rapes face
You know what the problem is? Grounding.

Sure, quiet place... think about your actions little Johnny, think about them..

But we he?

Obviously: Fuck no!

He'll sit there and just be an angry ball of shit sitting in his room.

Spanking actually makes kids realize consequences.

Otherwise, the kids probably down the gutter.
+269|6619|Marlton, New Jersey.
I agree with taking at least some form of physical discipline.  Problem is,  little Jimmy has one tiny bruise and ends up spilling out to some teacher that his father "hit" him, and it becomes a whole problem even though the father didnt do anything severe.

This is what some parents fear and thats why they are, um, "soft" at disciplining their kids...
maximum bullshit
+50|6366|teh alien spaceshit
I agree with you people. My parents were probably not as strict as parents during the 50's, but they still were quite strict. And I understood why they were strict. Before when I was 10, they would do nothing but make me raise my arms up for about a hour. After 10, they first made me think until I realized what I did wrong(no nothing except thinking that time witch took anywhere between 2 hours to 3 days max no food and 2 hours of sleeping only). If I did it again, They got a BIG flyswatter with several rounded- like things and hit me until there were 3~ 5 holes in my hand, witch took anywhere between 15~ 25 minutes. Kids nowdays never get tis treatment. They think doing 2 push-ups is hard. And the teachers in America? They don't even touch the students. In Korea, teachers used to beat the students sometimes until they broke a bone.
U.S. > Iran

tnt_dynamite wrote:

oh yea thats the best solution just fucking beat the shit out of your kids...thats the right way to make them afraid of ever parental figure. thats real fucking smart. there are other ways to disipline then to beat your children. grow the fuck up its not the 40-50s. times change and youd better fucking deal with it and not just bitch
You obviously didnt get spanked as a kid.  Im guessing your someone who this topic is directed at.  Just taking a shot in the dark.

I got spanked as a kid, with a paddle at that.  When I have kids they will get spanked because Im not going to have kids that are disrespectful, ungrateful, and make complete fools of themselves and me.  Its not beating the shit out of your kid...that would be abuse.  Spanking them is discipline.  Its completely different.
BF2s Frat Brother

Vampira_NB wrote:

Am I the only one who suspects the author of this thread isn't any older than 14?
i don't know, but he is quite accurate
i am not spoiled and my aprents never give what i want
they wants me to do their work and they never say nice things and usually say  bad things to me like you are stupid or a failor
they  think i have to get all As in high in school or else i will become homeless piece of crap
my parents only about i work for them and nothing else
they believe all kids are designed to serve their parents and listen to what they say and no back talk, or else you suffer or something bad happens
i don't even get birthday presents and they gave books and small gifts for me for christmas like puzzles and other freaking sudoku puzzles
they are evil and ass hole sometimes
while other parents are so nice and treat their child great and give them alot of things
my parents kind doesn't care for me sometime and i ask them to be nice to me, but they say it's nice enough for you be alive with food and housing
that is my parents and there is no such things as spoiled for me unless you comparinh me to a african starving kid
maximum bullshit
+50|6366|teh alien spaceshit

power9787 wrote:

i am not spoiled and my aprents never give what i want
they wants me to do their work and they never say nice things and usually say  bad things to me like you are stupid or a failor
they  think i have to get all As in high in school or else i will become homeless piece of crap
my parents only about i work for them and nothing else
they believe all kids are designed to serve their parents and listen to what they say and no back talk, or else you suffer or something bad happens
i don't even get birthday presents and they gave books and small gifts for me for christmas like puzzles and other freaking sudoku puzzles
they are evil and ass hole sometimes
while other parents are so nice and treat their child great and give them alot of things
my parents kind doesn't care for me sometime and i ask them to be nice to me, but they say it's nice enough for you be alive with food and housing
that is my parents and there is no such things as spoiled for me unless you comparinh me to a african starving kid
Who got you a computer?
How gave you bf2?
Who hooked up (at least paid someone) to get the internet working?
Who pays all the bills?
Who lets you survive?
Who bought your bed?
Who lets you go to school?
Who buys the things so you can live?
And you think that you are not being well treated?
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6728|NAS Jacksonville, Florida

thtthht wrote:

