A shitty joke that made me laugh anyway, party hat and a sticker with a cat on it
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Payed for 2
Payed for 2
i dun gedit, why is this good news?KuSTaV wrote:
Good news, everyone!
beef and gravy = win
oh shi-
write answers with huge feather-quill for bonus pointsLaura wrote:
History exam; gonna ace it like a boss
Sif break the site
bakinacake wrote:
2 Assignments tomorrow, not started XD.
Also P's this week wooo
Another upside of dropping out of school No examsKuSTaV wrote:
exam tomorrow
HAHAHAHH! YES! i remember that thread when everyone owned some fag who got bannedtazz. wrote:
also 1400 days lol
i left, dw, im getting ti back on track thoughsome_random_panda wrote:
BF2s is dying. What happened in the last year?
where are you going for schoolies?Laura wrote:
Americain just paid for Schoolies :3
I lost my only bf2 key thats not banned from pretty much everything
unlucky m8The A W S M F O X wrote:
Too bad if it's registered post.
Completely normalLaura wrote:
Is it sort of weird to finally check into EE, and realizing you have no idea who 90% of the people are?
Yet coming to AU Chatz, knowing, or knowing of basically everyone here?
then wat do?
yesh. whys that?
oh hai
Cod4 i meanLaura wrote:
Missed me by about 2 months, could've specOps'd with you :3~FuzZz~ wrote:
Just played vidya gamez for the first time in about 6 months Stillll got it haha
Anyone here still play and cod?
Kustard im fairly sure John m is John mankey aka fox
Just played vidya gamez for the first time in about 6 months Stillll got it haha
Anyone here still play and cod?
Anyone here still play and cod?
Thats a good thing
Timah? Fox? Ashlite?....smoke?AussieReaper wrote:
Working at the moment, which kills all my time except for weekends.
Bludging at uni was so much better.
Flecs and Cheez are still around. And Panda is too but lurks more than he posts.
edit; lol tazz?
It begins.bakinacake wrote:
He returns.~FuzZz~ wrote:
Was good for a while, trying to get stuck back in my anti-social rut now though wbu?
I see new faces in here too, who's still here from the good ol' days? Sif AU chatz died Sif im not a game admin anymore too
I see new faces in here too, who's still here from the good ol' days? Sif AU chatz died Sif im not a game admin anymore too
Perm me now, this is my formal request, its really boring nowadays anyway, ustrolls and admins and shit just piss me offFlaming_Maniac wrote:
slight revision
If an aussie spams it gets closed, if an outsider spams they get banned. I don't have a lot of patience for space-abusing shit that makes no attempt at communication.
<3 AU, see yas round
If flymo gets banned after 3/4 days of trolling au chat, how the fuck is usmarine still here....
1: whertf is fox
2: why need a passport bj/?
and 3: bed time thankfuck
2: why need a passport bj/?
and 3: bed time thankfuck
OH NOES!Dauntless wrote:
September chat is gonna wtfpwn the post count of this thread.
Just to let you all know.
We need some more foreigners in here to troll, that'll get the post count up
I swear to god he's over 150KG....RavyGravy wrote:
here wogs are now arabs and what not.
and im loling at the end kid on that photo
But would whoop all of us at CS:S/ any other steam game....
You now hate wogs.
you'll find me out front, puffin on a bud, man fuck these white cunts, im thinking of getting mugged, talkin shit and getting bashed coz im tipsy, gotta call me uncle big merv to come get me..RavyGravy wrote:
my name is flabba wubba jubba noonga!
Unlucky i always just get shit sent to my work, and get a mate to forge if they ask for a signature, works a treat
Ill wait for reviews/feedback....Hakei wrote:
Are all you poor gamers coming back for 1.5?
I've not played bf2 in months, go in to help out the team for numbers and lazorguide missile the jet at long range 3 times...it was casted. Damn im good.
so yeah, i went to subway the other day. good shit. it's like being in america without all the gayness and americans.1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
so yeah, i went to outback steakhouse the other day. good shit. it's like being in australia without all the gayness and australians.
Hope you're talking about the one on the left...
biz man O.A.T tommor...RavyGravy wrote:
maths test tomorrow
health test tomorrow
i know nothing....
silly Negro.
silly Negro.
More pics of the cute cat ted :3
He wont be back for a while afaik
On a scale of 1-10?
Good bread?