An important point to note that if you're in a Wake map with a lot of players, there's bound to be enough flying aces that can bomb you before you can cap a flag or even land on the beach. As I said, USMC attacks from a predictable direction, so two skilled J-10 pilots (not to mention any land based forces) can easily take out any RIBs and BHs. Infiltrating the Essex is not comparable to taking the airfield, b/c the PLA can't spawn at the Essex unless you've got a squad leader there, and once he's dead, you've gotta start back at the beginning. Once the USMC gets the airfield, they get an F-18 in addition to the F-35s, and the PLA has no defense against that. Taking the airfield back it easier said than done. USMC needs naval power, and PLA needs better AA defense (well the whole game really does).
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Wake's severely unbalanced. It takes USMC forever to get one CP, but if they're lucky enough to capture the airfield, then they gain complete air superiority and the balance is shifted entirely against PLA. Rather unstable map, IMO. Of course, this does depend on the skill and cooperation of the team you're playing with, but almost every Wake round I've played had the pattern above. I thought about classic Wake and realized what the problems are. For the USMC, it's the lack of naval power. Yeah, the Essex can't be sunk and it has some defense, but it's not a mobile carrier, and there's no destroyer to supplement it, meaning USMC is stuck attacking only from one highly predictable direction. I remember moving the destroyer/carrier around in classic Wake, and the enemy had no idea where we'd be attacking from. Also, the guns on the destroyer/carrier were effective for anti-air/anti-land support. The Essex has rather ineffective defenses, though certainly better than the Stinger/IGLA emplacements, which leads me into the PLA's problem. Once the USMC captures the airfield, the PLA has no AA defenses other than the weak Stinger/IGLA emplacements. As of now the Stinger/IGLA defense are unreliable, ineffective, and weakly armored...what's needed is either stronger AA batteries (e.g. Patriot) or non-missile based AA defenses (e.g. ZPU-4) or maybe even mobile AA. The flak cannons in classic Wake were more than enough to knock planes out of the sky. What are your thoughts?
How bout running over people in a RIB? I saw a couple of guys on Wake trying to sneak up and blow our arty, so I hopped in a RIB and just piled right over them. Can't really call those roadkills...
20 going on 40. Friggin' college is killing me...
Hey you're right about spawn campers, they do suck...look on the bright side though, I'm glad they have better spawn locations AND don't have repair pads in BF2, anybody remember those vicious spawn campers in DC who'd park a bradley or abrams on a repair pad in your main base and just blow the crap out of anyone who'd spawn? *Shivers* still haunts me in my nightmares.
One thing though, if the server has rules against cursing/swearing, then you were in violation of those rules.
One thing though, if the server has rules against cursing/swearing, then you were in violation of those rules.
Ahh, so it's not a bug...I remember now playing on Wake as PLA, our main base was captured and I heard our arty firing, but I didn't see an arty strike marker on the minimap or hear a warning from the cmdr. Then my group got bombed so I'm like, "WTF OMG BBQ H@KZ0R!" Okay, no, not really, but I did think there was a bug or a cheat in the game. Thanks for the heads-up.
Here's an interesting one...I'm playing Clean Sweep as USMC SpecOps, and I manage to destroy all three enemy artillery. Of course the enemy cmdr drops a supply crate to repair the arty, so I take head back, reload on C4, and blow up the artillery that he repaired. Except suddenly I get a message saying "team vehicle damage!" and I hear a message saying, "Artillery condition red", and I lose points. I got a screenie below showing what happened, take a look at where I am (west of the MEC airfield) and you'll see a yellow arty symbol where the enemy arty is...but you'll also see all three grey arty symbols where they should be, in the northwest. Ever happen to anybody or am I the sole victim of this bug?
Oh yeah, I did search the forums to see if anyone had this bug, didn't find anything... … een022.jpg
Oh yeah, I did search the forums to see if anyone had this bug, didn't find anything... … een022.jpg
IMO, it's annoying when the enemy has total air superiority (especially when they steal your jets), but it's a fact that aircraft cannot capture flags and they cannot be in two places at the same time. Once in Fushee Pass I alone as antitank kept defending one CP against three jets that kept harrassing me (especially when I hopped into the stationary AA, target/shoot them, then hop out before retaliation destroyed the AA) and the occasional Cobra/BH. I kept this up for about five minutes, and b/c the aircraft were so focused on killing me the rest of my team managed to capture two CPs.
My only real disappointment w/ aircraft is that only a few people can fly in any given map, b/c there's a max of two jets for either team. I was a pretty good dogfighter in Bf42/DC, but in BF2 I have no flight hours at all b/c I'm usually on the other side of the map when the planes respawn. I hope EA/DICE release a Battle of Britain/No Fly Zone type map. Ahh, good ol' Bf42/DC memories...
