The grenade spamming. Especially with the unlock that gives you three frags. Who thought that would actually be a good idea?
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But the game is still much faster-paced than BF2. It feels a little too spammy at times for me. The LMGs are a load of BS as well.
Is there a place where you can view a player's stats? Say on a website or something, like BF2S?
Is there a place where you can view a player's stats? Say on a website or something, like BF2S?
Really not much of a learning curve at all. After watching one jet video, I was going 40-0 in the J-10.
Choppers are harder to learn IMO.
Choppers are harder to learn IMO.
I generally don't do much in the way of "cheap" things... and anyway, I prefer to think of it as using limited resources to accomplish a goal in an unorthodox way. For example, if I'm in a Chinese transport chopper, I have no qualms about ramming a full Blackhawk, or trying my damndest to ram an attack chopper. And if I'm in a chopper and I'm getting shot by a J-10, I'll pull up at a weird angle to try to get him to ram me. I also sit on spawn points to prevent enemies from spawning there and I spawn rape if I can do it while still being in the flag cap radius.
how to shot frapple hok
Sharpshooter Infantry Medal But it's never gonna happen because I'll never put in the minimum required hours (at least 100h in each kit, so 700h minimum). I find it funny that one of the requirements for the medal is 400h minimum total playtime when you have to have 100h with each kit.
I always play with vehicles. IO feels like cheating, and I have no respect for the inflated stats of those who play only IO.
PR by a longshot.
Direct quote from the video on the main page of the 187ci site:
"The no spread feature is probably one of the most unique features of them all, besides name changing."
"The no spread feature is probably one of the most unique features of them all, besides name changing."
I'm getting under 10k/s And I'm connected to 36 seeders and 28 leechers
Oh well, I guess it's better than downloading a 2GB file over http.
Oh well, I guess it's better than downloading a 2GB file over http.
The MP demo is sweet! My new computer is a beast so it runs pretty well (E6600, 8800GTS-640, 2GB RAM). If you like PR you'll probably like this as well, I think it's worth the download if your computer can handle it. One aspect I like is how important sound is - most of the time you hear your enemies before seeing them, and it's important to make as little noise as possible so you can get the jump on them. It makes for some very tense situations. I just played a game where I could hear enemies all around me but couldn't see them, and when I finally saw someone I actually jumped. The guns sound amazing too, especially when people are shooting in the distance.
Also the single-player demo is out now, but it's 1.7GB I don't understand why companies don't use bittorrent for distribution of big files like this, it's ridiculous to expect people to download a 1.7GB file over an http server where the download can cut off or the file can be corrupted so easily.
Also the single-player demo is out now, but it's 1.7GB I don't understand why companies don't use bittorrent for distribution of big files like this, it's ridiculous to expect people to download a 1.7GB file over an http server where the download can cut off or the file can be corrupted so easily.
That preview was only mildly interesting until it finished and it didn't even say the name of the movie. Everybody in the theater was like "Uh... okay? What was that?" Pretty genius marketing IMO.
One of my favorite things to do is put C4 on an enemy plane as he's taking off and let him fly around for 30 seconds or so before detonating it.
Looks very nice. Great work, there's really no reason to use BF2's slow, buggy server browser anymore.
Yeah, good luck getting people on a pub to do that.>>SUPR3MACY<< wrote:
I'll tell u why USMC mostly looses on Wake: people dont use their brains. usmc has the advantage to outcap the chinese. take a jet, be a SL and paradrop on airfield, tell ur squad members to spawn and take the airfield. Do that with both jets, so 2 SL + 10 squad members. Simple.
When that happens I usually stay high and focus on keeping the enemy chopper suppressed, or just chase around enemy planes when I don't even have any AA missiles. They get freaked out when they hear the missile lock and you keep them away from the rest of your team.DSRTurtle wrote:
If your the only jet on your side with no chance of rearming, use your mg wisely. You can still cause havok while your teammates (hopefully) attempt to recapture your airbase.
Guns really don't hurt tanks much at all. You might even be better off not shooting your MGs so the tank driver won't know that you're coming to drop bombs on him. Drivers usually move forward or backward when being hit by MGs and it can ruin your angle for dropping bombs.
MGs are very effective against APCs though.
MGs are very effective against APCs though.
