+6|6339|The Battlefield
I don't know if he's already know in america but i come to uncover this figure only some days ago , seeing these 2 videos :


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_krcXnW … amp;search

These video have been made by the Sniper himself , with a custom rifle.... a digital camera attached to the rifle itself ( a israeli rifle indeed ).

You americans seem to have a real tough enemy in baghdad : this Juba is an Islamic Amry war hero , a sniper that operates in the urban warzone in baghdad. In these video he snipes many of your soldiers without hurting any civilian : i must give him credit for this.

I mean.... all the soldiers should act as him , kill the enemy and don't hurt the civilians. This guy is some SERIOUS sniper... those shoots are terrific.
The video is distributed by the Islamic Army in Iraq.. a warning to the american soldiers in baghdad. I should fear to go out there with this guy free , if i was an american.

I have other videos where there are soldiers from other nations with some american soldiers, but he doesn't hurt the other soldiers... he kills only the americans.

The great thing about Juba is that he manages to kill the soldier in the middle of many civilians.... he's a GREAT shot.. and he knows it as from this other video :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbWLe6T … amp;search

That's him you know...

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 03:11:12)

I thought he was already arrested a while ago with his videocam mate,
sorry to see him go , especially he's seems one of the few able to shoot a gun , instead of pressing the BOOM button and 20 people die.

I do miss the claymores in this movie though:)
+6|6339|The Battlefield

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

I thought he was already arrested a while ago with his videocam mate,
sorry to see him go , especially he's seems one of the few able to shoot a gun , instead of pressing the BOOM button and 20 people die.

I do miss the claymores in this movie though:)
The cam was attached to the rifle.... infact the image jumps when he shoots.
I think he is still around... i mean : he's too smart to be taken alive. This is the classic guy that you can kill but not arrest.
+52|6529|Perth. Western Australia
I dunno if he is just lucky or really skilled most of his targets are getting away after being shot. It seems he likes to aim for the Belly region. This could be the most painful if it splits most any internal organ around there a person will die by his own body acids eating at his other organs. He can be doing this to A Cause pain B attract other soldiers to the wounded one C He just sucks at shooting. No matter what it is both sides do this kind of sniping one side is even more cowardly clearing whole blocks with large bombs also killing civilians. To most Iraqi's this guy is a hero. To me he is just another person in the world just like any troop. However to governments troops are seen as liabilities they are just numbers and nothing more. Lets hope for a quick withdraw done by US forces eh.
It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
+52|6529|Perth. Western Australia

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
And flying at 30 000 feet watching through an aimpeice where no one else can get you is not? Or shooting a missle from hundreds of miles away? Its war, theyre not ment to be full of heroism or bravery. Some people watch too much movies. The point of war is kill the enemy without dying no matter what you gotta do. If capture is inevitable you kill yourself just so you dont endure torture. However there are hero's in war this is somewhat rare. They are the people that run in no matter what and risk themselves. If you were in a war would you rather die or stay alive or is that a too stupid question to think of or even answer.

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
The insurgents are facing the most powerfull army in the world, coward tactics are the only way for them. They dont have sraw's and m95's, they have IED's, RPG's and old SVD's.

Besides, I think that Juba is a myth and that there are actually many different snipers.
+6|6339|The Battlefield

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
I don't know if all his targets die , but in these video i see many helmets flying.... and many soldiers hit the dirt.

I find that is more honourly of those IED attacks on running humvees and troops.... the soldiers can defend theirselves from a sniper , but not from a bomb under their feet.

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
He's got a Dragunov ffs, and he's either a bad aim, or has no idea of human anatomy.
+6|6339|The Battlefield

BALTINS wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
The insurgents are facing the most powerfull army in the world, coward tactics are the only way for them. They dont have sraw's and m95's, they have IED's, RPG's and old SVD's.

Besides, I think that Juba is a myth and that there are actually many different snipers.
This is even worse for the americans... it means that out there is more than one sniper with those incredible skills and a serious training ( probably in iran or israel ).
+6|6339|The Battlefield

Bernadictus wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
He's got a Dragunov ffs, and he's either a bad aim, or has no idea of human anatomy.
The rifle he shows in the third video is not the usual gun he uses... in the 2 prec. videos he uses a israeli sniper rifle with a cam attached to make the videos.

