Looking for cooperative team players? Got a Xfire account? Reply with your Xfire name here!
If you don't have an account go get one, its all free.
If you'd like us to link to your bf2s profile, reply with the following
Your Xfire name – [url=Link to your BF2S profile]Your forum name[/url] for example: afrojap – [url=http://bf2s.com/player/43596155/]tF-afrojap[/url]
afrojap – tF-afrojap
bloodysky666 - Bloody Sky
trigg3rhappy – TriggerHappy998
chuyskywalker – chuyskywalker
Pans - Panserbjorn
priznat - priznat
kilroy0097 - kilroy0097
mort4u – mort4u
mikeshw – mikeshw
bschuss – B.Schuss
kirks - kirks
Sunday8PM - Sunday8PM
cplsmith - CplSmith-Si-
zsarkangel - ArkAng37
typhino - Typhino
Dillbox - Dilly
got3n - Got3n
cmdrdave - CMDR_Dave
nimhurchu - NiMhurchu
Holykitsune - Holykitsune
mrbad1dea - mr_bad_idea
Madcat25 - <eN>Madcat
andrewpoison - AndrewPoison
isikdark - ISIK_Dark
wileyx - Preacher
TiMMY8765 - TiMMY8765
rax0r - Raxor
bruce19428 - Bruce
krauser98 - Krauser98
Rewl - Rewler
cobber101 - Pathfinder502
Krappyappy - Krappyappy
draxx - SgtDraxx
sinir - sinir
Faithplus1 - Faith +1
apocalypse416 - Apocalypse416
rofn - rofo
pocketjazzy - pocketjazzy
droopox - Droopox
spanktorthegreat - SpanktorTheGreat
silenthunter343 - silenthunter343
DonbeE - DonbeE
FistFullofClams - fistfullofclams
fspunchnjudy - -(F^S)-PunchnJudy
dapinhed - DaPinHed
Kushiel - Kushiel
slaythem - =[4th]=SlayThem
oholibah - OholibaH
seal10 - MurrayP
killedbycrimson - kontrolcrimson
Gypsy000 - gvp000
1manarmy69 - 1MaNArmY
shani21 - {75A}Desertstorm
lobo21 - GenLobo
badsnipaday - (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay
PUNISHER~6~ - fizz85
rocklyons357 - rocklyons
amdman - [OvC] AMD Man
cinnamonbits - CinnamonBits
Sewermasta - sewermasta324
NiteFever - NiteFever
JohnnyJust - HotButter
Miakei - Miakei
Strayfire - Strayfire
StonedSmurfz - Stoned_Smurfz
landepaukku - Landepaukku
guruzfin - Guruz
bluehavoc8686 - bluehavoc8686
dirtysouth05 - US|dirtysouth
beeng - beeng
killmaster - KiLLMasTer
Locarno - Locarno
paladus902 - Paladus902
TheMajorBummer - TheMajorBummer
maulowns - Cactuskiller
njtagg - NateDawg=US=
blizzardo - BliZZard
czarosniq - Czarosniq
mrtanuki - MrTanuki
taddzilla - taddzilla
TwistedX1478 - TwistedX
crestj - crestj
scratchy2206 - Scratchy
sgtgh0st - Sgt.Gh0st
lockeon - lockedon
JesterPlayer1 - JeSTeR_Player1
ciler83 - [AH]Cil3r
ecgeneralpatton - .:ronin:.|Patton
theelectro - baTTle*EleCtrO*
007hutchy - 007hutchy
shortah - shortah
sokvichet - SokViChet
cbass94 - SrA_Shady
kr00ked - KrooKed
basnerd - basnerd
archbf2 - H_Arch
drinkingtime - The_Time
daivei78 - Daivei
Goose1123 - Goose1123
DamagInk - DamagInk
