3rd person knife fights ftw.
Search results: 482 found, showing up to 50
Like I said, the weapon cycling is shared with commander zoom, not camera cycling.
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PINextItem
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPrevItem
So unless you touch those, you will be fine.
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PINextItem
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPrevItem
So unless you touch those, you will be fine.
I personally have scroll up to instantly select med packs(weapon #5) and down for shocks(weapon #6). It instantly selects because I disabled the scroll to select weapon binds. However I found that the zoom map feature for the commander shared the same bind... silly DICE again. I'm rarely commander so I just assigned it to some other keys. Same with cam views when I'm in vehicles, I scroll up for Camview2 and down for Camview3. Not cycle. Works great without that annoying weapon selection popping up all the time.
Flaming_Maniac: Thanks bud. Regarding the missing global chat issue, as I state in the first post, I took out a lot of useless text such as "First aid here!" or "Ammo here!". Unfortunately there was no way of completely removing the line from being shown without making punk buster very angry. So I had to settle with messages like Player: *blank*. You can just dismiss them as not important.
jkohlc: Screens after the jump.
geNius: Thank you.
liquidat0r: No you may not, tis protected by mad DRMz! :p
_-_911_-_180891: (.)(.)
Just found and fixed a bug that caused the UAV auto denied message to show as "COMMSL_UAV_uavrequestautodenied_alt".
It will correctly display as "UAV is Loading or is Destroyed..." now.
When the commander manually denies your arty/UAV/supply request, it will simply say "Denied" so you know the difference when he's waiting on it to charge up, or simply says no.
geNius: Thank you.
liquidat0r: No you may not, tis protected by mad DRMz! :p
_-_911_-_180891: (.)(.)
Just found and fixed a bug that caused the UAV auto denied message to show as "COMMSL_UAV_uavrequestautodenied_alt".
It will correctly display as "UAV is Loading or is Destroyed..." now.
When the commander manually denies your arty/UAV/supply request, it will simply say "Denied" so you know the difference when he's waiting on it to charge up, or simply says no.
Chou: ROFL!! Where did you get my photo!? Srsly. </paranoid>
Steal away man. I had to use the poor man's way of centering text, so it might be off if your resolution isn't 1024*.. I haven't tested that actually. If that's the case I could release versions for different resolutions.
djphetal: Just search for "AUTO_RULES_cptaken" in english.utxt and it will take you to the line.
djphetal: Just search for "AUTO_RULES_cptaken" in english.utxt and it will take you to the line.
</ninja vanish> Ô_o
The "- APC -" formatting helps spots to stand out more form the other crap. Personal preference at that point.
Not sure what you're suggesting with the square brackets..? Do you mean instead of Killed PLAYER <+2>, it should be [+2]?
.::It's all about the tackiness man::. Five-years old design fads FTW
Thx for the feedback I'll take it into consideration.
BTW anyone who has edited these knows how badly the text is organized within the file.. I managed to sort the contents alphabetically w/out corrupting it for easier editing. I'll upload the plain sorted version if there's any demand for it still..
Not sure what you're suggesting with the square brackets..? Do you mean instead of Killed PLAYER <+2>, it should be [+2]?
.::It's all about the tackiness man::. Five-years old design fads FTW
Thx for the feedback I'll take it into consideration.
BTW anyone who has edited these knows how badly the text is organized within the file.. I managed to sort the contents alphabetically w/out corrupting it for easier editing. I'll upload the plain sorted version if there's any demand for it still..
Why come out with a localization file for an aging game like BF2? Don't ask, I was bored, and cause BF2 kicks ass.
Grab a copy if you like, I'm open for comments/feedback.
Some features include
- In-your-face™ style msges of Flag activity
- Very simplified msges (I don't show useless msges like "First aid, here!" Yeah, I can see that bigass icon on the ground kthx, also voting msges are dumbed down for a quick read)
- Color coded crap (ohhh, ahhh, puuuuurdy etc.)
- Boosts your KDR and AIM by 200% *
* Aimbots sold separately
Props to PunkX and Mad Ad for the Wiki contribution and Zenmaster for that old ass post of yours on how to get big letters in-game. Cheers.
