null vote.
^Chode^Scorpion0x17 wrote:
This has never worked for me when i try to post videos...Sl4y3r wrote:
upload it on youtube... then copy the link into those tags [youtube][/youtube]
I know there's a lot of hob nobbing on the internet and there's no way I can back up my claim, but i shit you not.commandochristian wrote:
Good luck with that! Nonetheless, this story sounds like you pulled it out of your ass, but if your quotes are actually what you said and what she replied, than Nice Job! Hope it goes well for you.Executiator wrote:
what the hells that supposed to mean?Pernicious544 wrote:
I hope you explode on your way over there.
and no, it wasn't hax.
I just hope she doesn't have the clap or any of the 5000 HPV's hidden in her pink paradise
what the hells that supposed to mean?Pernicious544 wrote:
I hope you explode on your way over there.Executiator wrote:
this actually worked for me a couple of days ago.SuperSlowYo wrote:
use my sig as a guide..
I was talking to a chick ive known since high school(fucking bomb-shell).
and I just said "hey, would u like to have sex with me?"
and she said "ive been waiting since high school for you to ask me that"
I was like....... WOOOT!
going to her house next tuesday
Edit: mofuggen spelling
this actually worked for me a couple of days ago.SuperSlowYo wrote:
use my sig as a guide..
1 shot hits 2 peeps = 200%, so....madmurre wrote:
some sort of bugadam1503 wrote:
how can you get +100% accuracy? 100% means all your shots hit a target, surely, how can you have more shots hit than youve fired?
You're an idiot.some_random_panda wrote:
That's a good point, I never thought of that. +1d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:
Get everyone worked up about Halo 3 by saying 2 wasnt what "they wanted". Sounds to me like a marketing ploy. And yes I am a Halo fan. Halo 2 was still fun.
Quite frankly, I agree.Bungie wrote:
'We Screwed Up' Halo 2, says Bungie
Halo 2 was and is a great game, but it's certainly not perfect. Now developer Bungie is acknowledging that certain aspects of the game (most notably its ending) needed a lot more work. One employee even went so far as to say that Bungie "screwed up" on Halo 2.
It's hard to criticize a game that puts up $125 million in sales on its first day of availability and goes on to sell around 6.5 million copies worldwide, but for a lot of Xbox gamers, looking back at 2004's blockbuster adventure with Master Chief is frustrating because of the game's somewhat lackluster ending. In hindsight, developer Bungie agrees.
In a fantastic article on the inner workings of the Microsoft-owned studio, Edge Online cites technical lead Chris Butcher on the irritating fact that Bungie just ran out of time on Halo 2. "We had about four to five weeks to polish Halo at the end. No more than that. And that last five per cent is responsible for 30 per cent of the success of the game, or more. That's the period in which we really had a perfect storm," he said. "The team was all there, everything was working great, the Xbox hardware was finally there and good, and we just were able to relentlessly execute on that. The entire game came together within that four- to six-week period.
Butcher continued, "One of the things that stuns me when I think about it, and I can't believe this is true - we had none of that for Halo 2. Take that polish period and completely get rid of it. We miscalculated, we screwed up, we came down to the wire and we just lost all of that. So Halo 2 is far less than it could and should be in many ways because of that. It kills me to think of it. Even the multiplayer experience for Halo 2 is a pale shadow of what it could and should have been if we had gotten the timing of our schedule right. It's astounding to me. I f***ing cannot play Halo 2 multiplayer. I cannot do it. And that's why I know Halo 3 is going to be so much better."
Writer and community officer Frank O'Connor agreed completely that Halo 2's ending just wasn't satisfactory. "We drove off Thelma & Louise style," he said, adding, "The trick is to avoid designing or writing by committee. You have to take what's best from the input you're getting and not have it turn into that too many cooks situation."
Butcher and Bungie composer Marty O'Donnell also shed some light on Bungie's existence as a Microsoft studio and their relationship with the parent company. "The concept that Bungie wouldn't have a launch title for the Xbox 360 was almost impossible to conceive of," remarked O'Donnell. "That was really hard for the suits to swallow, it was like, no no no, we have to have a Bungie launch title. But I remember saying that there's nothing better than for Bungie not to be able to have a launch title, and for Bungie not to be defining the Xbox 360. I know it's scary for everybody, but it's not scary for us. We make games. We don't ship platforms. We don't push platforms. As soon as we think that that's what we're about, as soon as we think that Bungie's a platform company, we are, in my opinion, doomed."
Butcher fully backed O'Donnell's sentiments: "Even through the Microsoft acquisition, Bungie's purpose is not to make money for Microsoft and support the platform. Bungie's purpose is to make great stuff."
Virii.ryan_14 wrote:
Haha yeah.Knightnifer wrote:
Man, people are smart, viruses are getting more and more complex each day.
first of all, he didn't know shit about how to use it. Secondly, it would be easy as hell to get away from ground rolling tread bots with very limited mobility.unholypoo wrote:
What are you smokin'? Did you ever see that huge frickin lazor on his shoulder?Executiator wrote:
first to vote
johnny-5 is a big old pussy bot, so a battalion of those plz
That movie looks like it's gonna kick some major ass!!!oug wrote:
I'm Greek so yeah...
btw in modern Greek its called iliada. Ilias is not wrong, its like using language like "thou shalt" blah blah. Not as old as ancient Greek, but still a form of language that has almost faded (people use it sometimes to look posh )
If you like that kind of stuff keep an eye out for "300". I read the comic book and its great. Hope the movie lives up to it...
wouldn't you be nervous too if all you do is talk to computer parts and software, and then had to stand in front of all those people?Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Wow, he's nervous
This hasn't been posted "time and time again"...Tro0per wrote:
I do agree about this but there is no need to bring it up time and time again. But its always the same thing. I don't see anyone posting stuff about the Oklahoma bombing or any other tragic event that happened.^*AlphA*^ wrote:
we still think about other things in the past now don't we.Tro0per wrote:
Care to explain why I lose?
like wars and what not. these things shouldn't just be forgotten.
I'm all for people remembering dramatic events during there lifetime or historical events, so don't get me wrong.
lol?....[UTQ]_Ausch88 wrote:
North Korea is more a threat to the world than all the country in the entire middle east combined (except ISRAEL). Why are you not taking care of that crazy NUCLEAR state?ATG wrote:
President Bush is virtually alone.
He sees himself as like Winston Churchill in 1932. He was telling the whole world that Adolf Hitler was a threat to the entire world and he had to be dealt with. That is what Bush is doing now.
Many apparent fumbling in the Iraq situation attributed to Bush are actually situations brought about by internal politics here in America. See, the democrats are willing to have the United States suffer a military defeat in the Middle East as long as it can be laid at the feet of the current president.
I will never forgive them for this.
My issues with Bush have to do with border policy, for the most part.
I have raged because we are doing nothing, or so it seems. But maybe, we are doing all that can be done, what with the gaggle of idiots in Washington, aka the loyal democratic party, loyal that is to nothing but opposition.
Empty headed fools.
Sorry but the democrats are the good guys in your country. Bring back Clinton.. at least he was having fun in the white house and nobody got killed