I'm a n00b and I know it...don't worry about that part

Anyhwoo...I was on Karkand the other day and did a solo "raid" as an SO and took out the UAV and the radar at the USMC site. Immediately someone msg that I needed to get a life, that it was only worth 4 points, and that I "liked boys in that special way" (rephrased), with others chiming in that I "didn't like boys in that special way" but was "just a n00b" (I said don't worry about that).
So, is it considered "bad form" to take these out? Making the enemy "blind" makes sense to me from a strategic viewpoint. I really don't care about the 4 points. Is this universal, server specific, or user specific?
Just wondering.

PS: Oh, I might be a n00b, but I still know how to TV. I just really suck at it

PPS: Tried a search, but still couldn't find it. Is there a thread somewhere that explains all the three letter acronyms you guys use here. I was on IRC way back in -94 (old guy, I know!), but still don't recognize some of the stuff you throw around. Also, can anyone explain the exact meaning of "pawning"? I get the jist of it, but still...elusive

PPPS: Lots of Q's...bare with me....I appreciate it....really, I do!!
+617|6445|NSW, Australia

hmm i didnt know you got points for that, as for taking it out knock youself out afterall it helps your team
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6630|Reisterstown, MD

Actually, it's only worth 2 pts not 4.  If you feel the need to run all the way back to the USMC base just for that then knock yourself out.  I really don't care you u run all the way for that or not.  I usually don't pay attention to the UAV anyway.
+632|6655|do not disturb

For all the times I've killed the UAV, I have not noticed getting any points.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6732|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
It's not bad form at all, in my opinion. It helps your team win. That's all that matters. It was just those people being douches.
Aspiring Objectivist
It was actually a good job & very unselfish of you , most people play karkand to get points fast in the hotel meat grinder. You caused their commander some grief it sounds like & made them blind at the same time lol.

Good Job again.
+26|6484|Queens, NYC
They just whine because they don't get their way. Put them in a real battlefield, and they'll be liking you "that way" for making the enemies life just a little bit harder. But since it's just a game, pay them no mind. You paid for it, play it however you want it. Just don't do anything negative in a general sense. Oorah!
Well I will take the high road and not flame you mercilessly for your lack of familiarity with the world of BF2 (we all call it WoBF2).

People just occassionally tease spec ops for putting all that effort into blowing up assets that will be instantly repaired by a conscious commander. Nevertheless, with vehicle stealing as a viable option, your sneak attacks can be quite lucrative for your team, so try to spawn rape that main until you can get yourself driving something that people would teamkill over. But be aware that these attacks wont be sneaky at all (search: "commander" or "satellite scan") and u will find yourself dying like a bitch after your arduous jog to the main on many occasions.

Its more likely that the other team was not actually dissing you for this behavior. It is much more common to find the enemies "crying" whenever any strategy works or appears to have worked from their perspective. You will frequently be accused of stat-padding, glitching, base-raping, hacking or bunnyhopping if any of your endeavors appear to have functioned on some level or to any degree.

Congratulations on learning to TV. But let me blow your mind once more: After launching a TV missile, subsequent clicks will actually change the missiles final destination!

I'm pretty sure "pawning" is just another iteration of own, pwn or prawn. You should never use any of these words while playing BF2 because they make you sound retarded.
Kanye North
hes talking about the commander assests.

Kanye North wrote:

hes talking about the commander assests.
if ur talking to me u then u misunderstood my advice. Blowing up assets is well and good--but if you came all that way you better be leaving in a pimp vehicle that they are going to be missing for the rest of the round.
Hockey Nut
+243|6569|Boston, MA
Good job man! It's definately not bad form, just a bunch of whiners who are trying to stop you from doing it. Making the enemy blind is definately one of the key strategies to any round, especially on a small map like Karkand. I've been down by 40 points and destroyed all of their assets and we came around to win, probably because we had everything destroyed.

