100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England
OK, total self indulgence here, but I think I deserve it.

After almost 200 knife kills, I finally managed to get the expert knife badge on the UK Res server. I had two of my mates online on team speak, and they were giving me loads of encouragement, which really helped.

Thanks to the res (|2es) guys for giving me such a hard time and making me work for it - the badge is that much sweeter because of how tough it was.

Last edited by Thanatos247 (2005-12-06 00:29:48)

congrats man. i have a while yet before i can get mine.
Wow, nice. I just got my basic! woot
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7091|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Welcome to the club, nice to see that more and more people are doing it without padding.
yea same here i got my expert knife a while ago and now am working on my expert pistol
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England
Thanks all. It was a real difficult medal to get, but I'm really proud of how much work I put in to get it.

I think next up will be my explosives expert... 37 explosives kills in a round... *tugs collar* eek.
'twice cooked beef!'
i such with the knife. still don't have my basic.

how about sharing some of that knife mojo?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England

Krappyappy wrote:

i such with the knife. still don't have my basic.

how about sharing some of that knife mojo?
I know there have been a million other posts that say what the best ways of getting the knife medals are, but here is how I did it.

1. Play on maps where the flags are close together. When you die it's closer to get to the enemy flags.
2. Be a spawn whore knifing git. Everyone will hate you, but you cant expect the enemy to approach you to let you knife them. Hang around the enemy spawn point, and if you see them, knife them.
3. Switch to knife. Dont be tempted by that "extra couple of points for a machine gun kill", you need to get knife kills not machine gun kills for the medal.
4. If you are spotted from a distance and get shot at, run off around a corner. Most people will see you running, assume you are about dead and run after you. Knife them when they turn the corner.
5. Play on a 32 player server. Unless you are Rambo, a 64 player server is too crowded and you will get mowed down, a 16 player server doesnt have enough knife fodder. This is personal choice, find what you are comfortable with.
6. If you are halfway through the round with 1 knife kill, dont bother. Switch back to your main weapon and enjoy the rest of the round because you arent going to get your medal.
7. Be devious. Hide around corners, sneak up behind people. Drive a jeep behind enemy lines and approach them from behind. Do things that people wouldnt expect. Running through an open space with a knife in your hand towards a four man squad armed with machine guns is not a good idea.
8. Be patient. Wait until that person you are running behind stops, get your knife aimed for their torso, and bam! Knife them.
9. You will get killed. Lots. Accept it and keep your cool.
10. Medic! I found it best playing a medic because you can get extra points by healing and reviving to keep your score up, keep your own health up, and you dont tire easily when giving chase.
11. Luck. Sometimes a combination of skill, luck and noobs will get you this medal. I knifed a guy, his mate came in and revived him, so I knifed both of them. A bit of luck like that gets you almost halfway to your basic / veteran medal.
12. Perseverance. If you are losing your cool, play a few rounds with the gun. Then swap back to knifing.
13. Knowledge. Know your maps and your spawn points. If you arent sure where people appear, and you dont know your way around the maps, it's going to be hell.
14. Head for where you think the front line is. It will be where most victims await your cold steel.
15. UAV is vital. If you have a good commander, he will be constantly plaving the UAV where the most enemy are. If you are also in that area, you can see where your next knife kill waits.
16. Watch where people are facing. The mini map is invaluable in this respect. If you run around a corner and someone is facing you with a machine gun, it's going to be painful. If you wait a few seconds until they turn around, chances are you are in for a knife kill.
17. Keep your cool. I already said this, but it's a definate one to keep at the front of your head. If you panic when you are in someones face with a knife, you will get shot. Remember that if someone comes up to you with a knife, you panic because you know it's one stab one kill (in most cases).
18. Spacial awareness. In close combat when you have been spotted, spacial awareness is key. If your enemy if running around trying to locate you, if you are more spacially aware than they are, the kill should be yours.
19. Bunny Hop. I'm probably going to get loads of grief from people for saying this, but it you are running across an open space towards someone, or giving chase across an open space, and they turn around... are you going to stand there and take a round of lead like a man, or are you going to do everything you can to close those last couple of feet and take them out with your knife.
20. Go one servers where the admins dont get miffed because you keep knife killing them and ban you. Oh yeah, I've been there.

So there you go. 20 hints and tips that should help you on your way to that illustrious knife medal

Happy hunting.

(edit: typo's)

Last edited by Thanatos247 (2005-12-07 03:53:39)

King Poulet

Now good luck on the expert explosive ordinance

Got the Expert Knife twice but did not registered (Thanks EA).  Now it appear on my bf2s profile, but not in sig.
M95, Accept No Substitutes
I also have the expert knife badge and after reading this post I checked my stats.  I think it is funny that one of my highest k:d ratios is with a knife.  Bunny hopping is definitely key as well as being stealthy.  I think Karkland is the best map to get it on.  And I guess I am Rambo like according to the guy above cuz I got it on Moders Karkland server with 58 people playing.

Let me add some advice to anyone trying to get it. 

1. Hide around corners right where people spawn, just as your team is going for their flag.  Lots of people will go prone as soon as they spawn making it much easier to kill them.

2.  Make sure you are in a squad with a good squad leader.  Then spawn on him so you can always spawn as close to the action as possible.

3. If you kill a guy back off just a bit but not too far.  Typically a medic will come running to revive him and since the average medic is not that bright they will generally revive without killing you first.  If you are quick this can turn one knife kill into 3.

4. Look for people tossing out med packs and ammo packs.  No gun = easy kill.

Also, is it just me or is it retarded that it is easier to get the expert knife than it is to get the expert pistol.
+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
HEHEH!! I got my Expert Knife Badge last night!!

