A great read, written in protest to never being invited to give a commencement speech. He wrote this in his book, The Terrible Truth About Liberals ( so says snopes.com )

Enjoy, I know I did

"I am honored by the invitation to address you on this august occasion. It's about time. Be warned, however, that I am not here to impress you; you'll have enough smoke blown your way today. And you can bet your tassels I'm not here to impress the faculty and administration.

You may not like much of what I have to say, and that's fine. You will remember it though. Especially after about 10 years out there in the real world. This, it goes without saying, does not apply to those of you who will seek your careers and your fortunes as government employees.

This gowned gaggle behind me is your faculty. You've heard the old saying that those who can - do. Those who can't - teach. That sounds deliciously insensitive. But there is often raw truth in insensitivity, just as you often find feel-good falsehoods and lies in compassion. Say good-bye to your faculty because now you are getting ready to go out there and do. These folks behind me are going to stay right here and teach.

By the way, just because you are leaving this place with a diploma doesn't mean the learning is over. When an FAA flight examiner handed me my private pilot's license many years ago, he said, 'Here, this is your ticket to learn.' The same can be said for your diploma. Believe me, the learning has just begun.

Now, I realize that most of you consider yourselves Liberals. In fact, you are probably very proud of your liberal views. You care so much. You feel so much. You want to help so much. After all, you're a compassionate and caring person, aren't you now? Well, isn't that just so extraordinarily special. Now, at this age, is as good a time as any to be a Liberal; as good a time as any to know absolutely everything. You have plenty of time, starting tomorrow, for the truth to set in. Over the next few years, as you begin to feel the cold breath of reality down your neck, things are going to start changing pretty fast .. including your own assessment of just how much you really know.

So here are the first assignments for your initial class in reality: Pay attention to the news, read newspapers, and listen to the words and phrases that proud Liberals use to promote their causes. Then compare the words of the left to the words and phrases you hear from those evil, heartless, greedy conservatives. From the Left you will hear "I feel." From the Right you will hear "I think." From the Liberals you will hear references to groups — The Blacks, The Poor, The Rich, The Disadvantaged, The Less Fortunate. From the Right you will hear references to individuals. On the Left you hear talk of group rights; on the Right, individual rights.

That about sums it up, really: Liberals feel. Liberals care. They are pack animals whose identity is tied up in group dynamics. Conservatives and Libertarians think — and, setting aside the theocracy crowd, their identity is centered on the individual.

Liberals feel that their favored groups, have enforceable rights to the property and services of productive individuals. Conservatives (and Libertarians, myself among them I might add) think that individuals have the right to protect their lives and their property from the plunder of the masses.

In college you developed a group mentality, but if you look closely at your diplomas you will see that they have your individual names on them. Not the name of your school mascot, or of your fraternity or sorority, but your name. Your group identity is going away. Your recognition and appreciation of your individual identity starts now.

If, by the time you reach the age of 30, you do not consider yourself to be a libertarian or a conservative, rush right back here as quickly as you can and apply for a faculty position. These people will welcome you with open arms. They will welcome you, that is, so long as you haven't developed an individual identity. Once again you will have to be willing to sign on to the group mentality you embraced during the past four years.

Something is going to happen soon that is going to really open your eyes. You're going to actually get a full time job! You're also going to get a lifelong work partner. This partner isn't going to help you do your job. This partner is just going to sit back and wait for payday. This partner doesn't want to share in your effort, you're your earnings.

Your new lifelong partner is actually an agent. An agent representing a strange and diverse group of people. An agent for every teenager with an illegitimate child. An agent for a research scientist who wanted to make some cash answering the age-old question of why monkeys grind their teeth. An agent for some poor demented hippie who considers herself to be a meaningful and talented artist ... but who just can't manage to sell any of her artwork on the open market.

Your new partner is an agent for every person with limited, if any, job skills ... but who wanted a job at City Hall. An agent for tin-horn dictators in fancy military uniforms grasping for American foreign aid. An agent for multi-million-dollar companies who want someone else to pay for their overseas advertising. An agent for everybody who wants to use the unimaginable power of this agent's for their personal enrichment and benefit.

That agent is our wonderful, caring, compassionate, oppressive government. Believe me, you will be awed by the unimaginable power this agent has. Power that you do not have. A power that no individual has, or will have. This agent has the legal power to use force deadly force to accomplish its goals.

You have no choice here. Your new friend is just going to walk up to you, introduce itself rather gruffly, hand you a few forms to fill out, and move right on in. Say hello to your own personal one ton gorilla. It will sleep anywhere it wants to.

Now, let me tell you, this agent is not cheap. As you become successful it will seize about 40% of everything you earn. And no, I'm sorry, there just isn't any way you can fire this agent of plunder, and you can't decrease it's share of your income. That power rests with him, not you.

So, here I am saying negative things to you about government. Well, be clear on this: It is not wrong to distrust government. It is not wrong to fear government. In certain cases it is not even wrong to despise government for government is inherently evil. Yes ... a necessary evil, but dangerous nonetheless ... somewhat like a drug. Just as a drug that in the proper dosage can save your life, an overdose of government can be fatal.

