I do...
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It is fine. I was ticked at the moment. Figured he stat padded. I am over it.steelie34 wrote:
your op sounds like you are whining:PFCStenzel wrote:
Dude....I am fine. I just find it odd ok. Dang quick to jump down someone throat are we?Mint Sauce wrote:
They are, it's called a hacked account. Get over it.
"I mean come on. I spent alot of time into my guy and he has probably stat padded....this is not fair at all."
and minty's reply was spot on. you shouldn't care that much about other people's stats anyway, just play the game and have fun.
On another note....Don't play on any of drunkenkillers clan server...they are a bunch of hackers. They are using the building hack. Last night they were in the power station bldg on Dragon Valley and it was their own guys. I mean how can a missile fly through a building if your on the back of it and hit a tank. Oh, yeah...and they claimed they were not doing that. I was playing with a couple of my friends and we kept trying to take the power station and every missile from their Anti-Tank guy came out of the building and no they weren't between the little power boxes and the little concrete walls. I have like 5 guys seeing the same thing. LOL
Dude....I am fine. I just find it odd ok. Dang quick to jump down someone throat are we?Mint Sauce wrote:
They are, it's called a hacked account. Get over it.PFCStenzel wrote:
Name - bf2sbuttsecks?
Stats - http://bf2s.com/player/122402967/
Why he is a hax0r or is amazing or the stats are wierd - Uhmmm go look at my stats compared to his -
http://bf2s.com/player/43412181/ <-----Me. Sergeant Major
Then tell me if his stats are messed...
I mean come on. I spent alot of time into my guy and he has probably stat padded....this is not fair at all.
Name - bf2sbuttsecks?
Stats - http://bf2s.com/player/122402967/
Why he is a hax0r or is amazing or the stats are wierd - Uhmmm go look at my stats compared to his -
http://bf2s.com/player/43412181/ <-----Me. Sergeant Major
Then tell me if his stats are messed...
I mean come on. I spent alot of time into my guy and he has probably stat padded....this is not fair at all.
Stats - http://bf2s.com/player/122402967/
Why he is a hax0r or is amazing or the stats are wierd - Uhmmm go look at my stats compared to his -
http://bf2s.com/player/43412181/ <-----Me. Sergeant Major
Then tell me if his stats are messed...
I mean come on. I spent alot of time into my guy and he has probably stat padded....this is not fair at all.
That big picture is from Grandma's Boy........Love that movie....
Thank you. I will get the 1.41 patch. Thanks....
Ok, what about the older patches....I have been gone so long. I know what much.
I have started to download the patches. I have the original copy before 1.02 patch came out. I know there is a whole bunch of patches out there. I just need a list. Or a place to download the files from.
Ok, guys I am back. I have been a little busy with things. I had to wipe my hard drive and now need to reinstall BF2 and all the patches. Can someone give me a list of the patches in a row so I know which ones to install here and there. Thanks. I would really appreciate it.
That has something to do with the West Side Story. Looks like the Play.
CorrectShmizmar wrote:
Men of Honor
OK here is one -

OH man that is the new James bond dude....Can't remember his name. Daniel Craig and it is from Layer Cake.
I agree with King county on this..,.......why is it always us that has to follow the rules of the world and no one else does. WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!
Nice, Thanks man....Will do..Those are some of the same things that I have problems with. Sweet I will do that when I get home from work. Thanks a bunch.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, It runs all my other games just fine. I need to know if there is anyone out there with this same card have the same problems.....
Hey guys...I need to know if anyone else has this card and have problems that I am having.
MSI RADEON X1600 Pro 256MB DDR2 PCI Express x16 Video Card
Is the video card and I can play about two to three rounds and then game crashes out or during the game I get black squares when zoomed in and sometimes the weapons are all black.
I have the newest Catalyst Drivers, I have even turned down the graphics to Medium. Funny thing also is that when I play the 2142 Demo after about 5 minutes with the settings cracked to medium it crashes the game.
Anyone else having the same problems with this video card?
MSI RADEON X1600 Pro 256MB DDR2 PCI Express x16 Video Card
Is the video card and I can play about two to three rounds and then game crashes out or during the game I get black squares when zoomed in and sometimes the weapons are all black.
I have the newest Catalyst Drivers, I have even turned down the graphics to Medium. Funny thing also is that when I play the 2142 Demo after about 5 minutes with the settings cracked to medium it crashes the game.
