Pew Pew!
+216|6888|San Francisco

polarbearz wrote:

*Raises a Hand*

You suck voodoochild.
+69|6749|th3 unkn0wn

usmarine2005 wrote:

I concur
+0|6796| Bosnia & Herzegovina
how teh fuck should we know?
Scottish Moderator!!!

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf 2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
+4|6868|Berlin, Germany
If you are good in a squad getting flags blabla you will see that in the stats... Just a notice...

SAS-Lynx wrote:

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf 2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
why? i want to know
he's fine for how much he plays and how little time he spends in vehicles, dont bash the kid for not spending 400 hours in a plane and having an amazing k/d.
Scottish Moderator!!!

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

SAS-Lynx wrote:

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf 2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
why? i want to know
i didnt look at ur stats, dnt matter if ur good or not, play an have fun

EDIT - had a look now, u aint the worst that i seen, 50/50

Last edited by SAS-Lynx (2006-01-10 11:15:40)

You are horrible.  Obviously, the only thing that matters is having a k/d ratio of 10.0 or better, having every badge, ribbon and medal, and being on EAs top 10 list.  It has occured to me that you might be having fun whilst playing... UNACCEPTABLE!  You need to practice more.  You will notice that everyone (like myself) who has said that you suck is on the top 10 list and is a proffesional gamer.  Sorry dude, you should probably go poke yourself with a spoon.
Scottish Moderator!!!

Johnthegreg wrote:

You are horrible.  Obviously, the only thing that matters is having a k/d ratio of 10.0 or better, having every badge, ribbon and medal, and being on EAs top 10 list.  It has occured to me that you might be having fun whilst playing... UNACCEPTABLE!  You need to practice more. You will notice that everyone (like myself) who has said that you suck is on the top 10 list and is a proffesional gamer.  Sorry dude, you should probably go poke yourself with a spoon.
stfu, its a GAME, who gives a shit who sucks an whos "in top 10"

I said no originally because he never gave his PID, but now that I have seen it, who the hell am I to judge anyone.  Just play.

SAS-Lynx wrote:

Johnthegreg wrote:

You are horrible.  Obviously, the only thing that matters is having a k/d ratio of 10.0 or better, having every badge, ribbon and medal, and being on EAs top 10 list.  It has occured to me that you might be having fun whilst playing... UNACCEPTABLE!  You need to practice more. You will notice that everyone (like myself) who has said that you suck is on the top 10 list and is a proffesional gamer.  Sorry dude, you should probably go poke yourself with a spoon.
stfu, its a GAME, who gives a shit who sucks an whos "in top 10"
jhon is teling a joke don't ya get it ? (problaty you do) he means that he don't give a fuck about my stats and that i also don't have to give a fuck about myn don't ya jhon?
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6771|Peoria, Illinois

TC><Injecter wrote:

If you are good in a squad getting flags blabla you will see that in the stats... Just a notice...
Not necessarily.

You can join a squad every round and do something completely different like sniping on a crane rather than helping the squad. Stats won't show that.

You could spend every round defending key points but get no flag defend points becuase the enemy has to be in the flag radius. Stats won't show that.
. . .

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
Yes - you're pretty good.

Why - you haven't played an excessive amount and your scoreing ability is already fairly balanced. And I wouldn't worry about the opinion of those who care ONLY about stats. A lot of good play gets little or even no score associated with certain actions that are in fact: being a team-player.

Here are 2 examples of good-play teamwork that gets lower points awarded - to the [a] player who made the decision to do this type of teamwork:

1.) Spawing at a remote base to defend it. Sometimes it takes time for the opposing team to get there, but they often do make it back there. That means per minute your score is lower - but you did defend that crucial base when someone made it through the front line.

Your STAT cost = a lower score per minute.

2.) Being an engineer in a squad - when the leader is the tank driver. You spawn on him and fix the tank, you get a measly single point for fixing the tank then get killed by a sniper or somebody. You do it again and again keeping that tank going and going - helping take out opponent troops.

Your STAT cost = a lower score per minute + a lower kill/death ratio.

3.) SEE post ABOVE that too!

I wouldn't worry about stats they hardly tell a complete picture of how well you play the game in terms of all teamwork, actual deaths caused soley by enemy troops, etc.

Suppose you practice chopper piloting in single player get good at it - then get on-line and this happens to you:

Your team-killed [sniped] in the chopper pilot seat. OR you pilot with a gunner that refuses to shoot, becuase he wants his friend to pilot and is just waiting for the both of you to get killed. OR you end up in the gunner position and the pilot dives into the ground because you wouldn't hop-out when he told you to. This plus a number of other things will happen to you on-line. Do STATS reflect this kind of activity in your profile - NO.

