Fantasma Parastasie
What do you, or will you, remember the most out of the hundreds of even thousands of hours you've played BF2? What will make you reminise about how good it all was, or how much fun you had with the people you played with?

I have two best moments to remember:

EnemyDown 32v32 match:

about 8 clans were playing at once, each clan a squad on a team fighting on 64 player maps. Before the match started, the admins wanted to make a group photo. Everyone gathered in front of the Mosque (map was Mashtuur) to pose. almost everyone was there, looking at the dude that was going to take the picture. One of the guys in my clan, Clown, decided to put C4 under everyone and detonate. I have never before seen anything like it: the sky was filled with a cloud of infantry, putting so much stress on the server that the ragdolls spazzed out and went into the most weird positions ever, with heads missing or detached from their bodies, which were landing at nearby flags while everyone in our ventrilo channel died laughing

12vs.12 conquest match:

I had to get in one of the F-35's as a squad leader and bail at the main entrance flag on Dalian Pllant. Even though success largely depended on me getting the squad to Main Entrance, I decided to carefully land my F-35 at the flag, avoiding J-10's and Z-10's, get out, and let my squad spawn before taking off again. Through some miracle I actually survived TV-guided missles and eryxes to take off again and shoot down their J-10 that just took off. The enemy clan then proceeded to call me a cheat while everyone in my squad was laughing their asses off and we captured the flag.

post what you'll remember the most. your best moments of BF2. I've still got plenty more I'll remember, including parking jets on enemy carriers during matches, getting kicked for baseraping because I gave the USMC a J-10 on wake island (literally: I parked it on their carrier and got out, but still managed to run over 8 people who stood in my landing zone without any actual reason),
+70|6580|Newcastle UK
I have lots of memories from my old clan such as on songua (typo) i decided after getting pissed off by enemy armour i would go black hawk c4 throwing with my mate lemon. He was flying and i was gunning/c4ing and we finished the next round69-0 in a clan match.

Another would be when i ran 9 people over on the j-10 spawn in my f35. I got called a hacker the rest of the round but two of my old clan mates who i ran over were pissing themselves laughing on vent.
+133|6561|Bloomington Indiana
mine was nothing special, but i laughed.
i was flyin a blackhawk in on of the chinese maps and was gettin pounded by their anti air before my blackhawk explodes i bail over one of their bases and land on top of a building. out of nowhere their attack helicopter finds me and i pound it with a sraw round, their gunner shoots at me but misses every shot, pilot flies up but is wrecked by my second sraw round.
so the next 2-3 minutes i pounded their armor and infantry from a relatively good hiding spot.
prince of insufficient light
Sooooooooooooooooo much win. C4ing the full enemy BH less than a minute into the round pre 1.2 Mash.

20 hours into a lan on Sharqi IO, as US raping MEC back to uncaps, we jacked a boat and started patrolling their beachouse claiming to be the US coast guard in a full RIB.

TVing damn J-10 whores.

Someone telling my clannie to go to a chopper factory and stop raping. (what the hell?)

I love my clan

Edit: Oh damn I forgot taking out a J-10 on wake with a vehicle drop.
+1,106|6555|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

For me, my best moment was 2-3 days ago on Sharqi IO. My side was the USMC, and we had been raping the past few rounds, whether we were MEC or USMC. So I spawned as AT at Hotel, and blew up the RIBs as usual. After I was killed, I decided to be a sniper whore from the crane. When I finally reached the top, I wondered why no one was running past Surveillance Post, trying to cap it. Turns out, our team had essentially pushed them back to the uncap outside of City Entrance. So I just sat there on the crane, having a conversation with one of the other sniper whores about baseball. Good time, it was.

There was also a time on Dalian. Having been killed by a baseraping J-10er, I respawned back on the Essex. Of course, I happened to spawn right when the Blackhawk did, leaving me somehow glitched with my torso in the rear stabilizer thing (the mini-wing near the rear rotor). Naturally, when my team mate took the BH, i went along with it. No problem, I figured, I'll just be packing a little extra firepower from a spot where no one would look.
Well, I was dead wrong.
The moment the pilot takes off and reaches the BH's full speed, I get flung away, as if I had been holding onto the main rotor and decided to let go. It was pretty damn cool from my viewpoint, though.