Anyone else having the same problems with this video card?
Those that are saying that it isn't very good. They can jump off a cliff. The game is by far much better then BF2. I still like BF2 of course don't get me wrong. But, this mod has it beat hands down. Try the Anti-material sniper rifle for while or the Shilka or even the the Arty PZH2000 Germany Arty. Then go back to BF2 and play and see what you think.
All I have to say is that he must get pwned alot. That is why he is whining.......Dude grow a pair.
I have served in the military. I know how you feel, I had friends over there also.
Janes makes the Best.
He is a stat padder....LOL
wow it is at 75% she is in the lead....Woot
The Tiger is better then the Freakin Cobra in BF2. Much Better. The Gun on the front of it is incredible. Talk about splash damage.
The Tornado is like the F-15 in the main BF2 game. The Frogfoot is the only Support Aircraft in the game.
The EuroFighter is a Dual purpose fighter/Attack Aircraft. It can attack Air Targets and then the 2 unguided Bombs that it has. Also the Gun it a has.
YES the foxbat is the Fastest Plane in the game.
The EuroFighter is a Dual purpose fighter/Attack Aircraft. It can attack Air Targets and then the 2 unguided Bombs that it has. Also the Gun it a has.
YES the foxbat is the Fastest Plane in the game.
LOL Nice one King...I found it funny.King_County_Downy wrote:
The funniest part is when like, there's no water anywhere so there couldn't possibly be any boats around, and then you start yelling "Enemy Boat Spotted!!!" Oh man, that's funny. Get it? Get it?
Which is FREE right. I love that price. LOLBlokieBF2 wrote:
I'm loving the mounted machine guns, the noise alone makes it worthwhile riding shotgun in a tank
the only downside is learning all the new maps, but thats a price i'm more than willing to pay
LOL....That is funny that you pancaked him.
Now that is so funny.BoomBox wrote:
m3thod wrote:
Each of the Sperm whales nutz are the size of a mini car.
The only drawback is no UAV support for the commander or Scan abilities.LT.Victim wrote:
POE2 Is like BF2 on Steroids
The infantry battles are amazing
The Tank Battles are amazing
The Jet Battles are amazing
Everything about this MOD is amazing...
The maps, and armies, along with Vehicles and weapons are even, there is no J-10.
Download it now..
Yeah, the only draw back is the no UAV support for the commader.
Other then that the MOD rocks!!!!!
Other then that the MOD rocks!!!!!
I know how you feel Turtle. I was kicked once for being too good and excessive Teamkilling. Funny thing is that I just got my Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon on that server before I got kicked. How ironic that I get kicked for kicking the other teams ass. Not one teamkill and I get kicked for Excessive Teamkilling. Guess they can't handle other winning or being good. One note on that I was in the tank the when I got my ribbon and medal. LOL
FDR!!!!!! FTW baby!!!!
Why does everyone believe everything they read.
It only makes things worse......
It only makes things worse......
WAY FUNNY!!! Those that are stating WTF??? Well you just have no sense of humor. Good luck on that.
Dark Helmet: WHAT? You went over my helmet?
What is the best porn..........LOL
Getting my Vet Armor and Armor Combat Medal. I have less then 15 hours before I can get it.
The next one is my Vet Explosive and Expert all in the same day hopefully.
The next one is my Vet Explosive and Expert all in the same day hopefully.
Well there goes 2142....Way to ruin it for the those that work hard in the game you peice of noobs with no skill to play that you have to hack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has to be the best line ever -
Colonel Sandurz: Oh, my God. It's Mega Maid. She's gone from suck to blow.
Colonel Sandurz: Oh, my God. It's Mega Maid. She's gone from suck to blow.
"Whats the matter Colonel Sanders???? Chicken??
How about this -gburndred wrote:
"Liscense and registration, CHICKEN FUCKER"
Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva: Gimme a litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: What?
Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva: I don't want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola!
Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don't know what that is!
Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for...
[grabs burger kid by shirt]
Farva: ... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!
What they said.....HeimdalX wrote:
what he saidstryyker wrote:
welcome to the land of "WE DONT GIVE A FUCK"
enjoy your fucking stay
That machine can fire while moving at 35 mph. I have done a thread about this already.
Looks like the car flipped because the exhaust should be at the bottom if it was right side up.
That is a great story. I am proud to be an American.
Straight to the point trigger....+1 for ya.