Just keep up the good work, it's a thankless job but your team will appreciate it. Also try stealing a tank or APC, if you absolutely must get out of there even take a hummer. Try to leave them with as few resources as possible, whether it be commander assets or vehicles. +1 from me for being a team player.
+50|6485|Dragon Valley
I think its great. I started BF2 playing spec-ops, because I was a noob and wanted the M4A1. I didn't know much about the game back then, and I put alot of hours in. Lately I have never played spec ops, but I might start again. Its all about getting a DPV and being stealthy, operating quietly behind enemy lines. Save all 5 C4 charges to take the UAV and scan trailer first, and make sure to keep them down at all costs. I like to plant quickly, get the heck out of the way, then detonate, because usually artillery is coming the second the commander sees you back there. Then wait for supply drops, and keep everything down the whole round. Dont be an idiot and reveal your position to multiple enemies, unless you can kill them all. Its a long trip back there, and by the time you died, the commander got his stuff back up, he's pissed, and he'll hunt you the whole round. You gotta stay alive the whole time. Theres not alot of points doing this, but its a fun rush evading an enemy tank in your DPV, and blowing stuff up is satisfying. Most importantly you'll win most of your matches because the commander is almost useless if you can keep all his equipment down the whole round. So you would probably make shitty points, but have a huge W/L ratio. Thats why I dont do it much, not alot of points lol. But its fun as hell sometimes.


Another strategy, is keep an fast vehicle nearby. Dont let it explode, I think if you leave it empty for a minute or something it will explode. So make sure it doesnt. Then pick a nice location and pop a bunch of enemies WHILE keeping the equipment down. This will piss them off so much that you'll be hunted at their spawn point. Stay in as long as you can handle, then when it gets too intense, fly back to friendly lines in your DPV and hang low for a while. Get healed with the medics, help the team on the front lines a bit, get fresh ammo, then head back and do it again when the heats died off. This keeps a bunch of enemies tied up at their base, hunting ONE guy. The commander is all paranoid now (you knifed him twice right? ) and everyone is focused on killing YOU. Meanwhile your team is pounding the enemies on the battlefront, and you should win like every match you play lol.

Last edited by turkeybacon (2006-11-25 22:00:46)

+27|6427|Ottawa, ON

2freefly wrote:

PPS: Tried a search, but still couldn't find it. Is there a thread somewhere that explains all the three letter acronyms you guys use here. I was on IRC way back in -94 (old guy, I know!), but still don't recognize some of the stuff you throw around. Also, can anyone explain the exact meaning of "pawning"? I get the jist of it, but still...elusive
This has pretty much anything you might wonder about:

+100|6538|State of RETOXification
I vote for all out anarchy!!

If it can be C4'd in any way in which you get points then go for it.

"Are those subtitles?..."

Real Хорошо
+826|6559|Adelaide, South Australia

acEofspadEs6313 wrote:

It's not bad form at all, in my opinion. It helps your team win. That's all that matters. It was just those people being douches.
Lazy commanders that won't repair their own stuff. if you're good enough to get all the way there and blow them up, do it. not to mention you might be able to pinch a tank/APC while you're there...
+0|6402|Santa Barbara, CA
When I first started playing BF2 I played Spec-Ops a lot and destroyed assets a lot. It is a reliable way to get points when you are first starting out since your main concern when you first start at BF2 is *not dying*. It also helps your team/commander out a lot. It's nice to take out assets then hop in a vehicle and start mowing guys down. I agree with the previous poster who said that pretty much anyone on any server at any time is liable to scream at you if you do anything even remotely worthwhile, strategic, or helpful. In my experience about 20% of all people on a server at any given time are just waiting for an excuse to flame someone as a "n00b", "hax0r" or something else. It's just ridiculous. Never listen to any of it.

Marinejuana wrote:

Well I will take the high road and not flame you mercilessly for your lack of familiarity with the world of BF2 (we all call it WoBF2).
You are much too kind sir!

People just occassionally tease spec ops for putting all that effort into blowing up assets that will be instantly repaired by a conscious commander.
Trust me, it wasn't teasing. I would know. Words like "Just wait until I find you!" were plentiful

Congratulations on learning to TV. But let me blow your mind once more: After launching a TV missile, subsequent clicks will actually change the missiles final destination!
I know this...and I've been able to hit stationary stuff, but a moving heli is a no-no so far. Dammit, I really need to practice that sh*t!

I'm pretty sure "pawning" is just another iteration of own, pwn or prawn. You should never use any of these words while playing BF2 because they make you sound retarded.
So, it's a "forum-slang". Gotcha. Is it retarded to teabag someone as well? I'm looking forward to doing it to a buddy of mine who bought the game yesterday

Oh, and thanks to everyone else for their replies. Even got some karma...yikes!
And for those who haven't gotten points for it. It says something like "You got points for destroying strategic assets"...or whatever. 2 points for each of the UAV and satelite. I like to plant two on the UAV, get over to the satelite and plant two there as well, and then blow the things up. Guess it's satisfying to make 'em _totally_ blind in one go
+319|6431|Southern California
Yeah guys I think he means assets, not the UAV itself..