My only real disappointment w/ aircraft is that only a few people can fly in any given map, b/c there's a max of two jets for either team. I was a pretty good dogfighter in Bf42/DC, but in BF2 I have no flight hours at all b/c I'm usually on the other side of the map when the planes respawn. I hope EA/DICE release a Battle of Britain/No Fly Zone type map. Ahh, good ol' Bf42/DC memories...
Same thing just happened to me today. I started shooting at a red-tagged soldier when I realized he wasn't an enemy (see 1st screenie below). But here's a weird thing, when I hit 'tab' later on, I saw that he was listed on the OTHER team (2nd screenie). Weird! I asked if other players were experiencing the same thing and many said yes. I don't think team auto-balance threw him over either. Whenever the tag-switch happens to me, it occurs on really laggy servers, so that might be the common factor. … een014.jpg … een016.jpg
This server was really horrible, the server was kicking ppl. w/ a ping of ~50 (1st screenie) but you can see in the 2nd screenie the pings were all pretty good. … een014.jpg … een016.jpg
This server was really horrible, the server was kicking ppl. w/ a ping of ~50 (1st screenie) but you can see in the 2nd screenie the pings were all pretty good.
MasturbatingBear...that's probably the most disturbing I've seen. If you search for other players using the keyword "masturb", you'd be surprised how many results you get.
Here's a crazy idea: there should be a clan independent of EA and PB dedicated to hunting down hackers/cheaters. It'd be easy: players submit usernames of suspected hackers and their MO, this clan investigates alleged hackers by joining the servers they're playing and observing/recording their activities (using FRAPS and screenshots). If any proof is found, then the clan can submit this info to EA/PB and get the hackers banned. If no proof is found, then the alleged hacker(s) are off the hook but can be on some sort of private (not public or else it'll turn into McCarthyism) "watch" list (meaning if another allegation is brought up, then it would be two strikes against the alleged hacker). The only problem is that there will probably be more false positives than hits, which would suck and be a waste of time...what do you think? Yeah, a crazy idea...
Anybody think there should be an option to spot C4/mines/claymore? I don't think it should work at extreme distances (I can imagine paranoid players calling out "enemy forces spotted" twenty times in fear of running into an explosive), but it sucks when I see five C4 lying around a CP and I can't warn Leeroy-prone tank drivers from getting blown up.
When I'm in a game, I spot for my team a lot, but what I notice is that, even in a good, 32-64 player game where squads are working together and there's some good BF action, there are only a few people who spot constantly (usually including the commander). To me, spotting's incredibly useful, especially against vehicles and snipers in a large game, and it's so easy to spot, especially when you're using ironsights, that I don't understand why ppl. can't simply hit q then LMB before trying to shoot their target. It's frustrating too in an intense game where enemy vehicles are swarming to attack one control point but you have no idea what direction they're approaching, b/c Mr. M95 1337 sniper who can see the entire battlefield from his position is too busy trying to shoot the vehicles' windshields, instead of notifying teammates who are more qualified to take down those incoming vehicles. The only possible bad thing about spotting is that it adds a lot of radio chatter (particularly when a commander spots every member of a six-man enemy squad), but it's worth it IMO. What are your thoughts?
I usually listen to the Rock (that is, the movie) soundtrack, it's got a heroic/patriotic/gungho that makes me do crazy things...but I turn down the volume considerably, otherwise I can't hear VOIPers who have quiet mics/voices
One time I was playing, I guess I had a wrong mic setting or something, b/c my teammates heard, in addition to my voice, my music everytime I talked over VOIP. Ever happen to anybody?
One time I was playing, I guess I had a wrong mic setting or something, b/c my teammates heard, in addition to my voice, my music everytime I talked over VOIP. Ever happen to anybody?
Hi, just wondering, is there some hidden prerequisite for being promoted to PFC? I have 590 points but I haven't been promoted yet...I took a look at where I am in the leaderboards, and though mostly everyone's been promoted to PFC, there are a few other people who are still at private...I checked out the UBAR and it said you need 500 points and that's it...
Survival's a n00b excuse? Hmm, working by that logic, if the game's tickets are down 1 to 1, and I run into an enemy, and he's got an M249 and I have a GP30, I'm NOT going to grenade launch him, b/c, hey, I don't want to be a n00b, I want to have leet skillz! Your argument's based on the idea that people don't want to be labeled n00bs. As long as I'm the one standing and the enemy's the crumpled heap on the floor, it doesn't really matter if I'm a n00b or not. All's fair in love and war. Stop yer complaining. Or at least, go complain in the right forum. :-)
Why would the M203/GP be considered a "n00b tube"? If you get TK'd by an M203, then that's a TK/aiming problem, not a grenade launcher problem. In battle, it's either me or the enemy who dies; if I have a grenade launcher and other guy has a rifle, you'd better believe I'm using the grenade launcher. It has more to do with survival than with being a n00b...I hope they don't change the grenade launcher.