Now let's address a few things that have been crammed into your minds at this university. There are some ideas you need to expunge as soon as possible. These ideas may work well in academic environment, but they fail miserably out there in the real world.

First that favorite buzz word of the media, government and academia: Diversity!

You have been taught that the real value of any group of people - be it a social group, an employee group, a management group, whatever - is based on diversity. This is a favored liberal ideal because diversity is based not on an individual's abilities or character, but on a person's identity and status as a member of a group. Yes it's that liberal group identity thing again.

Within the great diversity movement group identification - be it racial, gender based, or some other minority status - means more than the individual's integrity, character or other qualifications.

Brace yourself. You are about to move from this academic atmosphere where diversity rules, to a workplace and a culture where individual achievement and excellence actually count. No matter what your professors have taught you over the last four years, you are about to learn that diversity is absolutely no replacement for excellence, ability, and individual hard work. From this day on every single time you hear the word "diversity" you can rest assured that there is someone close by who is determined to rob you of every vestige of individuality you possess.

We also need to address this thing you seem to have about "rights." We have witnessed an obscene explosion of so-called "rights" in the last few decades, usually emanating from college campuses.

You know the mantra: You have the right to a job. The right to a place to live. The right to a living wage. The right to health care. The right to an education. You probably even have your own pet right - the right to a Beemer, for instance, or the right to have someone else provide for that child you plan on downloading in a year or so.

Forget it. Forget those rights! I'll tell you what your rights are! You have a right to live free, and to the results of your labor. I'll also tell you have no right to any portion of the life or labor of another.

You may, for instance, think that you have a right to health care. After all, Hillary said so, didn't she? But you cannot receive health care unless some doctor or health practitioner surrenders some of his time - his life - to you. He may be willing to do this for compensation, but that's his choice. You have no "right" to his time or property. You have no right to his or any other person's life or to any portion thereof.

You may also think you have some "right" to a job; a job with a living wage, whatever that is. Do you mean to tell me that you have a right to force your services on another person, and then the right to demand that this person compensate you with their money? Sorry, forget it. I am sure you would scream if some urban outdoorsmen (that would be "homeless person" for those of you who don't want to give these less fortunate people a romantic and adventurous title) came to you and demanded his job and your money.

The people who have been telling you about all the rights you have are simply exercising one of theirs - the right to be imbeciles. Their being imbeciles didn't cost anyone else either property or time. It's their right, and they exercise it brilliantly.

By the way, did you catch my use of the phrase "less fortunate" a bit ago when I was talking about the urban outdoorsmen? That phrase is a favorite of the Left. Think about it, and you'll understand why.

To imply that one person is homeless, destitute, dirty, drunk, spaced out on drugs, unemployable, and generally miserable because he is "less fortunate" is to imply that a successful person - one with a job, a home and a future - is in that position because he or she was "fortunate." The dictionary says that fortunate means "having derived good from an unexpected place." There is nothing unexpected about deriving good from hard work. There is also nothing unexpected about deriving misery from choosing drugs, alcohol, and the street.

If the Left can create the common perception that success and failure are simple matters of "fortune" or "luck," then it is easy to promote and justify their various income redistribution schemes. After all, we are just evening out the odds a little bit.

This "success equals luck" idea the liberals like to push is seen everywhere. Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephardt refers to high-achievers as "people who have won life's lottery." He wants you to believe they are making the big bucks because they are lucky.

It's not luck, my friends. It's choice. One of the greatest lessons I ever learned was in a book by Og Mandino, entitled "The Greatest Secret in the World." The lesson? Very simple: "Use wisely your power of choice."

That bum sitting on a heating grate, smelling like a wharf rat? He's there by choice. He is there because of the sum total of the choices he has made in his life. This truism is absolutely the hardest thing for some people to accept, especially those who consider themselves to be victims of something or other - victims of discrimination, bad luck, the system, capitalism, whatever. After all, nobody really wants to accept the blame for his or her position in life. Not when it is so much easier to point and say, "Look! He did this to me!" than it is to look into a mirror and say, "You S.O.B.! You did this to me!"

The key to accepting responsibility for your life is to accept the fact that your choices, every one of them, are leading you inexorably to either success or failure, however you define those terms.

Some of the choices are obvious: Whether or not to stay in school. Whether or not to get pregnant. Whether or not to hit the bottle. Whether or not to keep this job you hate until you get another better-paying job. Whether or not to save some of your money, or saddle yourself with huge payments for that new car.

Some of the choices are seemingly insignificant: Whom to go to the movies with. Whose car to ride home in. Whether to watch the tube tonight, or read a book on investing. But, and you can be sure of this, each choice counts. Each choice is a building block - some large, some small. But each one is a part of the structure of your life. If you make the right choices, or if you make more right choices than wrong ones, something absolutely terrible may happen to you. Something unthinkable. You, my friend, could become one of the hated, the evil, the ugly, the feared, the filthy, the successful, the rich.

Quite a few people have made that mistake.

The rich basically serve two purposes in this country. First, they provide the investments, the investment capital, and the brains for the formation of new businesses. Businesses that hire people. Businesses that send millions of paychecks home each week to the un-rich.

