No. The team usually frequents Kami's TS...teddy..jimmy wrote:
ps do kamikazee and crim still frequent ts?
To everyone who voted, thanks a lot for the support, it is honestly appreciated.
Dauntless, thanks again for bringing this up over here.
No. The team usually frequents Kami's TS...teddy..jimmy wrote:
ps do kamikazee and crim still frequent ts?
You will be bored.Emil_the_Slayer wrote:
The teaser made me bored.... the final video should be much better if I'm gonna bother to d/l it...
Guess I was a bit luckier then... I played a few hours before you on that server already and there were mainly familiar faces from the TB and IGI servers online... Plus fishw0rk, who could help on a lot of questions I had... being commander could actually be fun in 0.6!zeidmaan wrote:
Good to hear iGi is up. I was on that Russian server yesterday, not very friendly those Russians
Actually it should be done this upcoming weekend.Snake wrote:
When do you guys think this movie will be done? Weeks/months?
Not a mod. Try searching for something called "BF2 bot changer" or something like that, it'll allow you to increase the number of bots for vanilla BF2, SF and all installed mods and also allow you to alter bot difficulty in steps of 0.1, where 0.5 is medium.ChevyLee86 wrote:
yea true, what mod do i need to get to have more bots?
Less details for better performance.ShawN_ wrote:
Are graphics always this bad in BF2 ???
Except for the booo part, I agree. EoD is quite cool.ScoutStrike wrote:
I voted for Eve of Destruction, most refreshing mod I've ever played. PR boooo!
Wow, at least one post in this thread that's not to be considered fanboy-ism (okay, adding the "me2"-post from David makes 2).doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Yes, definitely.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Rally points when the SL know how they are
A gimmick, barely more. If your squad's medics both died, you might not be able to get yourself enough time to wait for their re-arrival to get fully healed, you'll just be forced to spend more time watching your vision get blurry and listening to your alter-ego coughing and then losing consciousness. Wow.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
The field bandage pack thingie
Yes. I'm not a vBF2 sniper, but did pretty good with a picked up sniper (or marksman?) kit in this mod earlier this week. The thought of a team full of those scares the shit out of me. The limited availability of some other kits doesn't seem that much reasonable to me.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
the special kits
Which is possible in 2142, too, yet less of a risk because even if your pilot or driver is a retard, you won't add another 30+x seconds waiting time after he rammed you into the next best building. I basically like the idea of mobile spawn points, but not fully the way they're implemented.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
you can spawn on cars and APCs
America's Army let's you go through a couple of MC-tests before you're allowed to be field medic in the game. Without a doubt, PR has already made a compromise by sticking to the basic model of "everything but straight headshot and AT hit on infantry can be cured by just a medpack held out or running 300V through a human body", so why not the other way round, too?zeidmaan wrote:
Shockpaddles are basically a representation of years and years of medical training Something insurgents dont have.
No smoke grenades, no Molotov cocktails, no med pack... plus, it's just 2 rockets. Might be enough for a lucky shot, but beyond that? It took me a while to get used to the AT-class in vBF2, too, but these days I can get a KDR of >2 in IO with that kit, too. I don't see that happening with the insurgent AT. Unless he gets a chance to shoot a freshly spawned squad, a medic reviving a teammate or hits the final shot on enemy armor, this class seems to be the most likely one to get raped.zeidmaan wrote:
And RPG class is already the deadliest insurgent class. With 2 rockets, big splash radius and very fast reload and rearm time. Giving them an AK as well would make other classes obsolete.
Agreed. It's been more of a general observation of something I personally think is rather stupid and unnecessary. There's just no reasonable explanation to kill someone who tries to help out their team instead of just making that spot useless, i.e. "seat available, but gun can't be used".zeidmaan wrote:
I agree making the gunner seat in APCs "unspawnable" would be a good idea. But the fact is that scenario when you spawn in the gunner seat and all other seats are occupied and APC wont stop is so rare that it happened to me once in 100 hours of playing. So going to the trouble of coding it (if its even posible) would be a waste of time and effort.
