bad touch

i am proposing a little contest here. the person who can guess one of the new unlocks (i.e new sniper/AT) will recieve a small prize from me (prolly a 5 dollar bill or something ) id really like to see where the imaginations can take this. good luck
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6917|AUS, Canberra
sniper unluck will be a .50 cal enima
bad touch

is that your entry?
Pope Picard II

I'll guess no new unlocks!
+98|6885|netherlands, sweet lake city
i think well get an old tommygun for the assault  ... i dont know if they had grenade launchers in that time.. but if they had and old rusty grenadelauncher to
I’d like to see the insurgents have Molotov cocktails. Be kind of nice watching people run around on fire. Hell, why not throw in a flamethrower. Where is the laser designator that Desert Combat had and the other scud launchers and such. AA for the anti tank kit like in Desert Combat is needed. Binos would be a nice addition also. Mk-19’s on some buggies or defensive positions. I would like to see a Desert Eagle .50 cal in a kit also. I’d also like to see the medics scope changed to a dot instead of that stupid toothpick sight. I’m sorry this is kinda off the thread but I did add some weapons.
I'll take two
+132|6932|Perth, Western Australia
AT: P90

Sniper: VSS Vintorez
an SA80 that isnt nerfed to the power of weeing on someones leg!
ps, why do they have it as l85a1 instead of sa80 in-game, the l85a1 is what army cadets use lol

stryyker wrote:

i am proposing a little contest here. the person who can guess one of the new unlocks (i.e new sniper/AT) will recieve a small prize from me (prolly a 5 dollar bill or something ) id really like to see where the imaginations can take this. good luck
the sniper will definatley be the m82a1a... and i have no idea what the AT weapon will be
If the powers that be have a shred of decency and/or any idea how badly lacking their product has been in this department to date, we will be blessed with....... A FUCKING ANTI-AIRCRAFT option that actually works.  This EA cluster is woefully skewed in favor of pilots.  Stingers are a joke and shoulder-fired weapons don't do jack.  Pretty please??? C'mon, I'll be a good boy all year long, can't santa bring us AA, for real?
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6901|The Netherlands
what? where you heard that sniper and AT get new unlocks?

the sniper unlock:

Last edited by fdcp_elmo (2005-12-31 06:49:19)

bad touch

fdcp_elmo wrote:

what? where you heard that sniper and AT get new unlocks? What about new content? Can we expect some new maps or weapons to make the list in this patch, or possibly even a future patch?

Armando: Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT), there will not be more content in the patch. There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.
Un Moderador

SharkyMcshark wrote:

AT: P90

Sniper: VSS Vintorez
the vss vintorez is nearly exactly like the dragunov or the MEC sniper. i think the accuracy interantional is a good option for the sniper unlock. p90?????? no way. far too innacurate. i think the AT wil be given sumthin that has a medium  range and damgae is medium to high
Mass Media Casualty

Through quick research I found a Sniper Rifle that I liked the look of. The McMillan Tac-50. It's another .50 cal rifle, and looks cool. Bolt action, so it's for real Snipers, not just pussy rattle-off-a-few-multiple-shots-and-see-if-he-falls-down semi-automatic rifle.

Dosn't look to bad eh? (It's a Canadian-used rifle,) I'd choose a different colour though, (putting it in Gif format ruined the colour it was.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
I heard something about support class having a water bong in the next kit.  Dropping this unique weapon will cause multiple enemies to crowd, getting  distracted and becoming extremely lazy and unfocused. 
Scottish Moderator!!!
id like to see L96A1 sniper rifle
+17|6940|Dayton, Ohio

SharkyMcshark wrote:

AT: P90

Sniper: VSS Vintorez
I posted in a similar forum a little while back about the P90 for AT.  Glad to see someone else wants to see it.  I think that it would be perfect.  Gives the AT an upgrade from MP5 that's not  a shottie.  While providing a nice size clip, it doesn't give the kit too much power by giving them a rifle. 