Second, the rich are a wonderful object of ridicule, distrust, and hatred. Few things are more valuable to a politician than the envy most Americans feel for the evil rich.

Envy is a powerful emotion. Even more powerful than the emotional minefield that surrounded Bill Clinton when he reviewed his last batch of White House interns. Politicians use envy to get votes and power. And they keep that power by promising the envious that the envied will be punished: "The rich will pay their fair share of taxes if I have anything to do with it.' The truth is that the top 10% of income earners in this country pays almost 50% of all income taxes collected. I shudder to think what these job producers would be paying if our tax system were any more "fair."

You have heard, no doubt, that in the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Interestingly enough, our government's own numbers show that many of the poor actually get richer, and that quite a few of the rich actually get poorer. But for the rich who do actually get richer, and the poor who remain poor ... there's an explanation — a reason. The rich, you see, keep doing the things that make them rich; while the poor keep doing the things that make them poor.

Speaking of the poor, during your adult life you are going to hear an endless string of politicians bemoaning the plight of the poor in America. So, you need to know that under our government's definition of "poor" you can have a $5 million net worth, a $300,000 home and a new $90,000 Mercedes, all completely paid for. You can also have a maid, cook, and valet, and $1 million in your checking account, and you can still be officially defined by our government as "living in poverty." Now there's something you haven't seen on the evening news.

How does the government pull this one off? Very simple, really. To determine whether or not some poor soul is "living in poverty," the government measures one thing — just one thing. Income. It doesn't matter one bit how much you have, how much you own, how many cars you drive or how big they are, whether or not your pool is heated, whether you winter in Aspen and spend the summers in the Bahamas, or how much is in your savings account. It only matters how much income you claim in that particular year. This means that if you take a one-year leave of absence from your high-paying job and decide to live off the money in your savings and checking accounts while you write the next great American novel, the government says you are 'living in poverty."

This isn't exactly what you had in mind when you heard these gloomy statistics, is it?

Do you need more convincing? Try this. The government's own statistics show that people who are said to be "living in poverty" spend more than $1.50 for each dollar of income they claim. Something is a bit fishy here. just remember all this the next time Peter Jennings puffs up and tells you about some hideous new poverty statistics.

Why has the government concocted this phony poverty scam? Because the government needs an excuse to grow and to expand its social welfare programs, which translates into an expansion of its power. If the government can convince you, in all your compassion, that the number of "poor" is increasing, it will have all the excuse it needs to sway an electorate suffering from the advanced stages of Obsessive-Compulsive Compassion Disorder.

I'm about to be stoned by the faculty here. They've already changed their minds about that honorary degree I was going to get. That's OK, though. I still have my Ph.D. in Insensitivity from the Neal Boortz Institute for Insensitivity Training. I learned that, in short, sensitivity sucks. It's a trap. Think about it - the truth knows no sensitivity. Life can be insensitive. Wallow too much in sensitivity and you'll be unable to deal with life, or the truth. So, get over it.

Now, before the dean has me shackled and hauled off, I have a few random thoughts.

* You need to register to vote, unless you are on welfare. If you are living off the efforts of others, please do us the favor of sitting down and shutting up until you are on your own again.

* When you do vote, your votes for the House and the Senate are more important than your vote for president. The House controls the purse strings, so concentrate your awareness there.

* Liars cannot be trusted, even when the liar is the president of the United States. If someone can't deal honestly with you, send them packing.

* Don't bow to the temptation to use the government as an instrument of plunder. If it is wrong for you to take money from someone else who earned it — to take their money by force for your own needs — then it is certainly just as wrong for you to demand that the government step forward and do this dirty work for you.

* Don't look in other people's pockets. You have no business there. What they earn is theirs. What you earn is yours. Keep it that way. Nobody owes you anything, except to respect your privacy and your rights, and leave you the hell alone.

Speaking of earning, the revered 40-hour workweek is for losers. Forty hours should be considered the minimum, not the maximum. You don't see highly successful people clocking out of the office every afternoon at five. The losers are the ones caught up in that afternoon rush hour. The winners drive home in the dark.

Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.

Finally (and aren't you glad to hear that word), as Og Mandino wrote,

1. Proclaim your rarity. Each of you is a rare and unique human being.

2. Use wisely your power of choice.

3. Go the extra mile ... drive home in the dark.

Oh, and put off buying a television set as long as you can.

Now, if you have any idea at all what's good for you, you will get the hell out of here and never come back.

Class dismissed. "
Rated EC-10
Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die. The poor are poor because they're morally inferior to the rich and not for any other reason. A near-sociopathic lack of empathy for those around you is the mark of a superior being. Work yourself to the bone for your betters, maybe some day they'll toss you some scraps from their table.

Hey Neal, where's my $5 million net worth, $300,000 home and new $90,000 Mercedes? Where's my maid, cook, and valet and $1 million checking account? Could it be that you're as full of shit as the Reaganites when they talked about "welfare queens" drawing a dole from the State while driving around in a brand-new Cadillac? You know, using some ultra-rare extraordinary cheat to represent every single person on public assistance? Please, whine to me more about the plight of the rich, I wanna hear about how poorly they're treated by society. Tell me what a burden it is to be above everyone else. Sing me a song of the hardships of having every want in your life taken care of, every whim indulged, every door opened and nearly every transgression forgiven.