I find flying boring and I don't spend spare time doing stuff that's boring, that's what I have to do at my job and university already.DrunkFace wrote:
You all bitch about planes, but never get in AA, or when flying never engage the other fighters but look for things to bomb, or you just can't fly and bitch about it because your not good enough.
That is an excellent theory, but barely more than that. How many pilots do you think would have a KDR of > 3 for aviator, if they sticked to shooting down enemy jets and bombers exclusively? Same for the choppers. Also, it's never been questioned by anyone that it is stupid to give up vehicles so the enemy can grab them. The equality of the battlefield is a topic in question though: there's vehicles in this game that are just better than others. Some take more hits, some are more agile than their equivalents and, which gets us back to "the way it's ment to be played", what would be the purpose of bombers if not bombing ground troops and enemy armor? Of course it is intended to help people enlarge their e-peen by dropping a set of 5 bombs on enemy ground forces. Now don't start with lucky AT shots, tanks etc. pp. Shooting down enemy jets and bombers in a tank usually takes an extreme lot of luck or an extremely careless pilot, not talking about AT rockets at all.DrunkFace wrote:
Vehicles are not that good... there are plenty of counter measures for every vehicle (wake excluded).
And its the first rule of using vehicles never ever give them up to the enemy EVER!!! If you can follow this one rule, you should have a relatively even playing field where planes fight planes, choppers fight choppers and tanks/infantry fight each other.
Completely agreed. Maybe that's why I wroteDrunkFace wrote:
As infantry you can also aid your team by using AA or going AT, or getting in transports and using the 50 cal against things. If vehicles are not doing there 'job' on your team then its the fault of your team mates not the strength of the vehicles in question.
A chopper can easily mow down an enemy infantry squad and there's not much to do when a bomb wave is heading in your direction either, but barely any infantry guy can go through a whole squad of other awake infantry without dying. That's the difference. Shooting down choppers or jets requires luck and usually coordinated efforts. Prevailing against other infantry is an all-equal environment.AmbassadorofPain wrote:
[...]well knowing that the vast majority of pubbers will not coordinate efforts enough to place 2 vehicles with .50 Cal to shoot the chopper down or, if that happened, some other guy will for sure hop in the drivers seat and drive away.
Good point. But these large 64 player maps are played on 24 or 32 player servers, too, something that pretty sure wasn't ment to be either.Snake wrote:
With the introduction of IO, on the 64size maps only a handful are playable due to the shear size of the maps. Even 32's can be too big.
I don't see these two in particular being popular maps at all. OCS isn't playable in IO, not even in 16 player size, because every boat that would come across the sea would be Eryx'ed before getting anywhere near the shore. FuShe pass 16 player IO though would be a pretty good IO map, even with more players, if, of course, people would stick to doing infantry combat, not camping ridges as snipers and PKM bullet sprayers.Snake wrote:
I dont remember seeing FuShe or OCS being popular IO maps.
Totally agreed. Yet you already mentioned why people hungered for a change: infantry is badly incorporated into most vanilla maps and there's just not enough interesting/exciting vehicles for everyone...Snake wrote:
That, to me, points out exactly what the original intentions of the game were meant to be - a combined battlefield. And it was. Although I feel that DICE did a bad job of incorporating the infantry on most of the vanilla maps, you look at the SF maps (and Great Wall on EF) and they are wonders. They combine all aspects (bar jets) in a very good, well rounded atmosphere. The choppers are only dominant in the most experienced of hands as are the tanks. Compare that to karkand (where most people refuse to leave) and you can see why most people complain of "vehicle whores".
Or ammo points or claymore kills of course.Snake wrote:
Personally, I believe that if stats were not a part of this game, you would see more people on the maps outside of karkand and you would also see more people playing as AT on that map to counter the tanks. And thats because you wouldnt care about your KD. As Drunkface pointed out, all AT weapons generally yield low KDR's. And that is a typical reflection of the effectiveness of the AT weapons vs vehicles - which is how it should be. Its just that nobody wants to do it because they will lose out on a few revive points.