STATS do not tell a complete picture of how well you play - and they don't really reflect conscientious behavior either.

The best value of STATS is that: each person can determine their own individual goal[s].
a. Points - ranks - unlocks
b. Ratios
c. Medal - ribbons.
d. Vehicle use.
e. Kit use.
f. Etc.
g. I don't even CARE about STATs - I play for FUN.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-10 11:55:28)


G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

SAS-Lynx wrote:

Johnthegreg wrote:

You are horrible.  Obviously, the only thing that matters is having a k/d ratio of 10.0 or better, having every badge, ribbon and medal, and being on EAs top 10 list.  It has occured to me that you might be having fun whilst playing... UNACCEPTABLE!  You need to practice more. You will notice that everyone (like myself) who has said that you suck is on the top 10 list and is a proffesional gamer.  Sorry dude, you should probably go poke yourself with a spoon.
stfu, its a GAME, who gives a shit who sucks an whos "in top 10"
jhon is teling a joke don't ya get it ? (problaty you do) he means that he don't give a fuck about my stats and that i also don't have to give a fuck about myn don't ya jhon?
John bows.. tis true sir... My sarcasm has gone unnoticed by Lynx.. lol  I don't think it matters if you're Hellen f*cking Keller as long as you have fun.

topal63 wrote:

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
Yes - you're pretty good.

Why - you haven't played an excessive amount and your scoreing ability is already fairly balanced. And I wouldn't worry about the opinion of those who care ONLY about stats. A lot of good play gets little or even no score associated with certain actions that are in fact: being a team-player.

Here are 2 examples of good-play teamwork that gets lower points awarded - to the [a] player who made the decision to do this type of teamwork:

1.) Spawing at a remote base to defend it. Sometimes it takes time for the opposing team to get there, but they often do make it back there. That means per minute your score is lower - but you did defend that crucial base when someone made it through the front line.

Your STAT cost = a lower score per minute.

2.) Being an engineer in a squad - when the leader is the tank driver. You spawn on him and fix the tank, you get a measly single point for fixing the tank then get killed by a sniper or somebody. You do it again and again keeping that tank going and going - helping take out opponent troops.

Your STAT cost = a lower score per minute + a lower kill/death ratio.

I wouldn't worry about stats they hardly tell a complete picture of how well you play the game in terms of all teamwork, actual deaths caused soley by enemy troops, etc.

Suppose you practice chopper piloting in single player get good at it - then get on-line and this happens to you:

Your team-killed [sniped] in the chopper pilot seat. OR you pilot with a gunner that refuses to shoot, becuase he wants his friend to pilot and is just waiting for the both of you to get killed. OR you end up in the gunner position and the pilot dives into ground becuase you wouldn't hop-out when he told you to. This plus a number of other things will happen to you on-line. Do STATS reflect this kind of activity in your profile - NO.

STATS do not tell a complete picture of how well you play - and they don't really reflect conscientious behavior either.

The best value of STATS is that: each person can determine their own individual goal[s].
a. Points - ranks - unlocks
b. Ratios
c. Medal - ribbons.
d. Vehicle use.
e. Kit use.
f. Etc.
g. I don't even CARE about STATs - I play for FUN.
now thats an answer much thanx
ok sorry maybe i should be more your not a "good" player but you are adequit (cant spell bear w/ me) when i look at state i look for k/d and spm if both are over or around 2 you are a great player if one is over 2 but not the other your a good player if both are over one you adequit if both are below 1 you suck.i have no problem w/ your stats they look fine but being banned 2 times in 50 hrs is bad it shows that your doing something people dont like. now the banns by them selfs dont mean anything because some admins are pricks but mixed with medioker stats it just look like you not liked. no offence to you, you will undoubtedly improve your stats and i would play beside you anytime.
+0|6778|New Brunswick Canada
Better than me, but i don't care. Have fun, if you want to earn medals do so, if not fuck it. Try for top ten, or try to just stay alive. I personally enjoy earning badges and such but i would much rather be in a good squad with a competent leader than earn expert badges (basic is fine with me, if i get vet woohoo go me but i wont try for them) medals i don't care more hours than i play (had the game since release basically and am only 104 hrs total bf2 and sf. Bottom line better than a lot, not as good as probably an equal amount but bad, no you are decent and actually much better than me see for yourself C-GGGQ
Jet Rammer
+4|6767|Debris From Space
I don't suck. Well I hope I don't...

I had a look and you're fine.