I have to be one of the nicer BF2 players, I get pissed when people don't follow the rules, and my normal server has more rules then most...(aside from those crazy Christian servers).

But even we say no one allowed in enemy uncaps other then 2 spec ops at a time...

Destroying assets is what spec ops is supposed to do, thats why the assets are destroyable...

I have never ever heard anyone say don't destroy assets. I think if anything the guy was making fun of you for taking the time to do it....There are a lot of dumb people in BF2 bit about how people are noobs for doing everything from using unlocks to fly jets....As long as your not cheating, and are following the server rules disreguard anyone else as an idiot.
Mr piss EVERYONE off
i reckon its great when some1 who isn't in my squad goes and takes out their assets.

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Yeah guys I think he means assets, not the UAV itself..
Affirm. I eventually figured out that the UAV itself is staying up there, no matter how much I shoot at it
conservative hatemonger
Here's what i do:
1) spec ops
2) get to the enemy's main
3) put C4 on the scan and UAV trailer
4) blow it up
5) stay relatively close to the scan trailer
6) when commander drops supplies (stay far enough away that they can't see you if they zoom in) on the satellite scan, put C4 on it, reload at the supply crate, and blow it up
7) you have 5 C4 again, so go ahead and blow up whatever other commander assets are nearby.  If you're lucky you might even get your own personal arty strike, which means you've not only annoyed the enemy commander sufficiently enough to cause him to go completely overkill on you, but you've taken an arty strike and only lost one ticket than allow it to be dropped on a squad of your teammates and you lose several tickets
Real Хорошо
+826|6559|Adelaide, South Australia

Blehm98 wrote:

Here's what i do:
1) spec ops
2) get to the enemy's main
3) put C4 on the scan and UAV trailer
4) blow it up
5) stay relatively close to the scan trailer
6) when commander drops supplies (stay far enough away that they can't see you if they zoom in) on the satellite scan, put C4 on it, reload at the supply crate, and blow it up
7) you have 5 C4 again, so go ahead and blow up whatever other commander assets are nearby.  If you're lucky you might even get your own personal arty strike, which means you've not only annoyed the enemy commander sufficiently enough to cause him to go completely overkill on you, but you've taken an arty strike and only lost one ticket than allow it to be dropped on a squad of your teammates and you lose several tickets
8) You survive said strike and proceed to wreak havoc on the remaining assets.
Flying Solo
+98|6810|Canada, Ont
I find that its a waste of time blowing up certain assets on certain maps.

you would be of more value to your team capturing flags and gettin kills then blowing up ...lets say for this example any Commander Asset deep within USMC Base.

The Artillery isn't to far outa the way but still belong to the Uncap so you may or may not care to fix it.

But the Scanner and UAV is deep inside the USMC Uncap and next to Armor Vehicles which will likely be Piloted by Engineers...theres really not alot gained by blowing up thoes.

Daqing Oilfields is the same...the UAV and Scanner is SOOO Far outa the way that its not worth it if its going to be Repaired in less then 1 or 2 minutes.

But maps like Mastuur City where the Assets are at Capturable Flags then hell yes, this is a Must do Tactic and is far from Noobish.
Flying Solo
+98|6810|Canada, Ont
Makin a Quick double post here, ummm With regards to being Artyed while Trying to Blow up the Arty...this should never happen, your right there and you can hear the thing firing, If the Artillery Changes its Angle or Direction, If its pointing straight up or if it faces away from the battlefield it is most likely comming down ontop of itself. So run for cover, wait...maybe you were wrong, sometimes the Arty is always up at a 80 - 90 Degree angle but your better safe then sorry. I play by Survival, not by SPM, so some of you might not care and just wanna toss toss blow +1 Point with complete disregard for Machine, but its just ...ummm, A Tip?
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6646|Parainen, Finland
Amen to this!!
If I have nothing better to do, I send 3 TV missiles on the UAV asset to annoy the commander if baserape is not allowed!!!
Or if we play spec and supply we make a fast flyby after that  we give the enemy commander the fireworks of the month!!! I have so many times pissed off the enemy commander by doing this!!! And both of you get points, if you get them supplies inside the chopper you will also get a driver special ability point when the supply mon gets his ammo points!!!

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