You know, the funny part is, I used to buy this shit. A long damn time ago when I lived a comfortable suburban existance, I too thought the poor were poor because they were just unfit to live in society. Then I got laid off a few times. I made tough decisions, but they weren't whether to buy a tv or not but whether I was going to eat or my kids were. I had to decide between rent, food, heat and electricity. I went through illnesses without health insurance and without even going to emergency care because we couldn't afford the extra bills. I've made it through that, we could be more comfortable but we're doing better than a lot of other people. And I've learned a few things along the way. One, the poor are human. Many of the poor will give you something you need even if they're more broke than you are while some suit-and-tie scumbag will look at you like you're a disease. Are they all decent souls just fallen on hard times? No. But they're not all the worthless trash that feel-good-about-your-selfishness folks like Boortz claim they are. Two, people who talk all this pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps shit like Boortz honestly couldn't hack the existance of those living below the poverty line. There's no new car, no servants, no million-dollar checking account and he knows it. He knows he's not speaking the truth, he knows he's offering a big fat injection of tranquilizers to your conscience so you don't feel bad about yourself for judging people you know nothing about. He's there to assure you that you could never end up like those nasty poor people because you work hard and you believe in the system and you're a good little citizen. Me, I'm here to tell you that ol' Neal is so full of shit you could wring him out and turn the Sahara Desert into prime farmland. Shit happens, kids. Sometimes things come at you in life that you have zero control over and no ammount of working hard, saying your prayers and eating your vitamins will stop them from bulldozing through your comfortable little world. If that happens, you can bet your ass Neal isn't going to be there to pull you out of the wreckage.

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die. The poor are poor because they're morally inferior to the rich and not for any other reason. A near-sociopathic lack of empathy for those around you is the mark of a superior being. Work yourself to the bone for your betters, maybe some day they'll toss you some scraps from their table.

Hey Neal, where's my $5 million net worth, $300,000 home and new $90,000 Mercedes? Where's my maid, cook, and valet and $1 million checking account? Could it be that you're as full of shit as the Reaganites when they talked about "welfare queens" drawing a dole from the State while driving around in a brand-new Cadillac? You know, using some ultra-rare extraordinary cheat to represent every single person on public assistance? Please, whine to me more about the plight of the rich, I wanna hear about how poorly they're treated by society. Tell me what a burden it is to be above everyone else. Sing me a song of the hardships of having every want in your life taken care of, every whim indulged, every door opened and nearly every transgression forgiven.

You know, the funny part is, I used to buy this shit. A long damn time ago when I lived a comfortable suburban existance, I too thought the poor were poor because they were just unfit to live in society. Then I got laid off a few times. I made tough decisions, but they weren't whether to buy a tv or not but whether I was going to eat or my kids were. I had to decide between rent, food, heat and electricity. I went through illnesses without health insurance and without even going to emergency care because we couldn't afford the extra bills. I've made it through that, we could be more comfortable but we're doing better than a lot of other people. And I've learned a few things along the way. One, the poor are human. Many of the poor will give you something you need even if they're more broke than you are while some suit-and-tie scumbag will look at you like you're a disease. Are they all decent souls just fallen on hard times? No. But they're not all the worthless trash that feel-good-about-your-selfishness folks like Boortz claim they are. Two, people who talk all this pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps shit like Boortz honestly couldn't hack the existance of those living below the poverty line. There's no new car, no servants, no million-dollar checking account and he knows it. He knows he's not speaking the truth, he knows he's offering a big fat injection of tranquilizers to your conscience so you don't feel bad about yourself for judging people you know nothing about. He's there to assure you that you could never end up like those nasty poor people because you work hard and you believe in the system and you're a good little citizen. Me, I'm here to tell you that ol' Neal is so full of shit you could wring him out and turn the Sahara Desert into prime farmland. Shit happens, kids. Sometimes things come at you in life that you have zero control over and no ammount of working hard, saying your prayers and eating your vitamins will stop them from bulldozing through your comfortable little world. If that happens, you can bet your ass Neal isn't going to be there to pull you out of the wreckage.
Yeah, I see where you are coming from, I couldn't handle living below the poverty line either, that is why I don't.

Oh and by the way, I have had to make shitty decision as well, I am in the airline indusrty and has faced my share of lay-offs as well. SO stop with your silver spoon crap that anyone that has something DIDN'T EARN IT.
O Canada
+1,596|6441|North Carolina

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die.
LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....

Last edited by Turquoise (2007-04-08 10:12:07)


Turquoise wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die.
LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....
I bet you do. His message of personal responsibility is a tough pill to swallow for any socialist.
Commie Killer
Wow, that guy seriously understands the world, it may take a while, but the sooner life hits you on the head, the sooner you become a success.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die.
LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....
Hey I thought you used to be a libertarian? I have read his book, (Somebody has got to say it). It's not too bad.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-04-08 10:20:07)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Rated EC-10

lowing wrote:

Yeah, I see where you are coming from, I couldn't handle living below the poverty line either, that is why I don't.