Last edited by idiotofwar (2006-01-10 12:23:17)


ronin1942 wrote:

ok sorry maybe i should be more your not a "good" player but you are adequit (cant spell bear w/ me) when i look at state i look for k/d and spm if both are over or around 2 you are a great player if one is over 2 but not the other your a good player if both are over one you adequit if both are below 1 you suck.i have no problem w/ your stats they look fine but being banned 2 times in 50 hrs is bad it shows that your doing something people dont like. now the banns by them selfs dont mean anything because some admins are pricks but mixed with medioker stats it just look like you not liked. no offence to you, you will undoubtedly improve your stats and i would play beside you anytime.
everybody is talking about how much time i 've ben band
wel, i will tel you why i'm baned the first time simple i don't know
the second time i did 4 teamkills in a round 3 of them was acedently
teamkill number one:he stold my tank
teamkill number 2: i shot i grenade with my GL and hited i teammate that was to clouse
teamkill number three:ran around the corner saw someone shot him but it was a teamate (i know this one is stupid)
teamkill number 4: i was driving a buggy ant acdetly hit a teamate
so now you all know
topal63 Is absolutly correct and a lot of it is opinion too

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

ronin1942 wrote:

ok sorry maybe i should be more your not a "good" player but you are adequit (cant spell bear w/ me) when i look at state i look for k/d and spm if both are over or around 2 you are a great player if one is over 2 but not the other your a good player if both are over one you adequit if both are below 1 you suck.i have no problem w/ your stats they look fine but being banned 2 times in 50 hrs is bad it shows that your doing something people dont like. now the banns by them selfs dont mean anything because some admins are pricks but mixed with medioker stats it just look like you not liked. no offence to you, you will undoubtedly improve your stats and i would play beside you anytime.
everybody is talking about how much time i 've ben band
wel, i will tel you why i'm baned the first time simple i don't know
the second time i did 4 teamkills in a round 3 of them was acedently
teamkill number one:he stold my tank
teamkill number 2: i shot i grenade with my GL and hited i teammate that was to clouse
teamkill number three:ran around the corner saw someone shot him but it was a teamate (i know this one is stupid)
teamkill number 4: i was driving a buggy ant acdetly hit a teamate
so now you all know
well thats kinda my point 1 or 2 in a round is not good but shit happens 4 tks is really bad not that you did it intentionaly but you lack of skill caused 2 that you listed the gl and turn the corner thing. I not trying to flame you but you asked if you where a "good" player and getting banned because of tking makes the answer no. sorry. but im far from saying you are a "bad" player. judging by your stats.

ronin1942 wrote:

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

ronin1942 wrote:

ok sorry maybe i should be more your not a "good" player but you are adequit (cant spell bear w/ me) when i look at state i look for k/d and spm if both are over or around 2 you are a great player if one is over 2 but not the other your a good player if both are over one you adequit if both are below 1 you suck.i have no problem w/ your stats they look fine but being banned 2 times in 50 hrs is bad it shows that your doing something people dont like. now the banns by them selfs dont mean anything because some admins are pricks but mixed with medioker stats it just look like you not liked. no offence to you, you will undoubtedly improve your stats and i would play beside you anytime.
everybody is talking about how much time i 've ben band
wel, i will tel you why i'm baned the first time simple i don't know
the second time i did 4 teamkills in a round 3 of them was acedently
teamkill number one:he stold my tank
teamkill number 2: i shot i grenade with my GL and hited i teammate that was to clouse
teamkill number three:ran around the corner saw someone shot him but it was a teamate (i know this one is stupid)
teamkill number 4: i was driving a buggy ant acdetly hit a teamate
so now you all know
well thats kinda my point 1 or 2 in a round is not good but shit happens 4 tks is really bad not that you did it intentionaly but you lack of skill caused 2 that you listed the gl and turn the corner thing. I not trying to flame you but you asked if you where a "good" player and getting banned because of tking makes the answer no. sorry. but im far from saying you are a "bad" player. judging by your stats.
your far i recpect your opinium and i can see you mean what you sad thanx for your answer

G.H.O.5.T. wrote:

my question is simple am i good in bf 2 (anwser yes/no and why yes or no)
What part of FLAME never crossed your mind while typing that.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6725|Espoo, Finland
You can't define one's skill with looking at the all time accuracy, you don't need to be too smart to know that.
I atleast fire MGs and stuff when I'm riding a jeep and that doesn't really increase accuracy..
If someone has an acc of 20% he prolly hits with 50% of his bullets (atleast if he sprays at nothing just for the fun of it like I do all the time....)

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