Again, I can only agree.Snake wrote:
Also, DICE did a poor job in implementing the ground defense (TOW's are usually in useless spots as are the mounted LMG's, which are usually for display purposes) which leaves the average grunt having to use the AT weapons. Which we all know, doesn't happen.
That's not desireable, but it doesn't bother me that much actually.Snake wrote:
I hope not, otherwise PK and the latest "Padding Only" servers will also become legalAmbassadorofPain wrote:
Quite obviously, it is the players who decide(d) how BF2 is ment to be played.
True. I wouldn't want to give up the vehicles totally either.Snake wrote:
This game was primarily designed to include an all out battlefield combining all of these aspects. There are not a lot of games, from an FPS POV, that provide this. Why not take advantage of it?
My CPU is t3h suck (AMD X2 4200, not OC'ed), but I haven't had any problems. I have to admit though I didn't see it in fully populated (50 to 64 player) action.Idlewild wrote:
Lagdad!AmbassadorofPain wrote:
It's an awesome map, definitely, just like the city part of Al Basrah an great example of excellent map design.VicktorVauhn wrote:
Overall looks cool. For those who missed an independant map maker is testing a map based off the new map settings called baghdad, its pretty damn barren, but HUGE with great view distance.
Which includedRDMC(2) wrote:
IMO, Infantry Only should never have been introduced in the first place as it completely killed the way Battlefield 2 was meant to be played.
AFAIK they never respont to such inquiries, just general random phrases like the one you gave: "never without good reason".Stubbee wrote:
If you didn't get an email then your email address is invalid or outdated. Contact EA support for their reasons.
They don't reset without good evidence.
It's the same for "Ranked servers" or "Same Mod". It's at least a consistent approach.ScoutStrike wrote:
Well it takes about a second before you get the server info when you click on it. Manually checking the list gets old after a while. Besides, you would expect that if you uncheck the 'No Vehicles' checkbox, it would actually give you the servers *with* vehicles. But nooo, it gives both vehicle and IO servers. Go EA.TrollmeaT wrote:
I like both types of play & the option to play either, its a quick look to see if they allow vehicles or not so whats the problem?
TV2 and Battlefield Gotland for Europe. Both have at least or about 10 servers running, some multimap, some (selected) citymaps only, some IO and some with vehicles. They're located in Norway and Sweden, but unless you're using a carrier pigeon as ISP, you should ping reasonable from the Netherlands.ScoutStrike wrote:
But we definately need a filter for vehicle-only servers! It's goddamn impossible to find a city map server that isn't IO.
Good point, to a certain extent. I know where most of the spawn points are (as well as on Daqing or Dalian and even Dragon Valley), which vehicles spawn etc. but indeed couldn't come up with the names of most flags. Could be because I barely ever played those maps as tactical as I did the city maps... on the larger maps, it's usually just run from one flag to next, whereas on city maps, you might pick one that's a little farther away.Snake wrote:
I mean, if I were to ask everyone to, off the top of their heads, name all the flags on a map like FuShe - most people couldnt. But Karkand? Everybody can.
Bad comparison. Totally. They're three different games that barely have more in common than the fact you're supposed to make a mouse cursor match with a bunch of pixels and press LMB.Nate_32 wrote:
I am just surprised at all the infantry only servers now. There are so many games out that feature infantry only and are so much better. Counter-Strike (both source and original) and America's Army come to mind.
It's an awesome map, definitely, just like the city part of Al Basrah an great example of excellent map design.VicktorVauhn wrote:
Overall looks cool. For those who missed an independant map maker is testing a map based off the new map settings called baghdad, its pretty damn barren, but HUGE with great view distance.