I disagree with you here. I won't be buying any more EA or DICE products, but that's only because I'm an adult who understands how economics work, and that the best way to protest against their buggy products is by not purchasing any more of them. I'd say a large percentage of the people who play this game are children or teenagers who don't know better and will continue buying EA/DICE products. So "giving up on the game" wouldn't lead them to go out of business. I'd say they've already "given up" on it in some ways - the length of time it took them to address a fundamental issue like the CTDs of patch 1.3 shows that they obviously don't care much about keeping their customers, and the fact that Highway Tampa is plastered with Intel ads doesn't give me much faith in their generosity. In truth, they don't really need to care about what we think. We already bought the game and it's not like we can cancel our accounts if we're unhappy - this isn't an MMORPG and EA doesn't pay for bandwidth, aside from hosting a few official EA servers. The customers pay for the majority of the bandwidth by purchasing servers themselves. It's an excellent business model: your customers don't like your product, it's no skin off your back - you already have their money, and most of them don't realize what's wrong with it in the first place.pirana6 wrote:
Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business.
EA has the exclusive rights to produce football games with the NFL license. They can afford to lose a few customers.
True, they've addressed the biggest bugs, but how long did it take them? How long was the red/blue nametag bug around? How long did it take them to fix the CTD problems that were rampant in 1.3? Patches should make a game work, not break it more.As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.
I agree with you for the most part, but it's hard to attribute the J-10/F-35B imbalance to "people getting mad because their favorite weapon got nerfed." That's just a poor balancing issue, and it stems from the fact that the hitboxes on the F-35B are coded poorly.When hundreds of thousands of people play an online, multiplayer game, there will be disagreement about EVERYTHING. There will be disagreement about which guns are the best, which maps are the best, which characters are the best, etc. and not everyone will get along. EA/Dice has to try to make everything as equal as possible and they have to change stuff around from the original game released (again, this comes by way of patches). This may involve making some guns worse or making some better. Getting mad because your favorite gun was enfeebled is understandable but there was a reason it was your favorite - it was really strong and unfair compared to the rest of the guns.
The problem is that the game can be a lot of fun, and that makes it all the more frustrating when it seems that the publisher/developer isn't putting very much effort into keeping customer loyalty, or even keeping the game running smoothly. I won't stop playing just because I don't like EA - I bought their product and I'm stuck with it, so I might as well get my money's worth out of itIf you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing.
I played BFPro awhile back to see what it was about, there was only one public US server so that's what I played on. I don't remember the name but I wasn't that amazed. The players were better but I still easily got a good K/D ratio when I played. And I'm just some pub noob.
I did get laughed at a few times for having a [bf2s] tag though
I did get laughed at a few times for having a [bf2s] tag though
I played a few rounds and I like it quite a bit.
Not too impressed with all the advertising but I like the map itself.
Not too impressed with all the advertising but I like the map itself.
New Balance
In patch 1.5, the PKM will have two fire modes: Automatic, and TV Missiles.
You must not be familiar with YTMND.Parker wrote:
way to fuck up a meaningful picture.
The "Verifying Client Data" portion of the loading screen is where the game ensures that your game files haven't been tampered with (i.e., you're not using hacks). It's necessary to include heavy anti-cheating measures in a game that's so focused on stats; if people can easily cheat, then nobody's stats mean anything and the whole system is broken. But people still use hacks and get away with it, so whatever...[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:
I cant remember any other game in existence that has such long loading times and 5 years of waiting just to verify client data just to join a server. Whos dumb idea was that one. You would think that with the crappy graphics BF2 has you wouldnt need those huge loading times that are 500 times shorter in CSS and other games.
Give AT something that doesn't blow.
It'll be two years for me on the 28th of July... funny, I bought a new computer so I could play this game but I'm only getting to see it on full settings just now
Why would this be on Australian ABC but not on American CNN? Has to be fake.
Even worse then - they withheld a completed map until someone offered to pay them for advertisement.
Is EA/DICE really that poor that they have to let Intel sponsor their maps? You know they made boatloads of cash from BF2/SF/AF/EF/2142. "Ohnoes, we're so poor we have to let Intel stick ads all over our maps just so we can get them to you!" Will they ever do anything for the players that doesn't have an ulterior motive?
Well said. IMO there's no justification for killing teammates unless they're shooting at you first. Who gets the vehicle will always be determined by who stands in the right spot holding "E" and that won't ever change.GameOver wrote:
Your name is SargeV1.4. And? Who cares? My name is GameOver(HUN). And? What's then? NOTHING. By the way can you see your name on the jet? No. Why not? BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOURS. IT BELONGS TO WHOEVER GETS IN IT FIRST and not to whoever is waiting for it for a longer time.
The real-world analogy doesn't work because BF2 is not the real world; it allows for relative anonymity. You don't skip ahead of other people in line at the grocery store because there are real-world consequences (someone confronts you; the store kicks you out; at worst, you get in a fight). The internet allows for a degree of anonymity and reduced consequences (you get kicked, maybe banned from the server at worst).