Kukulcan wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
The insurgents are facing the most powerfull army in the world, coward tactics are the only way for them. They dont have sraw's and m95's, they have IED's, RPG's and old SVD's.

Besides, I think that Juba is a myth and that there are actually many different snipers.
This is even worse for the americans... it means that out there is more than one sniper with those incredible skills and a serious training ( probably in iran or israel ).
I don't think they're all soo well trained, just insurgents who replaced their ak with an svd. Some of them maybe, but its rather combat experience than military training..
+52|6529|Perth. Western Australia

Bernadictus wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
He's got a Dragunov ffs, and he's either a bad aim, or has no idea of human anatomy.
Its a sniper tactic to injure your enemy and cause more to come to their aid. That or he wanted to give them a lot of pain by shooting them in the guts. It would kill them in 20 minutes or so, this goes for if they were shot in the liver. Use this as a mental note once you start bleeding outta your mouth your fucked and no one can help you. Bullets dont always put people down they can critically injure them or cause a lot of pain and give slow death. Even though I commented he was a shit aim before it seems he has some skill there with the painful shots. Note he gets all the guys in the HMMWV's in the head he could easily do the same to infantry.
+405|6502|A W S M F O X
God.....it just feels so wrong actually seeing people getting shot. Like, can you imagine what it would be like to be actually shot at!? Actually fucking shot at, your life about to end!?

And kuku, wtf, are like some kind of terrorist worshiper or something!? He's not a fucking hero, he's a fucking insane religious nut with a gun. Dont try and glorify him, okay.
grandmaster league revivalist

Kukulcan wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
I don't know if all his targets die , but in these video i see many helmets flying.... and many soldiers hit the dirt.

I find that is more honourly of those IED attacks on running humvees and troops.... the soldiers can defend theirselves from a sniper , but not from a bomb under their feet.
WTF are you talking about? How can you defend yourself from a bullet hitting you in the back, fired by a (or more likely: many) cowards sitting in a car or bush?
If the American crusade is just or not may be decided by everyone for himself, but as far as I can see, there is no friggin honor in this "sniping".
It´s just a bum with a gun. Let´s see how "honorable" he is, when he shot down your brother, dad or husband.

Ive done a bit of reading on Juba(s)
He/they rarely fires more than one shot and learned tactics from a US sniper manual. He is known for shooting bellow body Armour into the spine when head shots can't be guaranteed. So I would say he is prity effective.

It is conceivable that he is Muhadeen CIA trained sniper. Hundreds of Muhadeen snipers were trained by the CIA during the Soviet war with Afghanistan.
Calmer than you are.

Bernadictus wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
He's got a Dragunov ffs, and he's either a bad aim, or has no idea of human anatomy.
What's cowardly about it? It's not like he'll respawn in 15 secs...

Dragunovs are pretty fancy weapons for insurgents. Most snipers use modified AKs. As for his aim, nobody can judge based on these videos.

btw are there any videos of american snipers? I'd like to see how they operate... then again, these kinds of videos urge viewers to sympathize with the victims so I wouldn't count on any from the other side...
+52|6529|Perth. Western Australia

Sisco10 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
I don't know if all his targets die , but in these video i see many helmets flying.... and many soldiers hit the dirt.

I find that is more honourly of those IED attacks on running humvees and troops.... the soldiers can defend theirselves from a sniper , but not from a bomb under their feet.
WTF are you talking about? How can you defend yourself from a bullet hitting you in the back, fired by a (or more likely: many) cowards sitting in a car or bush?
If the American crusade is just or not may be decided by everyone for himself, but as far as I can see, there is no friggin honor in this "sniping".
It´s just a bum with a gun. Let´s see how "honorable" he is, when he shot down your brother, dad or husband.
Following that logic all of people in America are fucking cowards for dropping bombs anhilating families killing wimen and children purposely attacking civlian targets (other wars) to decrease moral etc etc. Is it true fuck no, you people watch too much god damned movies war isnt about hero's its about killing people killing people isnt heroic or honorable. It is the greatest point of human degredation possible if I may quote a troop in Iraq "Nothing good has ever come from killing someone" this includes everyone ever killed in the world. You kill 1 and you anger 2 or more. When most people join the rest of us in the REAL WORLD us being those who have served or lived through a war tell me how heroic the soldiers were that were bombing your houses killing and raping people then get back to me.