EDIT: Messages that appear as PlayerName: *blank* are intentional and is a product of me deleting the content of useless messages such as "First aid, here!".
Grab a copy if you like, I'm open for comments/feedback.
Some features include
- In-your-face™ style msges of Flag activity
- Very simplified msges (I don't show useless msges like "First aid, here!" Yeah, I can see that bigass icon on the ground kthx, also voting msges are dumbed down for a quick read)
- Color coded crap (ohhh, ahhh, puuuuurdy etc.)
- Boosts your KDR and AIM by 200% *
* Aimbots sold separately
Props to PunkX and Mad Ad for the Wiki contribution and Zenmaster for that old ass post of yours on how to get big letters in-game. Cheers.
EDIT: Messages that appear as PlayerName: *blank* are intentional and is a product of me deleting the content of useless messages such as "First aid, here!".
Ok, after some tweaking I think I have perfected my aviator binds.
The buttons can be replaced by whatever, but in my case this is my config:
Space - Switch to Pilot seat w/out HUD
1st Right click - TV/LGM mode
2nd Right click - Gunner mode w/out HUD
So basically you will never see that damn HUD with these binds expect when you first get in, which is quickly remedied by hitting space once. Sweet huh? I'll share the code with you below.
Be sure to replace the new material with the original bind. Battlefield only recognizes 2 binds for a function, one primary and a secondary. If you add more, one of the binds will stop working. It is important to append the land section as well for the helicopter switching to work, don't look at me DICE did it. :\
Xfire me if anything is unclear.
[WARNING] Make a backup of your control.con, don't come crying to me [/WARNING]
All you have to do is change the binds for switching seats, and changing views.
1. Locate these binds in the Land, Air, and Helicopter section
Replace with the following
2. Locate these binds in Land, Air, and Helicopter section
Replace with the following
3. Enjoy!
The buttons can be replaced by whatever, but in my case this is my config:
Space - Switch to Pilot seat w/out HUD
1st Right click - TV/LGM mode
2nd Right click - Gunner mode w/out HUD
So basically you will never see that damn HUD with these binds expect when you first get in, which is quickly remedied by hitting space once. Sweet huh? I'll share the code with you below.
Be sure to replace the new material with the original bind. Battlefield only recognizes 2 binds for a function, one primary and a secondary. If you add more, one of the binds will stop working. It is important to append the land section as well for the helicopter switching to work, don't look at me DICE did it. :\
Xfire me if anything is unclear.
[WARNING] Make a backup of your control.con, don't come crying to me [/WARNING]
All you have to do is change the binds for switching seats, and changing views.
1. Locate these binds in the Land, Air, and Helicopter section
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F1 10000 0 ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect2 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F2 10000 0
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_Space 10000 0 ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F1 10000 1 ControlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect2 IDFMouse IDButton_1 10000 0 ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect2 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F2 10000 1
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICameraMode1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F9 10000 0
ControlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping c_PICameraMode1 IDFMouse IDButton_1 10000 0 ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICameraMode1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_Space 10000 1
Sup addicts, long time no see.
I’d like to start by saying, I love choppers.
To be more accurate, I like soloing the hell out of other choppers. However when I try to gun infantry down I find the F1 and F2 keys to be ill suited for quick switching. So I set out to see what could be done about it, and would like to share with you my findings.
If you like to optimize your gameplay you’ve probably messed around in the controls.con before. (located in your profile folder)
I started by planning what I wanted for my new setup. For the pilot seat I figured I’d assign a key that’s close to WSAD and easily accessible, in case I need to spam it like crazy before my face becomes a part of that wall in front of me. So, I went with the space bar. For the Gunner seat I went with E (since my enter is R)
So I start with the pilot seat and make the following change under the Helicopter section
Wtfbbq, doesn’t work. Turns out F1-F3 positions for Helicopters and Aircraft are affected by the keys assigned in the LAND vehicle section. Oh course! Like, DUH. Also, in order to use the space bar I had to remove the alternate bind for shooting your primary weapon under land vehicles, which is spacebar by default. If you don’t, the keys will be in conflict and will not function.