systray - SysTray
odmodm - The ODM
reccos - Mr_Irish
fikraag7 - fikraag7
pattonrules - aTi|Sanders
nrswomiller - Miller
Cyjoki - Cyjoki
b0nerbaby - BonerBaby
elshiznit - :]-[: El_Shiznit
karke009 - Pineapple_Pez
guitarfreak232 - Maj.Do
tahoekilla11 - tahoekilla11
tyroptic - Tyroptic
loaderx - LoaderX
jeckelcopy - Jeckelcopy
Skullmeat - Skullmeat
phoenixgeronimo - >HzK<PhoeniX
colonelvolgin - colonelvolgin[bad]
semiskimmed - Milk.org
r0bz0mb13 - Tank_Attack
divided2 - divided
Tarthkin - Tarthkin
servermayhem - Broken-Down-Hitler
th3maverick - Nipr.[net]
migueldiaz - Miguel diaz
Splixx - splixx
Ted - [TGN][C]Tedno
aslanthecreator - Aslan_the_Creator
teflonshadow - (T)eflon(S)hadow
xfunkzx - FunKz
infinitydouwe - infinitydouwe
Sahasrahla - Sahasrahla
suprafreak - Suprafreak
agtnocash - Riot77
bsebllhitta20 - Dopin_Nuts
suffihannes - Koffie
RedFiercare - RedFiercare
canadiannnnn - [N.B]canadiannnn
1on1killa - [S.P.S]1on1killa
lockandload4665 - lockandload
guitarfreak232 - Maj.Do
Dobbs773 - dobbs
ztrooper - Z-trooper
1stssfnuka - [1stSSF]=Nuka=
madjihad - mad_jihad
almightystomper - col.sanders71
gijoemfa - G.I.JOE¤MFA¤
Scolirk - Scolirk_Apoelo
Starman7 - starman7
nhemert - IlIlIlIlIl
zeibach - Zeibach
v1z10 - KiT
xxfreemanxx - n00b.Worx
nek1981 - NEK
dsmsongofwar - {DsM}SongofWar[BoC]
Zarabadoo - Zarabadoo
haplo48 - Supersized
tetrino - Tetrino
WarGreymonST - ST19AG_WGreymon
monkeyhunkeytunkey - monkeyhunkeytunkey
zeppelinman - Lib-Sl@yer
Cheeerio - PsycoCheerio
insaneazn36 - NinjaPanda
agamemnar – <{SoE}>Agamemnar
drewdeezee19 – _|x|ake|x|_
lyricalwhips- General.ly gravy
Theunknownghost - insanemotherfucker
thewarman – War Man
searaptor22 - The_Mob_Returns
joosth – joosth
d4bidden - CRIMS0N_W0LF
sheggalism - sheggalism
johnbinder – Bingo
flyingdutchmanjurjen - [DS]FlyingDutchman
0serge0 - {DS}Serge
gouey - Gouey
canadianstriker16 – {504th}T/4.Stryker
bluegfighter - ZeroGForce
munkis – mUnKi_UnKel
usernametakenstilltaken - [VS-UK]MrFarmer
ssulli - ssulli
DarkLordFoxx – DarkLordFoxx
blacklegion42 - BlackLegion42
smacktasticbutcher – Buckling
kenshin257 - Kenshin257
adelphi – Adelphi
S4INT05 - S4INT05
rumblefishisonfire - LockerFish
jgrahl – jgrahl
prettybird- prettybird
stickybomb – Stickybombs
tankrusher - Obiwan
Viper007Bond - Viper007Bond
Tearsofromance -- Tearsofromance
e7ix3r – E7IX3R
KtotheIMMY - KtotheIMMY
greenie_beanie - Greenie_Beazinie
nitro91 - nitro92
evometallicafan - -=256=-Evo_Wales
saslynx4 - SAS-Lynx
peterbrun - MPBRUN
j5689 - _j5689_
exstatickay - ex-static
Injecter - TC><Injecter
crazmit - [MIST]chaos
Reaper2325 - Reaper2325
[jive]spy905 - [jive]spy905
edgronny - RonnY[NL]