Ofcourse my statement saying ALL people who serve are cowards there are hero's in war they are spread far and wide but they are there. There's also the common people just going through it so they can pay for their families bills etc. Some people are forced into war and have to kill. Such is the situation with many troops they are just basically following orders. The government is at fault, even though it makes me feel sick Juba has more justification to hide where ever the fuck he wants and kill any agressors he sees. To him the US troops are enemies invading his countries stealing his resources and throwing Iraq into poverty. Im not trying to say what he is doing is right because it is not, but that guy has more balls then anyone that has written anything so far. He has actually picked up arms and is fighting the people who he thinks are the problem. Most of us cannot get the courage to talk to our boss about that raise or that promotion this guy is taking up a gun and fighting for what he beleives. Fuckin A he is a hero to most, I would say he is a hero just like any other troop out there risking their lives no matter on what side they are. If you can pick up a gun and fight for what you beleive your better then most of us on this world.

My comment on the US was based at the government not at the troops who have my full support. Like I said many are working for family or for college or because they simply have no where else to go. My writing might gramatically incorrect but for that I don't care. This all came of the top of my head but you have to be a moron not to get the point (not directed at you) but at everyone else out there. If you read my post before this I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
He's using an SVD with a digi cam taped to it hardly fancy, and it's normal to deliberatly not kill a guy, just fuck him up badly and watch the havoc ensue.
+6|6339|The Battlefield

Sisco10 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It's one thing to be on a roof or in a building sniping, but to be in a car, shooting through a hole and then driving away just seems extremely cowardly to me.  Besides the fact that he didn't kill half the people he shot at, just goes to show this is just another smelly camel jockey rag head with a fancy gun.
I don't know if all his targets die , but in these video i see many helmets flying.... and many soldiers hit the dirt.

I find that is more honourly of those IED attacks on running humvees and troops.... the soldiers can defend theirselves from a sniper , but not from a bomb under their feet.
WTF are you talking about? How can you defend yourself from a bullet hitting you in the back, fired by a (or more likely: many) cowards sitting in a car or bush?
If the American crusade is just or not may be decided by everyone for himself, but as far as I can see, there is no friggin honor in this "sniping".
It´s just a bum with a gun. Let´s see how "honorable" he is, when he shot down your brother, dad or husband.
Staying on the feet , out there , with the sky forward and behind is a clear invite : ''SHOOT ME , SHOOT ME'' .
Also staying in a humvee , not moving , with the head coming out from the vehicle.

These soldiers should be more cautious for my thinking : i mean... that's a warzone , you can' just stroll in the fields waving around your rifle.

Beyond this , the soldiers are ALWAYS in GROUPS..... they can run to cover and try to understand from where the sniper shoots. Instead they stand ground in most of the cases , just waiting for another round from the sniper.
The fact is simple : the sniper is lonely , the soldiers are many.... besides this , they can't fucking see him or take him.

I find it's more honourable killing someone in this way , with skill and precision , instead of just bombing them from afar or entereing a room and kill everyone.
All can be soldiers , very few can be snipers.
+6|6339|The Battlefield

JET_G raidensen wrote:

God.....it just feels so wrong actually seeing people getting shot. Like, can you imagine what it would be like to be actually shot at!? Actually fucking shot at, your life about to end!?

And kuku, wtf, are like some kind of terrorist worshiper or something!? He's not a fucking hero, he's a fucking insane religious nut with a gun. Dont try and glorify him, okay.
This guy is not a terrorist... he never wounded any civilian. He aims only for the soldier... this renders him honorable.
I'm not for the islamic army... i admire all the guys like him also if they are in the us army.

I've seen soldiers rape children and women.... THAT is terrorism... not this.
He's neither insane... he is very rational in his job .
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6481|Stealth City, UK

Kukulcan wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

God.....it just feels so wrong actually seeing people getting shot. Like, can you imagine what it would be like to be actually shot at!? Actually fucking shot at, your life about to end!?

