side.  I honestly thought I was about to die.  my first thought was my appendix  so i walk out into the living room hunched over, unable to stand up straight.  get on the internet to find out which side it's on.  ok it's not that...
You know you're addicted when you can barely move, think you're about to die...but still check out the internet.
+122|6575|Omaha, Nebraska!
1. Tearing a couple hamstrings (not that bad actually)
2. Falling off a deck and hitting your knee and head on a brick, leaving a gigantic gash down the middle of my knee.

I haven't ever broken a bone or anything, so I don't know what that feels like.
Jet Whore
Being cut in my thumb with a bread knife also, I could see the bone and I couldn't breathe of pain.

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