My screen resolution is already the max my monitor can support =\
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My geometry is set to high. I only get that with AA set at 2x. At 4x it's not so bad. At 0x it isn't present.
Seems to happen only when AA is on for me... When AA's off I see them the way you do.Rubix-Cubes wrote:
nope thats bad, i can even [url=][url][/url][/url]see hobbits in my trees, is that normal, try ya textures uping them a little
I tried 4xAA with supersampling on... it helped a little but there are still some of these dots especially in faraway textures...
BTW thanks mod for helping me edit
BTW thanks mod for helping me edit
Is there any way to go around it or it's considered normal?
mod-edit: corrected link
mod-edit: corrected link
I still remember getting into a chopper and flying backwards as I thought the controls were the same as for a plane...
I know mathematically it should be 0.00, but practically shouldn't it read 3.00 instead?
Just checked through my stats today... found this strange...
Leviathan 00:28:46 3 0 0.00 75
seems like the WL ratio shows 0.00 if you haven't lost a round before... which is inaccurate...
Leviathan 00:28:46 3 0 0.00 75
seems like the WL ratio shows 0.00 if you haven't lost a round before... which is inaccurate...