And kuku, wtf, are like some kind of terrorist worshiper or something!? He's not a fucking hero, he's a fucking insane religious nut with a gun. Dont try and glorify him, okay.
This guy is not a terrorist... he never wounded any civilian. He aims only for the soldier... this renders him honorable.
I'm not for the islamic army... i admire all the guys like him also if they are in the us army.

I've seen soldiers rape children and women.... THAT is terrorism... not this.
He's neither insane... he is very rational in his job .
This guy is a terrorist, if he wears civillian clothes while trying to get his political views put into place (e.g. American withdrawl from Iraq) through the use of violence he's seen as a terrorist.
Has anyone seen Enemy at the Gates, I suppose its kind of like that. Its propoganda for the masses of ignorant Islamic followers, nothing more. How does anyone know thats one person taking all those shots? Have you personally met this retard?

Last edited by buLLet_t00th (2007-02-01 04:40:39)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6747|Charlie One Alpha
It's not one guy. Didn't anybody catch the story like six month ago, where two of these guys were driving around in a van with holes in it? They had the inside plastered with pillows to dampen the sound, and they would snipe out of this van and make videos. Then they shot this medic, who survived, then they were spotted and tried to escape but they were captured, and in the chaos one of these snipers got shot in the foot, and had to be treated by that same medic they had tried to snipe. (The medic was saved by his body armor).
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

God.....it just feels so wrong actually seeing people getting shot. Like, can you imagine what it would be like to be actually shot at!? Actually fucking shot at, your life about to end!?

And kuku, wtf, are like some kind of terrorist worshiper or something!? He's not a fucking hero, he's a fucking insane religious nut with a gun. Dont try and glorify him, okay.
This guy is not a terrorist... he never wounded any civilian. He aims only for the soldier... this renders him honorable.
I'm not for the islamic army... i admire all the guys like him also if they are in the us army.

I've seen soldiers rape children and women.... THAT is terrorism... not this.
He's neither insane... he is very rational in his job .
This guy is a terrorist, if he wears civillian clothes while trying to get his political views put into place (e.g. American withdrawl from Iraq) through the use of violence he's seen as a terrorist.
Has anyone seen Enemy at the Gates, I suppose its kind of like that. Its propoganda for the masses of ignorant Islamic followers, nothing more. How does anyone know thats one person taking all those shots? Have you personally met this retard?
Put yourself in his position, imagine it's the other way round, Iraq has decided Bush is a danger to the world (not so hard to imagine) they invade your country, bomb your cities, civilians get killed in the bombings, remove your leader, occupy your country, install a new goverment. Do you really think that all people would sit back and let it happen? The guy isn't a terrorist, if he were a terrorist would go to the US and start sniping US civilians, not US soldiers in his own country. He's at worst a mercenary and IMO just a soldier, uniforms dont count for shit it's the purpose you're fighting for.
+52|6529|Perth. Western Australia

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

This guy is not a terrorist... he never wounded any civilian. He aims only for the soldier... this renders him honorable.
I'm not for the islamic army... i admire all the guys like him also if they are in the us army.

I've seen soldiers rape children and women.... THAT is terrorism... not this.
He's neither insane... he is very rational in his job .
This guy is a terrorist, if he wears civillian clothes while trying to get his political views put into place (e.g. American withdrawl from Iraq) through the use of violence he's seen as a terrorist.
Has anyone seen Enemy at the Gates, I suppose its kind of like that. Its propoganda for the masses of ignorant Islamic followers, nothing more. How does anyone know thats one person taking all those shots? Have you personally met this retard?
Put yourself in his position, imagine it's the other way round, Iraq has decided Bush is a danger to the world (not so hard to imagine) they invade your country, bomb your cities, civilians get killed in the bombings, remove your leader, occupy your country, install a new goverment. Do you really think that all people would sit back and let it happen? The guy isn't a terrorist, if he were a terrorist would go to the US and start sniping US civilians, not US soldiers in his own country. He's at worst a mercenary and IMO just a soldier, uniforms dont count for shit it's the purpose you're fighting for.
Hear Hear people read through ALL the posts before POSTING an ignorant remark.

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