It's nice to think that people would communicate things like "You were here first, you can have the plane" but realistically that won't happen because of the nature of the internet.
It would be a cool addition but DICE would have to spend that much more time coding it. The single player mode in this game is limited because they wanted to focus most of their resources on multiplayer, and even with all that focus, look how it turned out. Buggy and imbalanced. Imagine how it would have been if they had put more depth and resources into single player.
I was thinking though that they could have made players get their "certifications" in offline mini-games before they could use certain kits on multiplayer. Like before you could get your defibrillators, you would have to pass a couple of tests where there were several teammates down and you had to prioritize who to revive first, then do it under enemy fire, etc. I think America's Army does something similar. That way people would have at least some idea of what the hell to do with their kits when they got online. But again, that would have required more programming, and we all know how good DICE is at that.
I was thinking though that they could have made players get their "certifications" in offline mini-games before they could use certain kits on multiplayer. Like before you could get your defibrillators, you would have to pass a couple of tests where there were several teammates down and you had to prioritize who to revive first, then do it under enemy fire, etc. I think America's Army does something similar. That way people would have at least some idea of what the hell to do with their kits when they got online. But again, that would have required more programming, and we all know how good DICE is at that.
But unfortunately it seems that most are these days. If a candidate who believes in small government and personal freedom doesn't belong at the Republican debates, then who does? "Republican" has become almost synonymous with "neocon."Kmarion wrote:
Not all Republicans are NeoCons.xintegrityx wrote:
He isn't popular with Republicans because he's not a neocon.Kmarion wrote:
Do you realize that nearly every other conservative poll (Drudge, Hotair, Fox) does not even have him placing in the top five? MSNBC is not exactly a Republican hub. Pay attention to the GOP intense sites if you want a heads up on who the leaders are, especially those that allow their readers to vote and comment. That was round one, we will have another one in six days. In the mean time you might want to check this out to see who the top GOP guys are from a variety of different places.
Really? Did the United States' support of Israel have anything to do with the Cold War? Because that's one of the main reasons why the Arab world hates us.usmarine2005 wrote:
The actions we took in the recent past were to win the Cold War.
He isn't popular with Republicans because he's not a neocon.Kmarion wrote:
Do you realize that nearly every other conservative poll (Drudge, Hotair, Fox) does not even have him placing in the top five? MSNBC is not exactly a Republican hub. Pay attention to the GOP intense sites if you want a heads up on who the leaders are, especially those that allow their readers to vote and comment. That was round one, we will have another one in six days. In the mean time you might want to check this out to see who the top GOP guys are from a variety of different places.
Some guy was following me around TK'ing me so I spawned as medic and basically kidnapped him, TK'ing and them reviving him over and over again by myself. It was funny, he wasn't fast enough to get away from me after I revived him and I ended up killing him 5 or 6 times. Of course I ended up with all the TK's and negative points. That was the only time I've really lost my temper and done something intentionally annoying to someone else in this game.
Good post. The people attacking religion in this thread are doing a good job of showcasing their ignorance about religion and their immaturity in general. It's one thing to condemn extreme fundamentalists who pervert religion for their own goals, and it's another to condemn religion entirely, and call its followers weak-minded, because your ideas are "better" than theirs. It's also terribly ironic, and the best part is that the people doing it don't realize that they're exactly the same as those religious fundamentalists.djphetal wrote:
I'm an atheist, but I completely understand the need for religion. People who take it too seriously... they can go away, but the moral values and answers religion provides can be extremely comforting.
When I was nearly suicidal I went to church 2 times a week for 2 months and that made things a ton easier. I didn't have to believe in god, just listening to the sermons was enough of a spiritual experience to find some peace with what I believe is an entirely random and unforgiving existence. The pastor of that church is someone I will never forget, because he was able to captivate people from all religions. One day, the church even had 3 sermons, one islamic, one christian and one jewish all revolving around the theme of coexistence. The three speakers (the pastor included) were some of the most gentile people I have ever met.
What i learned from that sermon is that the values of religion don't corrupt people, but the elitist idea that these values are strictly YOURS makes people bigots. The three speakers that day all lacked this elitism, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life to date, even though I didn't and don't believe in god.
I join squads pretty often, but it's not for any real teamwork-oriented goal. I figure I might as well join a squad because maybe, just maybe, the squad leader won't be useless and will actually provide me with a spawn point that's closer to the enemy base. And when I'm in a squad I'll usually spawn with the appropriate kit, e.g. as a medic if we don't have any. But the squads usually end up sucking anyway. I've given up on relying on my teammates to help me get anything done because it won't happen. They'll sit back at our spawn point turning in circles and looking at the sky while I attack the enemy base alone.