You guys may have known that, but while I’m going through this trial and error torture I came across a neat effect. If you assign the pilot and gunner seat keys to PICameraMode1, and make the Pilot bind the alternative as below...
the result is that when you hit space to pop back into the pilot, the game thinks you also switched view and gets rid of the pesky HUD! I thought this was a nice little time saver, especially when you’re in those situations where you want to switch back to pilot with max visibility. Also because I bound View1 with the gunner seat key, all I have to do is tap E twice to be HUD-less in gunner.
If all this seems too messy you can leave the Land vehicle binds unaffected by re-adding your old binds as the alternate bind, but personally I'm loving the ability to pop into gunner with E and take off with spacebar in a jeep.
I’ve only just started looking at this and I’m sure there’s room for improvement.. so I figured I’d share this with you and see what you guys come up with..
My next goal is to achieve the same effect with the gunner view. Meaning, getting rid of the need to hit E twice for gunner, and also automatically getting rid of the HUD between weapon switches in the gunner seat.
Anyway, if you’re into this kinda stuff here’s a great post that explains how the chaotic binding system of BF2 works. (like those weird 10000 variables at the end of each bind)
http://www.forumplanet.com/planetbattle … id=1671636
Again, this may be old material, so if you have something to add, post it here!
Happy gunning.
I’d like to start by saying, I love choppers.
To be more accurate, I like soloing the hell out of other choppers. However when I try to gun infantry down I find the F1 and F2 keys to be ill suited for quick switching. So I set out to see what could be done about it, and would like to share with you my findings.
If you like to optimize your gameplay you’ve probably messed around in the controls.con before. (located in your profile folder)
I started by planning what I wanted for my new setup. For the pilot seat I figured I’d assign a key that’s close to WSAD and easily accessible, in case I need to spam it like crazy before my face becomes a part of that wall in front of me. So, I went with the space bar. For the Gunner seat I went with E (since my enter is R)
So I start with the pilot seat and make the following change under the Helicopter section
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_F1 10000 0
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIPositionSelect1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_Space 10000 0
You guys may have known that, but while I’m going through this trial and error torture I came across a neat effect. If you assign the pilot and gunner seat keys to PICameraMode1, and make the Pilot bind the alternative as below...
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICameraMode1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_E 10000 0 ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICameraMode1 IDFKeyboard IDKey_Space 10000 1
If all this seems too messy you can leave the Land vehicle binds unaffected by re-adding your old binds as the alternate bind, but personally I'm loving the ability to pop into gunner with E and take off with spacebar in a jeep.
I’ve only just started looking at this and I’m sure there’s room for improvement.. so I figured I’d share this with you and see what you guys come up with..
My next goal is to achieve the same effect with the gunner view. Meaning, getting rid of the need to hit E twice for gunner, and also automatically getting rid of the HUD between weapon switches in the gunner seat.
Anyway, if you’re into this kinda stuff here’s a great post that explains how the chaotic binding system of BF2 works. (like those weird 10000 variables at the end of each bind)
http://www.forumplanet.com/planetbattle … id=1671636
Again, this may be old material, so if you have something to add, post it here!
Happy gunning.
we still get these?
ahh, the good old unlock threads..
ahh, the good old unlock threads..
Unstickied until I can resume development
looks like we'll be seeing that crazy japanese man as top for a while.. go japs! ^___^;;
The past few days != The past two months.scottomus0 wrote:
you are wrong. very wrong. ive been playin with kain these past few days and not once has he gone on a K&P server.ThomasMorgan wrote:
He's been playing on pistol and knife servers for the past two months as a medic. How do you think he got so many points so quickly?
clearin it up.
I like your logic though, if he's legit when I play with him, he must be clean!
Here’s how I felt about the graphics.
BF2 has solid graphics, and it's still is a beautiful game on a decent gfx configuration. I can appreciate it more now that I’ve looked at the textures maps and realized how efficiently textures are utilized in this game. It really is a work of art. I think my comment in the graphics section in the review was pretty harsh, but when you look at 2142’s upcoming competitors, I felt that the gfx did fall short in comparison. This is a different thing from where my comfort zone is, and like I said, I would be perfectly happy with BF2 gfx.. which brings me to my next point,
The main grudge I have about 2142’s development is that it looses focus, and waters down the series.. BF2 is such a fun game, and still has a lot of untapped potential. As an end consumer, I would have easily paid the 2142 price tag for a map pack (maybe 5-8 new maps) with some solid patches for BF2 vanilla. I would expect some new content in this new map pack, but this would not be such an undertaking as developing a new title since all the game assets are already there. Production costs would be lower, and the rest of the team could be focusing on R&D for the REAL sequel. If this was the case we would have a deeper and more diverse BF2 experience, and earlier delivery of the sequel (since we are getting rid of the intermediate product.). This is just my wish as an end consumer, and I’m sure DICE’s current strategy makes more sense from a marketing standpoint.. just my 2c. We still love your work DICE, keep it up!