To me personally, I'm being turned away because of the long spawn times. It's far beyond frustrating to lie dying 25 seconds, get revived, have an enemy squad pop up from out of nowhere and lie there again for another 30 +x seconds without even having gotten up. Let that happen twice a round and I spent already 2 minutes rotting in my own virtual blood.zeidmaan wrote:
And short spawn and no penalty servers give the mod a bad name. The whole point of "long" spawn times is to give a player some kind of penalty for dieing. That way it tries and to a point succeeds in stopping the Rambo gameplay and hectic lonewolfing.
And when a new player decides to try the mod out, there is a big chance he will end up on one of the "modified" servers. So the first impression of the mod is vBF2 with some new toys and same gameplay. And that will turn many good players away and attract many not-so-good players.
Me2, regardless of which one wins. I'm sure they're just knife-padding anyways.Ganko_06 wrote:
Shoot the winner.
French as in from France. I group /Canucks/ together with Canadians and don't have any experience with other French-speaking countries.[Hive]-Twist wrote:
French as in, French from France or french as in speaks french?
lol @ our serious Teamspeak.Marlboroman82 wrote:
i like this server
That's plain wrong. There have been considerations and in fact the two parties (yay, we have more than 2 of them actively being part of the parliament, all countries for which that applies please raise your hands) that form our government have that written into their coalition contract: It has to be examined into depth to which extent playing FPSs has an influence on people's level of aggression, especially that of teenagers. While it is true that certain populists have been demanding a general ban on all kinds of FPSs, all proposals to the government so far have been - quite harshly, with numbers that left no doubt - rejected.Metal-Eater-GR wrote:
And hey,anyone heard that some politics in germany had banned killing games like CSS etc as they think it makes ppl to kill.lolz for crying out loud
Either way, EOD for me at this point. One last note though, on the whole "relation of numbers" issue: I know several people who did not place their account's origin in their real homeland. I myself have accounts coming from several other countries and I know non-Germans who have theirs coming from Germany.myself wrote:
April 26, 2002: Robert Steinhäuser, a student of the Johann Gutenberg Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany, who had been expelled from school a few weeks before his final exams, killed 13 teachers, 2 fellow students and and a police officer before committing suicide. Soon again, society had found the most obvious reasons for this: violent computer games, heavy metal and rock music, horror and action movies. Various conservative politicians demanded a national ban of all ego shooters. The term "Killerspiele" ("Killer games") was coined.
November 20, 2006: A student of a Realschule in Emsdetten, Germany, enters his former school and starts throwing incendiary bombs and shooting around. 37 People are being injured. The police found pipe bombs on the dead student's body. The student was said to be quiet and passive, focussing most of his energy on military-style games in the countryside and - violent computer games.
All of a sudden, national news seem to report of more planned or announced amok runs every three to four days. While the majority seems to come from freeloaders, the police warns not to take the situation too easy.
December 8, 2006: In Cottbus, Germany, a 19-year-old is being put on trial for murder due to base motives. He beat up a homeless person after losing several rounds of "Smackdown vs. RAW" on his Playstation while playing with a friend for hours. Though he said he did not intend to kill the person, he smashed the derelict's cranial bone.
That's not an argument. How many Germans were in the Top10 before EA started massively resetting? Even further, how many were in the Top50?cowami wrote:
Ah, that clarifies things.
He's German. Most of them are douches (no offense to the Germans here...most of you, anyway) who will whore things. Just look at the top 10.
No. That equals with medic. If all squadmembers are down, it doesn't matter if they have 4 unused rifle clips and 4 frag grenades left. On the other hand, a squad at full health without bullets in their primary weapons isn't really helpful.-101-InvaderZim wrote:
Like the Medic and Engineer - Easy points
Played properly the Support Class is THE most important when in a Squad.
Hm. No idea what you're talking about. From my experience, it's less a problem on Ghost Town than on Warlord or even Mass Destruction.CouchPotato wrote:
ghost town IO is no fun... All it is is nade spamming..