Kids these days are just wrong. I'm not saying all of them, but I'm saying a lot of them. Now, they cuss when they are 4 years old. They nag about how they never get what they want, but still get over 10 stuffs for their birthday. They cry about how they are punished for nothing and guess what? They call 28 people a**, tell their parnts and teachers to f*** up and all that other crap. I saw this girl yesterday who got more than 8 clothes for her birthday and an ipod and what does she say? She says that her parents are freakin lazy and that she should get more and she deserves more. In reality, she does absolutely nothing. I know I will get flamed for getting into other people business and all the other things, but I just need to take my anger out.
Sounds like most of the town I live in. Even though I'm only 17, I know that I was spanked as a child when I did something wrong. However, that only happened a few times because I realized that if I did something bad or wrong, I'd be spanked. Most of my friends are like what the OP explained above, and think I'm a cruel and mean person because I said that I'll spank my children if they do things they shouldn't until they realize they shouldn't do that anymore.

Vampira_NB wrote:

Am I the only one who suspects the author of this thread isn't any older than 14?
Am I the only one suspects that you aren't old enough to know how old the thread creator really is?

But, hey, not all of us are like that. Some of us have jobs, volunteer out, and actually try to accomplish something... But hey... a lot of us are spoiled, comes with the times.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6467|Washington State, USA
im fairly young and i do know of some kids that are like that...pretty sad, cant imagine how they will grow up...

thtthht wrote:

Kids these days are just wrong. I'm not saying all of them, but I'm saying a lot of them. Now, they cuss when they are 4 years old. They nag about how they never get what they want, but still get over 10 stuffs for their birthday. They cry about how they are punished for nothing and guess what? They call 28 people a**, tell their parnts and teachers to f*** up and all that other crap. I saw this girl yesterday who got more than 8 clothes for her birthday and an ipod and what does she say? She says that her parents are freakin lazy and that she should get more and she deserves more. In reality, she does absolutely nothing. I know I will get flamed for getting into other people business and all the other things, but I just need to take my anger out.
I completely agree. I know for sure that if I played a little too much Grand Theft Auto I'd definitely go on a rampage and kill every spoiled person in existence.. oh and their parents, too >
I <3 J.C.
+29|6591|QLD, australia
im 14, my parents don't really have enough money to spoil me; i bought my pc and all my games with my own job, recently my dad bought me a 320gb hardrive for chrissy, it was the biggest thing ive ever gotten lol. I'm pretty well behaved so my parents don't physically discipline me anymore + it doesnt really work. Although i think that kids who are really spoilt should grow up and get a job of their own and see wat their parents go through to get them all the stuff that they "wanted a month ago but not amymore".
if your kids are having a lack of respect for authority then something is wrong with the fucking parents. did you even pass your basic psychology class or health class in middle/high school?! children immitate everything that their parents do. they grow up and learn about life in their ENVIORNMENT. grab yourself to a fucking science book cause your all talking like a bunch of dumbfucks. maybe its the parents that need to be whipped/beaten when their kids are fucked up.

oh and thats real smart saying that i wasnt spanked/beaten when i was a child. maybe you need your head whacked a couple of times to get the that nonsense out.
rapes face

power9787 wrote:

i am not spoiled and my aprents never give what i want
they wants me to do their work and they never say nice things and usually say  bad things to me like you are stupid or a failor
they  think i have to get all As in high in school or else i will become homeless piece of crap
my parents only about i work for them and nothing else
they believe all kids are designed to serve their parents and listen to what they say and no back talk, or else you suffer or something bad happens
i don't even get birthday presents and they gave books and small gifts for me for christmas like puzzles and other freaking sudoku puzzles
they are evil and ass hole sometimes
while other parents are so nice and treat their child great and give them alot of things
my parents kind doesn't care for me sometime and i ask them to be nice to me, but they say it's nice enough for you be alive with food and housing
that is my parents and there is no such things as spoiled for me unless you comparinh me to a african starving kid
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a spoiled brat riiiiiiiiight here!

Either that, or you're actually speaking the truth.