BF2 has solid graphics, and it's still is a beautiful game on a decent gfx configuration. I can appreciate it more now that I’ve looked at the textures maps and realized how efficiently textures are utilized in this game. It really is a work of art. I think my comment in the graphics section in the review was pretty harsh, but when you look at 2142’s upcoming competitors, I felt that the gfx did fall short in comparison. This is a different thing from where my comfort zone is, and like I said, I would be perfectly happy with BF2 gfx.. which brings me to my next point,
The main grudge I have about 2142’s development is that it looses focus, and waters down the series.. BF2 is such a fun game, and still has a lot of untapped potential. As an end consumer, I would have easily paid the 2142 price tag for a map pack (maybe 5-8 new maps) with some solid patches for BF2 vanilla. I would expect some new content in this new map pack, but this would not be such an undertaking as developing a new title since all the game assets are already there. Production costs would be lower, and the rest of the team could be focusing on R&D for the REAL sequel. If this was the case we would have a deeper and more diverse BF2 experience, and earlier delivery of the sequel (since we are getting rid of the intermediate product.). This is just my wish as an end consumer, and I’m sure DICE’s current strategy makes more sense from a marketing standpoint.. just my 2c. We still love your work DICE, keep it up!
There's a bunch of things going on in my life(I have a life!?) right now, including a job hunt. It short, certain things need to take priority. I give as much time as I can for this map, but development will be slow. Tis sad, and I want to see this map realized as much as you do, bare with me folks. You will be running around killing people in downtown SF sooner or later.
Alright peeps, the battle recorder files are up for your viewing pleasure.
06-05-07 (108MB)
Too bad I missed out on the mayhem.. was trying to get Smug up to a playable level after all the editing, but I ran out of time. Perhaps it will finally debut next week.
06-05-07 (108MB)
Too bad I missed out on the mayhem.. was trying to get Smug up to a playable level after all the editing, but I ran out of time. Perhaps it will finally debut next week.
It will be a BF vanilla map, chock full of custom goodies.
Yeah, uh huh. I'm shaking in paranoia.
Congrats to him! Everybody bend over for Sgt_MaxPower.
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
Anyone get that reference?
If they add things like more upgrades to your gear and such, they will need to run separate servers for certain "level" players. Running around with a rocket launcher fighting noobs with super soakers makes no sense from a FPS standpoint. The other possibility is just to keep it at a "customize your look" deal, where you could add some badass shades, maybe grow a crazy beard and so on. I would appreciate some sort of license system for vehicles, where you have to qualify before you can enter a piece of equipment worth millions of dollars. Anyway, I hope they don't go overboard with this, we want a solid game first. My 2c.
Anyone get that reference?
If they add things like more upgrades to your gear and such, they will need to run separate servers for certain "level" players. Running around with a rocket launcher fighting noobs with super soakers makes no sense from a FPS standpoint. The other possibility is just to keep it at a "customize your look" deal, where you could add some badass shades, maybe grow a crazy beard and so on. I would appreciate some sort of license system for vehicles, where you have to qualify before you can enter a piece of equipment worth millions of dollars. Anyway, I hope they don't go overboard with this, we want a solid game first. My 2c.
I might spam links to my online portfolio. lolKung Jew wrote:
Looking good Afro, keep up the hard work! Screenshots are nice looking. Can't wait till it's done.
You should get donations by selling ad/window space on the buildings and in the subways.
Ima embark on a reference gathering quest today, walking down Market and snapping shots of fine chic.. err buildings and texture references. Once I get a good amount I'll post them up here so people can help me model some assets if they want to. To be honest, I can't model out and texture an entire city unless I dedicate 6 months on it.