  • F-35 noob uses hover to attempt to rape the airbase on Wake.
  • cowami whips out his trusty Chinese-made pistol.
  • cowami aims and fires at said F-35.
  • Aforementioned noob panics, believing Mr. J-10 is coming, changes to flying mode, forgets to pull up nose, and plows into hill.
  • cowami gets kill, and warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing he has done well.

Of course, there is the thing which happens every time when I play Sharqi as the Marines: the fools in MEC RIBs coming full speed at my AT rockets like Lemmings to the cliffs.

EDIT: Stuff about Dalian and Wake.

Last edited by cowami (2007-02-21 17:12:57)
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
When I blasted the crew out of a full Black Hawk with my grenade launcher. The chopper was still in the air as the  only guy I failed to kill was the pilot.
i was a usmc sniper on dalian hiding in the mountains in the chinese base over looking their heli pad and runway. I saw a j 10 flying by for repairs so i took a shot at it randomly and killed the pilot ! LOL i didnt ever expect it i just shot at it. and I laughed my head off as the plane just flew into the ground after that. I was unable to do that again. This was when i was a noob to.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6697|Washington State, USA
Shooting a Admin repeatedly through a fence on Karkand about 3 times and getting banned with a score of 150
+127|6610|Twyford, UK
A daring movie-style leap from a building on Mashtuur into a blackhawk hovering there to pick me up.

Dismounting from a blackhawk on mashtuur as it lands; the whole squad dismounts and runs for the flag, I hang back, fix the chopper, then leg it off after them.

Schneaking off to cap the hotel on Karkand while everyone gets into a war of attrition at the bridge. We failed, but it was fun.

Commanding on Karkand, and watching my entire force of blue dots clustered around fighting off the enemy force of red dots on completely dead even flags, defending the train accident.

Pretty much winning the round on Wake, by supressing the airfield with my SRAW and pistol and a supply crate; any time something moved, I shot at it. Whenever the J10 or the chopper spawned, boom, gone. Everyone was hiding, convinced I was a sniper. And two or three guys on the enemy team were getting completely pissed off with me, making suicide runs to try and get me after repeated pistol kills, backstabs, shotgunnings, and rocketings of their chopper on takeoff.

When I first discovered about chopper-whacking on Sharqi with my PKM. Shot down the enemy chopper a coupla times with it, and irritated them a whole load.

Seeing my team on Sharqi reach the point where enough was enough of being strafed, missiled, and shot at, and the next low-level pass of the chopper resulting in about 10 AT rockets arcing up at it. Most missed, but I've never seen anyone pull up so fast.

Every time I can stall the behaviour of a chopper or tank whore by waving my rocket launcher at them.

Armour convoys.

Supressing most of an enemy team for long enough for my guys to capture a flag and turn the tide of the match in SF, by camping the next building over from the spawn with my PKM, and spotting and shooting people and occasionally the hind when someone got in.
And the subsequent knife kill when I got up to find a healthpack, fell off the building onto one, climbed back up, and found a sniper literally right next to me doing the same job for the other team, who hadn't spotted me on his way up. (Naturally, I stepped on him, teabagged him, stabbed him, turned around, and got shot by his friend.)
Platinum Star whore
+365|6943|Middle of nowhere
i remember 3 times on karkand when i got 50+ kills without dying in a tank, only to have the server crash everytime...

i also remember the round i got my 51 kill streak, it was Commander on Wake, and i was China, and the US players insisted on camping on the Carrier, so i kept Artying the Carrier, and they kept spawning there.  They only spawned once on the island, but using boats must have been a foreign concept, because they didnt' do anything and i just arty'd them, and then they spawned back on the Carrier.  They got mad and kept saying things like "Chinese Commander has a small penis for artying carrier!!"

another time i remember on Wake, was my friends and i were in a boat headed for the airfield, and i was bored, so i typed in "Press Alt-F4 for Super Unlock!!" and 3 people then promptly disconnected from the server
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
On Wake, I threw a AT mine on the side of shallow hill. It landed on it's edge and started rolling. On it's side.

I stared at it amused for a while, watching it casually roll down the hill.

Into the road. With the teammates. In their cars.

You have been punished for a teamkill.
When I first played a borrowed copy of BF2, the Blackhawks still had their uber1337 miniguns. Those were fun times.