Which I highly doubt, btw.

tnt_dynamite wrote:

if your kids are having a lack of respect for authority then something is wrong with the fucking parents. did you even pass your basic psychology class or health class in middle/high school?! children immitate everything that their parents do. they grow up and learn about life in their ENVIORNMENT. grab yourself to a fucking science book cause your all talking like a bunch of dumbfucks. maybe its the parents that need to be whipped/beaten when their kids are fucked up.

oh and thats real smart saying that i wasnt spanked/beaten when i was a child. maybe you need your head whacked a couple of times to get the that nonsense out.
Kid just wait till you get out into the real world. Apparently you must be a middle/high school honors student and must feel that you have to compare everyone that has a different opinion other than yours to a basic class that means absolutly dick in the real world just to make yourself feel better. Also you obviously wasnt whipped enough as a kid either, just as the others stated.

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2007-01-08 22:00:39)

Archer wrote:

power9787 wrote:

i am not spoiled and my aprents never give what i want
they wants me to do their work and they never say nice things and usually say  bad things to me like you are stupid or a failor
they  think i have to get all As in high in school or else i will become homeless piece of crap
my parents only about i work for them and nothing else
they believe all kids are designed to serve their parents and listen to what they say and no back talk, or else you suffer or something bad happens
i don't even get birthday presents and they gave books and small gifts for me for christmas like puzzles and other freaking sudoku puzzles
they are evil and ass hole sometimes
while other parents are so nice and treat their child great and give them alot of things
my parents kind doesn't care for me sometime and i ask them to be nice to me, but they say it's nice enough for you be alive with food and housing
that is my parents and there is no such things as spoiled for me unless you comparinh me to a african starving kid
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a spoiled brat riiiiiiiiight here!

Either that, or you're actually speaking the truth.

Which I highly doubt, btw.
Sounds like a spoiled emo/gothic one at that, just look at the spelling mistakes. Wrist slitting is probably his next thaught.

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

tnt_dynamite wrote:

if your kids are having a lack of respect for authority then something is wrong with the fucking parents. did you even pass your basic psychology class or health class in middle/high school?! children immitate everything that their parents do. they grow up and learn about life in their ENVIORNMENT. grab yourself to a fucking science book cause your all talking like a bunch of dumbfucks. maybe its the parents that need to be whipped/beaten when their kids are fucked up.

oh and thats real smart saying that i wasnt spanked/beaten when i was a child. maybe you need your head whacked a couple of times to get the that nonsense out.
Kid just wait till you get out into the real world. Apparently you must be a middle/high school honors student and must feel that you have to compare everyone that has a different opinion other than yours to a basic class that means absolutly dick in the real world just to make yourself feel better. Also you obviously wasnt whipped enough as a kid either, just as the others stated.
which proves my point exactly...thank you. you cant accept the fact that truth is truth and for this reason you are wrong and continue to live your life in utter denial about what is the truth in this great world. thank you for the entertainment as it as most needed. when your beating your kids senseless i hope you'll think of this moment when you know you failed.

tnt_dynamite wrote:

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

tnt_dynamite wrote:

if your kids are having a lack of respect for authority then something is wrong with the fucking parents. did you even pass your basic psychology class or health class in middle/high school?! children immitate everything that their parents do. they grow up and learn about life in their ENVIORNMENT. grab yourself to a fucking science book cause your all talking like a bunch of dumbfucks. maybe its the parents that need to be whipped/beaten when their kids are fucked up.

oh and thats real smart saying that i wasnt spanked/beaten when i was a child. maybe you need your head whacked a couple of times to get the that nonsense out.
Kid just wait till you get out into the real world. Apparently you must be a middle/high school honors student and must feel that you have to compare everyone that has a different opinion other than yours to a basic class that means absolutly dick in the real world just to make yourself feel better. Also you obviously wasnt whipped enough as a kid either, just as the others stated.
which proves my point exactly...thank you. you cant accept the fact that truth is truth and for this reason you are wrong and continue to live your life in utter denial about what is the truth in this great world. thank you for the entertainment as it as most needed. when your beating your kids senseless i hope you'll think of this moment when you know you failed.
Ok smartass, if your points so much better than spanking then why does the world continute to get worse when society tries to phaze out a very effective form of dicipline? Go ahead mr fuckin harvard grad, go quote a fuckin textbook. Answer that. You obviously have all the answers here.