I went to the same art school as Marconious and Vodoo (which is physically located in the map in reality), they have both offered to help me with asset creation, so you should see some stuff getting cranked out from them soon.
Hahahaha try our new Double C4 MEC Jihad Sandwich™ today, and experience the plastic flavors explode on your palette.[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:
LOL at the burger joint control point...how quintessentially American.
Some suggestions for names:
"Patty On The Buns" (complete with sexually suggestive picture of a juicy beef patty atop ass-cheek-y buns!)
"MecDonald's" (wait, it's PLA vs. USMC...never mind)
"Chuy Burgers" (a nod to the omnipotent!)
"Get Food Here" (on sign: medic bag with the cross replaced by a burger/fries?)
"The Supply Drop" (self explanatory)
If you could find someone to model them for you, the burger joint could have posters! Example:
"All Nite Drive Thru--Alright, You're Good To Go anytime."
"Try our NEW Chicken Nooblets & Tangy Karkand Dipping Sauce"
Oh it'll look "nice" when I throw in some lighting and textures.[DEI]Bart wrote:
looks nice , keep up the good work
- Added a muni station island in the middle of market street (it's the big street).
- Added two manholes which directly take you from street level to platform level. Might get rid of these though, it takes away any reason to go down via stairs. Maybe it will only connect the 2 underground levels.
Next up, going to model out the Burger King on Market st. (will be a cap point, since burger joins hold a huge stratigic importance to Americans) It's going to have 2 floors and some roof access from there. Should make for an interesting flag. Kind of funny to think that a burger king is the U.S. main spawnpoint. Anyone want to make suggestions for the name of the burger joint? They will definitely serve extra large freedom fries.
- Added two manholes which directly take you from street level to platform level. Might get rid of these though, it takes away any reason to go down via stairs. Maybe it will only connect the 2 underground levels.
Next up, going to model out the Burger King on Market st. (will be a cap point, since burger joins hold a huge stratigic importance to Americans) It's going to have 2 floors and some roof access from there. Should make for an interesting flag. Kind of funny to think that a burger king is the U.S. main spawnpoint. Anyone want to make suggestions for the name of the burger joint? They will definitely serve extra large freedom fries.
bfeditor.org is a great resource. I'm sure you know about it since you've made a complete map.
Anyway, found a thread that you might find useful.
http://bfeditor.org/forum/viewtopic.php … ht=minimap
Anyway, found a thread that you might find useful.
http://bfeditor.org/forum/viewtopic.php … ht=minimap
Props. Especially cause I know how mapping can be a biiiaaatch sometimes.
Ok found the perm fix. This is my favorite BF2 mapping bug so far! The solution was to copy the water configuration file from an official map and override you custom one. Of course! The WATER was causing the crashes! What was I thinking... but wait I don't have a single fucking drop of water in my map!! .....AHHHHHHHHHHHAFDJSAFJDSKFJDSFADSFA </that german kid>
This is why you shouldn't mod kids. Now excuse me I have to go strangle a kitten to death.
This is why you shouldn't mod kids. Now excuse me I have to go strangle a kitten to death.
ExtremeSpy506: As I said in the first post, I want the map to encourage intense infantry battles. No room for planes here. I did read your suggestions, not going to allow tanks/jeeps to access the tunnels. That was the whole point for going through the process of making an underground area. Anyway, thanks for the effort. +1
Adding lights to the tunnels in definitely on my todo list, and believe me, its long! @_@
Adding lights to the tunnels in definitely on my todo list, and believe me, its long! @_@
YES! I was able to re-create the problem. I think all the people who crashed had terrain quality set to low. As a temporary fix, bump it up to medium and it should work fine. I will work out a perm fix.
Some eairly screens. As you can see, I'm saving textuing for later.

Damn. It shouldn't have to do anything with settings, but I can't think of any other reason. You should post yours as well. Thanks for helping Crusty. +1
VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 1024x768@75Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3
AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 0.630649
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.1
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.443133
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.33
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 0
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 0
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1
VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 1024x768@75Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3
AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 0.630649
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.1
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.443133
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.33
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 0
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 0
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1
Since I can't seem to re-create the crash on my end, I'm going to have the people who are crashing to help me test a few versions of the map. I have made 3 variations here, where I've deleted certain elements from the map to narrow down the possibilities of the crash.