Oh and by the way, I have had to make shitty decision as well, I am in the airline indusrty and has faced my share of lay-offs as well. SO stop with your silver spoon crap that anyone that has something DIDN'T EARN IT.
Never said anything of the sort. Boortz is the one claiming everyone who has something earned it and everyone who has nothing earned it as well. The real world isn't that cut and dried, it's just a lot easier to look at it that way. Simple. Wealthy people are wealthy because they're smart and good, poor people are poor because they're stupid and evil. A nice, easy false dichotomy that demands nothing of the person who believes it. You mentioned a bitter pill to Turquoise; I've all ready had one of those and it's not "personal responsibility". It's "the world ain't as simple as you think it is, kid". Personal responsibility doesn't come close to matching that because personal responsibility is the bland food you eat because it's healthy for you. Realizing the world isn't what you thought it was, that your heroes are liars and the people you were told are the enemy are really no different from yourself; that's more like a big steaming plate of over-boiled vegetables and tastes that should never go together served under the watchful eye of someone who's going to make sure you eat every fucking bite of it even if you choke on it. You won't like it, but you damn sure will remember it and take care not to end up having to try and choke it down a second time.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah, I see where you are coming from, I couldn't handle living below the poverty line either, that is why I don't.

Oh and by the way, I have had to make shitty decision as well, I am in the airline indusrty and has faced my share of lay-offs as well. SO stop with your silver spoon crap that anyone that has something DIDN'T EARN IT.
Never said anything of the sort. Boortz is the one claiming everyone who has something earned it and everyone who has nothing earned it as well. The real world isn't that cut and dried, it's just a lot easier to look at it that way. Simple. Wealthy people are wealthy because they're smart and good, poor people are poor because they're stupid and evil. A nice, easy false dichotomy that demands nothing of the person who believes it. You mentioned a bitter pill to Turquoise; I've all ready had one of those and it's not "personal responsibility". It's "the world ain't as simple as you think it is, kid". Personal responsibility doesn't come close to matching that because personal responsibility is the bland food you eat because it's healthy for you. Realizing the world isn't what you thought it was, that your heroes are liars and the people you were told are the enemy are really no different from yourself; that's more like a big steaming plate of over-boiled vegetables and tastes that should never go together served under the watchful eye of someone who's going to make sure you eat every fucking bite of it even if you choke on it. You won't like it, but you damn sure will remember it and take care not to end up having to try and choke it down a second time.
Hunter what are you talking about specifically that he has said? The right to a job stuff?

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-04-08 10:36:27)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6441|North Carolina

Kmarion wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die.
LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....
Hey I thought you used to be a libertarian? I have read his book, (Somebody has got to say it). It's not too bad.
Key phrase: used to.

I'm a civil libertarian -- I agree mostly with the social views of the Libertarians.  Many people who call themselves Libertarian are just classist assholes.  Their social views make sense, but their economic views are mostly for the benefit of the rich and corporations.
O Canada
+1,596|6441|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Shorter Neal Boortz: The rich should be protected above all else, the rest of you can fucking die.
LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....
I bet you do. His message of personal responsibility is a tough pill to swallow for any socialist.
I'm not a socialist, I'm an economic moderate or a semi-populist.

Sometimes, it's better for the government to get involved, and other times, it's better for the private sector to handle something.  No ideology I've found seems to get things right 100% of the time.  This is why I follow neither socialism nor libertarianism.  I have my own views that are specific to the circumstances.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

LMAO!  Thank you for that....  I fucking hate Boortz.  +1

I would karma you, but that 24 hour thing is in place....
Hey I thought you used to be a libertarian? I have read his book, (Somebody has got to say it). It's not too bad.
Key phrase: used to.

I'm a civil libertarian -- I agree mostly with the social views of the Libertarians.  Many people who call themselves Libertarian are just classist assholes.  Their social views make sense, but their economic views are mostly for the benefit of the rich and corporations.
I figured that. I don't subscribe to all his views. I just read nearly everything I find and it was a best seller .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell
Even the name of the book has the word liberal in it.  Lowing, one word doesn't constitute a whole vocabulary.
Rated EC-10

Kmarion wrote:

Hunter what are you talking about specifically that he has said? The right to a job stuff?
No, specifically Boortz using the false dichotomy of wealthy=good and poor=evil. He rehashes the same old crap about how the poor are poor because they want to be there, the poor actually don't have it so bad as they're all secretly living a life of luxury funded by our taxes and how anybody who follows his model of life is sure to be wealthy. Only one getting wealthy is Boortz, selling books to suckers who think he's going to actually give them a magic formula to make them rich, like an old-time snake oil salesman.