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2007-01-08 22:10:39)
Immobile Sniper
> As a parent,and an adult that took his share of justified ass-whippins as a kid,I am convinced that certain behaviors can only be corrected physically. You pop a kid's butt hard enough that they still feel it the next day,chances are unless the kid is ruined,whatever caused it won't be a problem again. Does that mean that I think it should be done in public? Not exactly,but I've seen situations where I would have acted in that fashion. I was standing in a McDonald's on a Saturday afternoon. I see a 1994 Grand AM GT a friend used to own pull up,and a fairly affluent 40-ish man gets out,just as a SL55 AMG Benz pulls up beside it,who I knew to be the guy's wife. He had just went and bought this car,which was barely 4 years old at the time,and still in nice shape,to surprise his son who had just turned 16 and passed the permit test,and reward him for being responsible. He came in,asked the manager to speak to Brad,and handed the keys to Brad and told him to not be out real late and be careful on the way home. Brad thanks him by looking at the car for 2 seconds,throwing the keys in the trash and yelling "DAMMIT DAD I WANTED THE SILVER CORVETTE!". Dad slaps THE PISS out of Brad,and a scuffle ensues. No charges are filed however. I eventually met Dad and Brad,and found this out. Dad punishes Brad by making him quit football,empties every piece of furniture out of his bedroom but his bed and a desk,takes every single diversion he might find pleasurable to the dump,and doesn't allow him out of the house except for school until his Senior Prom,no phone or social interaction of any kind. Two weeks before his prom,Dad asks him if he learned what he did wrong that day,he gave Dad the answer he wanted,and got to drive the AMG that night. He's now a Ranger. I would have probably reacted the same way he did in the situation,he spent a few thou to make sure his kid had a nice,reliable ride,and Brad's little ingrateful ass threw a hissy because Dad didn't spend 50k on a new Vette. I applaud him for having the sack to make sure it was understood that disrespect towards his parents wouldn't be tolerated,especially when they were throwing him a pretty generous bone. Tommy D.
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6775|Norcal, usa
i find that them yelling at me works relatively well.
Well jeanious have you found your supernanny textbook yet?
At the end of the day the fault ultimately lies at the hands of the parents. They are responsible for raising a child who has manners, not a spoilt brat, etc. If the the child is spoiled to death at the age of 3 then of course he will be a prat when he is older but this is not his fault. Had his parents raised him properly instad of I want always gets then the child would be an improved asset to society.

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

tnt_dynamite wrote:

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

Kid just wait till you get out into the real world. Apparently you must be a middle/high school honors student and must feel that you have to compare everyone that has a different opinion other than yours to a basic class that means absolutly dick in the real world just to make yourself feel better. Also you obviously wasnt whipped enough as a kid either, just as the others stated.
which proves my point exactly...thank you. you cant accept the fact that truth is truth and for this reason you are wrong and continue to live your life in utter denial about what is the truth in this great world. thank you for the entertainment as it as most needed. when your beating your kids senseless i hope you'll think of this moment when you know you failed.
Ok smartass, if your points so much better than spanking then why does the world continute to get worse when society tries to phaze out a very effective form of dicipline? Go ahead mr fuckin harvard grad, go quote a fuckin textbook. Answer that. You obviously have all the answers here.
oh such a pleasnt answer from someone who grew up when the world was supposedly perfect and green and happy!! yayay!!!

question i have: since when has our world gone for shits? and this time try and give an intelligent answer not some random example of a kid walking down the street sayin MOMMY I WANT THAT ONE!

And by even bringing up those examples you are only guessing that our world WILL be terrible and making such broad assumptions that your posts and intelligence should be questioned.

I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. You obviously dont have an answer for my perfectly reasonable question and i'm not going to waste my energy answering yours, your obviously too thick headed to see several peoples' point on child dicipline these days.

If your still scratching your head over my posts just do some research, its not that hard to see.

I'm proud to say my parents spanked me when I was young. And I sure as hell will probably spank my kids one day, too. I'm just sick of all this bullshit that goes on when people think it's child abuse and blah blah. Spoiling children to ridiculous degrees is more abusive than a swift spanking.

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