Installation is the same as above.
When you download and unzip, you will see 3 zips. First, go to your levels folder and delete everything in the operation_smug_screen folder. Now unzip one of the three and copy the contents over to levels/operation_smug_screen. Test, quit and repeat with the other 2. Make sure you test one map at a time. Report back to this thread, or Xfire me.
Only download if you are crashing.
Thanks for your help.
Citizen One: I can take some screens and post them up, but there isn't much to look at this point. The eye candy will come later
Installation is the same as above.
When you download and unzip, you will see 3 zips. First, go to your levels folder and delete everything in the operation_smug_screen folder. Now unzip one of the three and copy the contents over to levels/operation_smug_screen. Test, quit and repeat with the other 2. Make sure you test one map at a time. Report back to this thread, or Xfire me.
Only download if you are crashing.
Thanks for your help.
Citizen One: I can take some screens and post them up, but there isn't much to look at this point. The eye candy will come later
It's been working on our systems, and I know at least 6 other peeps had it working before we started the games tonight. I can't identify the cause of this crash this moment, but will definitly look into it. Feel free to PM, Xfire me, and I will try to work out a solution with you.
Homeschtar: nope, you will be fine. If you do have issues, you can simply delete the folder off your drive.
For those who are crashing, try booting bf2 in windowed mode and load the map. It will crash, but will most likely give you an error message. Please post what kind of errors you are getting here.
To boot BF2 in windowed mode, make a new shortcut to your bf2.exe. Right click on the shortcut and click on properties. You will see a field called "Target". Add "+fullscreen 0" (without the ") to the end of the path. In my case it looks like "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +fullscreen 0
Hit ok and boot bf2 via shortcut.
Also let me know if you have any boosters/expansion installed, it will help me diagnose the problem. Thanks guys.
For those who are crashing, try booting bf2 in windowed mode and load the map. It will crash, but will most likely give you an error message. Please post what kind of errors you are getting here.
To boot BF2 in windowed mode, make a new shortcut to your bf2.exe. Right click on the shortcut and click on properties. You will see a field called "Target". Add "+fullscreen 0" (without the ") to the end of the path. In my case it looks like "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +fullscreen 0
Hit ok and boot bf2 via shortcut.
Also let me know if you have any boosters/expansion installed, it will help me diagnose the problem. Thanks guys.
This is the first of many beta versions of the map.
Download (beta1)
Follow these steps to install the map.
1. Unzip the file
2. Once you have the operation_smoke_screen folder, locate the levels folder in your battlefield install.
A typical path for your levels folder would be
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\
3. Copy the operation_smoke_screen folder into Levels
You're done!
To load the map, go to MULTIPLAYER, and click on create local. This build of the map will not work with single player mode.
I would like to get some focused feedback from this point forward. The map is full of glitches, and I am well aware of them, please refrain from reporting minor bugs at this point, there will be a time for that later. Right now I am only interested in the big picture. If you manage to join us in our weekly test sessions, ask yourselves a few questions after playing.
- Was it fun? (this is the most important one. And if not, why?)
- Is it balanced?
- Does the map have good flow?
As always, I appreciate your feedback. And a big thanks go out to the peeps who helped me out so far.
Download (beta1)
Follow these steps to install the map.
1. Unzip the file
2. Once you have the operation_smoke_screen folder, locate the levels folder in your battlefield install.
A typical path for your levels folder would be
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\
3. Copy the operation_smoke_screen folder into Levels
You're done!
To load the map, go to MULTIPLAYER, and click on create local. This build of the map will not work with single player mode.
I would like to get some focused feedback from this point forward. The map is full of glitches, and I am well aware of them, please refrain from reporting minor bugs at this point, there will be a time for that later. Right now I am only interested in the big picture. If you manage to join us in our weekly test sessions, ask yourselves a few questions after playing.
- Was it fun? (this is the most important one. And if not, why?)
- Is it balanced?
- Does the map have good flow?
As always, I appreciate your feedback. And a big thanks go out to the peeps who helped me out so far.