It was damn hard, but so gratifying to get it.  I was a medic playing on Karkand on 64 player map but with 32 players in it, heh I also got my Veteran First Aid Badge as well the same round. Funny how that one just came by without me paying attention to it.

I had the extreme fortune of killing one guy and hanging back and letting a medic revive him, knifed them both and ANOTHER medic came, I let him revive the other guy which luckily happened to be the first medic.  I killed the 3rd guy and the medic that was just revived revived my first victim without even trying to kill me!! So I killed both them again. So that was 6 kills within a few seconds, already a one-third of the way there! The last few were the hardest as I was desperately trying to get them before the tickets ran out. I thanked the last victim for giving me the Expert Knife Badge, to which he called me a "Cock" and I corrected him, "It's Cack" and he started a kick vote on me, it failed thankfully as I would have been supremely infuriated if I was kicked and wasn't awarded the Badge afterwards.

I never bunnyhopped.  I sprinted in a zig-zag pattern towards the victim with some crouches to mix it up, but the zig-zag usually messes with their aim especially if they are standing up.  They then either try to knife me back at which point I usually win or they pull out their pistol which doesn't do much damage.  I also find if they are hitting me to pull out my medic bag to heal me on the way to him if I am spotted and also sprint and throw it ahead of me so I will pick it up when I get to it afterwards, at which point the guy is bunnyhopping around like mad trying to reload. When they bunnyhop it is extremely easy to get them because I know where they are going to approximately land *stab* and he's dead, if I don't get him he has no stamina to sprint away and he can't aim properly while he's jumping.

I love killing n00b tubers, but tend to die from them a lot with their unskillful point blank suicide-kills.  When they do miss because I jump over the grenade they panic while reloading.  It's hilarious! *stab* and a "Die noob tubing bunnyhopper!" message right after.
+45|7056|Toronto, Canada

{glg20}fitzhume wrote:

Also, is it just me or is it retarded that it is easier to get the expert knife than it is to get the expert pistol.
I guess so, since the knife is an instant kill, but the pistol is one of my favourite weapons now that I can snipe with it.  It is one my main weapons when I am playing as an engineer or anti-tank infantry. I also use it frequently to counter-snipe snipers when I am support and I need accurate shots, quick double- or triple-taps to the head means pistol kill + 1.

I really love playing as Spec Ops and as a sniper, so I make sure I use the silenced pistols as much as possible.  The only people that know how what direction I'm shooting from is the victim and they tend to live long to turn around. If they immediatly duck and cover, switch to the primary weapon or grenade if they are entrenched to finish them off.

I will slowly make my way towards the required 500 kills.  Almost halfway there with 242.
Scharfschütze [GeR]
+0|7030|Berlin, Germany

Gilgalad wrote:

Welcome to the club, nice to see that more and more people are doing it without padding.
Ehhm could you tell me in what way statspadding can help you get the expert knive badge...? o.O
You just have to kill the camping sniperWhores, it´s not so difficult man...

PD:Gratz for the Expert-Knive
+4|7053|Hamilton, Scotland
its bloody hard getting the knife badges, i only got my basic a while ago, and i killed the same guy about 10 times lol! but the guy eventually nailed me with an helo chain gun

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2005-12-07 10:21:54)

King Poulet

{glg20}fitzhume wrote:

I also have the expert knife badge and after reading this post I checked my stats.  I think it is funny that one of my highest k:d ratios is with a knife.  Bunny hopping is definitely key as well as being stealthy.  I think Karkland is the best map to get it on.  And I guess I am Rambo like according to the guy above cuz I got it on Moders Karkland server with 58 people playing.

Let me add some advice to anyone trying to get it. 

1. Hide around corners right where people spawn, just as your team is going for their flag.  Lots of people will go prone as soon as they spawn making it much easier to kill them.

2.  Make sure you are in a squad with a good squad leader.  Then spawn on him so you can always spawn as close to the action as possible.

3. If you kill a guy back off just a bit but not too far.  Typically a medic will come running to revive him and since the average medic is not that bright they will generally revive without killing you first.  If you are quick this can turn one knife kill into 3.

4. Look for people tossing out med packs and ammo packs.  No gun = easy kill.

Also, is it just me or is it retarded that it is easier to get the expert knife than it is to get the expert pistol.
Nice tips, I should try same for the Vet explosive

However I must says it only works when teams are bloody balanced in terms of skills.  If one side is stronger than other you will either get owned whatever you do or not getting enough kills because the tickets have reached 0.

Last edited by King Poulet (2005-12-07 12:49:41)

+85|7065|good old CA
lol nice i just got my basic
bad touch

nice job! im always like at 15 or 16 kills with it when the round ends

Last edited by DaBigDragon (2005-12-07 15:54:42)

I would have to agree, its harder to get the damn pistol badge then the knife badge.. at least the knife is a 1 hit kill

Good job though on getting it, I just got mine as well, working on the pistol hehe
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

I am going to collect some MOJO for the :

Expert Explosive
Expert Knife

hopefully i will get them some day soon !
I got mine a few months back, and it was awesome   I'd spent the last TWO DAYS with nothing but either a medbag, shock paddles, or a knife out

I got it on the Black Panthers server, running Karkand with 20 people, on a stalemate between Hotel and Square.  My strategies were basically charging, jumping, stabbing :p  Now, one thing I DID find was that if you stabbed someone near their spawn, get cover near him and kill him when he gets rezzed and kill the medic, those were my last 3 kills

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