But recently, the most memorable moment had to be when I fired SRAW at a chopper, missed (badly), and hit a plane. Chopper was circle strafing, I fired straight, happened to be a plane going for a bombing run on the flag I was at. The first and probably the last AT plane kill I will ever have.
+2|6974|The Dorf, MD
Two memories spring to mind:

1 - I was playing on a knife and pistol server and was the commander.  I just wanted the 2x points so I was doing everything that I could to get my team going.  We, at our worst point, were 50 pts down, but were able to bring it back to win 1-0.  BR of 477!

2 - Was on Mashtur and took the BH for a spin to HALO some of my sq into the Mosque.  I dropped them off and then got into a turning battle with the other chopper.  I had no one on board so I was getting hammered.  Last ditch effort was to pull up, but the chopper was dying.  I jumped and the other chopper pilot jumped to try and take the Backyard.  I dove for his chopper, entered it, and proceeded to land on him for the kill and "Defend Flag" points!

BF2   FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!
99 Problems . . .

Killed 2 Tanks today using Missles as Heli Gunner.

If anyone read my Post on "Whoring Etiqutte" knows why this is my SportsCenter Highlight.

Da na na, Da na na!
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
My most memorable moment was a 64 player Sharqi, i was on the crane sniping, no-one else in the hole map was sniping, i got 1 death and 64 kills, thats right you heard me a 64:1 round,
+0|6545|Melbourne, Australia
Karkand, at the warehouse spawn upstairs there was a squad of 5 spamming any poor bastard that came in the open doorway. I was on the other side of the wall and every time they spawned on the squad leader I stabbed or shot them through the wall. I got 9 kills before they realised what was happening then in typical bully fashion, they came for me and cut me down mercilessly. Got severely teabagged too. lol
Jet Whore
When I hit a Black Hawk with my jet, the jet lost alot of health, but the Black Hawk blew up giving me 6 kills, everyone called me a hacker with godmode, but that was a nice moment...
+0|6545|Melbourne, Australia
Not really a good moment..... Was on wake and getting flown accross from the carrier in a full blackhawk with best mate Beowulf(AUS) and the chopper exploded, not sure how but he got the TK for it even though he wasn't flying. He was -26 teamscore before he'd even fired a shot. The wreckage must have killed some team mates on arty island as well.
btw, Madman aint my BF2 name.

Last edited by Madman (2007-02-22 02:06:21)

My best moments when i was playing bf2 back in the day on PTG city maps, i played like 4-5 hr a day when getting points was fun

SargeV1.4 wrote:

What do you, or will you, remember the most out of the hundreds of even thousands of hours you've played BF2? What will make you reminise about how good it all was, or how much fun you had with the people you played with?

I have two best moments to remember:

EnemyDown 32v32 match:

12vs.12 conquest match:
Simply awesome. GG to you sir!
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6796|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
the first time i drove a tank and raped the Hotel. that was gold, people saying that a private cant do that.
+519|6886|Gold coast, Aus.
Hm...Finally getting a friend who has wanted Bf2 from day 1 (technical difficulties halted it back until recently) anyway, first game, we spawn, were both on TS getting hyped for a first game with each other. we both spawn on the carrier, walk forwards, going to the attack chopper. And out of NOWHERE a j-10 swoops the carrier and rams us both. It was so out of place. Made me laugh in real life
Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna
when I killed codeseven.osk and codeseven.neo:) with my M24 without even getting hurt
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7004|Comber, Northern Ireland
mine would have to be on Dalian plant i had three C4 on the road leading down to main entrance from the PLA base, hoping that a tank or apc would come. But NO a Z-10 comes down flying really low and sciming through the trees and generally flying pretty damn well. Just as he went over the C4 BOOOM Helli crashes down...onto a full jeep i cudnt believe it i got two kills but the pilot got three team kills i was well pleased.

and this happened me a few days back there, i shot down a full black hawk with the TV missile, it may sound dumb and all and like u guys have done it loads but this is the first time i have EVER done it:
+405|6728|A W S M F O X
Hmmmm....probably Shock paddling the first 2 4 stars in OZ in a row, face on, them having AK's. Badbadman69 and Wafferhermuff.

Also my 14 paddle kill streak on full 64 night flight map, that was badass.

And getting a headshot with every bullet from full SVD clip, most of them running!

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