Thanks for the suggestions and feedback, I do read each post, but don't have time to reply to all of them. Making progress but it's going slow, since 80% of the effort is going towards learning the tools and workarounds.. I could use a lot of help in the research side of things. If you have experience in modding/mapping even better. Having an experienced assistant would take a lot of the load off me, and I could concentrate at what I am good at.. modeling / texturing etc. Shoot me a PM or Xfire if you want to help out.
No related to BF2.
Make a thread in the BF2S Etc. section if you really must.
Make a thread in the BF2S Etc. section if you really must.
First aid here!
No, no trains. lol
I've totally thought about it though.
One thing Voodoo has suggested is having a wrecked train in the middle of the tunnel to break up the area. This I might do.
The basic modeling for the underground area is about done. Messing with basic lighting now so the underground area isn't total darkness. After that I'll be throwing in some buildings above ground for Saturday's testing session. If it's fun, I'll start detailing. If not, it's back to the drawing board.
I've totally thought about it though.
One thing Voodoo has suggested is having a wrecked train in the middle of the tunnel to break up the area. This I might do.
The basic modeling for the underground area is about done. Messing with basic lighting now so the underground area isn't total darkness. After that I'll be throwing in some buildings above ground for Saturday's testing session. If it's fun, I'll start detailing. If not, it's back to the drawing board.
Modeling program is an option, and is only needed if you want to create your own meshes.Marconius wrote:
A modeling program, a compiler, and a whoooooole lotta hope...
Battle recorder files are up, fresh off the Gibson.
06-04-22 (190MB)
Good shit guys, that was fun. Dr.Battlefield you kicked some ass. Also props to Ty for coming out of his way to chill with us, it was a pleasure knifing you.
A lot of the baserape maps like Wake turned into an actual battles that went back and forth, haven't had that kind of game in a while, it was awesome. Hope I can get a early beta build of Smug by next week. Can't wait to see you guys suffer in the models I have made! mwuhahaa
06-04-22 (190MB)
Good shit guys, that was fun. Dr.Battlefield you kicked some ass. Also props to Ty for coming out of his way to chill with us, it was a pleasure knifing you.
A lot of the baserape maps like Wake turned into an actual battles that went back and forth, haven't had that kind of game in a while, it was awesome. Hope I can get a early beta build of Smug by next week. Can't wait to see you guys suffer in the models I have made! mwuhahaa
Updated the mock map a tad bit.
Main bases will now only get one jeep, and added a TOW mount for each side. (no, those aren't black dudes flipping you off.)
A quick update on my progress:
Didn't get a chance to mess around too much today, and having a playable map ready by this Sat seems unlikely. The underground stations are a crucial part of the map, and it makes no sense doing any testing without them.
I got my first custom mesh loaded into the editor. And let me tell you, it was a fucking nightmare! I am totally nub at this, got some srs homework to do before I get anything setup that's worth playing. @_@ I also tested the mesh in an actual bf2 game, and was surprised to see that the mesh had disappeared.. That backstabbing piece of polygonal shit! I knew it was going to pull some funky shit on me. gotta look into that tomorrow. yay. fun.
edit: Thanks for all the karma luvin. I won't disappoint.
Main bases will now only get one jeep, and added a TOW mount for each side. (no, those aren't black dudes flipping you off.)
A quick update on my progress:
Didn't get a chance to mess around too much today, and having a playable map ready by this Sat seems unlikely. The underground stations are a crucial part of the map, and it makes no sense doing any testing without them.
I got my first custom mesh loaded into the editor. And let me tell you, it was a fucking nightmare! I am totally nub at this, got some srs homework to do before I get anything setup that's worth playing. @_@ I also tested the mesh in an actual bf2 game, and was surprised to see that the mesh had disappeared.. That backstabbing piece of polygonal shit! I knew it was going to pull some funky shit on me. gotta look into that tomorrow. yay. fun.
edit: Thanks for all the karma luvin. I won't disappoint.
Thanks for the offer man. I may post a list of assets that are needed after the gameplay solidifies.My_pet_squirrel wrote:
If you need some help with the mapping ill be more than happy to help i just don't see how you are going to tunnel you gonna use the tube ladder on the oil wells? And use the large cement tubes in the kubra dam?
I will be modeling the entire underground area in Alias Maya.