Lemme tell you a bit about living on the dole. You get maybe enough money to feed your family. Forget about any kind of healthcare except maybe making it to one of the few underfunded, understaffed and overworked free clinics. Since that fucker Clinton "reformed" welfare, you get job referrals that you MUST follow up on or you lose your benefits. Can't get to them because you don't have a car or nobody to watch your kids? Here's few bus tickets. Here's some stranger to watch your kids that maybe we've checked out adequately. If you're offered the job, you MUST take it, even if it's going to cost you more to go to the job than you're going to make at it. See they don't really give a crap if you can actually make a living at a job; you just need to be working so they can try to pacify all the jackasses who carp about one tenth of one percent of their income going to support a bunch of people they view as parasites and criminals but won't make a peep about the government wasting billions on APCs with armor made from fucking aluminum. Once you've got a job, whether it's a decent one or not, your income counts against your support. The more you work, the less you get. Which would be fine, except you started out in a hole all ready and now you're the one digging it deeper. Want a different job, a better job? Too fucking bad. You're working 10-hour shifts at McDonald's because some suburbanite slob thinks otherwise you'll be smoking crack and popping out babies. If by some miracle you manage to find the spare time to apply for another job, the second they call your current job for a reference you're gonna get canned. Why? It doesn't matter why, this is a "right to work" state, we can fire your ass anytime we want and don't have to give a reason. Oh and guess what! Since you got fired from the job you were required to work as part of your assistance, now you lose your assistance! Welcome back to square one, with any luck you'll survive through the next year you have to wait before you can apply again.

I lived that nightmare for four years. Four years of surviving, existing, with just enough to keep me and my family going but not get anywhere better and the constant possibility of losing what little we were getting. I worked the worst shit jobs possible and jumped through all their damn hoops that were only put up because people like Neal Fucking Boortz have convinced Joe Average American that everybody on public assistance is a genetically criminal crack-smoker with 16 kids and a new car they somehow bought with food stamps. And I got nowhere. As the public assistance system is now, all it does it maintain you where you are. You don't get off the system because the system doesn't support you enough to do so. Which is really funny in a sick way, because now there are all these people stuck on welfare because of people who were pissed that people stuck on welfare were sucking up their tax money and felt that people on welfare should be penalized for it. Congratulations fucktards, you've made sure the problem is even worse. You've made sure that those same people you complain about getting a few pennies out of your paycheck will keep doing it for the rest of their miserable lives. I was able to get out of that vicious cycle with the help of friends and family. I know a lot of other people aren't that fortunate.

This is one of the few subjects that I will really rant out of control on because I know what it's like. People like Boortz don't. They speak from a position of never having to deal with this shit and act like they're superior because they've never had to endure something that they couldn't handle or have handled for them. I'll be damned if I'll sit quietly through a lecture about how inferior I am from someone who would end up shaking and sobbing in a fetal position on the sidewalk if they ever found themselves stripped of all their wealth and influence. But he plays to his audience; the wanna-be rich who need a reason to pimp themselves out to the real rich and the hope that someday, if they're good, they'll be welcome at that table. Meanwhile, Boortz laughs literally all the way to the bank and P.T. Barnum lies quiet in his grave, proven right once again.
+231|6410|Kyiv, Ukraine
His entire premise is shot from the get go...liberals are pack animals?  Conservatives are individuals?  Thats what they tell themselves when they want to feel good about themselves but basic (factual) psychology says otherwise.

He's also trying to distort the liberal viewpoints of helping people.  The basic premise is that by helping those below you, you lift yourself up.  Caring and feeling don't have much to do with it, its common sense.  You provide a job for a man, he's less likely to rob you tomorrow.  You make a neighborhood prosperous, the government takes in more tax dollars.  Again, feelings don't have anything to do with it.  As far as his rants on welfare, that was like soooo Reagan era...

Lets see, then he continues on making a case shilling for sexism, racism, and any other type of discrimination you personally feel.  Not really worth counterpointing, if you think racism/sexism/discrimination is ok then there's no hope for you.  It's like, how do you know God is created in your image?  When he hates all the same people you do...

Then he goes into some classical conservative/libertarian stuff that I don't necessarily disagree with (and I'm sure aren't his original thoughts).

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Hunter what are you talking about specifically that he has said? The right to a job stuff?
No, specifically Boortz using the false dichotomy of wealthy=good and poor=evil. He rehashes the same old crap about how the poor are poor because they want to be there, the poor actually don't have it so bad as they're all secretly living a life of luxury funded by our taxes and how anybody who follows his model of life is sure to be wealthy. Only one getting wealthy is Boortz, selling books to suckers who think he's going to actually give them a magic formula to make them rich, like an old-time snake oil salesman.

Lemme tell you a bit about living on the dole. You get maybe enough money to feed your family. Forget about any kind of healthcare except maybe making it to one of the few underfunded, understaffed and overworked free clinics. Since that fucker Clinton "reformed" welfare, you get job referrals that you MUST follow up on or you lose your benefits. Can't get to them because you don't have a car or nobody to watch your kids? Here's few bus tickets. Here's some stranger to watch your kids that maybe we've checked out adequately. If you're offered the job, you MUST take it, even if it's going to cost you more to go to the job than you're going to make at it. See they don't really give a crap if you can actually make a living at a job; you just need to be working so they can try to pacify all the jackasses who carp about one tenth of one percent of their income going to support a bunch of people they view as parasites and criminals but won't make a peep about the government wasting billions on APCs with armor made from fucking aluminum. Once you've got a job, whether it's a decent one or not, your income counts against your support. The more you work, the less you get. Which would be fine, except you started out in a hole all ready and now you're the one digging it deeper. Want a different job, a better job? Too fucking bad. You're working 10-hour shifts at McDonald's because some suburbanite slob thinks otherwise you'll be smoking crack and popping out babies. If by some miracle you manage to find the spare time to apply for another job, the second they call your current job for a reference you're gonna get canned. Why? It doesn't matter why, this is a "right to work" state, we can fire your ass anytime we want and don't have to give a reason. Oh and guess what! Since you got fired from the job you were required to work as part of your assistance, now you lose your assistance! Welcome back to square one, with any luck you'll survive through the next year you have to wait before you can apply again.