I play squad leader occasionally, but the thing that keeps me from doing it more often is that a lot of times I just want to be left alone without having the responsibility of being a squad leader.
Project Reality is a different story though. I always join squads, and I always stay with my squad. Playing support roles is more fun in PR, too. When I play medic in PR I actually do my job. I've had a blast just keeping my teammates healthy for entire rounds without getting a single kill.
I play squad leader occasionally, but the thing that keeps me from doing it more often is that a lot of times I just want to be left alone without having the responsibility of being a squad leader.
Project Reality is a different story though. I always join squads, and I always stay with my squad. Playing support roles is more fun in PR, too. When I play medic in PR I actually do my job. I've had a blast just keeping my teammates healthy for entire rounds without getting a single kill.
If the other team is pushed back to one flag, I will always attempt to cap it, unless I'm in a vehicle, in which case I'll suppress the enemies from outside the base so my teammates can move in.
It's frustrating to be on the receiving end of base-rape so I don't do it to others. However, if I'm capping an enemy base, I will sit behind spawn points and gun people down as soon as they spawn, or sit on spawn points so that enemies can't spawn there. I feel that it's justified as long as I'm doing it to cap the point and not just to base rape.
It's frustrating to be on the receiving end of base-rape so I don't do it to others. However, if I'm capping an enemy base, I will sit behind spawn points and gun people down as soon as they spawn, or sit on spawn points so that enemies can't spawn there. I feel that it's justified as long as I'm doing it to cap the point and not just to base rape.
And especially with the retarded trajectory... I swear I'm shooting bowling balls with the extreme parabola of the GLs in this game. Project Reality's grenade launchers are more realistic and much easier to use.Snipingruven wrote:
Using a nade launcher at range shows alot of skill friend. Especially in BF2 with the splash damage so light.
G36C. The best gun in the game so it wins by default.
But the carbines are all too accurate.
But the carbines are all too accurate.
I've seen (GER) quite a few times. Does it refer to Germany? Because if so, it's ironic that they would use someone else's name for their country in a patriotic expression about their country. I always wondered why German players wouldn't use (DE) instead of (GER).
Kashan Desert sounds cool but people already had problems with Al Basrah... how big is Kashan in comparison?
Like I said in the other thread, I think it would make Assault a better class (and let's face it, it's lacking) if they had as much Sprint as non-armored classes. They're supposed to be the Infantry killers, they shouldn't be slow as hell. The manual even says that Assault is a "highly mobile" class.jord wrote:
Okay, but anyway that's why them 3 classes don't have as much sprint, armour.genius_man16 wrote:
planes (ok, i made up the 900 part because of the 9mm, but yeah)
I'd like to see Assault have as much Sprint as the non-armored classes. After all, the manual states that the Assault class "combines heavy firepower with high mobility."
Speaking of Assault, did anybody notice that on the controls configuration screen in the options, zooming is actually labeled "Alt Fire?" I wonder if DICE originally planned on including Alt Fire modes... personally I would love it if the underbarrel grenade launchers could be mapped to an Alt Fire button so they could be used without having to actually "switch weapons." I think it would make Assault much more effective.
Speaking of Assault, did anybody notice that on the controls configuration screen in the options, zooming is actually labeled "Alt Fire?" I wonder if DICE originally planned on including Alt Fire modes... personally I would love it if the underbarrel grenade launchers could be mapped to an Alt Fire button so they could be used without having to actually "switch weapons." I think it would make Assault much more effective.
Mine are default, except I have Crouch as C, Prone as V, and Parachute as B. Using Ctrl and Alt for crouching and proning seems like it would be so awkward, especially in a firefight.
God, I just tried the M4 and got owned. It's terrible.
The egg - dinosaurs were the prehistoric ancestors of birds, and they laid eggs long before chickens were aroundusmarine2005 wrote:
More importantly, what came first? The Chicken? or the egg?
As for the question about a tree falling in the forest, it only seems difficult to answer because we commonly associate an occurrence of noise with an experience of noise. They are different things, and can exist independently of each other; the things we associate with a tree falling in the forest, namely the sound of branches breaking, the sight of the tree falling, etc., are only our cognitive interpretations of an event in the physical world, and so those things are not necessarily part and parcel of the actual event of the falling tree. I encourage anyone interested in questions like this to check out John Heil's introductory book on the philosophy of mind. It's a good primer if you're into things like cognitive science
Me in the library last week... trying to get some studying done and playing with my friend's laptop instead...

Be good the to the L85A1, and it will reward you with many headshots.