A good AT user can kill personel at medium to long range with his AT weapon.  I've been hit so many times by them.  It's embarrasing everytime.
I'll take two
+132|6932|Perth, Western Australia
P90 would be hell good, it would make me actually want to play AT, jsut for it so i could re enact stargate/farcry scenes in bf2
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6858|'Ull, Yorkshire, England

wooly-back-jack wrote:

ps, why do they have it as l85a1 instead of sa80 in-game, the l85a1 is what army cadets use lol
Sorry mate but i have to correct you here, the SA80A2 (the A1 was replaced several years ago) is the name of the weapon family which includes the L85A2 Individual Weapon and the L86A2 Light Support Weapon. The army cadets use a single shot version of the L85. (p.s. lol)

I would like to see the VSS Vintorez, SR25 and AWS sniper rifles added as the standard sniper rifles of the Spetznaz, Navy SEALS and SAS respectively. The SEALS and SAS already have different standard weapons for almost all of the other classes and it would be great for the special forces snipers to be able to kill silently at range (why dont any of the classes have silenced weapons as standard rather than just sidearms)
As an unlock for the snipers they should add something a little different from the regular rifles, i personally prefer a bolt action but a more accurate semi automatic than the Dragunov or Type-88 would be cool. Some possibilities are the Barrett M82, Walther WA2000, H&K MSG-90 or SIG SG550.
Also i think the USMC sniper rifle shouldn't be the M24 which is what the Army uses, it should be the M40 which is what the USMC actually uses.

I think the AT unlock should be the FN P90, would be nice to have that 50 round magazine (30 rounds of 9mm MP5 ammunition just isn't enough if you really have to defend yourself, 12 shells from the DAO-12 aren't much better if there's targets at range) Instead of having piss poor accuracy like the MP5 it would be cool if its only range limitation was its ability to penetrate armour (like real life), the bullets should do full damage within 50-100 metres but then drop to half damage at any range beyond that.

On a completely seperate subject, i've said it before and i'll say it again - the grenade launchers should have grenades that only detonate after a certain distance (like real life), this would turn them from something that ruins the game into something that requires skill, but allows the infantryman to engage light armour. I've run into so many people that can quite happily blast a grenade at my feet within 5 metres but beyond 30 metres they panic and don't know what to do, i get so much satisfaction from putting a 3 round burst in the face of a helpless 'noob-tuber'.

I'm sure you'll agree that all of my ideas rock, if only i worked for DICE. If you don't agree i'm sure its just because you love your grenade launcher way too much (yes i'm talking to you guys with thousands of GL kills and only hundreds of AR kills)

Below are links to details of the weapons i have mentioned

Special Forces Snipers -

VSS Vintorez -
SR25 -

Unlockable Snipers -

Barrett M82 -
Walther WA2000 -
H&K MSG-90 -
SIG SG550 -

AT Unlock -

FN P90 -


Last edited by =FDX=VEga (2005-12-31 08:27:48)

My guess is either the xm109 ( the auto grenade launcher),
or its the m-82 ( the semi-auto .50)

AT Im guessing they will make the rpg7 as a replacement for the regular at rockets.
I don't want a new unlock for sniper, I want the current unlock to act like the .50 cal barrett that it is.
make it funny plz
i would like to see a M78ELR or th M82A1 for the sniper and the p90 for at
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|6876|Rochester, NY

wooly-back-jack wrote:

ps, why do they have it as l85a1 instead of sa80 in-game, the l85a1 is what army cadets use lol
That is why to rifle is so bad, lol. Even the L85A2 is bad according to this site and the SA80 is a carbine and only a few were made. That might answer your question in three ways.

Sniper: Barrett M99 (counter-sniper rifle) OR AS50

AT: HK-416 Carbine, make AT more useful with this carbine/rifle OR XM8/XM29, but those rifles would be too powerful to use in BF2. P90, IMO, is too weak for an AT, as it is stll a SMG.
How about an AT launcher that has a much larger area of effect but less effective against armor.... JK!!!1 (ie: spawn raping enemy infantry by the half dozen)

Last edited by sp00k70 (2005-12-31 11:54:18)

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