I lived that nightmare for four years. Four years of surviving, existing, with just enough to keep me and my family going but not get anywhere better and the constant possibility of losing what little we were getting. I worked the worst shit jobs possible and jumped through all their damn hoops that were only put up because people like Neal Fucking Boortz have convinced Joe Average American that everybody on public assistance is a genetically criminal crack-smoker with 16 kids and a new car they somehow bought with food stamps. And I got nowhere. As the public assistance system is now, all it does it maintain you where you are. You don't get off the system because the system doesn't support you enough to do so. Which is really funny in a sick way, because now there are all these people stuck on welfare because of people who were pissed that people stuck on welfare were sucking up their tax money and felt that people on welfare should be penalized for it. Congratulations fucktards, you've made sure the problem is even worse. You've made sure that those same people you complain about getting a few pennies out of your paycheck will keep doing it for the rest of their miserable lives. I was able to get out of that vicious cycle with the help of friends and family. I know a lot of other people aren't that fortunate.

This is one of the few subjects that I will really rant out of control on because I know what it's like. People like Boortz don't. They speak from a position of never having to deal with this shit and act like they're superior because they've never had to endure something that they couldn't handle or have handled for them. I'll be damned if I'll sit quietly through a lecture about how inferior I am from someone who would end up shaking and sobbing in a fetal position on the sidewalk if they ever found themselves stripped of all their wealth and influence. But he plays to his audience; the wanna-be rich who need a reason to pimp themselves out to the real rich and the hope that someday, if they're good, they'll be welcome at that table. Meanwhile, Boortz laughs literally all the way to the bank and P.T. Barnum lies quiet in his grave, proven right once again.
So you are going to be pissed off at sucessful people??!! I will bet Boortz has spendt more on charitable functions in a month than you make in a year.

He is a self made man he was not born with a silver spoon. He made good correct choices for himself. no need to get pissed about it, if he suggests you do the same.
+5,233|6565|Global Command
I agree with much of what he said, but damn, what a long post.

Last edited by ATG (2007-04-08 19:25:41)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

I'm done with it. I would send it to Hunter but it sounds like he would track me down and kill me.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Rated EC-10

lowing wrote:

So you are going to be pissed off at sucessful people??!!
I could give a crap about "successful people". When they start using their position in society to condemn a massive section of society that I just happen to be a part of, essentially implying that the poor should get about the business of dying so they stop cluttering up the country, yeah I got a problem with that. I have a real problem when lots of people start agreeing with it, essentially the same people who complain about being hassled by the homeless while they're out and about, who wonder "Don't these people have somewhere to go?", after they voted for someone or some piece of legislation that defunded the homeless shelters in their area.

lowing wrote:

I will bet Boortz has spendt more on charitable functions in a month than you make in a year.
I'll bet John Gotti did too. Please excuse me if I'm not impressed when the wealthy donate money to charity that is essentially pocket change to them. It's easy to just toss a few thousand at a charity when you have a net worth in the millions and it doesn't necessarily make you a good person. Besides, I thought Boortz believed charity and compassion were for suckers.

lowing wrote:

He is a self made man he was not born with a silver spoon. He made good correct choices for himself. no need to get pissed about it, if he suggests you do the same.
Again, that's not what pisses me off. I think I've explained that well enough. He's not suggesting I do the same. He's suggesting I and the rest of my fellow "useless eaters" should be dead, thereby relieving the honest, hardworking rich of the burden of having to deal with us.

ATG wrote:

Hey, we got a live, raging debate here.
Must smoke some grass, then I'll be ready.
Be right back.
Lowing you rule.
HoS: you write flower speeches, but need to see the truth, listen to Lowing.
ATG, I never thought I'd say this to someone to the right of me, but put down the bong and back away slowly. Anytime someone starts saying that they've managed to figure out "the Truth" during their miserably short span on this planet, that's when your bullshit detector should be screaming fit to wake the dead.

Kmarion wrote:

I'm done with it. I would send it to Hunter but it sounds like he would track me down and kill me.
Nonsense. I'm sure I could find a use for it. Doorstop, kindling, guinea pig bedding, there's a world of possibilities.
+5,233|6565|Global Command

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

ATG wrote:

Hey, we got a live, raging debate here.
Must smoke some grass, then I'll be ready.
Be right back.
Lowing you rule.
HoS: you write flower speeches, but need to see the truth, listen to Lowing.
ATG, I never thought I'd say this to someone to the right of me, but put down the bong and back away slowly. Anytime someone starts saying that they've managed to figure out "the Truth" during their miserably short span on this planet, that's when your bullshit detector should be screaming fit to wake the dead.

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

lowing wrote:

He is a self made man he was not born with a silver spoon. He made good correct choices for himself. no need to get pissed about it, if he suggests you do the same.
Again, that's not what pisses me off. I think I've explained that well enough. He's not suggesting I do the same. He's suggesting I and the rest of my fellow "useless eaters" should be dead, thereby relieving the honest, hardworking rich of the burden of having to deal with us.
Wow, I read that speech and I didn't get that impression at all.  Can you please explain why you got that impression?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I'm done with it. I would send it to Hunter but it sounds like he would track me down and kill me.
Nonsense. I'm sure I could find a use for it. Doorstop, kindling, guinea pig bedding, there's a world of possibilities.
If I could I'd +1 ..lol
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Liberals help the poor with other peoples money, never their own.
"He's suggesting I and the rest of my fellow "useless eaters" should be dead, thereby relieving the honest, hardworking rich of the burden of having to deal with us. ".....He never suggested this................but now that you mention it....................why SHOULDN"T the honest and hardworking be relieved of having to deal with you???

What he does suggest is this..........Take advantage of being an American and all the social assistance out there, and do something for yourself, instead of waiting for the govt. to do it for you....But yeah I know, you hate this notion.

I also love your opinion that basically says fuck rich people and their charities. You dismiss their contributions as meaningless, then in the same breath bitch that they have everything and you have nothing.....Are you sure you don't wanna change your opinion to something that makes sense??

Last edited by lowing (2007-04-09 16:28:45)

Rated EC-10

lowing wrote:

"He's suggesting I and the rest of my fellow "useless eaters" should be dead, thereby relieving the honest, hardworking rich of the burden of having to deal with us. ".....He never suggested this................but now that you mention it....................why SHOULDN"T the honest and hardworking be relieved of having to deal with you???
You might want to read what your idol has had to say outside his book recently. He pretty much openly stated that in the event of a terrorist attack, the rich should recieve first priority and the rest of us steerage-class folks should probably be left to our fate. And why shouldn't we? Because we're fucking human, good and bad just like everyone else. Yes, some of the poor are cheats and sneaky and they take advantage of the system. So are some of the rich.

lowing wrote:

What he does suggest is this..........Take advantage of being an American and all the social assistance out there, and do something for yourself, instead of waiting for the govt. to do it for you....But yeah I know, you hate this notion.
You obviously weren't paying attention through my last two posts. I did try to work with the public assistance system and it's just a big fucking trap. I am doing something for myself but the only reason I was able to do so is because I got a hand up from people immediately around me who were better off than I was. You know, people who did the exact opposite of what Boortz seems to want people to do. Sorry, I didn't pay for this computer and broadband connection with food stamps, I paid for it with the money I earned from my trades. I wouldn't be here where I am now, productive and working, without the help of people who didn't just say "You made bad decisions, screw you".

lowing wrote:

I also love your opinion that basically says fuck rich people and their charities. You dismiss their contributions as meaningless, then in the same breath bitch that they have everything and you have nothing.....Are you sure you don't wanna change your opinion to something that makes sense??
My opinion isn't "fuck rich people and their charities", it's more like "fuck anyone who uses charity as a way to make themselves look like a better person when they're not". If you're going to donate what's pocket change for you to a charity just so you can sneer "Oh yeah? Well I donated more money than you.", your reasons for doing it become transparent. For fuck's sake man, Al Capone ran soup kitchens for the poor during the Depression, did that make him a nice person, or did it just make him a scumbag murdering mobster trying to con the public into thinking he was a nice guy? If charity is just the shield you use to protect yourself from criticism, then it is meaningless.

People like Boortz give Americans a raw deal. They're ready to throw out people who can be productive members of society given half a chance just because a few cheats happen to be among them. They spin crazy stories about how you can be under the poverty line with a million dollars in the bank or how poor people are driving around in brand new cars they bought with food stamps, but they never offer any proof that such things are actually happening often enough to be cause for concern. The best they can do is find one or two examples of such extraordinary cheats of the system and then those are used to write off millions of other people. All so you can feel better about yourself when you turn your back on that veteran who didn't make the decision to go to Vietnam and then be forgotten by his government when he came back. So you can feel comfortable when you ignore that teenage girl who didn't decide to be her father's sex toy. So you don't experience those annoying pangs of conscience when you walk by the schizophrenic who didn't decide to hear voices in his head and definitley didn't decide to get turned out on the streets when Reagan cut funding for the programs caring for the mentally ill. No, not every "urban outdoorsman" has a real hard luck story like that, some of them are just kids who think it's cool to be on the streets and yes some of them are actual criminal-minded people who take advantage of being one of the faceless street people. But saying they all chose to be where they are? It's just dishonest on its face and the reasons for doing so are both painfully obvious and seriously pathetic.

That's my peace on the subject folks. Discuss amongst yourselves; it's starting to leave too much of a bad taste in my mouth to continue.

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